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Enlightenment And Culture Diversity

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Enlightenment and Culture Diversity

During the unit 2 and 3, different literatures are read. All the readings are revolved around the enlightenment and diversity. In the article entitled, “Vindication of the rights of women” by Mary Wollstonecraft is undoubtedly one of the references for modern feminism. Her life and work laid the foundations for the ideas in favor of gender equality defended by feminists of later centuries. Mary lived in the times of the French Revolution, convulsive moments in which the rights of man and citizen were defended, forgetting women in all the demands that were made (Wollstonecraft).

Mary, like other women of her time, believed that they should obtain the same rights for which men and women also fought. Of all his thought, the work Vindication of the rights of women supposes a magnificent plea in favor of including half of the human race in the same fight as the other half. It was written in the year 1792, the work of Mary Wollstonecraft is a response to a text by the French politician Talleyrand. Former bishop of Autun, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand was a diplomat who had an active partition in the French Revolution. In 1791, the Constituent Assembly commissioned him to write a public education project that guaranteed the education of children but not girls (Wollstonecraft).

In the first chapter of Vindication of the rights of women, the author shows in several ways that the education of women is important, and that finally, it is not useless. One of his arguments, which will have made me smile a lot, is that to develop the intellect and the virtue of women, it is also finally (I make you short, go read the development) to prevent your wife from ending to deceive you, since there can be no morality without education.

The central point of Mary Wollstonecraft's reasoning is education, which can also be found in contemporary feminists. This is a theme for which the author has learned a lot. She had already published in 1786 Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.Mary Wollstonecraft regrets that the education given to women in her day is finally satisfied only to make them ready for marriage, submissive and weak people who are only there to meet the needs of their husbands (an idea not very finally removed from dystopia The Handmaid's Tale , where women are only there to serve men in one way or another). The author asks herself, "Are these women, who are brought up early in passive obedience, are they well fit for the care of a family, for the education of children? Do they have enough education to fulfill these duties? (Wollstonecraft) "

In the second chapter here (but perhaps not the original), Mary Wollstonecraft continues her reasoning by pointing out that by not giving women the tools to develop intellect and virtue, she remains dependent on the man. "The man placed between it and reason, it will be necessary for it to refer to it on all things without being able to judge for itself." Many of the author's contemporaries believe that a woman cannot reason, and that she can only react with her senses and feelings. Mary Wollstonecraft will apply, throughout her book, that the woman is also endowed with reason and that it would be good to feed her by educating her so that she can use this reason as best as possible. He opposes the education of girls, and Mary Wollstonecraft does not hesitate to express her disagreement with this position. It's interesting to have a contrast with another reference book that is "only" thirty years older, and finally having a speech from another extreme.

“Dream in the red pavilion” tells the story of a powerful family clan during the last century of splendor of the Qing Dynasty. The central axis of the novel is the tragic love between Jia Baoyu and her cousin Lin Daiyu, two young people who reject everything that is expected of them according to rigid feudal morality. Baoyu is smart and impetuous, Daiyu is beautiful and fragile. Their souls are destined to find themselves in a world of intrigue, luxury and pleasure when the arrogant imperial aristocracy begins to show its decline. Cao Xueqin died without suspecting the great importance that his work was going to have. He was a humanist who knew in his childhood the silks and gold of the mansions and spent his last years in misery: life gave him the material to create a unique novel for its beauty and the dazzling psychological depth of its characters. "Whoever knows the earthly affairs thoroughly will obtain wisdom, who deeply captures human feelings” (Shan-he).

This is the great classic of Chinese literature, "the most famous novel of a literature almost three thousand years old", as Borges affirmed, an imperishable book. The beautiful and tragic tale of the love affairs of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu in eighteenth-century China, in the twilight of a feudal splendor that is no more than a dream. Until before its printed publication in 1791, the novel circulated in handwritten copies with different titles. It is also known as History of the Stone.

Works Cited

Shan-he, X. U. "Red Pavilion Dream” is A Work of Warning About the “Dream” of the “Red Pavilion Dream”[J]." Xiangtan University Journal of Philosohp & Social Sciences Edition 5 (2001).

Wollstonecraft, Mary. "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. 1792." The Works of Mary Wollstonecraft 5 (1992): 79-266.

Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, with Strictures on Political and Moral Subject. T. Fisher, 1891.

Zhou, Ruchang. Between Noble and Humble: Cao Xueqin and the Dream of the Red Chamber. Vol. 62. Peter Lang, 2009.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Epic Of Gilgamesh

Jacqueline Howell

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30 January 30, 2020

Epic of Gilgamesh

The etymology of the name Gilgamesh is related and linked to an ancestor as a hero, which means that a hero is a young man. The name Gilgamesh has been attributed to a Sumerian hero, who used to be too peaceful toward his subordinates. This name has also appeared in Akkadian’s poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Gilgamesh name is significant, despite the fact that he loses the plant, who assures him the continuity of his young life. It is significant, for the reason that youth and different other powers related to young life remain related to this name. Throughout the Epic of the Gilgamesh, it remains observable that Gilgamesh’s attribute is credited to names. It fits in the manner since the societal norms and personality traits revolve around a specific kind of orientation of the word Gilgamesh. He accomplishes immorality by keeping himself more young and alive, which Gilgamesh credit to that flower.

Throughout the story, the dreams are related to how different characters pursue their aims and how they relate to each other in a different manner. For this reason, there remains a general unity in the dreams and a total plot of the story. Though in other stories of this nature, this aspect remains absent, but in the Epic of Gilgamesh, it is used to make the plot more realistic and attractive. One of the reason, the author has attempted to maintain a general unity is to keep the essence of the story more intact and joinable. Though they are not related to God in, either way, the commandments or different orientations of God suggest the worth of dreams. These dreams are true to some extent and hold worth throughout the story. Their remains differing views about whether these dreams are good or not.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Epic Of Gilgamesh

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Epic of Gilgamesh


English literature is full of legends of various gods and other powerful creatures who ruled this world and defeated different evil forces to get the common people rid of these evil forces. These legends are in various forms for example in the form of short stories, poems and sonnets. One of the very dramatic and finest examples of such a legend or poem is the “Epic of Gilgamesh”.

“Epic of Gilgamesh” is an epic poem that is based on the ancient country of Mesopotamia. It is one of the finest works of poetry found in Greek literature. Epic of Gilgamesh is also considered to be one of the earliest scriptures written in the ancient time even before the birth of Jesus Christ. Epic of Gilgamesh is a narration about a strong and powerful king Gilgamesh, who was the priest-king of Uruk, who used to be very cruel towards the people he used to rule over.

In the initiation of the poem or the story, Gilgamesh is portrayed as a very cruel and barbarous ruler who goes to any lengths to fulfil his evil needs. He kills people randomly, especially the young men, and takes whatever they have. He also uses their women as he wants.

“Gilgamesh does not leave a girl to her mother”

He meets his twin character Enkidu, who has been created especially to fight him.

“In the wildness(?) she created valiant Enkidu,

Born of Silence, endowed with strength by Ninurta.” (Sandars)

Gilgamesh wants to seek Utnapishtim, immorality, and goes on a long and tough journey to ask for it from Gods, but returns with something much more worthy and meaningful.


Joseph Campbell in his notes about the “Epic of Gilgamesh” informs the reader about the whole narration of Gilgamesh and what he infers from the overall situations. Joseph Campbell has narrated that Gilgamesh went on a mystic journey to find Utnapishtim or immorality but he came back with something much more meaningful and lasting: wisdom. Here, the question arises that whether Gilgamesh is a real hero or not or, can he be considered a real hero. This question can be answered in a number of ways. Various dimensions arise out of this story; the character of Gilgamesh can be seen in the light of all the definitions of heroism.

Usually, a hero is a man who is strong and powerful and faces every issue very bravely. The definition of heroism comprises of both physical valor and exceptional mental capability. If considered in terms of physical capabilities, Gilgamesh can undoubtedly be called a hero.

“He is the hero, born of Uruk the goring wild bull.” (Sandars)

In fact, he can be considered an extraordinary hero. He possesses all the physical qualities that a true hero should have.

“Who can compare with him in kingliness?

Who can say like Gilgamesh: "I am King”?” (Sandars)

He is tall, he is strong and he is masculine. The poet also points out towards the fact that he is also desirable. He exhibits bravery at all the points of his life. Whether it is confronting, Humbaba, the evil monster of the Cedar Forest, or killing the strong bull of Heaven, he exhibits exceptional physical strength and valor at every point.

“Who destroyed Humbaba who lived in the Cedar Forest” (Sandars)

Gilgamesh is portrayed to be Priest-king who is strong and masculine, but he uses all his powers in a wrong way. He is extremely arrogant and barbarous and thinks that no one is more powerful than him. He kills people for no reason, especially the young people and uses women as he wants to please himself. In his arrogance of power and wealth, he does not realize that he is making his own substitutes against him. Just like any other cruel ruler, he wishes to have enormous power that would last forever. He comes to know that the power of immortality can only be granted to him by the Gods. So, he decides to go on a mystic journey, to meet Gods and find the secret to forever life.

"I have come on account of my ancestor Utanapishtim,

who joined the Assembly of the Gods, and was given eternal life.

About Death and Life, I must ask him" (Sandars)

This journey proves to be full of hardships and challenges. Gilgamesh crosses all the obstacles in the way and meets a person named Utnapishtim, who has been granted immortality by Gods. Utnapishtim tells him that immortality is a trait only to be possessed by gods and human should keep in their mind that they have to die one day. They should always keep their death in mind. Hence, Gilgamesh returns back to his country Uruk empty-handed.

Although, he did not carry what he intended to bring back or any other material belonging, still he brought back something that has no price; wisdom. He understood the true meaning of life and power. He realized that he is one of the very blessed humans of Gods and he should use these blessings wisely. Hence, Gilgamesh can be called a hero in spiritual; meanings as well as he realized the real worth of his powers and started using them in the service of his substitutes.


Hence, in short, it can be concluded that Gilgamesh, the king and main lead in the poem Epic of Gilgamesh, is a true hero in every sense. His physical qualities and mental intellect prove that he deserves to be called a hero. Although, in the beginning of the legend, Gilgamesh does not use his powers wisely and greatly abuses both his physical and mental capabilities, he changes this condition as the poem progresses towards the end. He becomes a changed person, realizes the real purposes of all his powers and starts using them for the welfare of his substitutes.

Works Cited

Sandars, Nancy, ed. The epic of Gilgamesh. Penguin, 1972.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Epic Of Gilgamesh5 S

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Title: Epic of Gilgamesh

The initial reaction to the story is that it identifies the importance of friendship among individuals. How the death of the friend had a lasting effect on the other. The story is fun and has its great elements where the two friends set out on adventures together as well as the initial fight between Gilgamesh and Enkidu that lead to the development of their friendship. The part where Gilgamesh is involved in negative habits is the one that I don’t particularly like. Since he is two-thirds God and just one-third mortal, so he should be involved in doing things good for the people. This brings me to the point that confuses me is that the role of God should be to bring blessing and happiness towards the people, so why were their incidents where God made mistakes and destroyed people. It is a story, but I believe that God should be portrayed as an entity that performs only good. The important element according to me is where Gilgamesh realizes that he should be the one performing good for the people so that he might be loved and not hated everywhere. This made him value the concept of mortality.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Essay #1

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O'Connor's fiction brands her a significant trademark character in the movement known as Post-Modernism. The author’s short story “Good Country People” is a primary instance of Post-Modernism, as it carries fragmentation of the social order section omitted with the movements of Pointer and Joy, the 2 key characters. Joy in the story tells Pointer “If you can’t come nicely, I don’t need you in the least.” The author of the story Good Country People, Flannery is mostly regarded as postmodernist, and the views presented by Kurt Anderson in the Article that he wrote are the complete opposite of each other.

Kurt Andersen’s article How America Lost Its Mind maintains that being an American means we can have faith in no matter what we want. This is because of an amalgamation of the new-age outlook created due to the 1960s that fortified Americans to discover their personal truth and the internet age, that has permitted us to make societies that strengthen our views. In the article, he states, believes that solutions arise from your sensible study of visible truth … it’s not the style the world actually functions any longer. He affirmed his point in the first sentence of the article where he asks when America did stray from reality. He says the nation has not gotten over the national nervous breakdown from the 1960s. The journey of U.S citizens away from reality is the absolutely manifested in the election of Trump as the U.S president.

Flannery states that without ending to plea to the normal reader and devoid of creating any proclamations of high objective, the story is able to work at a new stage of experience, by permitting the “wooden leg” accrue significance. In her story, she states that some people can’t be that simple and I knew that I would never be. Post-modernistic ideas of reality are evident here. So Flannery would not have agreed to the ideas of the writer as she was the one main leading author of the literary post-modernism.

Works Cited

Subject: Literature

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Essay #3

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Essay # 3


“A Raisin in the Sun” is a play written by Lorraine Hansberry in which she depicted the segregation era and the problems that Black people faced during that time. The younger family was also one of the many Black people who faced racial discrimination because they were black. However, the story explains that how, despite all the struggles and discrimination, they denied to let go of their dream to shift in a new house in a white neighborhood. In the play, the author did not mention the aftermaths of shifting into a new house so it is rather an intricate thing to assess what happens to the family after they shifted to the new house. Thus, with the help of narratives of the people who lived in the segregation era, one can easily speculate the challenges that Younger family members had faced after shifting in a white neighborhood. This essay will discuss the problems that the Younger family must have encountered while shifting into a new house located in a white neighborhood.


The play revolves around Mama and her children. Mama wants to move out of all-black south side Chicago and buy a new house with the insurance money from her deceased spouse insurance policy. Although every other member of the house has their all plans yet they all eventually agree to mama’s wish and supported her decision to move out despite being reluctant at first. The reason for their reluctance was due to the discrimination they all faced because of their color. Even the broker Mr. Lindner, who showed them the house also tried his level best to convince Mama to not buy a house in a white neighborhood. He suggested, “I want you to believe me when I tell you that race prejudice simply doesn’t enter into it. It is a matter of the people of Clybourne Park believing, rightly or wrongly, as I say, that for the happiness of all concerned that our Negro families are happier when they live in their communities (Hansberry Act II)”.

In the era of segregation, black people were oppressed by white people and they were not even allowed to live in the neighborhood of white people. Both black and white people have a separate area allocated to them to live in (King et al. p.590). So, shifting to a new house in a white people territory was very difficult and challenging. The first thing that the Younger family must have encountered would be the unwelcome attitude of the neighbors and the contemptuous gaze of neighbors. The community members would never have wanted to interact with them just because of their color. Also, Younger’s family members would be ignored in any community-based task. While discussing the members individually, Mama despite facing several issues, would be happy that at least she fulfilled her and her husband’s lifelong wish to shift in a white neighborhood. Walter and Ruth must be struggling as Walter already lost the money that he invested to start a business so they would have financial issues. Additionally, living in a white community would make it difficult for Walter to start a business as the majority of white people despise black people so they would not support a black man’s business (Darity Jr p.226). Moreover, if they ever decided to start a family, their child has to face racial discrimination and would be bullied by their peers as well. Although, living in a white neighborhood opens doors for several opportunities such as Younger’s family could also experience the living standards that were only dedicated to white people. Ruth and Walter can provide their children with an opportunity to get an education in an all-white school. However, the racial prejudice and stereotypical thinking of white people would make things difficult for Younger’s family.


The play "A Raisin in the Sun" highlighted several aspects of the time when black people were oppressed by the white people. Even the segregation was also pervasive in housing. However, despite being constantly discriminated Younger’s family decided to move to a house that was in the all-white neighborhood. Based on the narrative of people and the knowledge gained after reading the literature regarding the issues faced by black people during the segregation period, the challenges faced by Younger’s family can easily be speculated. Younger’s family like every other family living in the segregation period must have faced several issues. However, they would have found their way to resolve the issues as they did before by believing in themselves and taking firm decisions with unity.

Works Cited

Darity Jr, William A. "Employment discrimination, segregation, and health." American Journal of Public Health 93.2 (2003): 226-231.

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun: A Drama in Three Acts. Random House, 1959.

King, A. Thomas, and Peter Mieszkowski. "Racial discrimination, segregation, and the price of housing." Journal of Political Economy 81.3 (1973): 590-606.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Essay 1

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Fourth of July by Margaret Fuller

The creation of the United States of America was to ensure equality among citizens and the promotion of justice for every citizen. Several authors have worked over this idea and have explored many flaws in American society. Such critical studies have examined the creation of American ideals in contradiction with that of the flaws in American society. Margaret Fuller is also one of such critics who argue that the prevalence of slavery was against the norms set at the time of signing the declaration of independence. In the year 1845, Margaret argued that it's been more than seventy years of the creation of America, but still, the prevalence of slavery is a question mark on the norms and ideals our forefathers worked together for. Margaret’s argues that the fight for true equality is the spirit of declaration of independence, and any deviance from it is equivalent to its nullification.

There have been many social problems in America. There were no opportunities for the people to work for themselves or to live a life without fear of war or food crisis. Such societal conditions resulted in injustices and the accumulation of wealth with some people. Since the American society was too distracted and there was a run behind the resources, people started turning back to the ideals of the creation of America. With time this deviation became strong and people started resisting changes. Such phenomena helped in the prevalence of slavery, which Margaret argues is against the declaration of independence. Since the spirit of the declaration of independence was so different compared to the American society, therefore the authors of that time including Margaret Fuller critically examined the causes of such deviance.

In the fourth of July by Margaret, she writes that since "America is rich and strong ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"XknkJD8D","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Fuller 780)","plainCitation":"(Fuller 780)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1168,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/5KC9IFTU"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/5KC9IFTU"],"itemData":{"id":1168,"type":"book","title":"Summer on the Lakes in 1843","publisher":"University of Illinois Press","volume":"32","ISBN":"0-252-06164-0","author":[{"family":"Fuller","given":"Margaret"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1991"]]}},"locator":"780","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Fuller 780)". She believes that the expanding opportunities of economics are bringing hope and aspirations for the American people. According to her at the beginning of the American society things were quite different, people were harmonious towards each other but with times things unrolled pathetically. The reason for such pathetic change was slavery, which she believed taken away the sanctity of the most sacred document of American history. She argues that "the fight against slavery ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Lnpqq0yR","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Fuller 781)","plainCitation":"(Fuller 781)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1168,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/5KC9IFTU"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/5KC9IFTU"],"itemData":{"id":1168,"type":"book","title":"Summer on the Lakes in 1843","publisher":"University of Illinois Press","volume":"32","ISBN":"0-252-06164-0","author":[{"family":"Fuller","given":"Margaret"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1991"]]}},"locator":"781","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Fuller 781) " can ensure the survival of this nation. For her, the beauty of America has started diminishing. The equal rights are not been extended to the people and for that reason, they are becoming ruthless and vulnerable. She urges the people of America in her writings that slavery is not something "luxurious ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"VxgwgQf3","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Fuller 781)","plainCitation":"(Fuller 781)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":1168,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/5KC9IFTU"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/5KC9IFTU"],"itemData":{"id":1168,"type":"book","title":"Summer on the Lakes in 1843","publisher":"University of Illinois Press","volume":"32","ISBN":"0-252-06164-0","author":[{"family":"Fuller","given":"Margaret"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1991"]]}},"locator":"781","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Fuller 781)”, and it is developing them into cruel human beings. Such arguments of her suggest that slavery and rest such other societal issues were considered the grave violation of the deceleration of independence.

Margaret's work about the critical analysis American society suggests that the American society has never remained ignorant of what are the roots of their diversity. American society is based on cultural diversity respect for human rights, justice, and social equality. The deviance from such values has always remained the issue of concern in America. The literature of the last decades of the nineteenth century suggests that the Independence decoration has provided a stepping stone to American society. This is the reason that the learned people of those time believed that challenging any value of this declaration will result in the collapse of the American nation. Margaret arguments throughout her collection suggest that she was also the one among the authors from that time who believed the same.

Works Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Fuller, Margaret. Summer on the Lakes in 1843. Vol. 32, University of Illinois Press, 1991.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Essay 2

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“A Midsummer Night’s Dream: An Analysis of Theme and Thematic Development

“The Lunatic, the lover, and the poet are of imagination all compact.”

-William Shakespeare

The following paper analyzes the underlying theme of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and also highlights the significance of Hermia and Lysander in the context of the development of thematic expression of the play. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was originally written in 1596, by most celebrated playwright William Shakespeare, and is considered as the finest comedy play in history. John Geoffrion (2018) says that “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” might just be Shakespeare’s best known comedy.” Throughout the play, a wedding ceremony (of Theseus and Hippolyta) is elaborated, through which four leading characters and their stories are artistically incorporated to the plot. The subject play portrays a love quadrangle, according to the formation, Hermia has two suitors; Demetrius and Lysander, she wants to marry Lysander but his father tries to imply a wedding bond with Demetrius. On the other hand, the fourth character named Helena loves Demetrius. The interconnectivity of dispositions and their situations made the love a main theme of the play. In the following, theme and its developmental connection with characters of Hermia and Lysander is elucidated in a precise manner.

Phenomenally, "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is an intricate play, and is written very slyly by incorporating a myriad of characters, and therefore it becomes like Russian nesting dolls and depicts the quality of a play that features several plays in it. The vast horizon of plot allows the play to indulge in numerous themes such as love, difficulties of affection, men and women, as well as dreams and supernatural phenomena. However, the theme of love surpasses other themes and becomes the most eminent aspect and guiding light of the subject play. Throughout the play, the theme of love is evident from the actions of its leading and even side characters. From Helena to Hermia, Lysander, and Demetrius as well as Oberon, Titania and Bottom, Hippolyta and Theseus all are presented in the form of lovelorn folks. Nevertheless, the play demonstrates a love that is a bit unique in way of its depiction as it is not overwhelmingly tragic, passionate, or emotional but rather a bit comical. In fact, Shakespeare attempts to present the infliction of love that can make a normal human imprudent, frantic, and unpredictable, and of course blind (figuratively).

"A Midsummer Night's Dream" is auspiciously laden with characters but the role of Hermia and Lysander is leading in developing the main theme of love. Through the subject dispositions, Shakespeare intents to reflect the light side as well as the difficulties of a single emotion that is called love. Lysander says "the course of true love never did run smooth" (1.1.134), and in due course, they bear the objections of their guardians and confront the peril of exile and even death. Throughout the plot, Hermia and Lysander portray a substantial stubbornness in order to get their lovers, Lysander temporarily attracted to Helena, but it happens under the effects of magical love potion. Regardless of carrying a lighthearted tone, "A Midsummer Night's Dream" underlines the rocky route of love through endeavors and courage of Hermia and Lysander on the path of true love. Furthermore, it was the obstinacy of both characters that created the potential of the occurrence of asymmetrical love in first place. As per rule, Demetrius is the rightful suitor for Hermia, but yet, the love of Lysander makes her become a rebel to her rituals, traditions, and even from her father.

Not only symmetrical love but also the chaos of love-potion and confusion between lovers feature the involvement of both leading characters; Hermia and Lysander. The love compels both to run away together, and the love of Helena for Demetrius enforces her to spill the beans about the elopement of Hermia in front of him. Here comes the drama. When enraged Demetrius chases love-birds, Helena follows him as well and eventually they cross the boundary of Athens, and enter into the kingdom of Puck and his master, which is the monarch of fairies and called Oberon. At this point, Helena blurts out her affection for Demetrius and he rejected her plea in the rudest manner. The complexity of love issue tickles Oberon and consequently the ado about magical love potion takes place, and the fumbled emotions augment the confusion to an exacerbated extent.

The characters of Hermia and Lysander are indispensable and crucial, because they are the only protagonists which are truly in love with each other. There is no instance of real love throughout the subject play except both. However, their love becomes forbidden for them because nor Hermia's father neither Theseus support the idea of their marriage, but yet they are actually in love, and therefore they heed no attention on the warnings of their elders. However, Hermia's father accuses Lysander to enchanting her daughter and used to say that "the man that bewitched the bosom of my child" (27, 31-2), but yet such blames never impacted the immensity of Hermia and Lysander's pure love.

By analyzing the above-given content regarding theme and characters' significance of "A Midsummer Night's Dream," it becomes evident that love is the fundamental essence of the subject play. Moreover, roles of Hermia and Lysander assist the mentioned thematic expression to develop full bloom and infuse profoundness through their unique and true bond. Nevertheless, it is a comical play, yet the twist and turns of love-based intricacies are somehow demonstrate the probable dilemma of being in love, and assert that love can bring unlimited chaos with it.

Work Cited

Geoffrion, John, and John GeoffrionJohn Geoffrion. “Review: A Midsummer Night's Dream,Performed Midsummer in the Open Air.” DC Theatre Scene, 30 July 2018, dctheatrescene.com/2018/07/06/review-a-midsummer-nights-dream-performed-midsumme/.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. A Midsummer Night's Dream. New York :Signet Classic, 1998.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Essay 2

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Professor Orlet

LITO 103-OL01D

25 July 2019

Nora’s Transformation in A Doll’s House

Nora, the main female character of Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, who is a faithful wife according to ancient conception of the feminine. The character of Nora depicts a model of a weak, inferior, obliging and respectful lady who always follows the commands of her husband. Nora thinks she is happily married to Torvaldo. They have been married for eight years and have three children. When facing the social mirror, Nora must be reflected in a particular way, and she needs to follow some predetermined outlines, to obligate the prototype of a classic female as expected in that society. Nora's public life is subject to her spouse's choices. Torvaldo controls her dress, dancing, actions and plan when they goes to party or dinner. Nora’s transformation from childish, frivolous to mature ,independent woman is courageous act, rather than a selfish one. Nora Helmer is a true hero, a woman capable of loving as few and sacrificing herself for others in a deeply materialistic world, and at the same time Nora is a pure cry to nonconformity.

From the play Nora and Helmer's relationship can be seen, Helmer represents women living in patriarchal high above. Although Helmer kept saying Nora as "my bird", "baby", "little squirrel" or even "My child," and has repeatedly claimed that love Nora , but in fact he never treated as equals Over his wife. Woman Helmer represents male authority before but obedient. Economically, they have no right to independence in life, they have not achieved equal status with her husband. Therefore, women did not get equal relationship with men. So, what this inequality wrapped up so that women mistakenly thought to enter the era of equality, women gained its rightful place in the family do? This is probably Ibsen on the surface of the problem after the hidden deeper problem.

Furthermore, in the bourgeois society privileged men as selfish, hypocritical nature of the disclosure. Writers in this capitalist society, mainly through successful male Helmer's image to reveal their nature. Nora forged signature guarantor before exposure, Helmer each other for her, however, one when Nora who breach the law for his actions brought him trouble, he immediately thus revealing his true colors. In the dismissal is concerned, selfish Helmer also be fully exposed. His reason for dismissal each other with one hand, he is a university student, on his case too familiar, affect his majesty in front of other people.

In 1885, Ibsen had made ​​a speech, pledged to work for the transformation of social relations, which include women's issues, namely, women in social, family status issues. Nora regarding the forged signature guarantor by her husband knew, finally recognize her own standing in the eyes of her husband, in the family's status, resolved to run away from home. She said her husband and children in addition to their own responsibility, there are other equally sacred responsibility, is "I'm on my own responsibility."(Ibsen). Remarks can be seen as a declaration of women independent. Here, Ibsen that women solve the problem, one must first understand their women in the family, gender relations in the position, then one must fight for their rights as human being’s struggle. In the play, Nora who pinned Ibsen 's hope, expressed Ibsen way for women in society. Nora reflects when women escape domestic constraints, the pursuit of freedom of thought, reflecting the feminist movement of thought Ibsen (Alexander 381).

Additionally, A Doll’s House, exposes the bourgeoisie in the moral, legal, religious, educational and family relations illusion, uncovered in the "happiness", "successful marriage" and other superficial phenomena beneath the shelter of capitalist culture, hypocrisy, and anticipated females' freedom such a sharp social problem (Moi 256). Ibsen in A Doll's House and peels back the way through the layers of the story unfold, analytical psychology of the characters, display character. However, as the work unfolds and especially once the character of Krogstad appears, who years ago lends money to the protagonist, a different facet of Nora is revealed.

Here is also a questioning about morality and an opposition between "feminine" morality and "masculine" morality, which is at the origin of laws as well as capitalist norms. Let's not forget that Helmer is about to become a bank manager. A notable who holds a respected position, while Nora used a scythe to borrow money.

Facing the insistence of the circumstances, she acted according to her own values, discordant with those of her spouse, dissenting with those of the males. She must soon face the uncompromising, unjust, and cowardly reaction of her husband who rushes her to a decisive choice. This situation allows the reader to verify, as Nora has not had such an easy and idyllic life that she could imagine at first, but has had to face very complicated situations , such as a serious illness of her husband, who had to pay for herself.

Faced with this situation, she has to ask for an illegal loan, since women could not ask for loans without the consent of a man, either the husband or the mother. However, in order to preserve moral integrity, mental health and harmony in her husband, she decides to do so illegally , exposing herself to the illegality and danger that this entails. This situation brings her creditor's threats, and even before it, she only worries about saving her husband and her family by sacrificing herself .

However, there comes a time when the situation is unsustainable and finally, her husband, Torvald, learns what is happening, taking against her. Without taking into consideration all the sacrifices she has made for him and for the family, and even wants to leave her, thinking only of what others can think of her and how that would affect his professional career. However, a shift in circumstances frees Nora from the threat, and secondarily, also Torvald, thus completely changing his attitude towards her wife, as if nothing had happened.

This moment is a turning point for Nora, a time when there is no turning back for her. At that moment, she decides to leave her husband and her family. She decides to look for her and do what she wants, to be a free person. She has spent her life being a doll with whom her father first, and now her husband, played and entertained. But at no time could she live her life , always aware of others, acting as expected of her husband and family. Finally, she realizes that it is time to live her life as an independent individual, to start over without anyone's help, to know for the first time in her life what is the meaning of freedom and self - determination in one’s life . So, she leaves her husband and her family, and it was an act of courage because she wanted freedom. Nora Helmer is a true hero, a woman capable of loving as few and sacrificing herself for others in a deeply materialistic world, and at the same time Nora is a pure cry to nonconformity.

Work cited

Alexander, Peter C. "Building a Doll's House: A Feminist Analysis of Marital Debt

Dischargeability in Bankruptcy." Vill. L. Rev. 48 (2003): 381.

Ibsen, Henrik. A doll's house. A&C Black, 2008.

Moi, Toril. "‘‘First and Foremost a Human Being’’: Idealism, Theatre, and Gender in A Doll’s

House." Modern Drama 49.3 (2006): 256-284.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Essay 2


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Part I: Q. No C

The novel ‘Beloved’ by Morrison, narrates the traumatic past of the African Americans. In the African culture, tradition, rituals and mythical folklores have significant importance. This very reason served as a great motivation for Morrison to write this novel from the African perspective and not from a white man’s perspective because previously, the African voice was deliberately silenced in literary narratives. In the concluding line of Beloved, Sethe tells Paul D, “This is not a story to pass on”, based on the horrifying and terror-stricken Black history. This line also serves as a reminder that the memories and experiences of the African race should be recollected by them. Moreover, they should stand for their rights and change their future into a bright one for the upcoming generations.

In the novel, through the character of Beloved, the past has been retold. For instance, when Sethe kills her baby daughter, that memory haunts her for her entire life. It surfaces again through the ghost of that baby girl in the form of Beloved and serves as a reminder that this suffering is unavoidable for an Africa slave. In an instance, Sethe, describes this incident as,

“Some things you forget. Other things you never do. But it's not. Places, places are still there. If a house burns down, it's gone, but the place--the picture of it--stays, and not just in my remory, but out there, in the world. What I remember is a picture floating around out there outside my head. I mean, even if I don't think if, even if I die, the picture of what I did, or knew, or saw is still out there. Right in the place where it happened” (Beloved).

Slavery and White supremacy are dominant themes in the African literary narratives and depict how their cultural erosion occurred at the hands of the outsiders. The African history and culture, gives a high place to the art of storytelling through memory and recollections. Sethe’s views about her past and her culture also work as a caution or an aim that their past is full of Slave experiences, injustice and lack of freedom both physically and vocally. In an instance, Sethe gives the hint of a new future and says to Paul D, “Me and you, we got more yesterday than anybody. We need some kind of tomorrow” (Beloved).

The trauma and regression faced by the African community still holds a place in their history but the importance of the ‘communal experience’ is also stressed by the African Americans in history as well as in contemporary times. They once used it to overcome their sufferings in the form of various movements such as the emancipation movement but for these experiences to not happen again, this communal experience is significant. Morrison, in one of her interviews, explained the communal experience as beautiful, enlightening and a pathway for the future. She says that there is power in the communal experience because it advises what the struggles are (Rootedness).

Furthermore, through the concluding line, Morrison tells the future readers about her traditions, cultures and the brutality of life as an African slave. She has written this story to remind the African youth that although slavery has ended but their past cannot be undone. It will continue to inflict trauma and pain but their future can be changed and it cannot remain fragmented like their past. “Everything depends on knowing how much,” she said, “Good is knowing when to stop” (Beloved). Last but not the least, stories or memories which have unresolved endings make the past bleak but through her novel, the writer also aims for equality and an end to racial prejudices in future America.

Part II, Analysis Guideline

Humanity and Spirituality in African American Literature

Being a human, in all its essence means to take into account the feelings, emotions and needs felt by a human. If one looks closely, a human has to move around in a society along with his fellow humans, he has to follow rules to become a good citizen but he has to be kind and just, in order to feel for others. It is a universally acknowledged principle that man is born free but freedom comes at its own cost because in most parts of the world, people had to fight for their freedom. Their fight for freedom is not limited to roaming freely in their areas, it also includes the freedom of speech and the freedom of expression. Moreover, freedom allows a person to choose his religious beliefs and follow them. Lastly, on a broader prospective, it also includes freedom from want and freedom from fear. The human experience and freedom exist side by side and freedom makes a human free. When a man is not given his basic rights of freedom and freewill, it results in human slavery.

The short story Speech Sounds by Octavia Butler, best describes the essence of being human and stresses the importance of freedom. For instance, the plot revolves around a pandemic incident which makes the entire population tone-deaf and mute. People label each other’s identity based on various objects and titles for their recognition. The protagonist of the story, Rye, reveals her name as Valerie Rye at the end of the story. This situation of chaos and a speechless and nameless humanity refers to the theme of slavery in Africa. Africans were denied the freedom of speech, the freedom of want and the freedom to worship. The tone-deaf and mute people as depicted in the story symbolize the importance of speech, voice and a freewill for humans. When white colonial masters, colonized Africans, they denied them the freedom of will and speech till they later forgot about their independence. They raped African women, killed children and started human trafficking or slave laboring. In an instance, in the story, Butler has compared slavery to an illness:

The illness, if it was an illness, had cut even the living off from one another. As it swept over the country, people hardly had time to lay blame on the Soviets (though they were falling silent along with the rest of the world), on a new virus, a new pollutant, radiation, divine retribution… The illness was stroke-swift in the way it cut people down and stroke-like in some of its effects. But it was highly specific. Language was always lost or severely impaired. It was never regained. Often there was also paralysis, intellectual impairment, death (Butler, 3).

The recurrent symbol of speech and language points towards the value of opposition and justice in the society. The Africans were unable to speak for themselves because their voice was silenced by the White supremacists. Another symbol of ‘newspapers’ points towards the singular point of view of narrating the African history as the world remained aloof towards the horrors of colonization. Butler’s short story tells about the human experience in a postapocalyptic setting and recollects the African traumas of past. Moreover, it also serves as a reminder that in times of crisis, humanity should not be dead, instead it should speak for itself and for freedom of speech. Freedom of speech adds value to living and maintains social order in the world.

Humanity serves as an important theme in the African literature because they were held captive as slaves under worst human conditions. Similarly, the human experience in Africa was in a state of chaos and suffering for the longest periods of time and when they regained freedom it still served as a memory for them. The colonial narrative portrayed the African people as the Other and uncivilized. When Africans took control of their own narrative voice, they recollected their past and cultural heritage through the technique of storytelling. As Morrison puts it accurately in her novel Beloved, “Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another” (Beloved). Du Bois also talks about the importance of humanity and community in his essay The Souls of Black Folk as:

“Herein lies the tragedy of the age: not that men are poor, — all men know something of poverty; not that men are wicked, — who is good? not that men are ignorant, — what is Truth? Nay, but that men know so little of men” (Du Bois).

He refers to the reception of Africans by the White community because the White Americans used to negatively portray them. In African literature, through the importance of harmony and communal experience, they have come together to take solace in each other.

Spirituality is another significant theme in African literature, through folklores and religious symbols, this theme can be seen in Beloved. The incarnation of Sethe’s dead child can be seen through the character of Beloved and according to the Christin believes, forgiveness holds a special standing in the religion as it brings a person closer to his Lord.

“Sethe, even looked straight at the shed where the daughter was killed], smiling, smiling at the things she would not have to remember now. Thinking, she ain’t even mad with me. Not a bit” (Morrison, 216).

Her faith in God restores and she knows that God has forgiven her sins and the author has attempted at merging African values with the Christian faith. The symbol of trees also signifies the African mythological folklores.

After reading and analyzing the meaning of humanity and freedom in African literature, I have realized the importance of freedom and its necessity in the times of chaos. Suffering is natural to human nature but the loss of one’s land and culture should be preserved. The value of communal experience, the importance of storytelling and the positioning of memory and trauma in the African literature serves as a guide for the reader. The African literature, if studied in the backdrop of the above contextual events, highlights the two-centered or postcolonial approach of reading the African history.

Works Cited:

Butler, Octavia E. "Speech Sounds." Bloodchild and Other Stories (1983): 87-108.

Morrison, Toni. "Beloved. 1987." New York: Plume 252 (1988).

Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, and Manning Marable. Souls of black folk. Routledge, 2015.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Essay 4

Subject: Literature

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Essay On The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain

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Title: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Literary Analysis

Mark Twain was a great American novelist and he is known for some of the amazing pieces in English literature. In his famous novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, he employs the strategies of satire, characterization, humor and irony and other literary elements to reflect on the individuals in the novel influence Huck’s life perspective. Mark Twain is a dedicated author of numerous English books and many of those include the element of satire on society. The capital literary element he used in the novel under discussion is, irony. He demonstrates his aspects of writing satire and realism through the scenarios and characters in this great novel.

The irony is a literary technique in which the words are used to convey the meaning that is opposed to the original meaning. The novel is full of many moments of satire and irony to reflect on Huck’s distorted conscience. As the novel begins, it was evident from the story that his juvenile friends follow Tom Sawyer and Huck did the same. In the few earlier chapters, Huck considers Tom as a genius. The irony is that Huck is the one who makes more relational decisions while Tom is all childish and has imaginary adventures. Huck was put in the real scenarios and he dealt with them in the optimal ways.

Despite being an intellectual chap Huck considered Tom as a genius and he used to think the same about him till the end of the novel. Example of another ironic moment in the novel is when Jim is bitten by a snake and Huck demonstrates how little he regards for his father that he would better be bitten by a snake than being drunk off his dad’s whiskey. Furthermore, at a point ironically, Buck misspells Huck's pseudonym, and Huck remembers those in case he is asked about them.

The novel is all set before the time of the Civil War in South America. The location, however, keeps on changing. For instance, it begins in the imaginary small town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. After Huck and Jim met, they set off along the Mississippi River and pass through Illinois, Kentucky, and Arkansas. Both spend a lot of time on the land, but the river defines most of the journey. The river is linked with freedom by Huck and Huck shares the beauty of surroundings in an easy and beautiful language that depicts the natural settings.

Twain describes the personality and traits of key characters in his novel through characterization. Huck is the protagonist who is growing up in the time when slavery at its zenith. Jim, another key character also suffers from slavery and Twain has created a satirical difference between both. Huck is a white educated boy while Twain is depicted Jim as an epitome of stupid black men, through his vocabulary and grammar. Characters are also demonstrated by their actions, such as Huck’s action portray him as a caring man who wants to help others. In this way, Twain creates an image of characters in the minds of readers.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Essay On The Ethics Of Living With Aliens

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Any person will be defined as a refugee if he has been considered the same under the arrangements of various protocols by the International Refugee Organization. As a result of the events occurring before January 1951 and in the events that have taken place on the basis of race, religion, nationality or being a member of any particular social group is away from his original country and is unable to go back out of any fear or due to these fears is not ready to come back. It also includes a person who is not the citizen of a place but is a resident of a place and he is forced to stay outside of this place out of any event or fear CITATION Isa89 \l 1033 (Gunning).

This essay is about the ethical problems faced by refugees. Firstly, a brief summary of the movie District 9 is given. This movie is also about the aliens and there are several ethical issues that have been left unattended. We will take a look on most of these ethical issues.

District 9 is a movie based on the aliens living in a spaceship who come to the earth. The humans cut the ship and enter into the ship to see a large number of aliens living in that ship that is stabilized over the city of Johannesburg. These aliens are taken out of their ship and settled in a city of tents called district 9. Some scientists suggested that the command module got separated from the main ship and the reason of this incident has not yet been revealed. There were some other aliens discovered in other parts of the country and there were riots spread in these cities. The local population was not ready to accept these aliens and there were incidences of a fight between the aliens and local population. The critics have analyzed that a science fiction movie can tell us as much as a social documentary about some social issue. There are a large number of unknown worlds other than our earth and extraordinary movies can be made regarding these worlds. These refugees from some other world have been stationed at a district named district 9. Some of the local people have already seen many aliens in some areas where most of this movie was shot.

The person who has been chosen to lead the operation is Wikus Van der Merwe. This person is exposed to a strange fluid from the body of aliens which turns him into an alien. Now, this human turned alien is considered a very big biological asset for the MNU. The company has found a huge quantity of weapons that can only be handled by the aliens or someone possessing the same DNA as the aliens. The person is an asset for the companies manufacturing the weapons as this will open doors for some new technology to them. The person however will have to be killed in the process of extracting the relevant materials from him. Wikus in this case can be considered a refugee as he has come to this position without his consent and now, he is at the mercy of the company and South African government. Wikus soon meets Christopher Johnson who is an alien and had rectified a command module that will allow him and his son to operate the mother ship that has been there above the city of Johannesburg for the last 30 years.

This leads us to some comments related to a situation where some people have come to another city or country as refugees. First thing would be the distribution of resources among a larger number of people.

The first issue that is raised is that there is a lot of money spent to keep these aliens settled at this place. The second issue relates to the reason why this ship has travelled thus far towards the earth. Another issue can be raised to react to the situation when these aliens are used as a subject to some tests in the labs of the local community. These experiments are done for developing some new weapons. Some scientists revealed that their work was directed towards developing race specific weapons that will be used to target the black people in South Africa. There was another statement that revealed that there was a vaccine targeted at the black women to make them unfertile. In a particular scene, a person orders that the place which is specified for the reproduction of these aliens should be set on fire. There is a continuous protest against the district 9 which is the major residential place for these aliens. There is another ethical dilemma in the situation where Wikus will die as a result of the experiment done on him by the laboratory. The expansion of the weapons left over by the aliens is also ethically incorrect. The opening of straight fire on the aliens has been justified by some people by saying that they were attacking the forces out there so it was necessary to fire at them. Wikus also stops the fertility process of the alien eggs which is also somewhat unethical. The most important ethical issue that has been faced by the cities seems to be the financial cost that has to be borne by them in order to retain these refugees. There have been certain restrictions that have been placed by a large number of countries on the entrance of refugees in their countries. These restrictions become a part of steps to prevent the extra burden on the government to manage more people. However, there have been some negative consequences of these restrictions. One of these negative aspects is the increase in human trafficking across the borders of such countries. These restrictions were initially designed to stop people coming to these countries. This is because these people will come in and the government will have to give them shelter, food and other necessities of life. There have been weak systems to judge the status of various refugees. Some research suggests that the refugees who are the most afraid will be the most vulnerable among all. Another issue that is readily faced by the refugees is that they are not provided an acceptable level of basic necessities by the host countries. As a matter of fact, these refugees are generally related to third world countries. These countries do not have enough resources to cater to their own population. Being the citizens of third world countries, a little effort is made to rescue these refugees from the destination countries. Most of the time, these refugees die because of severe weather and unhygienic conditions.

There is a slight difference between a refugee and an immigrant. An immigrant may have come to the country to earn his living and his situation may not be as miserable as a refugee. A migrant may also have more opportunities available as compared to the refugee. However, both these outsiders are not seen positively by the local residents because their tax payments are spent on them and all other resources are also consumed by them.

Cohen presented seven theses in his Monster’s theory and in the following lines, we will apply that to the scenario of refugees and immigrants. The Monster’s body is a cultural body which means that similar to a monster that comes out at any point in time after its demolition, the culture will also revive itself and come back with some similar and some different characteristics. In this scenario, the story is based in South Africa and historically, this country has been known to practice racial discrimination. The ethical situation of decreasing fertility in black women shows the same culture again.

The culture of a country goes away after creating mass destruction. In this scenario, there have been many instances where the culture has destroyed some aspects of human and alien lives. The officer did not have any problem in destroying the eggs of the aliens. Although they may have been a threat to the life of the citizens but it was a completely unethical act. The monster as a culture escaped after the destruction was completely done. Another instance is shown in the start of the movie where the humans have entered the space ship by cutting a piece of it. This interference created a huge mess for the citizens of Johannesburg but the monster as a culture took the backseat afterwards. The return of these aliens basically shows the attitude of the citizens towards their Black Country fellows.

A monster is not easy to categorize as humans and there is no set rules and regulations through which these aliens may have evolved. This absence of set pattern will mean that monster will show up at the time of some crisis in the society. The movie under consideration depicts that aliens are shifted outside of the city which is showing the attitude of the society towards the minorities especially those who were racially different. The time of the movie is such that the South African society was going through radical changes in terms of the racial discrimination and the same has been shown by representing the blacks as aliens.

The monster always develops itself at the brink of differences between two or more classes. The major differential aspect in the movie is the race. Although the aliens that have been shown are different in many other aspects such as flesh, blood etc. They are a different to a large extent as compared to the normal human beings but they have been living with them and are using the various resources especially the land on which they are living. Some similar differences among the cultures have also been shown in the holy book of Bible. These differences can also be studied between the Jews and the Christians all across the Europe. In the replacement regime, a political figure was unwillingly forced to participate in a medical experiment just as the main character of the movie has been forced.

The monster warns that the humans should refrain from intruding their lives. This is very true in the description of movie as the intrusion in the space ship has brought many disadvantages to the city of Johannesburg. One of these disadvantages is the start of more illegal activities in the city. Again this is a representation of the black people as they are generally known to be involved in more illegal activities. Most of them do it because they are generally very poor and they cannot afford as good a life as the whites.

The monster is linked to some or most of the forbidden activities and all such activities are then associated with one specific class or race that are the black in this case. The basic theme of this association is that it becomes easier for the other race to make them responsible for any act that is forbidden even if it has been undertaken by some people in the majority race CITATION Jef \l 1033 (Cohen).

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. "http://ptfaculty.gordonstate.edu/rscoggins/Cohen,%20Monster%20Culture%20(Seven%20Theses),%203-20.pdf." n.d. http://ptfaculty.gordonstate.edu/. <http://ptfaculty.gordonstate.edu/rscoggins/Cohen,%20Monster%20Culture%20(Seven%20Theses),%203-20.pdf>.

Gunning, Isabelle R. "Expanding the international Defintiion of Refugee: A multicultural view." Fordham International Law journal (1989): 35-85.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

Essay On To Build A Fire By Jack London

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Essay: To Build a Fire

This is the story of a young minor who starts his journey to build a fire for him. He has only a dog to accompany him. He fights the cold and harsh weather to fulfill his determination. The story has a tragic end leaving a lesson for the readers.


This short story, written by Jack London, revolves around a young man whose name has not been mentioned. The protagonist begins a venture through the forests that stood at the Yukon River in Canada. It is a very cold winter day where the temperature is much below -50 °C. The man is followed by a dog who is unwilling by instinct to keep up with him. The young man is warned by a seasoned, old man to leave his idea of hiking through the forest. He cannot estimate precisely the whereabouts of his travel and the adverse weather conditions of the territory.

On his way, there comes a stream of water covered with thin ice hidden beneath the snow. He passes by it carefully. He has to reach the other minors by the evening who are at their camp. He takes a break right after the noon, lit a fire, and takes his meals. During his journey afterward, he slips through the ice into the cold water and gets his legs wet. Since the temperature is significantly low, he is in a life-threatening condition. He tries many times to build a fire but to no avail. All his matchbox is finished and his hands are swollen due to frost. He strives hard to run to the prospectors’ camp, but he tumbles down again and again. He dies of hypothermia and the dog moves on in search of food and shelter.


“To Build a Fire” demonstrates both the dramatic irony as well as the situational irony. The man cannot realize the real harshness of weather and the freezing temperature below -50 °C, whereas the reader knows this reality. The reader is in suspense whether the protagonist shall live or die at the end. This creates dramatic irony in the story. Further, the man finally succeeds in building a fire for him, but the snow starts falling down the tree on the fire at the same time. "The fire is dead". This is the situational irony encountered by the poor minor.

The irony in the story strengthens when we consider some other things. The man shows he has no reason. He trusts his skills overconfidently. He embarks a journey that is not reasonable pursuing it at any cost. Even the dog can sense the inherent dangers of the hike. Thus, a conflict is developed between the arrogant reason of the man and the instinct. Moreover, the man is unaware of the brutality of nature. He finally fails to withstand the cruelties of natural forces and freezes to death in the biting cold forests of Yukon.


Symbolism in the story has been created through the fire, man’s hands, and the dog. First, the fire symbolizes life as the man struggles to build a fire most of the time of his hike. The protagonist’s hope is tied to the fire. When he succeeds in lighting the fire, he feels certain about his survival. Whereas, he thinks he is done for when the fire is blotted out because of the snow falling down the tree.

The hands of the hiker also symbolize life. They also point out to the resources man has at his disposal. The numbness of the protagonist’s hands shows that life is in danger and the available resources for survival are near to finish. The knowledge, skills, and technology of the mankind ascertain their comfort, success, and survival. Finally, the dog symbolizes the instinct that must not be ignored while making crucial decisions of life.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 2 Words: 600


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Frankenstein Critical Analysis Evaluation Essay

Mary Shelly has explored the difference between confinement and society throughout her novel Frankenstein. This novel revolves around the theme of friendship and how the characters of this novel behave with their friends ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"2Tmk91QL","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Shelley)","plainCitation":"(Shelley)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":924,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/PNB5JWB5"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/PNB5JWB5"],"itemData":{"id":924,"type":"book","title":"Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus, 1818","publisher":"Engage Books, AD Classic","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Shelley","given":"Mary Wollstonecraft"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2009"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Shelley). The main critiques of this novel have critiqued over the theme of isolationism. They believe that isolationism discourages companionship. Shelly has condemned the classical gender roles in a romantic relationship and at last, criticized the destructive attributes of Isolationism. The novel also relates to many other social and cultural facets of Shelly’s personal life. Unlike her critiques, her admirers believe that Shelly might have written this piece before her intellectual enlightenment.

John Wilson Croker, an Irish author is one of the leading critiques of Shelly's Frankenstein. Croker is famous for writing critiques about contemporary novels, in the Quarterly Review. Croker uses the structure of the human frame in analyzing Shelly's work ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"GQTSOb1b","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Croker et al.)","plainCitation":"(Croker et al.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":926,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/GMM2PEUW"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/GMM2PEUW"],"itemData":{"id":926,"type":"article-journal","title":"Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus","container-title":"Quarterly Review","page":"379–85","volume":"18","issue":"36","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Croker","given":"John Wilson"},{"family":"Macdonald","given":"D. L."},{"family":"Scherf","given":"Kathleen"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1818"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Croker et al.). He argues that being a social animal, it is impossible for any human to go in isolation and just keep on thinking about his or her own self. He has substantiated his opinion by mentioning about death, which he believes negates every aspect of isolationism. For him, death is what denies the perceptions of Shelly. Croker has compared the perceptions of Shelley with what he believes is the ultimate reality of this world.

J. Bell is another writer who has critically analyzed the works of Shelley. As most of Bell's writing is related to the observable aspect of beauty in humans. In his writings, he has compared the inner aspects of beauty in humans with external societal aspects. He used the same comparative analysis method for Shelley's work. Isolationism and companionship make the upbringing of a person differently ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"VAObbJes","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Bell)","plainCitation":"(Bell)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":927,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/GLNVVZ2I"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/s8f0QVnP/items/GLNVVZ2I"],"itemData":{"id":927,"type":"book","title":"La Belle Assemblée or, Bell's Court and Fashionable Magazine","publisher":"J. Bell","volume":"3","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Bell","given":"John"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1807"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Bell). Neither of these two can solely survive in a society. Bell argues that isolationism is nothing more than denouncing the beautiful aspects of one’s personality. If one is able to find a good companion he should then reveal what beautiful was kept hidden from the society.

Works Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Bell, John. La Belle Assemblée or, Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine. Vol. 3, J. Bell, 1807.

Croker, John Wilson, et al. “Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus.” Quarterly Review, vol. 18, no. 36, 1818, pp. 379–85.

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus, 1818. Engage Books, AD Classic, 2009.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Evaluation Essay

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Evaluation Essay

Joker has been proved as the biggest disappointment of the year 2019. It rises with strangely adult self-obsession from the tulip fever of celebrities grant season as an upscale turn on a recognized popular culture brand. The previous year, it was Luca Gudagnino who disappointed viewers with the release of Suspiria and this year, it’s a director and co-writer of Joker, Todd Phillips.

The character of Joker “Arthur Fleck” is played by the Joaquin Phoenix. He is depicted as a wretched failure and loner of Gotham City in the 1980s. After leaving the psychiatry facility, he decides to live with his mother. Arthur is seemed to suffer from a neurological condition where he is unable to control his laughter at inappropriate moments. He has a crush on his neighbor. He dreams to pursue a career as a comedian in a well-established setting. The only job he got was as a clown with a gloomy makeup and creepy smile. He used to get bullied by the muggers and thugs on streets. Tired of being humiliated, one day he realizes that he is only good at spreading violence instead of laugher.

Phillips has just directed a film including a splendid unfunny-amusing figure with learning challenges: Alan in The Hangover, played by Zach Galifianakis, that abnormal useless figure who mispronounces the noun "Insane". I wonder what Joker would be like if Zach Galifianakis was cast as a lead character. All things considered, the cast of Phoenix shows how sexually appealing the Joker is supposed to be.

The production design by Mark Friedberg is amazing. The cityscape images by cinematographer Lawrence Sher is proved to be marvelous. The performance done by Phoenix is good, but it is not his best. It is nothing as compared to his performance in ‘The Master’, directed by Paul Thomas.

The film holds your attention up until Joker's horrendous vengeance bloodbath on the subway, may be inspired by the infamous Bernhard Goetz shooting of 1984. Although Phillips wisely makes it a non-bigot assault. After this, the film loses your enthusiasm, with dull and constrained material about Joker's alleged triggering of anti-capitalism against rich development, with nonconformists dressing as clowns. A career of Joker which is supposed to be violent, tremendously fails.

The film makes reference to motion pictures from around the show's period, for example, the Death Wish films, The French Connection and perhaps Star Wars, however, it's clearly a difficult and trivial praise to the Scorsese/De Niro’s great The King of Comedy with a touch of Taxi Driver, which implies that at different moments, it's somewhat similar to The King of Comedy and Taxi Driver, just not as great.

This presents Joker's beginning as strongly matured and unanimated, contrasted with, Jack Nicholson's low-level convict Jack Napier, falling into a compound tank in Tim Burton's Batman, transforming him into the Joker with white skin, green hair and a rictus smile. (The appearance of DC's Joker was initially propelled by Conrad Veidt in the 1928’s quite exemplary The Man Who Laughs, a man whose face was deformed into a smile by his dad's political foes.)

There is no motivation behind why Phoenix's extravagantly sequel Joker shouldn't be as amazing as Heath Ledger's enigmatic, unprovoked, disoriented Joker in The Dark Knight. In any case, at some stage, the comic-book universe of supervillaindom must be entered, and Ledger was more dominant since he wasn't overloaded with this pragmatist detail and exaggerated unexpected noir arrogance, and he wasn't compelled to convey a whole story all alone. This Joker has only one act in him: the principal demonstration. The film ,one way or other figures out how to be frantically genuine and shallow.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Family And The Community

Happiness in Difficult Times

[Name of Writer]

[Name of Institution]

Happiness has long been declared as an elusive state of being which cannot be necessarily followed or deliberately attained. The traditional approach towards happiness and the several factors that might lead a person to be happy has a philosophical and abstract description of happiness. It maintains the idea that contentment and peace of mind are something that can only find a person once the subject lets go of the chase. This method of explaining happiness, though sufficiently explanatory, lacks objectivity. The idea of happiness now popularly discussed and officialized goes vehemently against the orthodox perception and categorically identifies the various prerequisites that are supposed to create happiness. It gives an optimistic outlook towards happiness for those suffering from situations with an acute lack of joy or mental well-being because it demotes happiness from its previously held position of an unattainable nonconcrete phenomenon. It simply declares happiness or the lack of it as a chemical or hormonal variation which can be realistically achieved when certain real criteria are fulfilled. The current definition is therefore more favorable when discussing happiness and what may cause a person to have it or lose it.

Out of the many commonly believed triggers of happiness, a healthy relationship with family and community is an obvious serious contender. The environmental factors around a person, when combined with their biological or genetic makeup, completes the picture and decides the direction in which the hormonal scale will tip. Both nature and nurture combine their equally significant role which creates a scenario where a person is supposed to be chronically happy or sad. Family plays a vital role on both of these levels. The inherited characteristics can be positively or negatively reinforced by relationships that shape the social life of a person. Family and community form the frontline of the social framework of a person and therefore become integral to the equation which will result in the conclusion on whether the person will be happy or not.

Out of the films chosen for this unit, the one that decisively stands out in a quest for happiness in difficult times is Precious. The circumstances which define a sixteen-year-old Precious’ life cannot be covered with a blanket term like miserable or desperate. Constant sexual abuse from her own stepfather has resulted in a second pregnancy which Precious completes to term to give birth to a son. The fact that her own biological mother would not care enough to protect her from persistent sexual abuse and instead rebuke her for revealing the abuse to her teacher is very telling of her relationship with her family. The mother does not keep a child with Down Syndrome but pretends to in order to receive benefits. Her total detachment from her children and from any sane reality of the world climaxes when she declares the abuse to be Precious’ fault and blamed her for ‘stealing her man’. This is an obvious testament to her own mental instability. Why happiness or joy has eluded Precious is therefore reinforced in the form of the state of her biological parent. Its translation into a warped familial relationship with both her mother and her stepfather further becomes the reason why Precious cannot find happiness. Her community at the school is also shown as hostile as they blame her for her teen pregnancy which is a result of abuse.

Precious is shown to cope with the circumstances by daydreaming and imagining scenarios in which she is loved and appreciated. The coping mechanism, although unhealthy, keeps her going until an external factor in the form of an inspirational teacher becomes the one member of her community to gift her with a light at the end of the tunnel. This teacher gives Precious refuge when she finally musters the courage needed to run away from her abusive home taking her very young son with her. Even when under the influence of her abusive mother and while giving birth to her second child resulting from sexual abuse at home, Precious is shown to develop romantic feelings for the nursing assistant who caters to her. This is a portrayal of locating happiness and joy even in blatantly dark times. Another positive influence from the community arrives in the form of the social worker who becomes the reason why Precious takes away both her children and finally lets go of any hopes of having a relationship with her own mother. This conversion of difficulty and unhappiness into optimism has been done with the courage and emotional strength that Precious mustered because of the support she eventually received from her community.

Another film which perfectly captures the essence of searching for and eventually locating happiness in difficult times was Real Women Have Curves. Difficult familial relationships created tension and emotional strain on the protagonist in this film as well. An emotionally abusive and manipulative mother was forcing Ana to forfeit her dreams of attending university just so she could stay and work for the family owned business. The mother’s mental shortcomings are shown and confirmed at various points in the film. The entire scenario with the manipulation that asks Ana to put her family’s interests first results in despair leading to Ana missing deadlines. The support from family and community needed to turn the emotional mess around comes into the scene here when Ana’s father and her teacher openly and vocally support Ana’s ambitions. Ana’s sister and her efforts towards convincing their mother to let Ana go are also a testament to familial support bringing positive emotional change leading Ana to apply for a place in the university she wants to attend. The gesture by Ana where she convinces her father to loan money to Ana’s sister for the business also depicts how familial relationships work in reciprocation and how these relationships become emotional strength and support for both the involved parties. The scene where women at the factory remove their clothes and compare bodily ‘flaws’ to the clear disgust of Ana’s mother is a powerful reminder of resilience in difficult times. Ana persists because of support from her father and her teacher. It eventually becomes the reason why her desperate situation of unhappiness turns into happiness as she achieves not only a position at the university but with a scholarship. Optimism and glee after letting go of negative familial influence and embracing positive familial and communal support is the note at which the film ends.

Barbershop is also a commentary on community and the relationships that people may forge with each other in order to receive and reciprocate emotional support. Calvin rethinks about his decision of selling the barbershop because of the community and how it benefits from the work he does and the role he plays. The impossible situation he is later put in due to money and the false criminal charges on his barber are all there only because Calvin chose community over his previously held dream of making a lot of money very quickly. The simple fact that he is coming to terms with telling his workers that the shop has been sold and is obviously unhappy or depressed but yet chooses to spend all his money to bail out his barber is a spectacular depiction of what community means. He chooses to help his friend with the money he desperately needs and that is how he copes with his unhappiness. This is followed by a positive string of events where Ricky is converted from a life of crime towards a better alternative and the confrontation that they are saved from by the police. Helping each other in difficult times therefore keeps both the protagonists afloat until the good in life finds them and they are rewarded for returning the ATM. They hence convert an almost impossible situation into one with joy and bliss by simply being there for each other.

Families are therefore changing and evolving. This is coupled by the fact that all families act or behave differently with very varying dynamics to define the personal relationships. Happiness still depends heavily on how these relationships rest and what they turn into in the long run. If the emotional strength that a person draws from their family is constant and unflinching, searching for happiness is easier. The more difficult family and community are in coping, the steeper the climb towards happiness becomes. We must also let go of the concept that happiness is a state of being which once achieved is perpetual. Like everything else, it is transient and can be lost and re-attained. This constant process has to be identified and appreciated in order to properly understand it. These films depict all these ideas perfectly. The approach of looking for a distraction when unhappy relates to Shirley Temple and what she represented. The idea of how a smiling child was apparently supposed to make a nation forget about their economic sorrows is not the ideal way of seeking happiness. The films contradict the idea of distractions and escape but builds the concept of achieving happiness on real, human relationships with people from the family and the community. Every capitalist escape from misery or any transient distraction which is successful on a large scale can therefore be called a Shirley Temple equivalent of today.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Final Essay

Final Essay

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“Child engagement in the transition to school: Contributions of self-regulation, teacher-children relationships and classroom climate”.

Research paradigm (Introduction and literature review)

Research paradigm used in this research article is critical as we analysed three perspectives. Firstly, attitude of children was being studied or analysed who were under observation; secondly, parents were analysed as questionnaires were given to them so that researchers could know more about their background. Impact of parent’s background on the development and behaviour of children cannot be denied. Thirdly, grading of teachers has been analysed as they rate children by observing their behaviour and engagement in class activities. It has been seen that teachers have graded children on relative bases as there were many children that they have to observe. So it could be said, critical research paradigm has been used in this research article as there are pieces of evidence that show critical evaluation of children and parents, done by teachers (Cadima,et,al,2015). This research is also presenting a philosophical view of the world as there has been witnessed, involvement of one of the main branches of philosophy known as ontology.

Ontology is the study of being; study of children asserts that it is presenting a philosophical view in which researchers have been concerned with basic realities of nature such as impact of background of parents on children. Nature of human being is also one of aspects that could be seen in this research that has been depicted by the natural behaviour of children who were not focused on behaving in certain manners instead they were provided with natural setting of classrooms for observing their behavioural engagement. Pianta and Rimm-Kaufman have suggested that how vigilantly children would be coping with the changes that are linked with their behavioural engagement in schools. Reschly and Christenson have argued that behaviour engagement is necessary for the successful participation of children in their schools along with their identification in school.

Project aim (Critical analysis)

One of the main aims of the study is to examine how characteristics of child under various contextual factors of classroom, such as quality of teacher-student relation and organization of the classroom are going to play their role in the prediction of behavioral engagement of children in kindergarten and first grade that could be view as fundamental stage of the academic learning (Downer,et,al,2007). This research was done for knowing how the engagement of children in classroom activities would help them in their future academics years. Another primary purpose of this study is to examine how far behavioural engagement would show stability across of kindergarten and grade-first. Critically, it could be said that this research was conducted for knowing the involvement of children in classroom and their progress during the transition period. Critically, it could be said that this research was done for knowing the impact of various surrounding factors that are usually ignored but after this study it has been seen that surrounding of the students and way they are treated defined their future behaviour.

Key research questions

Q.1 Does behavioural engagement of a child help in the development of his social-emotional domains?

Q.2 Is class participation of a child a tool of behavioural assessment?

Q.3 What is the impact of low education of mothers on the inhibitory control of child?

Q.4 What would be the impact of teacher-child conflict on the behavioural engagement of child?


In this research article, researchers have used various methods for checking behavioural engagement of children during the transition period at school where they get their primary academic education. There is utilisation of three types of methods for collecting required information such as questionnaire, rating by making reports and observations. Researchers were there for observating, self-regulation, inhibitory control, teacher-child relationship and impact of behavioural engagement of child in classroom climate.

First of all, parents were being given questionnaires, and they were interviewed as well for knowing the background of children and their parents. It was essential to have knowledge about the background of children's parents who were participating in this research as they would have strong impact on the grooming and behaviour of a child that he/she would show throughout his/her life (Cannella,et,al,1997). Parents were given questionnaires that they had to fill about their demographic background that included many questions such as names, education of mothers, and the gender of the child along with age. Data for this research was collected in two wave forms as it was collected once in the beginning of the year and then at the end of the year.

Teachers had to make reports about the behavioural engagement of children as per their observation that they took during their classes. Teachers were keenly observing each child how he/she were engaging in classroom activities and what sort of attachment children were having. Teachers were also having a look whether a child had any conflict with teacher or not. It is a fact that environment in which children spend initial years of their life significantly cast impacts on them for long times. Teachers were also given questionnaires that they filled for the researchers, so that the researchers could have most accurate results. Most importantly, researchers were directly observing children. Critically, it could be said that the researchers were directly having an eye on the participants when they checking behaviour of each child through camera.


In the study, the participants selected were children, kindergarten and teachers who used to teach students of kindergarten and first-grade. Parents were also participants of this research as they filled questionnaires for their demographic background. In total 145 children participated in this research, 75 were girls and boys were 70 in numbers. On average, age of selected participants was six years and two years. Classrooms where children were enrolled were 30 in numbers. Each of the first-grade teachers was having 14 years of teaching experience on average with a professional degree in education. All the participants including parents were under the observation of teachers and researchers. Parents were not directly monitored but their questionnaires were studied for extracting information about their background. This thing was quite clear to the teachers and the researchers that the selected participants would have different nature. So one of the competent teachers were selected for this research

Construction of children

Children were positioned in a very systemic way where they were participating as objects of the research. Teachers and researchers were observing them. There could be seen a clear link as children being the objects in this research as they were unaware that their behavioural engagement was being observed by the researchers (Carlson,et,al,2007). Yes, children were treated well, by teachers who were behaving in a quite ethical manner. It was seen that teachers behaved well with students for winning their confidence so that children would behave in a natural way that would be beneficial for this research. Structurally children were not acting uniformly as they belonged to different parents who greatly influenced their behaviour. One of the obvious things that have been observed in this research was that boys were showing less engagement in the class activities and were having more significant conflict with teachers. It could be said that was because of the nature that they cannot change. There has been seen evidence of strong relationship between the adult researchers (teachers) who were monitoring behaviour of participants in class and those who were exhibiting their behavioural engagement in natural setting by pointing towards their background.


From the research, it could be concluded that there was quite low level of teacher-student conflict reported by teachers and the level of closeness between these two figures is satisfactory. Also, the level of conflict among children is quite low. Engagement of children who were both in kindergarten and first-grade was average. The recorded readings of the engagement of students in first-grade were 78% out of the total time of the observation. It could be said that they learnt something in kindergarten that helped them in first-grade. Association between students of kindergarten and first-grade was considered positive (Birch,et,al,1997). As a result, it could be seen that there was positive association between teacher-child closeness and engagement of children in kindergarten while on the other hand the conflict between teacher-child conflict and peer-teacher conflict was seen having a negative relation with that of behavioural engagement for kindergarten students.

In the case of first-grade, researchers have observed negative relation of teacher-child conflict and peer-teacher conflict as well, that shows involvement of self-directed behavior. It was also reported by the researchers that boys showed relatively lower levels of behavioural engagement for both classrooms (kindergarten and first-grade). But when the association of the background connection was inspected, it was seen that education of mothers was both weakly and positively associated with the inhibitory control of students whether it was a boy or girl. One of the main things that have been seen while compiling the result of this research was, boys were having lower level of teacher-child closeness while having higher level of teacher-child conflict (Fredricks,et,al,2005). As a whole, it could be concluded, children who showed a higher level of behavioural engagement in kindergarten, were reported by the teachers demonstrating more competency for classroom organisation for first-grade. Approach that has been chosen for this research article is not much satisfactory as people may show biases and lack of interest of a teacher may affect the outcomes of this research. The whole of the research is not evaluated directly by the researchers so the chosen approach cannot be said satisfactory as there are many gaps in this approach.

Strengths and limitations

This research is going to be helpful for many people like parents and teachers who are going to be in direct association with children. By having a look at this article teachers could learn a lot that they could practically implement in their classrooms for improving the performance of their students. Following are the strengths and limitations of this study material:


Children would get positive feedback from their teachers when they would participate in classroom activities.

Positive engagement in classroom would have positive impact on the overall academic learning of children.

By applying tactics that have been mentioned in this research article, teachers would see level of competency of each child.

Children need guidance and attention in the early age that they would get from teachers if they would put little efforts.


This article involves observation of many people that could mould the actual results that should be gathered at the end.

Biases of teachers could not be controlled.

A child may have healthy relationship with a peer but may not have some relation with others as there would be number of students in classroom.

This research could be used for getting knowledge about children of kindergarten and first-grade only.

Personal preferences can also affect the authenticity of the provided information and observed details.

Lack of training of the observer or the teacher would also affect gathered data and results.


Birch, S. H., & Ladd, G. W. (1997). The teacher-child relationship and children's early school adjustment. Journal of school psychology, 35(1), 61-79.

Cadima, J., Doumen, S., Verschueren, K., & Buyse, E. (2015). Child engagement in the transition to school: Contributions of self-regulation, teacher-child relationships and classroom climate. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 32, 1-12.

Cannella, G. S. (1997). Deconstructing Early Childhood Education: Social Justice and Revolution. Rethinking Childhood, Volume 2. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 275 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001.

Carlson, S. M., & Wang, T. S. (2007). Inhibitory control and emotion regulation in preschool children. Cognitive Development, 22(4), 489-510.

Downer, J. T., Rimm-Kaufman, S. E., & Pianta, R. C. (2007). Engagement in Learning!. School Psychology Review, 36(3), 413-432.

Fredricks, J. A., Blumenfeld, P., Friedel, J., & Paris, A. (2005). School engagement. In What do children need to flourish?(pp. 305-321). Springer, Boston, MA.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

Final Essay


Professor name


July 29, 2019


Steve Cave

Steven Cave in his article mentions, “moral liberty—the capacity to discern and pursue the good, instead of merely being compelled by appetites and desires” CITATION Ste161 \l 1033 (Cave). This reflects that there is not free because people lack authority to make choice. Human beings are also facing a conflicting situation in which they have to chose between right and wrong. This limits their freedom for making a decision that represents their own interest. Cave mentions, “the conscious experience of deciding to act, which we usually associate with free will, appears to be an add-on, a post hoc reconstruction of events” CITATION Ste161 \l 1033 (Cave). The argument of the author claims that a free-will is almost non-existent because the society puts limitations on the people. They are constrained from taking actions that are against the essence of goodwill or welfare.

Story of an Hour

Kate Chopin in ‘Story of an Hour’ mentions, “it was not a glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought”. The actions of humans are not the product of their own thoughts but is also the result of their social interaction and engagement with others. Chopin has used the concept of sameness for explaining how thoughts of humans are constrained. The author in the story claims that all human beings are more or less same. They act in same way to similar situations this undermines the role of free-will. Chopin further mentions, "Years to come that would belong to her absolutely". People in different situations lack freedom and are enforced to live the lives chosen by the society and peers. Chopin states, "there would be no one to live for her during those coming years; she would live for herself. Choices are non-existent for women because they are also controlled by society.

Huckleberry Finn

Mark Twain in ‘Huckleberry Finn’ states, “a man can’t get his rights in a government like this”. Free-will is also linked with freedom of rights but a common man is relying on the laws created by superior authority. Twain mentions. “mankind are so much the same, in all times and places”. Human beings are same because they are trained to act similarly. “Its chief use is only to discover the constant and universal principles of human nature”. The universal principles limits the free-will because humans are bound to differentiate between right and wrong.

The Gilded Age

Mark twain in ‘The Gilded Age’ states, “a woman's intuition is better than a man's”. Women face more constraints due to the social settings that reflects absence of freedom. She further claims, “this is not the golden age of mutual trust, of unlimited reliance upon human promises”. In this age people trust because they are taught to stay good to others. This indicates the role of social influences that control lives of people. This again indicates that people are lacking free-will. Twain mentions, “no country can be well governed unless its citizens as a body keep religiously before their minds”. This minds of citizens are not free entirely as they are controlled or influenced by the laws of state. This undermines the concept of free-will.

Work Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Cave, Stephen. There’s No Such Thing As Free Will . 2016. 29 07 2019 <https://www.richarddawkins.net/2016/05/theres-no-such-thing-as-free-will/>.


—. The Gilded Age. 1873.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Final Project Writing

Final Project Writing

[Charles Nyanway]

[Name of the Institution]

Absolute Government

The tendency of absolutism is not uncommon in this world of tussles and conflicts. Every now and then, this problem has evolved in the pages of history and the world continues to face it even in this civilzed age today. Government was created by the primitive men as the solution to many of his problems. Nevertheless, this government became absolute in its approach when it tried to dominate every aspect of life. This is the gigantic problem as this absolutism is obvious in several corners of the world. This totalitarian government is perilous for the people, and for the society in general as people suffer a lot in such government systems. People just become puppets and stooges, and follow every single dictate of their rulers. This is the tragic situation. The dark and ills-side of absolutism is highlighted frequently in several pieces of writings. Several authors around the world deliberated and tried to awake people against this capricious tendency of governments. In this vein, these short pieces of literature, “Harrison Bergeron” and “All the King’s Horses” depict that absolute and totalitarian governments are basically a source of deprivation for the people as they impose different irrational norms and give more significance to their own strategic objectives rather than people’s welfare and well-being.

The stories Harrison Bergeron and the All the King’s Horses are the different in their context and depiction. The one piece is about the normal conduct of the society under normal conditions. On the other hand, All the King’s Horses is about the special circumstances such as war theaters. In Harrison Bergeron, a man who is not willing to surrender his individual rights is killed ruthlessly by the government agent. Whereas, the story All the King’s Horses shows that people are deprived of their rights when there is war. Kurt Vonnegut pictures an ideal society in Harrison Bergeron and then in another short story, he portrays chaos and disorder among people due to the paranoid situation in the country. However, there is some similarity in these literary pieces as well as the author uses a perfect scenario for these two masterpieces. He utilizes the same narrative and expository discourse to simplify the perils of aboluste governments in the society.

No one can escape the totalitarianism of the total government, not even the sane voices. This is what that the author tries to illustrate in this short fictional story. The story Harrison Bergeron ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"QlW1xiLX","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Vonnegut, 1962)","plainCitation":"(Vonnegut, 1962)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":11,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/LEVYDS9M"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/LEVYDS9M"],"itemData":{"id":11,"type":"book","title":"Harrison Bergeron","publisher":"Mercury Press","number-of-pages":"6","source":"Google Books","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Vonnegut","given":"Kurt"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1962"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Vonnegut, 1962) is the well-read masterpiece of the Kurt Vonnegut. He is the most vocal critic of the absolutism in governments. His story illustrated that sometimes the government or those-in-power impose different set of irrational beliefs such as superficial equality in the society. People are made superficially equal by wearing different handicaps which is not realistic in approach. Equality is not achieved with such means and the author opines that governments become so irrational that they spoil good deeds as well. Here, in Harrison Bergeron, the noble concept of equality was distorted. People were forcefully made equal and when one person resisted, he was killed for his rebellion. So, this is drawback of absolutism which the author explains with his rationality.

Furthermore, the story of All the King’s Horses is another reflection of same concept of absolutism in governments. The authors here explains the importance of strategic objectives for those in power ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"xNgJoz3S","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}All The King\\uc0\\u8217{}s Horses,\\uc0\\u8221{} n.d.)","plainCitation":"(“All The King’s Horses,” n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":13,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/Z4FXFRVQ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/Z4FXFRVQ"],"itemData":{"id":13,"type":"webpage","title":"All The King's Horses","abstract":"First published in Collier's (1951-02-10) The story takes place in the early years of the Cold War and centers on U.S. Army Colonel Bryan...","URL":"https://www.goodreads.com/work/best_book/42454258-all-the-king-s-horses","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",5,17]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“All The King’s Horses,” n.d.). He highlights that governments ought to take care of their own people, but at times they totally surrender them. This is the usual modus-operandi of the government which is not sympathetic to his people’s need and wishes. The author used a fantastic discourse to picture a fictitious scenario of a war where Us governments was much focused on the conduct of war rather than the expertise of people. He is very eloquent about the war scenario which is characterized by confusion, animosities and, secret campaigns. People were treated like machines by the government and there is total insecurity among masses. Kurt Vonnegut approach in this masterpiece is very narrative as he discusses the war scene and the consequent tragedies.

As a matter of fact, I think the author in both stories was very clear about his theme which was the perilous side of the absolute governments. Kurt Vonnegut in his several stories have raised the most pressing issues of the time and he is well-known for his satirical literary style. Being an American, he knows the society well. He is really effective in articulating the underlying issue that exist everywhere in absolute governments. The issues he highlighted are still common in this modern world, where several totalitarian governments exist and people are bereft of their rights. More accurately, this state of affairs is common in the conflict-stricken Middle East and in some Communist countries ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"OdffxtD3","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Almond, 1956)","plainCitation":"(Almond, 1956)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":190,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/2U7HSWDL"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/2U7HSWDL"],"itemData":{"id":190,"type":"article-journal","title":"Comparative Political Systems","container-title":"The Journal of Politics","page":"391-409","volume":"18","issue":"3","source":"journals.uchicago.edu (Atypon)","DOI":"10.2307/2127255","ISSN":"0022-3816","journalAbbreviation":"The Journal of Politics","author":[{"family":"Almond","given":"Gabriel A."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1956",8,1]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Almond, 1956).

In a nutshell, it may be fairly suggested from the above discussion that both short stories “Harrison Bergeron “and “All the King’s Horses” are eye-openers. Both literary masterpieces share the same them of absolute governments. The author takes a great pain in highlighting the critical aspects involved when goverrnments become unmethodical in their approach. He depicts that societies get ruined by such irrational means and ends. The strict of following of Machiavellianism in society gets nowhere. People suffer under such system and when it happens people has the right to overthrow governments. People ha the legitimate right to object to such absurd systems. Hence, this is the main idea of the author who used his satirical style to raise awareness among masses.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY All The King’s Horses. (n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2019, from https://www.goodreads.com/work/best_book/42454258-all-the-king-s-horses

Almond, G. A. (1956). Comparative Political Systems. The Journal of Politics, 18(3), 391–409. https://doi.org/10.2307/2127255

Vonnegut, K. (1962). Harrison Bergeron. Mercury Press.

Subject: Literature

Pages: 3 Words: 900

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