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Literature And Movie

Literature and Movie

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It is a movie based on two main characters Luis Alberto Molina and Valentin Arregui Paz who were cellmates. Molina has been charged for molesting of a minor (he was being imprisoned for abusing underage minors). Valentin has been portrayed as a Marxist revolutionary, who has been arrested for his threatening political ideas and practices. This novel “The kiss of the spider woman” initially showed that both the cellmates were of parallel nature in almost every matter. Even both these inmates were having opposite choice (Valentin was rational thinker who used to find reasoning behind everything and Molina was a romantic movie lover). This novel depicted that Valentin was a revolutionary man who was of the view that emotions make people weak, while on the other hand, Molina was a middle-class homosexual who used to love to talk about romantic movies and spent most of his time in discussing some of his favorite scenes from the movies (Barry et al, 2018). With time, they come so close that they become much more than just friends. In this movie, there could be seen two opposing forces that used different tools against each other. It has already been mentioned that it’s a story of two inmates and system; both used certain tools for defeating the opponent.


Critical evaluation of this movie/novel showed that tools being used by the system for controlling those who were against it are power, violence, brutality, and supremacy. It could be seen that Valentin being a journalist was at more risk of illegal arrest as he was a political revolutionary man who was not willing to share the details of his group members who were becoming a threat for the system. This fact cannot be denied that a system or government against which the political revolutionaries initiate any mission; they use all the possible tools for resisting them. Few of the main tools being used by the system against inmates are conspiracies (which took the life of Molina), violence, brutality, and supremacy have been used for isolating the inmates for each other so that they could not become each other’s strength.

Analysis of this movie/novel showed that as on one hand, system used certain tools for controlling and isolating the inmates, at the same time, people also used some tools that helped them in fighting against the system (Emerson et al, 2019). Tools that people used against the system were support, courage, and unity that made people stronger and the system weak. In this movie/novel, it has been witnessed that both the inmates (Valentin and Molina) become the support system of each other; they lightened up each other’s dark lives. Their miseries in prison started getting fade when they showed more interest for understanding each other. So, it could be said that people fought against the violence and brutality of the system by using power of togetherness that could be seen in this movie/novel. There is a need to understand the fact that people wanted to fight against the system, so they must be encouraged to sacrifice for those who are on their side. For example, in this movie, it could be seen that Molina sacrificed his life for Valentin as he went to pass Valentin’s message to his group but when Molina reached to Valentin’s group, he got killed by the opposing party.

Another major thing that has been learned from this movie is that it is quite true that no one could survive in this cruel world without the emotional support of others. Specifically, in the cell, where they were having no access to the outer world, it was even important to make a community so that people would become a support for others. In the beginning, when both the main characters of this movie/novel were not well aware of each other and living in isolation, life in cell was more difficult for them. With time, when they came to know each other and thought of making a community, their survival became easier (Wei et al, 2019). In this movie/novel, clear evidence was presented that groups or communities not only help to coax people in forgetting their miseries and pain, but also at the same time, pushed them for making bonds. Communities that they helped in setting them free i.e. Molina got free from the prison only because he became much closer to another inmate Valentin about whom the higher authorities wanted to have some details. Practically, it has been witnessed that people become weak if they work individually but when the same task is being done in the form of a community, not only the set goals are achieved, rather the community reaches beyond the set targets. Likewise, it has been seen that community creation helped Molina in setting him free (he got the parole when authorities made a deal with him that he would gather necessary details about Valentin and his companions)


Taking a look at the movie/novel, it could be concluded that when there are two opposing forces i.e. system and the people, certain tools are being used by both the parties. Both system and people are mostly found moving in opposite direction. In “The kiss of the spider woman”, it could be seen that system and people were against each other and both were using their tools that have been mentioned above when they fought against each other. Unity is the real strength that could save people from any hustle. Unity and support that has been observed in this movie/novel made this thing clear that unity is one of the factors that makes people stronger and system weaker. So, as a whole, it could be concluded that depending upon the needs and situation, people and systems both finalize their tools that they would use while fighting against each other.


Barry, J., & Flitterman-Lewis, S. (2018). Textual Strategies: The politics of art-making. In Feminist Art Criticism (pp. 87-97). Routledge.

Emerson, C. A. (2019). A Tour de Farce of Language. American Book Review, 40(4), 28-28.

Wei, S. L. (2019). Female Subjectivity on and off the Screen: The Rare Case of Writer–Director Peng Xiaolian. In Female Celebrities in Contemporary Chinese Society (pp. 83-104). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Literature Review #1

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Literature Review #1

Magazines are the soul of printed and electronic media. For years they have successfully influenced our society and became an ultimate source of driving minds of their readers, setting new trends of fashion, and educating readers. This paper is the magazine analysis of Vogue. I will discuss messages about gender and sexuality that are conveyed in the magazine’s stories and advertisement. Furthermore, I will analyze who does what activities in it, and what is its target audience.

Vogue is a lifestyle and fashion magazine. It covers various topics including culture, beauty, runway, fashion, and living. In 1892, it started as a weekly newspaper in the United States of America. Years later it became a monthly publication. In the start, it was not as liberated as it is today. In the past, like any other source of media, its content reflected body shaming, gender discrimination, and supported several stereotypes of society. It did not represent homosexuals, plus-sized models, transgender, and all those groups of people who are unique in their style and living. As the world liberated, this magazine participated in the revolutionary change and broke different stereotypes. Now it represents diverse communities and covers modernization and fashion in true meaning.

Flipping pages one by one, an individual notices that it does not only covers the models with fairer skin and zero size. It now covers diversity, drag queens, homosexual culture, transgender, black models, plus size models, many cultures that are followed in the entire world, and much more ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a1e50u0ro2d","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf (\\uc0\\u8220{}Believing Is Seeing,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)}","plainCitation":"(“Believing Is Seeing,” n.d.)"},"citationItems":[{"id":613,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/529SMS3U"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/529SMS3U"],"itemData":{"id":613,"type":"webpage","title":"Believing Is Seeing: Biology as Ideology | Download Citation","container-title":"ResearchGate","abstract":"Western ideology takes biology as the cause, and behavior and social statuses as the effects, and then proceeds to construct biological dichotomies to justify the “naturalness” of gendered behavior and gendered social statuses. What we believe is what we see—two sexes...","URL":"https://www.researchgate.net/publication/249667409_Believing_Is_Seeing_Biology_as_Ideology","note":"DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/089124393007004006","shortTitle":"Believing Is Seeing","language":"en"}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} ( Lorber, 1993). It does not predominantly focus on the beauty standards of the past, it has risen above. Its diversity promotes equality and breaks the notions of discrimination ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a2p60bvprr8","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf (\\uc0\\u8220{}(PDF) Gender equality in the workplace,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)}","plainCitation":"(“(PDF) Gender equality in the workplace,” n.d.)"},"citationItems":[{"id":611,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/ITCHTTT7"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/ITCHTTT7"],"itemData":{"id":611,"type":"webpage","title":"(PDF) Gender equality in the workplace","container-title":"ResearchGate","abstract":"PDF | On Apr 10, 2015, Faiza Ali and others published Gender equality in the workplace","URL":"https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280559937_Gender_equality_in_the_workplace","language":"en"}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} ( Ali, 2015). It proudly represents underrepresented groups and raises awareness that how ethically incorrect it was that such groups were thrown in the back, underestimated and standardized as low (Ali, 2015).

The theories pertinent to gender stereotypes and roles have a critical association with the literature and subject published in Vogue Magazine. The primary role played by these roles lie at the very heart of reflecting the essence of the perception of the society related to gender discrimination, prejudice, and similar protracted norms. A critical appraisal of the content and matter discussed in the magazine manifests the significance of gender roles and stereotypes. However, the magazine is renowned for confronting gender stereotypes. For instance, the women advance to dress in the attire they desire irrespective of social construction and perception. The cognitive developmental theory of Kohlberg underpins the pivotal development traits inculcated in children which further shape the comprehension of self. In addition, the theory serves as the limelight to make children understand the peculiar relation between the characteristics of gender and rigid notions of stereotypes. In the magazine, the reflection gender is independent of these roles and stereotypes in true letter and spirits. The theoretical paradigm postulated that such magazines are the key to confront gender roles. In essence, Vogue Magazine manifests the critical traits as depicted in the attire, style, and culture of the literature to offer an intricate understanding of the gender theories and further strengthens the norms of sexual orientation.

It covers so many interesting topics. “Fashion world” is one of those parts which houses many interesting topics, it includes interviews with famous models, designers and of all those people who are close to the world of fashion. Interviews of this magazine represent something new rather than personal, mostly surprising and unknown facts about the celebrities and famous people. This way, their audience learns about different things in successful and beautiful people lives to use it in their own lives to become successful. This magazine includes quick and simple beauty, fashion and makeup tips from different celebrities which are quite helpful for the audience and they love it. It involves different articles and journals that support gender equality in the various field of daily life. For instance, it supports all those women who want to participate in sports, gymnastics, business, boxing and all those works which are standardized for men to participate for no reason at all. It speaks up for the rights of the women in the working field to get as much pay as men get on the same post ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"acp0u628f7","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf (\\uc0\\u8220{}From infancy through middle childhood,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)}","plainCitation":"(“From infancy through middle childhood,” n.d.)"},"citationItems":[{"id":615,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/W8YXH2AT"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/W8YXH2AT"],"itemData":{"id":615,"type":"webpage","title":"From infancy through middle childhood: The role of cognitive and social factors in becoming gendered. | Request PDF","container-title":"ResearchGate","abstract":"Request PDF | The current chapter begins with a description of the development of gender-related cognitions. That is, the authors examine what children know about gender categories and stereotypes at various ages from infancy through middle childhood. Next, sex-related differences in...","URL":"https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232601687_From_infancy_through_middle_childhood_The_role_of_cognitive_and_social_factors_in_becoming_gendered","shortTitle":"From infancy through middle childhood","language":"en"}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Sen, Powlishta, Dubois, 2001). Moreover, its content now speaks up for all those women who were body shamed for their sizes and now involves all those women who are underweight, or overweight. It aims to give the message that beauty is not confined to zero sizes only. In short, Vogue is all up to break stereotypes that have been miss educated to this society ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a2caid7rjh1","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Holmes, 1997)","plainCitation":"(Holmes, 1997)"},"citationItems":[{"id":619,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/H8GAJTBB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/2RJg7y7G/items/H8GAJTBB"],"itemData":{"id":619,"type":"article-journal","title":"Review of Talking Difference: On Gender and Language","container-title":"Language in Society","page":"430-433","volume":"26","issue":"3","source":"JSTOR","archive":"JSTOR","ISSN":"0047-4045","shortTitle":"Review of Talking Difference","author":[{"family":"Holmes","given":"Janet"}],"reviewed-author":[{"family":"Crawford","given":"Mary"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1997"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Holmes, 1997).

The topic of "Fashion show", discloses all the latest news related to fashion shows on different platforms worldwide. It also shares the pictures of a collection of different designers with added comments and explanations. It further highlights the way designers represent the cultures of different parts of the world. It is more like a trend analysis of the fashion shows so that readers may feel as they have attended the show themselves. As it is an international magazine, it represents ethnicities, cultures, designs, trends, and styles of different geographical regions in this world.

It is unquestionably projected for young women of the age of 20 to 40 years, who are beautiful and successful and those who want to have knowledge of the novelties of beauty and fashion. Moreover, drags queens, homosexuals or men who like makeup, or women fashion trends are also included in the target audience of Vogue. Such people are wealthy of course and not all people of this world are wealthy. Nowadays, for this particular reason, editors at Vogue are trying to broaden and maximize the target audience of the magazine. Their main objective is to raise awareness that high fashion is in reach of every single person and it is not only limited for the elite community.

The audience of Vogue has different professions, life values, hobbies, lifestyles, and interests but they all share one particular interest and that is to know more and more about fashion and beauty. So the main objective of the magazine is to deliver its target audience the most interesting, interesting, and trendy information, regarding fashion and beauty. It proposes a wide range of articles that are presented in order to update people regarding the advance news on fashion festivals, fashion shows, and fashion trends as well as different kind of news regarding the world of models and world of designers.

The purpose of this magazine is to create an enchanting, modern and liberating world of fashion and beauty that has sets its own trends and has its own styles and rules of life. Magazine of Vogue represents a type of religion which is aimed to build up a society with a diverse but unique point of views on fashion and beauty, certain tastes, and to strongly influence on the lives of women and those who are interested in following women’s fashion. The objective is achieved practically as today, women all around the globe love to read this magazine and follow the religion that it preaches. This way Vogue proves that beauty rules the world.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Believing Is Seeing: Biology as Ideology | Download Citation. (n.d.). https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/089124393007004006

From infancy through middle childhood: The role of cognitive and social factors in becoming gendered. | Request PDF. (n.d.). Retrieved from ResearchGate website: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232601687_From_infancy_through_middle_childhood_The_role_of_cognitive_and_social_factors_in_becoming_gendered

Holmes, J. (1997). [Review of Review of Talking Difference: On Gender and Language, by M. Crawford]. Language in Society, 26(3), 430–433. Retrieved from JSTOR.

(PDF) Gender equality in the workplace. (n.d.). Retrieved from ResearchGate website: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280559937_Gender_equality_in_the_workplace

Subject: Literature

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Literature Review #2

Literature Review #2

Hidden Figures




Literature Review #2

Hidden Figures

Hidden Figures (2017) is the movie which sheds light on femininity, race relations, class, and ethnicity. The movie is based on the life of the African American mathematicians, who were part of NASA, during the era of the space race in the 1960s. The movie has specifically depicted the struggles of the African American women who were talented and remarkable enough to become a part of NASA, however, had to struggle to get their accomplishments acknowledged. They were able to play the key role in the success of the missions of NASA, while not being acknowledged and mentioned for their services. Femininity, race, ethnicity and class difference were the major components of the society at that time when people had to struggle to get their due recognition and rights due to these factors of their identity. The movie may have been the source of shedding light on the struggle of the African American women to get equal rights and recognition in the work setting while highlighting the fact hard work and talent can never be ignored.

The film depicts the struggle of human-computer and mathematician of NASA named Katherine Goble, an aspiring engineer of NASA named Mary Jackson and an unofficial supervisor Dorothy Vaughan. All three women are extremely talented and hardworking and play a crucial role in the success of the space mission of NASA. They have to face the discrimination of their colleagues in the work setting, where they are not given the credit of their achievements. Katherine resolves the mathematical problem which was a major hurdle in the success of the mission of NASA and composes a report about it, however, she is forced to remove her name from it. On the other hand, Mary identifies a flaw in the machinery and resolves the issue. She is encouraged to apply for the position of engineer by her supervisor, however, she is rejected due to her lack of education. When she tries to get enrolled in the required course, she is not given admission due to the segregation laws of separate classes of white and colored people. The third character Dorothy has to face the stigmatization at the workplace because she is unable to become an active supervisor of an all-white team because she is a lady of color. However, all three women do not submit to the discrimination, stigmatization, and injustice of the workplace and society and continue to contribute their services to the mission. The three main characters of the movie are responsible for contributing to the space run mission of NASA. The characters are not related to each other by blood, however, they feel the connection because they belong to the African American minority group of the society. The in charge in the movie is the white people of the society, working for NASA, as they hold the important positions and become the source of limiting the success of the three African American women (Melfi, & Schroeder, 2017).

Hidden figures film has actually shed light on the hidden struggle and contribution of the African American women in the space mission of NASA. They were stigmatized that women cannot solve the mathematical problems or become the engineers and supervisors and achieving those targets for the ladies of color was even more difficult for the ladies of color. The movie also depicted that the black women were not allowed to use the same washroom as the white women and Katherine had to travel for almost forty-five minutes to use the washroom of colored people while taking a long break from her work. The movie perfectly depicts the ideas and concepts described in the readings in the way that it shed light on the concept of gender inequality in the workplace. The movie has depicted that although the three African American women were part of one of the most reputed organizations of the United States of America, they were not given equal rights and opportunities for progress. When they tried to show their potential and their willingness to climbing the ladders of progress, they were held back by their supervisors, their colleagues and the discriminative segregation laws of the society. They did not lack in their ability, or competence; however, just because they were women and that too of color, they were not allowed to enjoy the same rights and get the recognition like the other employees of the organization who were white people, which is the example of glass ceiling in the workplace (Ali, 2015).

The film has also depicted the struggle of women in society, as they are stigmatized due to being women. Lorber, (1993) and Crawford, (2004) has shared in their readings that the discrimination of men and women is biological in nature, however, the society has taken this too seriously making it a basis of discriminating the women against the men. The society has attached the stigma of weakness and feebleness with women, in order to keep them behind the men, who are acknowledged as strong and powerful. The society has just attached the stigma with the gender differences that men are more capable, intelligent and competitive as compared to the women and the movie has challenged this notion. It has shown that women are held back due to such stigmatization, however, by performing better than their male colleagues, the women proved that they are not less than men in their knowledge, competence, and intelligence.

The movie has presented the ideas of the strength, capability, and intelligence of the women and specifically the women of color. It has shown that women cannot be stopped from making progress, just because of their different physical appearance and gender. The movie has also presented the message that the difference in gender, sexuality, race, and class cannot be used as the means of limiting the progress of any section of society. The human being has been created equal and their apparent differences do not provide any support of that claim of superiority of men and the inferiority of the women (Sapolsky, 2007). Moreover, the dark skin color of the African American community does not provide any support or evidence of their inferiority to the white population of the society. The progress of the three African American women and their recognition by the government of the United States of America is the proof of their intelligence, competence, as well as the equality of genders and different races (Powlishta et al., 2001).

The film hidden figures has shed light on the struggles of three African American women who were part of the space run mission of NASA. They were stigmatized due to being women and belonging to the Africa American race, however, they faced all the difficulties persistently while working hard and finally proving their worth, competence and intelligence by ensuring the success of the mission. The movie has depicted that the society tries to keep the woman from achieving success, by stigmatizing their gender differences, however, that cannot confine the women from depicting their potential and making progress anymore. Moreover, the differences in race, class, and ethnicity also cannot limit the people from making progress. These were just the tactics of the powerful groups of the society to keep the authority in their hands, however, in the present time, these cannot be used to limit the success and accomplishments of the general public, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, class, and gender.


Ali, F. (2015). Gender equality in the workplace. Syed, J., Özbilgin, M., eds.

Crawford, M. (2004).Gender and Language. In Handbook of the Psychology of Women and Gender, 228-244.

Lorber, J. (1993). Believing is seeing: Biology as ideology. Gender & Society, 7(4), 568-581.

Melfi, T., & Schroeder, A. (2017). Hidden figures. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.

Powlishta, K. K., Sen, M. G., Serbin, L. A., Poulin-Dubois, D., & Eichstedt, J. A. (2001). From infancy through middle childhood: The role of cognitive and social factors in becoming gendered.

Sapolsky, R.M. (2007). Testosterone rules. In Gendered Society Reader, 26-31.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Lusus Naturae

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Perhaps in Heaven Ill look like an angel. Or perhaps the angels will look like me. What a surprise that will be, for everyone else Its something to look forward to.

-Margaret Atwood

The short gothic story Lusus Naturae is extracted from Margaret Atwoods 2014 book Stone Mattress, which is an artistic collection of fantasy and mythological tales. The story revolves around a girl whose name is not revealed, and she is entitled as Lusus Naturae, which is a Latin phrase that means freak of nature. Throughout the narration, several thematic expressions and allegories are employed to relay the notion of independence, isolation, and diversity.

The imagery and descriptive facades of the story narrate a country lifestyle and a relatively old era. However, it is a short story, yet Atwood incorporated a considerable tinge of detailing to the regular life routine to the characteristics and other attributes of leading dispositions and setting. Countryside food and living standards, as well as the fraction of their homes and surrounds, are discussed in an elaborative manner and are well harmonized with the macabre, yet enthralling backdrop of the narration.

On the other hand, nevertheless, the story pivots the idea of fantasy and unrealistic realm, but if scrutinized cautiously, it becomes evident that the girl, the freak of nature, was suffering because of her identity and from being different. The narrator elaborates on her medical intricacies and the underlying symptoms that include yellow eyes, pink teeth, red fingernails, the long, dark hair that was sprouting on the chest and arms (Atwood, 2014). Moreover, it is also asserted that the narrator has different eating habits, and she craves for more bread, more potatoes, and more blood of hen or cow. Along with abnormal consumption and apparent features, the narrator is able to slither into the less explored nooks and crannies of the home and surroundings. All such habits, habitats, and consumption patterns and appearance of the narrator define her identity as a wild creature and also make her different from others.

In due course, the differences of the narrator build walls between her and the society, even to her immediate family. If evaluate this phenomenon from a metaphorical perspective, it becomes evident that individuals who are inclined toward a uniqueness or are different from the community in any regard are treated with discrimination and eventually left alone by all. The instance of the cats affection toward the narrator also highlights a similar proposition. The cat does not abhor the narrator and becomes a companion of her because the cat is a feral animal and therefore shares similarities with the freak. Likewise, it is explicated that the narrator seeks normal connectivity, but her apparent disparities created hindrances, and at last, she had no chance but demise. Throughout the story, the Freak of Nature starves to pave smooth paths for her sister and mother because she is not an animal in fact, rather the disease altered her manifestation that should not be the matter of prejudicing the narrators entire being.

To put it briefly, Lusus Naturae is creatively penned by Atwood and elucidates both classic fables and allegorical portrayal of contemporary societal flaws. The narration describes that the Freak of Nature has a heart and is able to sense the reactions and hesitations of people and comprehends all the complications in the most humanistic way. Yet her appearance and disparities make her an outcast, not for the community but also her family members. Such adages relay the message of practicing equalities regardless of apparent qualities of others empathy and compassion and the most advocated ways to save others from ultimate tragedies, miserable life, and gruesome death.


Atwood, M. (2014). Lusus Naturae a short story by Margaret Atwood. HYPERLINK http//peterbiello.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Lusus-Naturae-Atwood.pdf http//peterbiello.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Lusus-Naturae-Atwood.pdf

Atwood, M. (2014). Stone Mattress. Bloomsbury.

Lunn, K. (2016). Thoughts on Lusus Naturae by Margaret Atwood. https//katharinelunn.wordpress.com/2016/04/26/thoughts-on-lusus-naturae-by- margaret-atwood/





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Subject: Literature

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Lydia Davis Head, Heart Poem (Book Is The Norton Introduction To Literature 13th Edition By Kelly) Poem Is Also Available On Internet


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HYPERLINK https//genius.com/Lydia-davis-head-heart-annotated l note-4249226 Help, head. Help heart.

- Lydia Davis

The following paper presents the explication of a 2007s poem Head, Heart that was penned by Lydia Davis. Lydia Davis is a contemporary novelist, short story writer, and essayist, and is hailed for her unique flash fiction forte in mtier of literature. Most of the literary work of Davis is laconic yet laden with valid interpretation. Similarly, Head, Heart is a fictional, poetic expression that revolves around the dilemma that is inevitable between the battle of heart and mind. The poem dramatically elucidates the emotional trauma of heart that can be caused by losing a beloved at any point in an individuals life, while head conflicts the tinge of its gloominess.

The poem opens with the notion of personification it states, Heart weeps, Head tries to help heart (1-2) that highlights the primary disposition and their interconnectivity with each other. It asserts that Heart is the survivor who cries in agony meanwhile, Head attempts to play bravado by consoling the tragedy of Heart. Throughout the development of major characters of the poem, Davis incorporates the metaphor of two different entities one is wise and pragmatic, and the other one is overburdened due to sentiments. Subsequently, Davis writes that Heart is making a point in comforting Head that you will lose the ones you love, and they will all go (3). In due course, Heart employs the symbolism of something gigantic and significant like the earth that will be lost one day, and it says that even the earth will go someday (4). Head is a creature of the rationale, and therefore it contradicts with the emotional faade of Heart. Head believes that all substantial things are going to end one day, and hence it is useless to grief the lost ones.

Afterward, the poem depicts that heart feels better (5) after listening to the realistic approach of Head. However, compelled by its instinct Heart forgets the logic of Head and words of head do not remain long in the ears of heart (5). The lines suggest the universal phenomenon that Heart is never good in learning lessons and never heeds to the knowledge and falls prey to the disturbing traps every time. The line heart is so new to this (6) uses simile in demonstrating the nave and impractical aspect of Heart. Regardless of all the sagacity of Head, Heart refuses to cease its desire to get its loved ones back. Also, in this context, Heart even does not want to comprehend the intricate universal principle it implies that a Heart wants what it wants. In concluding lines, Davis emphasizes the idea of personification to a great extent and contemplates that Head is all Heart has (7). Moreover, it is affirmed that it is the core responsibility of Head to help the confused, dense, and dismal Heart, no matter what.

By analyzing the explication and figurative expressions of Head, Heart, it becomes evident that however, heart and head are two essential organs but yet they are in a constant state of conflict. Mr. Head thinks practically and knows the realistic side of life meanwhile, Mr. Heart only pivots love and suffers because of its self-imposed vulnerability. Through artistic implications of personification, simile, and symbolism, Davis elaborates a widespread occurrence in most minimalist and modernest way. Throughout the poetic expression, the narrator relays a vital and significant point by utilizing only a few uncomplicated words. Head, Heart is utterly accurate, brief yet profound and full of context depiction of innate conflicted connectivity that exists between heart and mind.

Work Cited

Lydia Davis Head, Heart. Genius, HYPERLINK https//genius.com/Lydia-davis-head-heart- annotated https//genius.com/Lydia-davis-head-heart- annotated.

Lydia Davis. Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation, https//www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/lydia-davis.

Mays, Kelly J. The Norton Introduction to Literature. W. W. Norton Company, 2020.


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Subject: Literature

Pages: 2 Words: 600



Your Name (First M. Last)

School or Institution Name (University at Place or Town, State)

Lysistrata is one of the most celebrated ancient Greek comedies in history. It was written by Aristophanes and was performed originally in the classical Athens in around 411 BC. It was all about women's efforts who netted a plan to end the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta and said no to the sexual desires of men until they ended the war. It was a play that had a comic touch in it but there could be seen gender roles, war, power and corruption, politics and disobedience as other major themes. This play has torched a light on human nature and helped man to know himself as it could be seen that man has been presented in this play as powerless and feeble individual before their physical desires. This play helped people so that they could know about their weakness and especially pointed men’s helplessness who were not ready to end the war but with time they realized that they are slaves of their desires. When the wives of all the men who participated in war refused to satisfy their sexual desire, they become helpless in front of their wives and this was an illustration that let the man know what he really was and what weaknesses he had. This Greek drama proved man’s feeble nature. Man was looked down as the supreme authority after his Creator, but rebellious attitude of women showed them that they were the slaves of worldly desires. They wanted to satisfy their needs so they forgot their status and become paralyzed before all those that would keep them happy including the woman.


In this BBC documentary of Lysistrata, there could be witnessed various themes but few of the most prominent themes were war and peace, gender roles and the battle of sexes and sexuality and democracy etc. War became the reason of collapse of the Athenian supremacy as both the states of Greece (Athens and Sparta) battled against each other and peace was demanded by the women of that time. Women depicted feministic strength when they planned to end the war and sent a message that war could be never beneficial for anyone and men of both Athens and Sparta realized that they are important for each other as they used to protect each other from the external dangers and conspiracies for long. Women were of the view that war had only brought miseries and devastation to life. In this play, theme of war and peace has been used as source that delivered a message to the general audience that war had brought destruction for families as sons and husbands have to stay away in the battle fields.

Another major theme that could be analyzed in this play is sex. After the in-depth analysis of play it could be said that sex become one of the important weapons for women who fought against men. They wanted to end the war between the two Greek states and sex was used as a tool. Women used sexual tool to seize control over men of both states. Extreme desire of sex forced men to surrender in front of their wives. Weapon of sex was used by Lysistrata that motivated men to negotiate the war. Disobedience of women could be analyzed when they said no to sex that makes their husbands to give up war and set peace in both states. Men were looked upon as a figure that overpowered women but use of comic touch showed that men were weak and helpless in front of their sexual desires for which they bowed before females whom they used to consider weak. Both these themes were familiar to me as war and peace as well as sex had been there in world since the beginning and will be there till its end, maybe the form of war and peace would change but the basic idea would remain same.

How to update Lysistrata

Undoubtedly, BBC production has presented this ancient Greek play in the best possible way. They have used the most appropriate cast and characters and had shown all the major themes, but this fact could not be denied that there could be found a way to make things better according to the present times, circumstances and surroundings. I as the director of this play would have made certain changes as per the present time. If I were the director i would have incorporated an element of feminism in this play. I would have made this play little more attention holding and I would have torched a light on the women power, as females have always been considered weak by the patriarchal society. At the end, I would have supported equality for both men and women if I were the director of this BBC documentary. As the director of the play I would have paid more attention on the role of women that no society could be run without the cooperation of women.

I would have updated some scenes in which women were given more representation in politics. I would have given more credit to Lysistrata who moved against the tides and broke the conventions and become the first woman who took part in political decisions that was not possible in past (Kochman et al., 2019). Secondly, I would have updated the concept that women could prove better leader as this fact cannot be overlooked that in case of wars men completely overlook the emotions, pains and sufferings of people but women could not do that at all. In this play, democratic practices were informed as, during that time, democracy was the popularly accepted form of government.

Theater an institution that trained about democracy

This play has actually demonstrated how important democracy could be for people. Greeks were first who introduced and practiced democracy for the very first time in history. BBC focused its attention and proved that democracy had been the most important form of government. BBC documentary spotted light on democracy and the importance of theatre. It claimed that theatres were used by Greeks to train people about democracy. After the study of Greek society, it could be analyzed that Greece was a democratic society; all the political matters and government management were left up to the people, as democracy means the government of people, by the people and for the people. There is another aspect that must be considered here and that is, women were not given the right to make any decision that was directly linked with government, but Lysistrata broke the norms and become the women leader who becomes voice of all the women who worked hard to bring peace to the society. She refused to obey the Magistrate and showed that women have the power to rule patriarchal society and authorities.

Depiction of democratic practices

The first conception that informed about democratic practices of that time was an act when all the women gathered at one platform so that they all could have one demand without any contradiction.

The second concept that informed and trained about democracy was the arrival of men from both states (Athens and Sparta). It showed that they took a decision that they would go to their wives as they became frustrated of their sexual needs.

Third and the most important part of the play that depicted and informed about the democratic practice was that Lysistrata humiliated the Magistrate and forced him to dress up like a woman. After the humiliation of the Magistrate, no authority came to the women and let the women decide what they want, which clearly portrayed the democratic practice. This democratic practice gave a message that people were not bound to obey any authorities and decision took by major were appreciated under all circumstances.


Kochman, S. (2019). Translating Referential Humour: Lysistrata 1093–4. Translation and Literature, 28(1), 28-43.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 4 Words: 1200



[Author Name]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]


Social inequality has always been a major issue that is still prevailing in our society. People are discriminated based on their social status and class. In the film, Machuca the director, Andres Wood, captured the social inequality that was prevailing in the society while linking it with the Chilean political condition. The film revolves around a boy named Gonzalo and his friend Pedro. Gonzalo belongs to an upper-middle-class family, while Pedro was from a lower-class family (Brodsky, 2004). The social inequality issue was raised when the school where Gonzalo used to study decided to admit children from the lower class to their school. The reason why school management took this step was to ensure equality among people belonging from different statuses according to the teachings of the Bible. However, many parents were against this decision, and this whole situation leads to severe consequences. Many instances are there in the film where the socioeconomic difference among people was reflected. The era displayed in the movie was an era where people were discriminated against because of poverty. Due to the film, issues such as social inequality and discrimination against the poor people were conveyed to viewers.

In the film, the scene where Gonzalo was getting ready to go for school depicted how privileged people have access to all the necessities of life. His uniform was neat and was fully ironed. In contrast, Pedro did not have access to decent and clean clothing. When he arrived at school, his clothes were not tidy, and the sweater he was wearing had several holes in it. The dressing about both boys directly indicates the class difference between them. Even after school, Gonzalo used to wear new clothes while Pedro was seen wearing the same clothes as his family was not able to afford to buy new clothes as they were living in poverty. When Pedro and his friends came to the school, they all were mocked by the other students. While they were introducing themselves to the class, many boys pointed the social difference as Pedro, and his fellows belong to the lower class, and their parents used to work for the white people to earn a living. This scene served as the base to elaborate on the social inequality issue that is often neglected by the people even today.

Throughout the film, the idea that a White boy cannot be friends with an Indian boy was shown multiple times. Typically, at that time, it was considered that only white people could be successful, and only they had the right to live a privileged life. So being a friend with an Indian, Gonzalo was bullied by most of his schoolfellows. Even his family was against his friendship with Pedro. Gonzalo's father used to taunt him regarding his friendship with Pedro. According to his father, Pedro was a bad influence on Gonzalo, and he would also end up poor like Pedro if he remained friends with him. This stereotypical thinking of Gonzalo's father relates to the stigma associated with the impoverished people that still exists in society. A white person being friends with an Indian was unacceptable by society due to class differences.

The class difference between both boys was also reflected by their houses and the areas where they used to live. The area where Gonzalo used to live was in the main of the city. The roads were clean; houses were fancy and well decorated. In contrast, Pedro used to live in the area where the houses were not well constructed and lack all the necessities. Furthermore, most of the people living there were working for white people due to which they were discriminated by the rich people.

The reason behind the class difference was not only because of the stereotypical thinking of the people living in that era, but it was due to the Chilean political condition as well. Chilean society at that time was determined by the class antagonism that changed the dimension of the political situation. The military people also used to do violence in the lower class because of their social status. This prejudice for the poor people was depicted in the film as well. The scene where military personnel was beating the impoverished people highlighted that how due to class difference, the violence against people was justified. The military leverage the alleged collapse of democracy and the socioeconomic crisis to end the democracy (Martín-Cabrera & Voionmaa, 2007). This results in the conflicts that arise between people and the military. However, one noticeable thing was that even during the crisis, white people were not harmed. Although, most of the white people were the ones who were protesting against the military yet still military used to capture several Indians and beat them. In the film, this, as per social injustice, was highlighted when Gonzalo was stuck in the middle of the fight between military personnel and the Indians. Military personnel was beating Pedro and his Indian friends, but they did not harm Gonzalo just because he was White and belonged from the upper-middle-class family. The class difference between the two boys can be summed up in this scene. This scene is of immense significance as just because Gonzalo was white military personnel realized the value of human rights while they forgot all the ethics when they used to beat Indians.

Furthermore, in the last scene, when Gonzalo was standing on the football ground, watching the other side of the ground alone also emphasized how human-made boundaries can separate two friends just because they belong to a different class.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Brodsky, R. (Writer), & Wood, A. (Director). (2004). Machuca [Motion Picture]. Chile: Menemsha Entertainment.

Martín-Cabrera, L., & Voionmaa, D. N. (2007). Class conflict, state of exception and radical justice in Machuca by Andrés Wood. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 16(1), 63-80.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Marcello Clerici & Esther Greenwood

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Marcello Clerici and Esther Greenwood

Esther Greenwood and Marcello Clerici are both searching for meaning in their lives as they go through various events in their journey. Their lives are affected by people and experiences that affect their manner of thinking and inevitably leads them to make decisions that they believe will set them on the path to becoming the person they want to become. The contrast is clear between the two characters as Marcello wants to conform to society to be perceived as a normal person whereas Esther disagrees with people’s standards and desires to follow a different path than the ‘normal’.

Marcello Clerici is a young Italian man, who is bent on becoming a ‘normal’ person in the society. His desire to be perceived as normal is based on horrific and traumatic experiences he had in his childhood. At the forefront is his experience with a homosexual stranger, Lino who was on the verge of sexually assaulting Marcello. He also had some strange tendencies such as torturing and killing small animals that gave him some odd satisfaction. All of this led him to be strongly predisposed towards the idea that he wasn’t a normal person and as such he vied to become normal. Lino, the chauffeur who attempted to sexually assault Marcello is perhaps the most important influence on him, unconsciously driving his every decision. Marcello unknowingly follows the path that leads to the idea of normalcy, mostly because of the traumatic experience he had in his childhood with Lino. The Fascist setting of the story and the varying sexual tendencies and orientations of the characters in The Conformist represent the Fascist politics. Marcello feels very lonely in his life despite the fact that he has an apparently stable marriage, a bureaucratic job that gives him power as well as colleagues that he may consider ‘friends’. Despite all this, his desire to be seen as normal leads to a perpetual confusion that consumes his life.

Esther Greenwood, on the other hand, feels intoxicated by societal expectations and looks for newer things as she is confused about how to react and what to do in her life. This uncertainty is evident in a quote from the book, “I felt very still and very empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo” (The Bell Jar, 3). Whereas society expects her to remain a virgin until she is married off to a nice guy, she is bent on doing the opposite and wishes to lose her virginity before marriage. She is also inclined to compare herself to others in a variety of aspects and this inevitably leads her to develop a mental illness that sets her on the path to self-discovery. This constant indecision and confusion leads her to attempt suicide, which lands her in a mental health recovery institute. It is at this institution that she meets Dr. Nolan, her psychiatrist. Dr. Nolan becomes the parent figure Esther needs; something she couldn’t find with her mother. Also important is the character of Doreen, who shares Esther’s view of sexuality but unlike her, actually manages to do what she desires. Compared to Marcello, she has some decent company and guidance. Dr. Nolan is the parent figure that Marcello didn’t have – despite his parents being alive. Moreover, Doreen is a like-minded person whom Esther instantly connects with.

Marcello and Esther teach an important lesson: it is imperative that one finds balance in life. While Marcello is looking to conform at all costs, Esther is trying to do the exact opposite. Both of them struggle in their lives as they cannot strike a balance between society’s expectations and one’s own desires. The equilibrium between the two is essential for living a stable and happy life and the absence of this equilibrium leads people to do horrible things.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Maya Angelou (The Complete Collected Poems)

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



The Complete Collected Poem by Maya Angelou's: A Literary Analysis


I know why the caged birds sing ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"hABGwl3G","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Angelou)","plainCitation":"(Angelou)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":104,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MCNI7PLE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MCNI7PLE"],"itemData":{"id":104,"type":"book","title":"The complete collected poems","publisher":"Hachette UK","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Angelou","given":"Maya"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2013"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Angelou), this sums her perception of things. She expresses nothing, but she disclosed everything. Maya Angelou tops the list of poets, who wrote to bring reality to words. In her phenomenal collection of autobiographies, plays, essays, and poems, she focused on changing the perception of things in the minds of people. Born in 1928, in Missouri, she saw things moving rapidly around her. From being a waitress to an applauded writer and activist, she stood won. Maya Angelou beside being a great poet; she worked for the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and brought him the support of his admirers ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"2UUKvp4B","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Kirkpatrick)","plainCitation":"(Kirkpatrick)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":105,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/D8GTAEJM"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/D8GTAEJM"],"itemData":{"id":105,"type":"article-journal","title":"The Life and Works of Maya Angelou","container-title":"Unpublished paper. Retrieved on March","volume":"10","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Kirkpatrick","given":"Kathryn"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Kirkpatrick). Besides her contributions to the literature in the US, she served as a Professor at Wake Forest University ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"oTpUJqJs","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Corr\\uc0\\u234{}a)","plainCitation":"(Corrêa)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":107,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/G9Q2CABP"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/G9Q2CABP"],"itemData":{"id":107,"type":"article-journal","title":"Through their voices she found her voice: women in Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings","container-title":"ariel: a review of international english literature","volume":"41","issue":"1","source":"Google Scholar","shortTitle":"Through their voices she found her voice","author":[{"family":"Corrêa","given":"Cláudia Maria Fernandes"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2010"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Corrêa) and received National Medal of Arts and the Medal of Freedom.

The complete collected poems of Maya Angelou is a summary of all her literary contributions. This collection takes the reader on a journey which starts from relishing humor, to experience tragedy, from reading short proses, to interpreting the long proses and finally from thinking in a narrow perspective to looking towards the worldly phenomenon in a broader perspective ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"I2eaMC7a","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Angelou)","plainCitation":"(Angelou)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":104,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MCNI7PLE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MCNI7PLE"],"itemData":{"id":104,"type":"book","title":"The complete collected poems","publisher":"Hachette UK","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Angelou","given":"Maya"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2013"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Angelou). Throughout this collection, the poet takes her readers from sharing much smaller things, to make them read more complexes and widest colossal issues. Much appealing aspect of this collection of Maya Angelou is that every reader gets the attention of her words. In short, she is attentive toward every of her reader. Many of the poems compiled in this collection has a quality of ‘everyman,' which shows that every reader experiences a feeling of the narrator. This technique serves the purpose of personalizing the readers. John J. is the next character; his poem is also titled with the same name. This man seeks the vices of every other man in the poem. Junkie is also a character of one of the poems in this collection — the drunk character, who speaks against the thoughts of his listeners. Harlem, though not a human character, but depicts the worst times of the writer. Africa characterized as a bad place. The writer attaches bad memories with this place. America, for her this place has a bad past, but the hope is driving it on and on. The Inner City, it depicts the minorities of the United States. The complete collected poem of Maya Angelou brings the readers close to her life. By using all such characters which depict the ups and downs of Mays's life, she proves that everything in life does not always turn supportive. She presents a balanced image of life when she talks about Africa and America. For her, every support in life is not to build anyone- but to show the ways ahead.

“We are here at the portal of the world we had wished for… At the lintel of the World, we most need ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"ACGKHRxX","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Angelou)","plainCitation":"(Angelou)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":104,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MCNI7PLE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MCNI7PLE"],"itemData":{"id":104,"type":"book","title":"The complete collected poems","publisher":"Hachette UK","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Angelou","given":"Maya"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2013"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Angelou)”. These verses from her ‘Olympic Poem’ sums up her imagination about life. When she places herself at two extremes. One is when she supported many black feminists to make them a part of a community that is striving and the second when these women’s, don't bring her problems (the problems of the black women’s) to the limelight. By referring to her problems, she means the problems of every woman of the Black community in America. From here, her quest for an individual struggle starts. She then writes in her poems do not wait for external supports, when the inner self of yours is empty. She emphasizes that this is how things don’t work. Maya’s life had been through many thin and thicked. For her, every aspect of life needed a daring approach. From when she gets rapped- to when she received the national award- her life brought for her many swirls. That is, however, an aspect of her literary work moves around the struggles of any individual. Throughout her poetry (except a small part), she has managed to grab the attention of her readers. The other two extremes in Maya's work are when she talks about the portal of the World ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"GIBwuiAJ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Angelou)","plainCitation":"(Angelou)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":104,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MCNI7PLE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MCNI7PLE"],"itemData":{"id":104,"type":"book","title":"The complete collected poems","publisher":"Hachette UK","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Angelou","given":"Maya"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2013"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Angelou), and when she talks of the world one need. For her, this is the entire journey of life, that makes people swing to extremes ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"hQtiscWC","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hagen)","plainCitation":"(Hagen)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":110,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/JUGFMRTF"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/JUGFMRTF"],"itemData":{"id":110,"type":"book","title":"Heart of a woman, mind of a writer, and soul of a poet: A critical analysis of the writings of Maya Angelou","publisher":"University Press of America","source":"Google Scholar","shortTitle":"Heart of a woman, mind of a writer, and soul of a poet","author":[{"family":"Hagen","given":"Lyman B."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1997"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hagen). Kathryn, who is among the noted critics of Maya’s work quotes “let her broaden the vision of her life ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"23Qy9VK9","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hagen)","plainCitation":"(Hagen)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":110,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/JUGFMRTF"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/JUGFMRTF"],"itemData":{"id":110,"type":"book","title":"Heart of a woman, mind of a writer, and soul of a poet: A critical analysis of the writings of Maya Angelou","publisher":"University Press of America","source":"Google Scholar","shortTitle":"Heart of a woman, mind of a writer, and soul of a poet","author":[{"family":"Hagen","given":"Lyman B."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1997"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hagen)” For her, this world of Maya is too little to even think about the plans in life.

“I fear I let you go…You would leave me eternally ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"1TsUWAN0","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Angelou)","plainCitation":"(Angelou)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":104,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MCNI7PLE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MCNI7PLE"],"itemData":{"id":104,"type":"book","title":"The complete collected poems","publisher":"Hachette UK","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Angelou","given":"Maya"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2013"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Angelou)". Angelou brings her readers close to things, which are even difficult to imagine for some. But some among the strong humans passes these phases of life easily. That is not her way of writing… the daring one, but she does convey her thoughts, just to manage the dark cycle of life in her writing. She writes not just to inspire, not just to scare, and not just to amuse readers, but just to reflect upon their minds, the things that could not get the attention. According to her, let everyone be open to life. Nothing will be sorted if life is seen in a much optimistic manner. William Sylvester mentions that her literary work is characteristically dynamic, but pessimism never serves the purpose of any writer every time ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"FKFAr8hq","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Williams)","plainCitation":"(Williams)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":112,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/58S455VL"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/58S455VL"],"itemData":{"id":112,"type":"article-journal","title":"Hurling Words Into The Darkness","container-title":"Vital Speeches of the Day","page":"379","volume":"70","issue":"12","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Williams","given":"Ronald A."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Williams).

“We prove that we can not only make peace… We can bring it with us ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Vqzup28a","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Angelou)","plainCitation":"(Angelou)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":104,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MCNI7PLE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/MCNI7PLE"],"itemData":{"id":104,"type":"book","title":"The complete collected poems","publisher":"Hachette UK","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Angelou","given":"Maya"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2013"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Angelou)”. Her illustrations of things are much different from many writers. Once she makes her reader to look toward what exactly the life wants from them, in the next tone, she wants to believe them to believe in themselves, then she makes them all turn around, and there is a huge reality, in front of them all. She mentions it as life. For her, life is not just, patching with the things, not always to find a middle way out. But she wants every admirer to look toward things in a broad manner, that will enable them to have a more thorough view of things. This is where anyone can get over with the things. This according to her is when anyone can avoid being the walk over any guided path. Many of her poems, in this collection, have the same lesson that not just rely upon peace by sacrificing your wills, or by sacrificing your rights. For her, this is not peace, this is rejection, and this is bad, which leads nowhere. George Plimpton maintains a very dubious image of Maya Angelou’s work. He opines that “She could be more simple in her illustrations of things ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Plvygszi","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Sarton and Siegel)","plainCitation":"(Sarton and Siegel)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":114,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/5TXZX8SG"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/5TXZX8SG"],"itemData":{"id":114,"type":"book","title":"Seventy-first critical bibliography of the history and philosophy of science and of the history of civilization (to October 1947)","publisher":"History of Science Society","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Sarton","given":"George"},{"family":"Siegel","given":"Frances"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1948"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Sarton and Siegel)."

Throughout the literature produced by Maya Angelou, she takes her readers from the paths of despair and joys. It is, therefore, the difficult and easy task at the same time, as it is based on the perceptions of the readers. This study will, however, be a substantial addition to the existing literature, written in response to Maya Angelou’s work. The theme of this study will remain to craft out the limits of her extremes. This research will be about what hurdles she talks about, that are not supportive in life. The analysis of her collection “The Complete Collected Poems” will help in sorting out the most relevant literature regarding this thesis.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Angelou, Maya. The Complete Collected Poems. Hachette UK, 2013.

Corrêa, Cláudia Maria Fernandes. “Through Their Voices She Found Her Voice: Women in Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, vol. 41, no. 1, 2010.

Hagen, Lyman B. Heart of a Woman, Mind of a Writer, and Soul of a Poet: A Critical Analysis of the Writings of Maya Angelou. University Press of America, 1997.

Kirkpatrick, Kathryn. “The Life and Works of Maya Angelou.” Unpublished Paper. Retrieved on March, vol. 10, 2014.

Sarton, George, and Frances Siegel. Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (to October 1947). History of Science Society, 1948.

Williams, Ronald A. “Hurling Words Into The Darkness.” Vital Speeches of the Day, vol. 70, no. 12, 2004, p. 379.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Midterm Essay

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Midterm Essay


The duality of the human emotions is one of the strongest impulses that is being felt by anyone. This duality goes a long way when it comes to making sure that the sense of emotional stability prevails among a person at the given point of time and how they are supposed to be reacting towards different situations at the given point of time. During the course of this paper, the key thing that is going to be seen that how this duality, this idea of the hope and gloom is one of the driving factors when it comes to the real meaning of life and how it is important to have an idea and perspective about both these happenings to make sure that the peace of mind is being developed.

Naivety and Innocence

The most important thing that one needs to understand is that how at times, not having knowledge of the curse goes a long way towards making sure that the development of sentiments is witnessed among a person at the given point of time. The innocence is the lack of knowledge about the surrounding as well as the fact that how things are going to be transpiring in the future. The innocence is one of the strongest features of the mankind at the given point of time. The other thing that is very important as far as the way underlying understanding about the way innocence is supposed to work is that how the naivety is an important factor during the whole process. The naïve and childlike themes that are discussed during the “Innocence and Experience” goes to show that how at times it is very important for the person to not have any perspective with regards to the way they are going to be developing at the given point of time. The theme that one gets to see during the course of the whole work is that how at times not having any perspective about the surrounding goes a long way towards making sure that the positive mind sent is developed among the person. The divine love and sympathy that is a driving force behind the work that is done by the person is only possible if they show certain sense of vulnerability in terms of the way they are operating. So, this clear mindset goes a long way towards making sure that the clarity of purpose is being developed among individuals at the given point of time in terms of the actions that they are supposed to be taking. The same course mindset is being developed in the “Conformity and Rebellion” when the mindset that is being talked about here is that how crucial it is for any person to have this inner insight that they should be confirming to the standards that are presented to them by society at the given point of time but also make sure that they are confirming to the standards that are witnessed by the people at the appropriate point of time.

Pessimism and Knowledge

The other dual theme that is discussed in both the works is that how at times, the conformity and rebellion both discuss the feeling of negativity among the person. The key thing that can be understood in any given situation is that how the established authority is supposed to work at the given point of time. There is church and the central authorities which according to the reading are some of the most external stimulus that is being faced by the person. These external stimulus goes a long way when it comes to the determination that ow it is going to be made sure in the manner that the conscience and the humanity of the person is bound to change at the given point of time. These works tend to confront the person as they grow up and what really happens is that the feeling of helplessness is there among the person where they tend to feel that whatever the effort that is being carried out by them at the given point of time, it is quite unlikely that either they have to come across as a rebel to put their point across, the important thing that has to be kept in mind during the course of the whole process is to make sure that the duality of the life is understood and the experiences are being used to make sure that how they tend to shape up the personality of the individual at the given point of time.


In the hindsight, it can be said that how at times the knowledge that the person has goes a long way towards making sure that what sort of decisions are taken by them at the given point of time. The more aware people are with respect to their situation, the higher is the likelihood that the decision making that is going to be made by them would be jaded in their perspective. On the other hand, the more naïve the people are with respect to the situation, the more carefree they are going to be.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Modernist Time Period

Thesis Statement

How the aspects of “the age of anxiety” in the forms of fascism, depression, and war reflect the domain of modernist literature?Research Questions

How the author uses the element of fascism as the one fundamental element of modernist literature in the poem?

How the factor of depression influence the lives of the people during the age of modernist literature?

How the author use the feature of war as the one prominent aspect of modernist literature?

How the fascism, depression, and war recognized as the most important elements of modernist literature?

How the fascism and depression used by author as indicators to reflect about the inner feelings of the characters in the poem?

What are the factors in the poem which are used by the poet to explain about the issue of human isolation?

How effectively poet use literary devices to deliver the main idea of the poem?

How the main features of the poem helps audience to compare prevailing difference between the age of modernist and conventional literature?

How the incidents in the poem shows the main impact of war on society in the form of anxiety and depression?

How the essence of the poem helps to differentiate between contemporary themes and ideas of traditional literature?

Subject: Literature

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Monument To Vietnam Veterans In Washington, DC,

Nathan Ward

Monument to Vietnam Veterans in Washington, DC,


“In this paper addresses the VVMF (the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund) is the nonprofit organization authorized by the U.S. Congress in 1980 to build a national memorial dedicated to all who served with the U.S. armed forces in the Vietnam War. The mission of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) is to honor and preserve the legacy of service and educate all generations about the impact of the Vietnam War. Various books from library, online books and research papers have been used as reference material”.

1. Introduction

The Vietnam War was one of the largest military conflicts of the 20th century. It is starting as a civilian; it quickly turned into a clash of two coalitions: the United States and its allies supported South Vietnam, the USSR and China acted on the side of the North. The Western coalition used the latest weapons, carpet bombing, and napalm. North Vietnamese forces skillfully used partisan tactics. The losses of the parties were colossal. The bloody battles continued from 1957 to 1975 and ended with the defeat of the South. On April 30, 1975, the communist forces raised the banner over the Independence Palace in Saigon, the city was “renamed Ho Chi Minh City”. This war has split American society. About a third of the population was totally against it. At least 3 million Americans passed through Vietnam, half of them participated in the hostilities. The country lost more than 58 thousand people killed (The wall of faces, 2019).

2. History

The idea of the memorial was advanced by a Vietnam veteran, former corporal of the 199th light infantry brigade, Jan Scruggs. He began to raise funds for the monument by investing 2,800 personal dollars in the business (Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, 2016).

In 1980, Congress allocated land near the Lincoln Memorial. Project competition has been announced. It received about one and a half thousand applications, including a sketch of a student at Yale University, Maya Ying Lin - and it was chosen by the jury.

Lin conceived a memorial in the form of a colossal letter V. The branches of the letter are two black granite walls gradually plunging into the earth, on which 58220 names of those who fell in Vietnam are carved. One of the walls is aimed precisely at “the Washington Monument, the other at the Lincoln Memorial”. A path for visitors passes along the entire monument. You can touch the walls with the names of loved ones. The unusual design of the building and the complete absence of decor initially caused an explosion of indignation. In order to reassure the public, a more traditional monument, known as the Three Soldiers, was erected nearby in 1984. The sculptor Frederic Hart sculpted three front-line soldiers - white, African American and Latin American, very realistically depicted their weapons and form.

The memorial is a long wall of black marble, on which are carved the names of 58,209 US Army soldiers who went missing or died during the Vietnam War. The basis of the list of names was a database that was provided by the Department of Defense of America.

In 1984, the memorial was supplemented with a sculpture made of bronze, which was created by Frederic Garth. The sculpture was named "Three Soldiers". These are symbolic images of white, Latin and African American, which are located near the wall with the names of the dead, and their gaze is directed at this wall. All this is a single composition.

This memorial was built in honor of the American soldiers who left their lives or went missing on the fields of the Vietnam War. “The Vietnam Veterans Memorial” belongs to the national monuments of the United States of America. This monument consists of three parts and includes the Women's Memorial, the Veterans Memorial, and the Three Soldiers sculpture, as well as the Memorial Wall.

The construction of the monument took off at the end of March 1982, and its grand opening took place in November of the same year. The most famous element of this complex is the wall of the memorial of veterans. The wall consists of two parts, the east, and west. They are interconnected at an angle of 125 degrees. When creating it, black granite was used. The total length of this structure is 75 meters, and the height is three meters and increases from the end of the two walls to the place where they join, reaching maximum height. On this wall are the inscriptions of the American military, who failed to survive and disappeared without a network in the Southeast Asia region from 1957 to 1975. All the names of the soldiers and officers are engraved in alphabetical order.

In 1993, the Vietnam Women’s Memorial became an integral part of the complex - a monument to American women who participated in hostilities. Most of them were nurses. The sculptor Glenna Good acre portrayed three nurses in military uniform rescuing a wounded soldier.

3. Audience

The main element is the so-called Wall. Black granite is polished so that when you read the names of the dead, you see your reflection. Probably this is the way to honor the memory of the dead soldiers in any war. The memorial is quite majestic, but at the same time not pompous. Probably, the monument to the soldiers who died in that war, given the extremely ambiguous attitude towards it in society, should be like this. Stone slabs with the names of the dead and two sculptural groups (Sturken, 1991).

4. Viewers

There are many memorials and monuments to great people and significant events in Washington. This memorial is one of them. People remember their history; honor the memory of the dead, that's right. The sculptural image is three American soldiers and the names of the dead on the arched black reflective wall. It consists of a wall and two sculptural compositions dedicated to the warriors who returned from the war and women warriors. The thought of the memorial is excellent and with other memorials, it is part of a large ensemble. The memorial consists of three parts: 1. a long wall of granite with the names of the dead and missing in Vietnam, 2 - statues of three soldiers (a symbol of compromise and reconciliation) and a flagpole, 3 - a memorial to women who fought in Vietnam, three women in military uniform with a wounded soldier (Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 2016).

5. Glorify War

“This war began as a civil war in South Vietnam (1957 - 1964), then North Vietnam” joined it, which later received the support of two powerful powers - the USSR and China. The United States and its allies, called the CENTO military bloc, in 1965 sided with the South Vietnamese regime. At the same time, civil wars were going on in Laos and Cambodia. “All the hostilities that took place in Southeast Asia from the late 1950s to 1975 are known in world history as the Second Indochinese War”.

5.1 About the Memorial

“The Vietnam Veterans Memorial” was built with funds raised through private donations from various companies and organizations, as well as more than 275 thousand ordinary citizens. The total amount was 8.4 million dollars. Funding from the federal budget has been reported.

On July 1, 1980, by the decision of the US Congress, the area near the Lincoln Monument was allocated for the construction of a memorial. Then, from October to May 1980, there was a competition for the best project, where the work of a 21-year-old Chinese-born student Maya Lin was recognized as the best. The memorial was laid March 26, 1982, opened - November 13, 1982. The construction of the entire complex was completed by Veterans Day on November 11, 1984.

The basis of the composition of the “Vietnam Veterans Memorial” is a huge wall of black granite (The Wall), consisting of two parts. The total length of the Wall is 75 meters; the height at the junction of the two parts of the wall is 3 meters. On the Wall are engraved the names of all American soldiers killed or missing in Southeast Asia during the Second Indochina War, in the territory of South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China, Thailand, as well as in the Gulf of Tonkin, between 1957 and 1975 for years.

The lists of military personnel were compiled from a database of the US Department of Defense. In 1982, the list was 57,939 names. After construction, the names were added periodically. In 2011 there were 58272 of them ... Veterans who died from the effects of battle wounds after the war is on a separate list.

In 1984, three soldiers of different races are standing close to the Wall and look in its direction, making up a single composition. At the Vietnam Veterans, Memorial volunteers are always on duty - volunteers in yellow jackets. They help to find the right name on the Wall.

6. Antiwar

The first national memorial of Vietnam, inaugurated in 1982, bears witness to a particular context, not activist where veterans seek above all a form of recognition of their commitment and the commemoration of companions in arms fallen to the front, in a nation divided by the war that left them in oblivion. However, the creation of this memorial will be at the origin of a vast debate on the legitimacy of such a monument and the criteria of representation of the heroism of the soldiers. “The Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Memorial Veterans of Vietnam is a national memorial dedicated to the fallen US soldiers during the Vietnam War. It is located in Washington, DC in Constitution Gardens, adjacent National Mall Park, northeast of the Lincoln Memorial. Its construction and related problems provoked several controversies, some leading to additions to the memorial” (American Icons, 2016).

7. Culture

“The statue of the Three Soldiers ( Three Soldiers statue), a bronze statue that represents a real size”, three soldiers who are voluntarily identifiable as an African-type soldier, a Caucasian soldier, and a Hispanic soldier. Here is a vast memorial that should not leave you indifferent. Here, as far as the eye can see, are written all the names of the Americans who died during the Vietnam War (1955-1975). The monument itself is composed of three elements: a granite wall bearing the names of the 58,249 victims (the dead and the disappeared) American of the Vietnam War, built by Maya Ying Lin in 1982 (controversial under Reagan, who did not want the construction of the monument); the statue of Three Servicemen (added in 1984) by Fredrick Hart; and “the Vietnam Women's Memorial (added in 1993)”, signed Glenna Good acre. This is, of course, a vast place of recollection for many American families and the atmosphere is very solemn (The Things They Leave Behind: Artifacts from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 2012).

8. Effective

“The Vietnam War is the only war lost by the United States”. This "dirty war" was denounced by public opinion and resulted in a lasting trauma that inspired many films. Leader of the free world in the Cold War, the United States must defend freedom and democracy against communism.

Truman has defined a containment policy that consists of essentially economic assistance. There is no question of military engagement even though the intervention in Korea was a real war. Thus the Americans finance 3/4 of the military effort of French Indochina but US aircraft did not intervene at Dien Bien Phu. Since 1954, the United States supports the Vietnamese regime south of the 17 the parallel. But Diem established an authoritarian regime and the southern communists engaged in subversion with the Vietcong that relies on North Vietnam (The wall of faces, 2019).


The reason for creating the statue of the Three Soldiers (The Three Soldiers or The Three Servicemen) became controversies around the design chosen by Maya Lin. In 1984 a bronze sculpture created by Frederick Garth was added to the memorial. Three soldiers - white, African American and Latin - stand at some distance from the wall and look in its direction, making up a single composition with it.


“The wall of faces”, would be “Wall of Faces - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund”. https://www.vvmf.org/Wall-of Faces/search/results/Cas_DAY/4/Cas_Month/3/Cas_Year/1966/, February 1, 2019.

“Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund”, would be “Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund”, https://www.vvmf.org/news/article=VVMF-commemorates-35th-anniversary-of-The-Wall-in-2017, February 17, 2017

Sturken, M. (1991). The wall, the screen, and the image: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Representations, (35), 118-142.

“The Things They Leave Behind: Artifacts from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial”, https://www.washingtonian.com/2012/10/24/the-things-they-leave-behind-artifacts-from-the-vietnam-veterans-memorial/, October 24, 2012

Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Founder: Monument Almost Never ... – NPR

“Vietnam Veterans Memorial”, would be “Vietnam Veterans Memorial”, https://www.npr.org/tags/132646415/vietnam-veterans-memorial, November 12, 2016.

“American Icons”: would be : “The Vietnam Veterans Memorial”. https://www.wnyc.org/story/american-icons-the-vietnam-veterans-memorial-maya-lin/, May 25, 2016.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

Murder On Halloween Night


Instructors’ Name

Course Title and Code


Murder on Halloween Night

After a heated argumentation about their breakup, Mia and Luca had just come out of Café de los Angelitos, on a mildly cold night of October in 1991, just two days before the Halloween. It was one of the most famous cafes in Buenos Aires and Luca had a special purpose of taking Mia there, as he wanted her to meet Mateo, his partner to be. Mateo used to work in Café de los Angelitos and had been wearing the specific costume which was specifically designed of the workers of the café, due to which Mia could not identify him properly. Luca had expressed his wish of breaking up with her when it had been only four months since they started dating. The sudden revelation had caused a setback to Mia, as she was quite happy with Luca and was not expecting things to turn this way. She tried to convince him to not do the same, however, Luca was adamant on his point. She thought that Luca needs some more time with her to believe his feelings and told him they can talk about the issue later and promised to meet at the Halloween party. While leaving the cafe, Luca had told Mia, we are good just go home and will meet each other tomorrow like any other day, love you, which gave a positive hope to Mia that things can be resolved between the two of them. No one had the idea that it would be the last event of Mia's life and her last meeting with Luca.

Mia had learned a new thing about Luca in the cafe as When Mateo came to serve their order, Luca held his hand and told Mia that he loves him and wants to be with him, which is the main reason he cannot be in a relationship with her. This was an even greater setback for Mia as Luca was a straight man and it was quite difficult for her to believe that he was a gay and he was not just making any story to influence her into breaking up with her. Mateo was there to make her believe the point of Luca, by confessing his love for him. It was not considered normal in their society and it was not legal either. Besides that, Mia had never doubted the sexuality of Luca and had never got any hint which could have helped her to believe the story she was being presented. However, it was almost midnight and the weather was turning chill, which made Luca wind up the matter, as he had to catch the last bus to home. Moreover, they had been sitting in the café for the past three hours and the curious owner of the café was giving them suspicious looks. So, he gave the impression to Mia that things are settled between them and they can discuss it later.

Mia was a twenty-two years old young African American girl. She was born and brought up in united states of America and had decided to stay with her aunt in Buenos Aires, after the death of her parents when she was seventeen years old. Luca was a twenty-six-year-old guy of the Spanish descent who was brought up in Buenos Aires. His family had immigrated to Argentina around the 1970s and had made a permanent position in the society since then. Mateo was the same age as Luca and had known him from the college. After their meeting at the cafe, the three of them had only met at the Halloween party and Mia was quite angry at Lucca for having brought Mateo with him. The argumentation was so intense that their common friends had to intervene to stop them and they blamed Mia for creating such a mess over the fact that her boyfriend had invited one of his friends to the party. They had drunk to the full of their hearts that night and in the morning, when they have not sobered up yet, they received the news of Mia’s death.

The police station of the town had received the news in the early morning that the dead body of a young girl was recovered from the forest which was in the outskirts of Buenos Aires. The police officers had visited the scene and set the body for post mortem. Hercule Poirot, who was the leader of the crime unit 1 from the police station of the area was assigned the duty of investigating the case. Poirot was famous for being a self-confident detective, who used to deal and rule the situation by using logic, instead of succumbing to the emotions. He was in his mid-forties and had a quite tall build, which made him quite dominating over the person next to him. He started the investigation from the family of the victim and upon reaching the address, he came to know that Emilia, the aunt of Mia, was her only family and guardian as well. She was quite devastated at the sudden death of her niece. After the death of her sister and her husband, she had tried to provide all the facilities of life to Mia, as she did not want to get ashamed when she met her mother. She was in shock and depression as well, as she could not take enough care of the beloved daughter of her deceased sister. She told Poirot that Mia was quite excited for the Halloween party which was being organized at the Red Martini club, located in the outskirts of the city. She had tried to stop her from going as it was quite far and she was skeptical about the rising crime rate of the society. However, Mia tried to calm her down by telling her that Luca was accompanying her there, to which she finally agreed. She also told the detective that Luca had broken the news of her death to her and she was not suspicious of anybody in particular. She was of the view that it was just the result of the hate crime against the African Americans in the region.

By investigating Emilia, detective Poirot got the clue that the incident was related to the Halloween party at the Red Martini club as Mia had gone there and her body was discovered from the forest which was at a distance of two kilometers from the club. The investigation till this point led the detective to investigate who had been with the victim at the party, according to the report of the aunt of the victim. Luca told the detective that they had been coming back home after the party, around midnight, when their car broke near the forest. He came out of the car and started checking it when Mia also came out. He told her to stay inside and that he would bring someone from the cub, who could fix it for them, however, Mia told him to continue of his effort of fixing it and she would bring some worker from the club, as it was on a walk almost ten to twelve minutes. He was not ready to let her go but she insisted that she can easily go till there. He kept waiting of her and when she did not come back even after forty minutes, he decided to go and saw the bag, as well as a piece of clothing of Mia, in the mid of the road. He called her name again and again and searched the area to some extent as well, but there was no hint of her presence there and suddenly two bears came out of the forest, covered in blood. There was something shiny in the mouth of one of them and upon close analysis, I realized it was the necklace of Mia, she was wearing at the moment. The bears tried to attack him and he opened fire on them and ran from the scene. He was too scared to search for Mia anymore and reported her murder. The detectives could not find the dead bears or even their blood or hair from the point Luca had identified and suspected Luca for the murder of Mia.

At this point, Luca changed his story and told the detective that he has just realized that Mateo was wearing a costume similar to the wild bears and he suspects him to be the murderer. He even had the motive to kill Mia as she was going to reveal his secret to the world that he is gay, due to which they had an argumentation as well. He also told the detective that he had seen Mateo at a distance from the scene and had told Mia’s aunt about it, which both of them had forgotten due to their grief and pain over the death of Mia. The detectives arrested Mateo on the suspicion of killing Mia and he told them the story that he had seen a van full of boys trying to kidnap Mia and he suspects that Luca was behind it. Being confused about the turn of the events, the detective started investigating around the neighborhood and the friends of Mai told him about the argumentation of the couple which had raised the question about why Mia did not want Mateo to accompany Lucca. The investigation was going in a round square when the detectives received the post mortem report of Mia, which uncovered the major truths. The time of the death was not the same as told by Luca and DNA of Luca was discovered from the nails of Mia. Luca was immediately arrested for the murder and after the investigation, he revealed that he killed Mia after proper planning. She was not ready to break up with him and was also blackmailing him that he would expose him to the whole world. The society was not tolerant towards the people like him, which were gay and wanted to live their lives according to their own wishes, however, could not do so, because of the pressure of the society. He planned to kill her after the party and made her get out of the car by pretending that the car has broken down. From there, she was kidnapped by Mateo and their common friends who made her unconscious and took her to the forest.

After getting her consciousness back Luca attacked him immediately assessing the situation. She kept repeating that she would expose him and in the moment of anger, he struck her head with a stone, which killed her on the point. He did not have any intention of killing her, and just wanted to terrify her into keeping her mouth shut, but the situation turned in the way that he could not control it. He tried to drag Mateo in the case, as he also blamed him for killing her, while it was just an unfortunate happening. Luca was then punished according to law and sent to prison.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

Native American Anonymous Works


Enter the name of Instructor


September 20, 2019

Native American anonymous works


Many Europeans and Indian Americans have written from many long about the American culture, though the proper narrative writing began in 1492. It was right after the discovery of the new world. In the early literature about American history, the indigenous people were depicted as supporting actors. Since the arrival of Europeans, these Indians were depicted as treacherous villains and thirsty barbarians. European viewed Indian American as barbaric and ferocious, their image of Indian Americans was largely opposed to what the Indian Americans actually were ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"K6E8PZUn","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Deloria)","plainCitation":"(Deloria)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":266,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/28WD9FRG"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/28WD9FRG"],"itemData":{"id":266,"type":"book","title":"Playing indian","publisher":"Yale University Press","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Deloria","given":"Philip Joseph"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1998"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Deloria). Throughout the later literature developed by the Europeans, the Indian Americans were depicted as ferocious and cruel. The Europeans later on believed that Indian Americans have largely ruined the resource setting of the Americus which they often referred in their literature as well. The European bad manifestation of Indian American not ended here, rather, they believed them as conspirators and treacherous villains who challenged the foes before their demise. This essay, therefore, considers that once the Indian American eventually exited, the history of literature served as the handmaiden of European conquest.


The European voyagers and colonizers considered Indians out of the history in their narratives. They even denied the early Indians their inputs in the early literature. Historian Fredrick Tuner’s essay “significance of Frontier in the American history”, published in 1893 defined the end of Indian civilizations as the start of a new civilization. In his essay he referred to the demise of Indian civilization as ‘melting point of brutality and civilization ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"2x7ZvzoZ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Turner)","plainCitation":"(Turner)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":270,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/EB3FI45X"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/EB3FI45X"],"itemData":{"id":270,"type":"article-journal","title":"The significance of the frontier in American history","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Turner","given":"Frederick Jackson"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1893"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Turner)’. He also believed that European voyagers brought with them a ‘White American literature’ which reflects the values the Europeans or White Americans possessed. It was 400 years before that Indian Americans have landed to this land, from that time onwards their literature and narration has dominated the American literature. However, Europeans believed that American culture and literature started 400 years after the discovery of this land. For them the 400 years end was actually the collapse of Indian American history and their narrative ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"7y0MjXnx","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Baym and Levine)","plainCitation":"(Baym and Levine)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":272,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/KSVY389J"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/KSVY389J"],"itemData":{"id":272,"type":"book","title":"The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Eighth International Student Edition","publisher":"WW Norton & Company","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"The Norton Anthology of American Literature","author":[{"family":"Baym","given":"Nina"},{"family":"Levine","given":"Robert S."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Baym and Levine).

Prior to this, the Indian American literature exhibited different narratives about the Indian culture. This literature was entirely different from what the Europeans wrote about the early Indian. For example, Blamire writes that it is much visible from the early Indian literature that the Indian cultures consisted of values and beliefs. For such reason, the narration in the literature included texts that often referred to some eternal being. Since the Indians at that time dominated the entire American region, therefore their exposure was constrained in many ways ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"7rL3GcoP","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Blamires)","plainCitation":"(Blamires)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":274,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/IKUKCCD6"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/IKUKCCD6"],"itemData":{"id":274,"type":"book","title":"The age of romantic literature","publisher":"Longman","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Blamires","given":"Harry"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1990"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Blamires). Each of such aspects, therefore, impacted their literature and narrative. For Blamire, since the Indians had explored just the area around their vicinity, therefore the authors of that time have explained nature and environment in a particular manner. Many of them believed that the area they inhabit is the total American region and that’s how their beliefs and narration depicted a certain pattern of life and nature.

Weaver who has worked on the European literature writes that ‘Indian history of narration and culture ended with a physical conquest ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"2HFKQWex","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Weaver)","plainCitation":"(Weaver)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":275,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/B8UFBDJE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/B8UFBDJE"],"itemData":{"id":275,"type":"book","title":"Other words: American Indian literature, law, and culture","publisher":"University of Oklahoma Press","volume":"39","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"Other words","author":[{"family":"Weaver","given":"Jace"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2001"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Weaver)’. This thought structure dominated the literature throughout the 17th, 18th and the 19th century. Some of the European narrators believed that since they have seen advancements compared to Indians therefore, naturally they have an edge over them. For such narrators, each aspect of Indian was lighter and much lesser in values when it comes to a comparative analysis with the Indians. For them, Indian literature was nothing just the folk tales and romantic accounts. However, some European authors have explored some other side of the Indian- American literature. For example, Weaver writes that Indian people were more devoted to their religious motives ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Ww7BQ1uO","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Weaver)","plainCitation":"(Weaver)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":275,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/B8UFBDJE"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/B8UFBDJE"],"itemData":{"id":275,"type":"book","title":"Other words: American Indian literature, law, and culture","publisher":"University of Oklahoma Press","volume":"39","source":"Google Scholar","title-short":"Other words","author":[{"family":"Weaver","given":"Jace"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2001"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Weaver). As he wrote that ‘they believed on things which had no material presence’. It shows that Indian literature comprised of a complete sense of life. They tried to bring about each little aspect of their life.

Another difference is revealed by Trautmann, who argues that the hollow Indian narratives are proof that Indians remained shy of voyages and experiments ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"apDAsX2p","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Trautmann)","plainCitation":"(Trautmann)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":277,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/UCETQV46"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/UCETQV46"],"itemData":{"id":277,"type":"article-journal","title":"Indian time, European time","container-title":"Time: Histories and ethnologies","page":"167–97","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Trautmann","given":"Thomas R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1995"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Trautmann). He actually wants to convey that Indians have experienced little exploration which was the primary purpose of their less development. Europeans, however, were different from their predecessors, and this went on to their literature as well. They made new discoveries in culture and religion, they tried to explore the seas and look toward the sky as an area of opportunity. For this reason, they had many things to add to their literature. At times, the Indian culture started declining, their folk stories were also refabricated in the European manner, which was ruthless since they made their characters part of the unexplored times. At each small aspect, the Indian literature and the European contrasted each other, since authors of the European times presented fats in an extra elaborative manner, which largely went on in their indulgence.

Most accounts of European voyagers are different from the Indians for the fact that European misinterpreted some accounts of narration. Trautmann writes that European’s challenged many historical narratives ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"cFnGZevq","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Trautmann)","plainCitation":"(Trautmann)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":277,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/UCETQV46"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/UCETQV46"],"itemData":{"id":277,"type":"article-journal","title":"Indian time, European time","container-title":"Time: Histories and ethnologies","page":"167–97","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Trautmann","given":"Thomas R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1995"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Trautmann). From the Indian culture values to their view of the world, each aspect was misinterpreted, just to present an image of a superior sense of the Europeans. However, it is not how this all went on. They were different in many kinds and they reflected all such aspects in their writings as well, but the Europeans changed that all too how they believe will fit into their narrative. By all means, the Europeans remained ruthless over the Indian, they challenged their existence, misinterpreted their beliefs, jostled their discoveries and finally vanished them in each respect from the face of earth. For such reason, Trautman opines that worst vengeance is to rid of once literature from books and from the ends of people ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Ud9aiO9b","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Trautmann)","plainCitation":"(Trautmann)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":277,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/UCETQV46"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/UCETQV46"],"itemData":{"id":277,"type":"article-journal","title":"Indian time, European time","container-title":"Time: Histories and ethnologies","page":"167–97","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Trautmann","given":"Thomas R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1995"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Trautmann).


The above paragraphs are suggestive of many behaviors of Europeans with the Indian Americans. An unbiased consideration suggests that literature is something which went on to many generations to come. Similarly, it keeps on presenting in front of the world, what one civilization had to offer to the world. There come changes to the face of Earth and once civilization has to take over the previous, but all so in a ruthless manner is what appeared much devastating here. The European American history of conquest suggests that they achieved all this in a very overwhelming and demoralizing manner.

Since they first vanished the entire civilization, threatened their existence and disapproved what they brought in front of the world, therefore, one it is much to prove that Indian literature is the handmaiden of European conquest. It also suggests that the literature about European history or American history which exist till date is all supposed and lack credibility. It is also why continuous additions are made to preserve a flawed image of what the Europeans have never achieved in their times. Such demeanors also suggest that flawed sense of development is just to make every bit of the world dependent on your existence. This all might appear right in the sense of political takeovers, but from a literary aspect it is reprehensible. All such efforts at present face sere criticism since it vanishes the identity.

Works Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Baym, Nina, and Robert S. Levine. The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Eighth International Student Edition. WW Norton & Company, 2011.

Blamires, Harry. The Age of Romantic Literature. Longman, 1990.

Deloria, Philip Joseph. Playing Indian. Yale University Press, 1998.

Trautmann, Thomas R. “Indian Time, European Time.” Time: Histories and Ethnology, 1995, pp. 167–97.

Turner, Frederick Jackson. The Significance of the Frontier in American History. 1893.

Weaver, Jace. Other Words: American Indian Literature, Law, and Culture. Vol. 39, University of Oklahoma Press, 2001.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Natural Of Self

Concetta Cunningham

Dr. Shoaib


October 18, 2019

Natural of Self


The eighteenth century was a time of relief and emission from the tautness of living a life of mysteriousness and spurt. This time was a relief from barbarism and unawareness of the Gothic centuries. The dark period provoked people to change the way of life and bring change which ultimately can reform their life association. It was a kind of general wish that people wanted to come out of rural and dark life. It was the time when sanity, culture, and civilization were reviving. At this time, there was a general feeling of emancipation from the historic specters. People wanted relief from the pains of the civil war period. This desire for change reformed many aspects of social life. People were changing and wished that they should be ruled by those who have moral courage, emancipation and an urge to bring about reforms in the life of ordinary citizens. Those who realized the sensitivity of the impulse people wanted, started bringing reforms. It was the time when literature was rewritten and a new social structure was recreated. Those who were bringing change wanted to reform their selves. The first one among those were writers who take hold of the pens and reformed a manner of thinking. It was the time when the writers, philosophers, and academicians started writing about nature, philosophy, and leisure. Such writings gradually started the alluring population from those times. Nature was closed to them and this was how they started to release the gap which existed between nature and the human population. In their efforts of such reformations, they remained successful in bringing change in the thinking pattern and self- realization. Therefore, considering the writing style of writers of those times, it remains right to argue that the eighteenth-century literature was fashioned to acknowledge the righteousness and free-thinking.


The eighteenth-century which was considered as a time of revival and restructuring was also considered as the golden age for natural theology. Boyle, Locke, and Spinoza took the courage to think freely. It was not the time of revelations rather an acknowledgment of natural things and self-realization. Nothing in the literature developed in those times was the same as the religious literature previously had been structured. The years following the American Revolution have been considered as the conventionally dark period in American literary history. Americans who had poetic nature of mind wrote specifically political, public and instructive verses poems. The poetry and literature were distinctively written for the purpose of persuading people to vote for a certain candidate or embrace any political figure ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"XgH68arD","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Brunjes)","plainCitation":"(Brunjes)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":268,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/NKMXI79B"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/NKMXI79B"],"itemData":{"id":268,"type":"article-journal","title":"The American Struggle for Identity in 18th Century Newspaper Verse","container-title":"Bridgewater Review","page":"7-10","volume":"17","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Brunjes","given":"Ann"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1998"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Brunjes). Though the contemporary readers might not find it as the aspiring or embracing it as the works of literacy as they are unable to apprehend or transcend their times. However, American literature about controversial topics to people of those times was as literary as today’s literature is.

The Enlightenment period is well identified with its three different accomplishments such as political, ethical and religious. The American Revolution between the periods of 1775-83 encouraged the re-make of philosophical theories. It was the success as literature helped explain and understand the natural world phenomenon that shaped the social and political world. It laid the basis of the existing governance model. The literature provided the enunciation of political standards of self-determination and equality, the institutional insight of the governed, the articulation of basic natural human rights to be honored and considered by any legitimate political system. It also presented the notion of toleration for immense diversification of religions for it was reflected as an act of virtue to be privileged in a highly ordered society. It also offered the deliverance of basic political powers and accountability within the system and other vital characteristics of Western democracies.

Cotton Mather’s work in the early years of the 18th century was considered as the defense of ancient Puritan convictions. His famous work ‘Bonifacius or Essays to do Good' transacts with American creation and he links religion, primarily, Puritanism with the intention to declare that the society has become inextricable. Mather admonished his readers to commend their neighbors which had no apparent sense of self-irony and was the same single-tracked ethical vision and disregard for people's emotions just as in Polly Baker's case. Benjamin Franklin who was inspired by the work of Mather, made people speak up about their natural rights and the privilege of self-beings with authority. He realized that humans were superior beings as his self-effacement was well aware. Through his writing, Franklin persuaded people to view his personality as superior and allowed them to draw conclusions from their own conscious and understand things that he could. But on the other hand, he manipulated people such that they were all means of beneficent to others and they needed to persuade self-interest. His various linguistic tools also added a sense of humor and pleasure in American literature ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"RaBLtBly","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Covici)","plainCitation":"(Covici)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":266,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/XT92WWYA"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/XT92WWYA"],"itemData":{"id":266,"type":"book","title":"Humor and revelation in American literature : the Puritan connection","publisher":"Univ. of Missouri Press","publisher-place":"Columbia","source":"http://worldcat.org","archive":"/z-wcorg/","event-place":"Columbia","ISBN":"0-8262-1095-3","language":"English","author":[{"family":"Covici","given":"Pascal","suffix":""}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1997"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Covici).

Cotton Mather's work can also be used as an example where Jonathan Edwards had religious differences and did not allow the intermingling or presence among any non-Christians. His expression in the sermons could be characterized as moving and emotional. During the second half of the century, the imperative characteristics of his mind show much he valued The Nature of True Virtue. Mather, Franklin, and Edwards all shared the common belief and tried to instill it in the people. They solved the matter of ingeniously fighting with self and resolute for the good and the glory of God ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"1BLdLXiP","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hatch and Stout)","plainCitation":"(Hatch and Stout)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":267,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/SQ8LLMCR"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/9Hfkg8Y0/items/SQ8LLMCR"],"itemData":{"id":267,"type":"webpage","title":"Jonathan Edwards and the American experience","URL":"http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&db=nlabk&AN=299091","language":"English","author":[{"family":"Hatch","given":"Nathan O.","suffix":""},{"family":"Stout","given":"Harry S.","suffix":""}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1988"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hatch and Stout). Thomas Paine became one of the most operative propagandists for the cause of colonialism. His works were published in various papers his mist significant part of this practice was his pamphlets. It influenced the colonists in such a way that they agreed on declaring Independence. The paper ‘The American Crisis' from 1776 influenced Americans to wake up and fight until they can and pas through the darkest years of the war. His beliefs were based on the deism and to highlight the conflict and stir the melodrama by using angelic colonists in opposition to forces of evil.


The tug of the American Revolution and the expressiveness in the American literature emphasized the matter of difference that had been spewing among the Unites States and Britain politics. The political writers such as John Dickinson, Joseph Galloway and above all Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin loomed high in the movement. Several political writers, however, they have maintained the belief that in a bitter way and how mutual people have found this setting as quite influential. The poems and essays written by political and religious philosophers during the darkest period of American history created a sense of self-realization and people understood the meaning of freedom and their rights. The poetic expression of beliefs and efforts of alluring probable in understanding their worth is an excruciating remark as moving masses with the provided literature alone. The expression of rights and self-determination of the Americans initiated from that enlightenment period. It was the call for the general masses to understand the worth of the movements and political and religious agendas that were later expressed to the regulatory bodies. American literature has played a greater role in the identity of characteristics of self and natural rights of which every citizen is entitled.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Brunjes, Ann. “The American Struggle for Identity in 18th Century Newspaper Verse.” Bridgewater Review, vol. 17, no. 1, 1998, pp. 7–10.

Covici, Pascal. Humor and Revelation in American Literature : The Puritan Connection. Univ. of Missouri Press, 1997. /z-wcorg/.

Hatch, Nathan O., and Harry S. Stout. Jonathan Edwards and the American Experience. 1988, http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&db=nlabk&AN=299091.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

No Second Troy

Academic Institution


Purpose Statement





No Second Troy; Analysis

“No Second Troy” is a poem by William Butler Yeats and it is one of his most celebrated work. The poem is a typical lyric, and it expresses the feelings of poet who is the state of misery and pain. Overall the poem is centered on a single issue of his disappointment, pain, and agony. "Her" in the poem indicates that the poet is addressing the woman he loves. Most of the sentences in the poem are questions which speak of his thoughts that he must not blame his love for all the pain he is suffering from. The poem is the combination of the personal and political passion of the poet and describes that beauty has the power to destroy inner soul of a person as well as a nation in critically mythological perspective.

The opening lines of the poem begin with the personal plane and a rhetorical question, "Why should I blame her” and the answer is implied in the question itself. The poet is a state of misery and pain due to the fact that his love rejects him, many times. In his poem, "her" is referred to Maud Gonne who has not responded to love of Yeats. On numerous occasions, he is being rejected by her, and the number of his poems are directed at her. These lines indicate the pain and misery from which he is going through due to her. The poem reveals the combustible presence of Gonne in Yeats life and the first lines of the poem are his conflicted emotions about Gonne. The poet is unhappy that she has not responded to her love, but at the same time, he argues that he will not blame for the pain and misery in her life. He has been able to squeeze his personal passion beautifully in these lines and in the later sentences he takes he discusses his political passion.

The political passion of the poet is revealed from the third line of the poem, “Have taught to ignorant men most violent ways." Yeats wrote this poem when Ireland was fighting for freedom against England, the poet criticizes Gonne for teaching the common Irish men the violent ways. Speaking of the pain that the lady has caused her, he takes the discussion to the damage he thinks she has caused to innocent common Irish men. From personal concerns with Maud Gonne, he starts commenting on the political concerns that she has taught the revolutionary methods to get freedom for Ireland. Yeats is scornful of the petty violence of those who would ‘hurl the little streets upon the great,' that is, prompt the innocent people to expand violence against British rules which is useless. Initially, after blaming the Irish lady for hurting him cruelly, he is unable to understand the political attitude of Gonne.

Poet is sarcastic towards her act of teaching violence the innocent people who live in "little streets" against those who live on "great streets," the British. In Yeats opinion they need to have a self-identity and courage before stepping into a war of independence, “Had they but courage equal to desire?” Maud is accused of the turmoil of the Irish people. The personal and political passion combines when he discusses Gonne as destruction. He describes Gonne as social destruction and states that she can't be peaceful as she has caused and spread violence. By comparing her with her milieu, he is trying to make a point that her soul is not in the harmony of her social environment and hence she is the source of destruction “That is not natural in an age like this."

The heroic beauty of Maud Gonne is said to be tightened bow and her mind a fire of nobleness using a simile “That nobleness made simple as a fire/ With beauty like a tightened bow." Yeats is sarcastic towards her beauty. The tightened bow represents a tension in her heroic beauty which is the cause of the destruction of others. Her leadership skills, her fierce beauty, stern commitment, and unparalleled bravery reminds poet of Aristocratic Ideals. Her heroic masks contrast with the modern sensibility. But at the same time, the poet doesn't blame her. The poet describes the destructive aspects of beauty in both personal and political terms.

In the end, Helen's image strikes in the mind of the poet, and it answers all the questions in the poem “Was there another Troy for her to burn?” In the ancient Greek mythology, a place Greeks destroyed Troy in the Trojan War and the poet is comparing the Helen of Troy and the Trojan War with the anti-British revolutionary war, both causing violence and destruction. Like Helen, the most beautiful women of Greece who as responsible for the destruction of Troy, Maud Gonne is responsible for Irelands' devastation. The title of the poem is also the referral to Helen Troy which was destroyed at the end of the war.

In a nutshell, the poem is a call towards peace, and it elaborates the poet's personal and political passion. He is full of pain and woe, but because he loves Maud Gonne, he is not willing to blame her for her destruction. By making a comparison of Maud Gonne and Helen of Troy, poem hints the way an alluring beauty can be a cause of the destruction of an inner soul, referring to his heart and to the whole country referring to Ireland. Throughout the poem, Yeats has a negative and sarcastic attitude towards Gonne.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Novel: Disgrace By J. M. Coetzee


Professor Name

February 14, 2018

Thesis statement: Post-apartheid African themes are apparent in Coetzee's Disgrace, portrayed in the explosive violence and racial segregation of blacks.

J.M Coetzee in the novel “Disgrace” captures the South African patterns of violence that exhibits the post-apartheid African themes. Radicalized and class-based discourses have provided deeper meaning to crimes like rape and murder. The violence is the result of misconstrued dreams and expectations. Hatred and violence exhibit the social categories of class, race, and gender. The crime like murder is complicated with race and class. The concept of radicalized contingency connects the fiction to post-apartheid African history.

Lurie and his daughter Lucy are the victims of blackness that connects them to the south African history. Post-apartheid South African themes are visible in Lurie's relationship with a white woman and the rape of Lucy (Mardorossian).

Lurie is provoked to take a role outside social boundaries by starting an affair with his white student, Melanie. He wants to have a life free of all the stereotypes, taboos and the labels. Post Apartheid themes are visible as the Lurie gets rusticated for his affair with a white girl. The jury didn't consider the will of Melanie and ignored that she made her own choice. He justifies his actions by claiming the right to desire. Lucy, daughter of Lurie, is raped brutally by two black men that build connections of African culture with violence. “What if what if that is the price one has to pay for staying on? Perhaps that is how they look at it; perhaps that is how I should look at it too” (Coetzee, 158). Lucy accepted her fate due to the power redistribution in post-apartheid Africa. The overall analysis portrays the African community as a product of violence and suffering. She is unable to escape rape due to her connections with the African race. The violence encountered by Lucy defines racial relationships in South Africa CITATION DrG14 \l 1033 (Fai).

Fear of Lucy is used for recreating gendered issues faced by women in post-apartheid South Africa. The repressed states of the young girls reveal a lack of power. Lucy mentions, "I can't talk anymore, David, I just can't', she says, speaking softly, rapidly, as though afraid the words will dry up" (Coetzee, 155). The experience of Lucy how the community of blacks presented a link between rape and construction of race. This had relevance with American history when rape charges provided opportunities for the lynching of the blacks. The rape policies were existing for the protection of white females only. Lucy is also a victim of rape like other black women of the post-apartheid South Africa. There were no laws that could offer protection or dignity to African-American women. This reveals that black women faced high risks of rapes and violence, but the laws only guarded white women against African males (Mardorossian).

The elements of poverty, social status, and absence of political power confirm the relevance of Disgrace with South African history. Rape is not represented only as a social issue, but it also shows its operation in isolation of other power of axes. Lucy couldn't report sexual aggression because she was black. Coetzee describes the attackers of Lucy as a product of South Africa’s past. They portray the exact picture of young Africans who lack socio-economic opportunities. The brutal assault conveys the historical perspective on inequality and black segregation. Sympathy and sorrow of Lucy transmit individualized attention to the traumatic experience of the victim under rapist assumptions.

Work Cited

Coetzee, John. Disgrace. New York: Viking, 1999. Print. Stranger Shores: Literary Essays 1986–1999. New York: Viking, 2001. Print.

Fai, Dr. Gilbert Tarka. "Post-apartheid South Africa and Patterns of Violence in J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace and Phaswane Mpe’s Welcome to Our Hillbrow." International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 4.8 (2014).

MARDIROSSIAN, CARINE M. "Rape and the Violence of Representation in J. M. Coetzee's Disgrace." RESEARCH IN AFRICAN LITERATURES 42.4 (2011).

Subject: Literature

Pages: 2 Words: 600


[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Adventure From The Odyssey Analysis

If one looks at much of the Ancient literature, there are many epics that are based on the Trojan War. It has special place in the echelons of the Greek literature and the key thing that must be seen in the work is that how Homer is selective in terms of the way selection of the choice material was being carried out. The focus of Ilad was just few weeks of the action that stayed. The other important thing during the material is the action in terms of the way all these things are supposed to work out. The key element in the story is the presence of the Odysseus who comes across as one of the most intriguing protagonist in the contemporary literature of that era. During the course of this paper, it is going to be seen that how the adventure of the Odysseus panned out, what were the situations and the important relevance of Odysseus in the modern literature of his era. The rest of the battle panned out in the manner that the Greek army boarded their shops and sailed for the short distance first time around. Later on, they rejoiced the fact that how the conflict has ended and eventually they brought the horse inside the city. During the night, hosts of Greek warriors emerged from the horse and opened the gates of the city. For the obvious reasons, the people in the city were not an attack of such a magnitude and thus they succumbed to the attack and there was no fighting back.

Cunning and War Mastery of Odysseus

There were many instances during the course of the story where it can be seen that how Odysseus has emerged as a masterful planner. It is not the act of sheer luck that he was able to get the better of the battle and one of the reasons that he was able to come up with something that is so out of the box is due to the fact that he has the wits about him when it comes to managing things in the heat of the battle. There are many people who have pointed out the argument that how he used the loyalty and the honor of the enemy to his advantage and how sneaking behind attacking is not somewhat a good strategy. But the key thing in this regard is that how audacious the approach was at the end of his adventure and how he used to go to every end to achieve his goal.

His masterplan to enter the city was about making sure that he avoids the direct conflict where loss of lives was imminent and infiltration of the city. Thus, effort was being made on his part to make sure that some sort of gorilla battle tactic has to be used to make sure that the upper hand must be gained on the enemy. At that point of time, such a tactic was not heard of and it showed that how important at times it is to make sure that have a cunning mind and shrewd understanding goes a long way towards winning any battle. The important thing that must be noted here is that the understanding of the war tactics and the glorification of the battle are some of the thing that are likely to damage the prospect of the army during the course of the battle and this is the case that can be seen here. Extra glorification of the warfare was something that is a folly and considering the battle has won when there are still forces near you is something that is quite erroneous as a war strategy specially when facing people who are experienced in battle.

Summary of the Journey

There was a prophecy that stated that how the Odysseus is going to stay away from home for a very long period as he intends to join the Greek army and then how he would be attacking Troy. Odysseus loved his wife to the core and had great affection for this newborn son. It is stated that he really did not wanted to leave, so there was an effort on his part to appear crazy and lunatic in front of the others when the Greek army were coming to call. He yoked the donkey as well as on and started his journey towards the seashore. His antics though were exposed later, and he was not able to conceal himself for a very long period of time and thus had to feign illness. Lack of poor planning on the part of the Greeks played its part in the fulfillment of the adventure.

Role of God in the Adventure

Now, the emergence of the storm and how the opposing army invited the wrath of God is something that has clearly gave him the huge advantage, but the fact remains that even if Odysseus had not received any help from the Gods, he has played a masterstroke. The battlefield would have been even if there was a case when where Gods would have intervened after the plan was made on his part to create a major obstacle and attack the city from inside. That does not do anything to tone down his motivations or bringing down one of the major accomplishments that are being carried out on this part. In the hindsight, it shows the acumen of Odysseus and how he used to manage things.

Works Cited


Subject: Literature

Pages: 3 Words: 900


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P Name





The odyssey story starts ten years when the Trojan War had ended. All the Greeks that fought during the troy war had all got back home apart from the Odysseus. He decays on in the Ogygia in the company of Calypso who was a goddess. Fortunately or unfortunately she had emotional feelings for him and therefore did not want to let go of him. Meanwhile back home, a group of potential suitors is trying to court his wife living with the hopes that in case one of them gets lucky to marry her, will have the privilege to rule the kingdom. Back at home too before the war, Odysseus left an infant who is now a grown teenager. He cannot stop the suitors from luring his mother. He had given up in waiting for his father and has assumed that he died long ago in the troy war.

Through Zeus permission, Athena moves to Ithaca to talk Telemachus taking the role of the Odysseus old buddy, during his journey he predicts that Odysseus is still breathing. Just from this thought, she tells Telemachus to invite all the suitors to a gathering then send all of them from his fathers kingdom. With high hope, she asks him to pass through Pylos and Sparta and ask the whereabouts of his father. After the meeting with Athena, he hears a song from the suitors quarter that narrates about the suffering that the Greeks underwent as they returned from the troy war. He realizes that Telemachus is listening to the song and he is deeply depressed about it. Telemachus gets mad with her and tells her that it is not only his husband who never came back from the war and that several soldiers had died in the war. He further advises her to go to her chamber incase the songs she is listening to are upsetting her. Telemachus then speaks to the suitors about a meeting that he was to hold the following day, and that in the meeting they will all be asked to move out of his fathers estate. When the suitors had this they became too furious and even ended up questioning Telemachus.

The following day when the assembly finally meets in the next day, an elder first speaks who congratulated Telemachus for standing up for his fathers position while he was still away. It was also the first time that a meeting had been called since Odyness disappeared. When Telemachus moves forward to give his speech, he complains about him overlooking his father and the home created by his father. He then condemns the suitors for taking over his fathers home and eating his fathers livestock daily (Menlink et al 45).

Towards the end of the odyssey written by Adele Geras and published in 2000. Telemachus plans to leave to Pylos and Sparta to look for his father, and before going he passes through Athena to foretell if his journey will be a success and after getting a confirmation. He picks a crew of soldiers who will accompany him on his trip and carried some food along. His mother his not happy with the decision of him leaving though left with no choice she advises him not to take the sea route. She contained her fears with the belief that God will be on his side thought the journey.

The odyssey is an epic journey, though the term journey should be broadly known. The term epic describes a course taken and based on the Odysseus nosto, it may be described as the return home. When this journey is mentioned in an audience with the Greeks it will be fully known since they have a full understanding of this traditional myth. Though the Odysseus come back is not the only return describe in the odyssey. Attention will shift to Telemachus who is caught up by age and a lot of pressure from the suitors who want the mother to take the kingdom. Therefore in the odyssey again we find out that Telemachus stands up in a journey to protect his fathers position and the king (Dougherty carol 67).

Work cited

Dougherty, Carol.The Raft of Odysseus the ethnographic imagination of Homers Odyssey. Oxford University Press, 2001.

Mellink, Machteld J. Troy and the Trojan War A Symposium Held at Bryn Mawr College, October 1984. (1986).


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Subject: Literature

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Odyssey Presentation

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Odyssey Presentation

With the blessing of Alcinous, Odysseus is all set to reach his home Ithaca where his son and wife are waiting for him to return. He travels to the sea from where he leaves with the new crew at midnight. During his journey, he dozes off while ship reaches Ithaca: his hometown. Sailors unload him and all his goods on the seashore besides an olive tree. They turn back to continue their journey. ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Fv7K6lta","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Homer)","plainCitation":"(Homer)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":163,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/SDKPR49H"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/SDKPR49H"],"itemData":{"id":163,"type":"book","title":"Odyssey","publisher":"Houghton, Mifflin and Company","number-of-pages":"410","source":"Google Books","note":"Google-Books-ID: YM4PAAAAYAAJ","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Homer","given":""}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1891"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Homer)Poseidon takes a notice on Odysseus arrival and complains to Zeus that Odysseus has achieved his goal without any sacrifice. Poseidon is a God of sea and Zeus’s brother who creates hurdles in Odysseus’s journey. Zeus is a king of God. He orders Poseidon to do whatever he thinks is suitable. As a result, Poseidon turns the ship of Alcinous towards the stone, away from their planned route. They later realize that the prediction has come true as we have been struck by the Poseidon’s weapon because we didn’t sacrifice twelve bulls. They decided not to take any wanderers from now onwards and make necessary sacrifices ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"noigalbt","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Homer)","plainCitation":"(Homer)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":163,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/SDKPR49H"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/SDKPR49H"],"itemData":{"id":163,"type":"book","title":"Odyssey","publisher":"Houghton, Mifflin and Company","number-of-pages":"410","source":"Google Books","note":"Google-Books-ID: YM4PAAAAYAAJ","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Homer","given":""}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1891"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Homer) .

On waking up, Odysseus refuse to recognize his home. He thinks he is being robbed by the sailors and dumped in an unknown land. At the same moment, Athena appears in disguised as a shepherd boy. She is a daughter of Zeus who on several occasions, helps Odysseus reach home. He asks her to tell about location and where he can hide his treasure ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"icXaP3DX","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Homer)","plainCitation":"(Homer)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":163,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/SDKPR49H"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/SDKPR49H"],"itemData":{"id":163,"type":"book","title":"Odyssey","publisher":"Houghton, Mifflin and Company","number-of-pages":"410","source":"Google Books","note":"Google-Books-ID: YM4PAAAAYAAJ","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Homer","given":""}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1891"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Homer). She laughs at his ability of not recognizing his homeland. She gives him clues while he lies saying that in order to get that treasure he had to go through killing the son of a king. He continues that he asked for some men to take him home but they left him here. She then shows him the true form of her and tells him to stop lying. She was the one from the start who helped her reach here with all his money. He asks her to give a proof that they are in Ithaca. He then kisses the sand after realizing he is in his home. Athena then helps him to hide his treasure in a cave. He then cries about his wife and her sufferings. She assures him that she will stay beside him and help him. She turns her into an old man so no one recognizes him easily. She later tells him to wait until she retrieves his Son Telemachus who seems to be oblivious of the fact that his father has returned home ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"RAzyCbnZ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Homer)","plainCitation":"(Homer)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":163,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/SDKPR49H"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/CKNkWnK9/items/SDKPR49H"],"itemData":{"id":163,"type":"book","title":"Odyssey","publisher":"Houghton, Mifflin and Company","number-of-pages":"410","source":"Google Books","note":"Google-Books-ID: YM4PAAAAYAAJ","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Homer","given":""}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1891"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Homer).

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Homer. Odyssey. Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1891.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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