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Law And International Law Examples and Topics


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Role of a police officer

The concept of police reasonability leads to the debate on the identification of right policies and their implementation. A police officer has the responsibility of maintaining law and order by taking appropriate actions. They must be able to integrate adequate tactics for dealing with crimes and criminals. Key strategies involve adopting problem-oriented policing, deterrence approaches, and crime deterrence. Attention is required for enhancing legitimacy as police have to follow the legal regulatory framework. New strategies and approach can be integrated for improving officer's role. Evidence-based practices can be more effective in deterring crimes and dealing with criminal procedures.

Hot spots policing states that officer must search at places where crime rates are high. Evidence suggests that “police resources on crime hot spots provided the strongest collective evidence of police effectiveness that is now available” CITATION Cod12 \l 1033 (Telep & Weisburd, 2012). The areas with high crime rates exhibit a high likelihood of future crimes. When police targets high crime areas they manage to reduce crimes. In small geographical areas, the role of police has been effective because a significant reduction in crime rates was observed. The policing states that fifty percent of the crimes occur at areas that are concentrated in less than five percepts of places. Officers mostly take actions that target the streets but not the neighborhoods. Street-by-street heterogeneity is also reported in case of crimes. Hot Spots policing this claims that officers must be able to identify the areas where potential risks of crimes are high. It is inappropriate to cause inconvenience to the larger population.

Police officers must respond efficiently that will remove the risks of crimes. Their central duty is to reduce crimes and promote an environment of peace and order. Although Hot Spot policies stress on targeting risky areas but police require instructions for responding to situations of threats. The officer must be able to spend an ideal time of 14 to 15 minutes in a hot spot. With the increase in time the probability of deterring crime declines. Evidence suggests, "police can maximize crime and disorder reduction at hot spots by making proactive, medium-length stops at these locations” CITATION Cod12 \l 1033 (Telep & Weisburd, 2012). This also reflects the officer's ability to respond to the event of a potential threat. The more immediate response means a high probability of controlling crimes. The Hot Spot policy thus identifies that the role of the officer is to respond to the situation on the earliest basis. Delay in response increase the chances of crime and its consequences.

Situational prevention strategies state that the officer must be capable of reacting to the crimes according to the situations. This ensures that the strategies are well positioned for targeting criminals and areas exhibiting high risks of crimes. Host spot strategy indicates that crimes are clustering at specific locations. The officers must address the criminogenic factors of risk that refers to client-specific needs. This links with cognitive behavioral principles. This suggests that the officers need to use resources for reacting to high-risk clients in hot spot areas. The strategy is useful for eliminating the waste of resources.

Problem-oriented policies depict that the police officers must target different geographical areas for reducing risks across the country. Their proactivity will allow them to mitigate the risks and remove the occurrence of crimes. Officer adopts a problem-oriented attitude that indicates his ability to identifying risks and reacting in an appropriate manner. They start from scanning that indicates the determination of potential problems. Police “often engage in a form of "shallow problem solving" that involves only peripheral analysis of crime data and a large law enforcement-oriented response” CITATION Cod12 \l 1033 (Telep & Weisburd, 2012). This takes the officer to the responding stage where he reacts to the situation appropriately. The problem should be handled in a short time and period. Expansion of repertoire response increases the possibilities of crime deterrence.

Pulling levers is another strategy that defines the roles of police officers in dealing with the situation of crimes. This stresses on forced deterrence tactics for ensuring removal and reduction of crimes. By adopting pulling levers, “police can increase the certainty, swiftness, and severity of punishment in a number of innovative ways, often by directly interacting with offenders” CITATION Cod12 \l 1033 (Telep & Weisburd, 2012). Officer's interaction with the offender allows him to understand the motives and nature of the crime. The model stresses on promoting intolerance against violence. The officer will ensure that the criminals are put in jails that will eliminate future risks of violence or serious crimes. The officer needs to follow legislation and rules for making the right use of power. Any role beyond legislature is against police ethics and duty.

Directed patrol to gun violence suggests that the police officer must act to control gun violence. Intensive patrolling is an effective tool for reducing gun violence from the country. The policy states, “more intensive police presence in high gun crime beats seems to be effective” CITATION Cod12 \l 1033 (Telep & Weisburd, 2012). This reflects the involvement of police in responding to the situation of gun violence. Using DNA evidence is also required action for finding the right criminal. The officer must undergo an investigative process such as identifying the DNA of the criminal. DNA testing will eliminate errors in investigations.

A police officer has a duty to follow the legal framework and work efficiently for deterring the crimes. The central purpose is to restore law and order by protecting the lives of citizens. The officer has a responsibility to engage in intensive patrolling and identify potential risks for eliminating crimes.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Telep, C. W., & Weisburd, D. (2012). What is Known About the Effectiveness of Police Practices in Reducing Crime and Disorder? Police Quarterly, 15 (4), 331–357.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 3 Words: 900


Title page

Social development

Thesis statement: Providing adequate after-school socializing opportunities to youth will minimize the prevalence of crimes.

The argument claims that by social development of middle-school students will reduce future crimes. It claims that youth involved in less supervises socializing activities after schools exhibit high risks of building offensive behaviors in future. Compared to this student getting adequate coaching in after-school programs will manage to overcome negative behavior attributes including aggression, hatred and violence. Theories on criminology state that youth that engages in the unstructured and unsupervised social environment are more likely to commit offences in future. Their deviant behavior is apparent in their crimes and substance use. Provision of an adult-supervised environment contributes towards positive social development of youth.

After school programs have a significant role in the social development of the children. The purpose of these programs is on minimizing the risks of developing deviant behavior. Free after-school program provides a practical solution for establishing positive attitudes that will strengthen the youth's ability to rejecting deviance. The programs focus on familiarizing students with their social responsibility.

According to the micro-dynamic principle of sociology, the personal experiences of the poor and deprived groups create a situation of hopelessness. The negative attitudes and feelings are the result of individual encounters with these people with other subgroups and institutions. They are well aware of the resources they lack making them more eager to earning money. Their desires to improve their quality of life is another aspect of leading them to crimes and human trafficking. The theory of sociology explains that these people are unable to trust the society or the institutes and blame them for their deprivations. They believe that their sufferings and miseries are the product of social inequality and injustice. The behavioral capacities define the role taken by these people. The behavioral capacity defines their ability to adapt to the new culture and society becoming visible in their decisions of engaging them with negative activities. Their choices are their response to the social situation where opportunities for earning are limited CITATION Jon10 \l 1033 (Turner, 2010).

Through after-school programs, it would be possible to provide better social development opportunities to children. Poverty influence the behaviors of poor children and studies depicts the association of high-quality programs with behavioral development among poor children. Effective programs are appropriate for dealing with the behavioral issues among African- American children that include the reduction of stress and aggression.

Socializing programs generate significant influence on the lives of children and adolescents that influence their development. The children lacking the benefits of such programs exhibits high risks of building negative attitudes. Effective programs can focus on resolving issues faced by youth and provide them with opportunities for becoming better citizens. The children in the US and all across the world that belong to poor backgrounds are disadvantaged children as they suffer the consequences' of social injustice. Evidence suggests significant “relationship between the amount of time adolescents and young adults spend in unstructured socializing in the absence of authority figures and growth in delinquency and substance use” CITATION Ama09 \l 1033 (Cross, Gottfredson, Wilson, & Rorie, 2009). This indicates that the probability of offensive behaviors can be reduced by indulging youth in development activities. After school programs lead to better behavioral skills that improve the adaptation of children to different environments.

Socializing opportunities act as an indicator of behavioral development. Children that encounter the issue of problem behaviors also exhibit them in adolescence and adulthood. The evidence depicts that schools and education shape the behavior of youth by resolving problems. The most effective tool that results in learning of individuals is their involvement in structured programs. Positive environments are likely to promote positive behaviors among poor children. High-quality caregiving experiences lead to positive developments in youth.

Well- trained professionals and staff can provide better structured and supervised socializing activities that improve the chances of social development. Trainers will guide them to avoid spending unstructured time with friends on hanging out or on watching violent films. Common activities of the socialization programs include; indulging youth in art, craft, creativity and recreation. Similar encouraging them to join clubs or spend time in sports like basketball, soccer or baseball also provides the opportunity for getting rid of negative behaviors. The programs are focused on engaging youth in constructive activities that eliminate the chances of developing delinquent behaviors in future CITATION Ama09 \l 1033 (Cross, Gottfredson, Wilson, & Rorie, 2009). These programs explain students the adverse impacts of unstructured activities such as wasting time on hangouts. They are provided better substitute such as art or sport that they find attractive. Consistent adult monitoring is essential for effective supervision in after-school programs. When students are not supervised in activities like sport or recreation, they exhibit risks of developing negative attitudes. To make programs more attractive for children they must be innovative and offer an element of excitement. Boring programs can be ineffective because they fail to persuade youth.

The argument states that crimes can be reduced if the youth is provided opportunities for overcoming offensive behaviors through structured and supervised programs. There is a need for hiring professionally skilled trainers who can provide better supervision to youth in after-school programs offering free after-school programs for socialization attract more students. The argument explains that the states and schools can promote positive attitudes and socializing skills among students that will minimize the probability of becoming deviant in future.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Cross, A. B., Gottfredson, D. C., Wilson, D. M., & Rorie, M. (2009). The impact of after-school programs on the routine activities of middle-school students: Results from a randomized, controlled trial. Criminology & Public Policy , 8 (2), 391-411.

Turner, J. H. (2010). Theoretical Principles of Sociology, Volume 2: Microdynamics. Springer.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Essay 11


[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Similarities between Civil legal tradition and Islamic legal traditions


Islamic legal system comprises of different legal institutions, practice, and determinants that are prevalent since fourteen hundred years ago, arising from a diverse source of geographical and cultural context. Sharia or Islamic legal system act as a framework of religious doctrine of Islam mentioned and directed by the Hadith and Holy Quran (Glenn, 2014). Islamic legal system act as a code of conduct for the Muslims, dealing with all dimensions of life such as fasting, donations, prayers and the intentions towards other beliefs and religions. It aims at helping Muslims understand how they should live their life (Vikør & K. S, 2019). Civil law tradition or Civil Law is defined as a legal system that originated in Europe and it is intellectualized in the framework of Roman law (Xie & T, 2019). Civil Law systems are also called continental or Romeo Germanic legal system that covers about 60% of the world (Glenn, 2014). It is also termed as a legal tradition that is termed as a continuing element, support to recognize some major doctrines and institutions that are ensured by the Modern Anglo American Law (Xie & T, 2019). Civil law courts are the decision-makers by using court provisions. Although the two systems seem totally opposite to each other, as a distinct framework and code of conduct are followed, still there are some similarities.


Apparently, Civil legal tradition and Islamic legal tradition seem to be opposite frameworks because of the underlying orientations and the code of conducts that are followed by the two. However, as both the framework dealt with the notion of human existence and ensure efforts and laws that can ease the survival of human beings, it is assumed that there should be some similarities between the two (Glenn, 2014). Although Islamic concepts emanate from Allah and no one has the right to change the obligations while civil law is a continuation of compensation that is meant for a person. When he/she is harmed or affected by another human being, still, a broad approach affirms some commonalities, discussed as follows.

Jurisdiction over contracts is one of the major similarity that is found between civil law as well as Islamic law. There are different departments of life were this clause and code of conduct is applicable. One of the significant examples of that is "Marriage". In accordance with the civil legal tradition, marriage is termed as a contract that is signed between two parties and both the parties have to agree on some facts and ideologies. In the same way, under the impact of Islamic Law, marriage is termed as a contract between the two parties where both the parties have to agree on some basic things. Here, the notion of things and ideologies refer to the concerns and responsibilities that are going to be shouldered to the married couples such as the support of child, both economic and moral (Vikør & K. S, 2019). The custody of the child, where it is highlighted that initially the responsibility of a child is equally given to both mother and father. Adaptation of the child is also a concern that is discussed on the same approach of equality in both the laws. In a simplified form, both the laws assert that marriage is a contract that has to be guided with the understanding and attention of the other daily life contract (Vikør & K. S, 2019). However, the point of interest is, this contract is given a fairly high position in the overall framework of the contract and the attention that is given by the courts and the law-making besides to the other contract. Although Sharia law has promoted some Islamic connotations to the definition of marriage such as the sum of money that is given to the bride, and that there should be a religious background, etc., still, the underlying essence of the contract is same. Even under the civil law, there are some conditions that are to be enforced such as paradigms of creed and race in some narrow aspects. It would not be wrong to say that a comparison of after marriage status highlights that there is a synchronization between the codes of conduct and the facts that keep couples united such as responsibility towards society, government and then the children (Vikør & K. S, 2019).

Supremacy of court is termed as a notion under which courts are given the rights to make decisions regarding the actions of people. It ensures the supremacy of law, which infers that law would only dominate the thing that would be prevalent at any cost and in each condition (Joutsen & M, 2019). Supremacy of law is defined as the equal obligation to the rules and regulations that are imposed and designed by the authorities dealing with laws. Usually, the idea of the supremacy of law is dealt with general attention but, due significance is given to this idea in legal bodies. The context of the supremacy of law is discussed in the context of courts and the worldly affairs in which courts are the ruling bodies, having the right to impose some obligation on the people. Under civil law, it is asserted that all the citizens have to obey the law, they have to make their decisions under the framework of law and anyone who will challenge the supremacy of law has to be published. In a broader context, it is asserted that it is the rule of courts that keeps life and people going on a balanced track. Having a look at the Islamic Law, it can be retrieved that people are high or on whole dependent on the constitutions and the code of conduct that is handed over to the courts in the context of revelation. The notion of similarity exists in the justification of the responsibilities that each of the individuals has towards laws and regulations. Although the decision-making framework and the approach towards the dimension of life are different, still, the underlying approach asserts that all of the poles have to obey the law at any cost. Taking an example of Muslim countries, it is found that courts are designed and formulated in clear coordination with the spiritual teaching which ultimately directs the one who is rules to be answerable to the ruling bodies (Joutsen & M, 2019). This similarity places both the followers on the same board where legal bodies own the right to decision making. Courts and legal authority have a moral obligation to make laws that can be applied to all the people and then people are bound to spend their life doing actions that are parallel to legal settings (Joutsen & M, 2019).

Legal discovery is defined as a pre-trial procedure in which each of the party, the one who files the case and the one who is assumed to be culprit has the right to provide the court with the evidence. Here the collection of evidence is done between the two parties where both the parties are asked to consult the other party for the information that is related to case. In this trial both the parties are required and obliged to come up with the evidence that they are planning to use during the trial. Taking into account the framework of civil legal tradition, it is highlighted that before making any kind of decisions, both the parties are obliged to come up with some m evidence that can help to get an insight into the truth of the action or the point of conflict. As every individual is important and significant under civil law, each of the individuals is giving the righto come up with his or her side of justification regarding the subject so as to ensure fear play and justice (Elsan, & Mahmoodi). Under the impact of Islamic legal tradition, both the parties are brought on the same board where they are supposed to come up with the evidence that they have against each other or for the authentication and verification of the crime that is conducted. So, legal discovery is another similarity that exists between civil legal tradition and Islamic legal tradition, taking into consideration that each of the party has equal right of representation and this representation directs the two gibe justification of their side (Elsan, & Mahmoodi).


After an exegetical analysis of the three legal frameworks and its implication under both civil legal tradition and Islamic legal tradition, the similarities are affirmed. No doubt, the two legal systems are different but the underlying approach towards legality is the same. Both the legal system end at human welfare that is guided by supremacy of court laws as they tend to be applied in all human being. Legal discovery is also a general and compact idea that directs legal approach towards fair play and just decisions so as to maintain harmony and peace among the members of society and community. Jurisdiction over contracts is also a well-defined and evident example that united the notion of Islamic and civil legal system as incorporation of terms and conditions are mandatory to strengthen the contract and bond, with an aim to set patterns of family affairs and keep the scan set enact. In a nutshell, the three areas highlight the similarities in a highly efficient and obvious way, leaving no room for doubt.


Elsan, M., & Mahmoodi, N. A Comparative Study on the Principle of Immutability of Litigation in the Iranian and American Laws. Vanderbilt Law Review, 69, 333-399.

Glenn, H. P. (2014). Legal traditions of the world: sustainable diversity in law. Oxford University Press, USA.

Joutsen, M. (2019). 42 Major Legal Systems of the World. International and Transnational Crime and Justice, 254.

Vikør, K. S. (2019). The Islamic tradition. Routledge Handbook of Religious Laws.

Xie, T. (2019). Reflections on the Civil Jury System.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Essay: Contract For The Purchase And Sale Of A 2008 Aston Martin

Julie Alarcon


Law and International Law

16 Dec 2019

A contract for the purchase and sale of 2008 Aston Martin

A contract entails a written or verbal agreement entered by two parties with an intent of exchange of a product or service (Jean). Bob and John made a bilateral contract. This contract is characterized by both parties agreeing to fulfill their side of the bargain. This is the most common contract and each party is both an obligor to his promise and an obligee on the other party’s promise. John agrees to surrender the car to Bob if Bob makes a payment of $150,000. Bob agrees to pay the amount of money in exchange for the car.

The agreement between Bob and John is legally binding because it contains elements that form a legal a contract. These elements include an offer, acceptance, consideration, parties’ capacity and legal object (Jean).

An offer is a specification of the provisions of a contract. A legal contract must contain an offer with details of what one party provides to another. On the other hand, the other party must accept the terms of the offer. In the contract between Bob and John, Bob offered to purchase John’s 2008 Aston Martin automobile by a written letter. Bob offered to pay $ 150,000 in exchange for the 2008 Aston Martin. John accepted the terms and placed his written response accepting the offer in the mail.

A consideration is a monetary value exchanged for an offer. However, some contract consideration entails any right, interest or benefit. Consideration is based on the sound judgment of both parties in a contract. The consideration between Bob and John was the offer of $ 150,000 in exchange for John’s 2008 Aston Martin.

The capacity of parties is indicated by age and mental competence (Jean). The law assumes that parties aged 18 years and above are adults capable of engaging in a contract. The parties must also understand the legal implications of a contract. Bob and John demonstrated the capacity of parties by sending the agreement in the mail. Moreover, when John made an additional verbal agreement and demanded an increase of the offer from $150,000 to 160,000, Bob disagreed and told John that they had a binding contract for the sale of the 2008 Aston Martin for $150,000.

The contract between Bob and John contains a legal object. The contract was enforceable because both agreed to exchange a 2008 Aston Martin for a value of $ 150,000. Both parties had the intention of fulfilling the promises they made to each other. The question of the legal object is not clear as we are told that the car initially belonged to Sean Connery. Bob should have inquired from John whether the transfer of the car was complete. Otherwise, the contract would become null and void.

The twist in the contract between Bob and John arose when John placed a demand for extra money. When John sent his acceptance letter to Bob, he called him and advised that he had changed his mind and would only accept $160,000 for the car, not the $150,000 he agreed to in his acceptance letter. Bob agreed on the telephone to John’s counter offer. Three days later, Bob called John and advised him that they had a binding contract and he would pay $150,000. The big question is whether Bob breached the contract?

The additional verbal contract between John and Bob is legally binding. The agreement depicts the legal elements of a contract. John offered to increase the monetary value of the car from $150,000 to $ 160,000. Bob accepted the offer and agreed to pay the extra amount. Moreover, there was a consideration as the amount agreed upon was $160,000. Both parties, agreed freely, without coercion, duress, misrepresentation of facts, or undue influence to change the amount from $150,000 to $160,000.

Therefore, Bob breached the contract between him and John. This was an anticipatory breach of contract. This is because the breach occurred before the contract was executed. Bob denied to perform his promise and signified his unwillingness to honor the contract after receiving the contract from John. Bob expressed his unwillingness to perform through telephone communication between him and John.

However, it is important to note that John might find it hard to prove the existence and terms of the additional verbal contract between him and Bob. Without a written agreement, it is John’s word against Bob’s. John should have followed up the verbal agreement by an email or a letter to confirm the agreed terms. On the other hand, maybe Bob agreed to pay $160,000 without properly pondering over the details and consequences of the additional information to the initial contract.

Bob can argue his case by applying the parole evidence rule. This rule bars a party from subtracting or adding, varying or contradicting a written argument between two parties. The parole evidence rule affirms that verbal terms made before a written contract do not change the legal implication of the written contract. If John decides to seek legal redress, Bob can argue in court that the parties are bound by the written contract, the court will likely hold the parties to their written obligations.

This scenario emphasizes the need to avoid verbal agreements. Agreements should be written down. In case of a verbal agreement, this should be followed up by a letter or an email detailing the terms and conditions of the agreement. Seek legal advice before making any kind of contract.

Works Cited Page

Jean Murray. The Basics of Business Contracts and Agreements. Small Business, 29 Aug. 2019,


Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Ethical Awareness Assessment

Ethical Awareness Assessment

Ethical issues have been rising in the cooperate sectors as well as in the government sector, but now we can also see the unethical attitude in the online world of business. XYZ is an online company that offers thousands of different items to its customers. It is has become such a huge brand that many celebrities have now started doing its promotion. It was offering good quality products to its customers, but with time, it has started compromising its quality. Due to a huge bulk of orders, the company is delivering everything, including the poor-quality items. Many customers have shared their concerns have complained about the products, and sometimes they don't even send the actual item that was ordered. One customer received a stone instead of a phone, which he later shared on social media. This is how they are exploiting people by showing them thousands of items, which in reality are in very poor condition. They charge the full amount of the item and does not care about its quality or any other problem related to the item.

Three stakeholders who are impacted negatively by unethical behavior are:

The very most class who will be impacted by this behavior would be the employees. They would lose their jobs and would not get enough money for their retirement.

The second class that would be impacted by this would be the customers. The company will lose millions of customers if the quality of the product is compromised because they pay a huge amount for the product and want the best of best.

Then comes the community, the third major class of a country. The unethical behavior may increase unemployment in a society which can directly affect the economy of the country.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Ethical Decision-Making Process

Ethical Decision-Making Process

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Ethical Decision-Making Process

Ethics can be regarded as the moral principles that defend as well as systematize the concepts of right and wrong behaviour or what ought to be done in any situation. Ethics can be taught or not is a question which is very important to be considered. As according to research, it has been suggested that ethics cannot be taught. However, based upon already existing literature as well as my personal experience on the topic, I support the stance that ethics, morals and the ethical behaviors can be taught and learned.

“Ethics can be taught or not” is a debate, which is not recent because almost 2500 years ago a famous philosopher, Socrates also debated this question. Thus, the major perspective of the Socrates was that ethics contains knowledge about what we should do and what we should not to, so as like any knowledge, this type of knowledge can also be taught.

However, if we consider the recent arguments and aspects in this regard that so many of the psychologist and behaviorist today also agrees with the Socrates on his ideas (Kaufmann, 2018). As many of the psychologists working in the field of moral development, support with major logical findings that ethics can be taught as well as learnt.

The findings suggest that the major changes in the young adults, about their problem-solving strategies and the way they are used for dealing with the ethical issues, happen during their 20s and 30s. Furthermore, these changes are regarded as the fundamental principles that develop the perception of society and the role they are playing in society. Also, these changes are found to be linked in relation to the years of formal or professional education. The attempts with the help of formal education can influence the way of individual, solving their moral problems as well as making them to develop and use their judgment and reasoning in the way of dealing with moral problems as it has been founded by the researches as a very effective way (Kristjánsson, 2018). Hence, it has been supported that during these years of development people can be made to learn these skills, and ethics can be taught.

Moreover, developmental psychologists have argued that based on the development stages it is possible to teach ethics to a child as well as to an adult. According to Kohlberg, the ability of person for dealing with the moral issues is not formed at one attempt, but as like the other developments such as physical, biological, etc. the person's ability for developing a sense of moral thinking is also developed in different stages. He further proposed that, like any other development of the person's life, this particular development about the ethics also develops all over the lifetime. This development depends on many factors such as education, significant others, social circle, society and experiences (Kristjánsson, 2018). Kohlberg also argued that these factors to some extent can make a person to deviate from the ethical behaviors as well, for example, if the experiences of a person are negative by following the ethical and moral principle he might change his ethical perspective. Also, if a child is raised or surrounded by a person who’s moral and ethical ideas are disruptive (for example, a terrorist), it will eventually affect the moral development of the child as well. Hence, it supports the idea that ethics can be taught and learned through multiple modes.

Based on all these, findings and my experience, I support the perspective that ethics can be taught. As there are multiple ethical and moral principles in a person's life, depending upon the roles that person is playing consisting of professional, personal, social and spiritual ethics. Hence, many of them can be taught by the help of course or instructional framework (Drumwright, Prentice & Biasucci, 2015). Others can be taught by modeling and experience. However, some of the ethical and moral sets can be taught with the help of constant reinforcement by using set of rewards and consequences for following the ethics such as asking not stealing, etc. and that is why ethics can be learned.


Drumwright, M., Prentice, R., & Biasucci, C. (2015). Behavioral ethics and teaching ethical decision making. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 13(3), 431-458.

Kaufmann, L. (2018). Can ethics be taught?. Journal for the Study of Religion, 31(1), 207-223.

Kristjánsson, K. (2018). Epiphanic Moral Conversions: Going Beyond Kohlberg and Aristotle. In Self-Transcendence and Virtue (pp. 15-38). Routledge.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Ethical Decision-Making Process

Ethical Decision-Making Process




Ethical Decision-Making Process

A scenario took place in which I (a detective) arrested a child molester with the help of my detective partner. An unfortunate scene took place that my partner started beating the molester, even when he was not depicting any kind of resistance towards his arrests. I tried to stop him; however, he did not pay any heed to my concerns and told me to stay silent about the actual scene and give the statement that the injuries of the criminal were due to his resistance to his arrest. The criminal was sent to prison, after being presented in front of the court of law. He did not raise concern for being abused at the hands of the police force, until the time he was punished for his actual crime. After that, he sued my partner for the excessive, as well as unnecessary use of police force which caused him physical injuries and psychological trauma. After being summoned by the court as well as the internal affairs department, in order to share my opinion about the situation, I have come across a dilemma of supporting the truth or keep the loyalty with my partner and the department.

I have two options regarding my attitude towards the scenario. The very first is that I support the claims of my partner and falsely accuse the criminal that he was trying to resist and attempted to harm my partner, while he was being arrested, in front of the court of law, as well as the internal affairs department and let him bear the punishments of the crime, which he did not commit. The benefits of this situation are that I would be able to save my partner form losing his job, as well as his integrity for beating a criminal. The criminal was a child molester and was caught red-handed while trying to abuse a young girl. There is a possibility that the situation made my partner furious and he was unable to control himself and abused his powers. However, it can also be said that any other person or member of the police force would have found it difficult to control himself during the scenario. On the other hand, the consequences of the scenario are that I falsely blamed the criminal and also committed perjury by giving a false statement in front of the court of law (Dutelle, & Taylor, 2017).

The second option is that I accept before the court of law, as well as the internal affairs department that the criminal cooperated with the police force and did not depict any kind of resistance during the process of his arrest. My partner misused the power of police force and abused the criminal physically. The benefits of the situation are that I followed the police ethics, as well as fulfilled my duty of staying true to the law. Moreover, by doing so, I would also be helping the police department to identify the officer who has the potential of causing harm to the criminals, due to his aggressive attitude. The consequence of the scenario is that fellow police workers would question my loyalty to my partner and would not like to team up with me. In addition to it, there is another possibility that I would have to accept a disciplinary punishment for not reporting the unacceptable attitude of my partner (Miller, & Blackler, 2017).

The factor of intention would be applied to the scenario in the way that my partner did not intend to kill the criminal. He just wanted to teach him a lesson, as he was furious about the situation he had just witnessed. However, he was unable to control his temper, even after being warned by me and misused his powers, which cannot be denied in any way.

The factor of seemliness applies to the scenario in the way that my partner did not use limited force to control the criminal. However, he brutally abused him by hitting him in kidneys, chest and at shoulders with his boots, which could have caused serious injuries to the criminal.

The factor of proportionality applies to the scenario in the way that the criminal was not trying to resist which would have provided the opportunity to my partner to use his power. So, his use of power was not according to the law and depicted the breach of the rights of criminal.

The factor of minimization applies to the scenario in the way that my detective partner had not to use the least amount of force over the criminal. However, had brutally abused him, even when the criminal was not resisting at all.

The factor of practicability applies to the scenario in the way that no particular amount of force was needed to control the situation and my partner only depicted the misuse of his authority and power (Miller, 2013).

The standard of objectivity applies to the scenario in the way that I should only be concerned about fulfilling the conditions of law and justice. I should not be concerned with the fact that it would impact the job and life of my partner. I should also not pay any heed to the fact that the person suffering the abuse was actually a criminal, instead, recall myself that he is a human being and have some rights even after being a criminal. Moreover, my partner had no authority to cause him any harm. My partner reacted on the basis of his personal feelings, so I should not let them affect my decisions.

I would decide to reveal the truth in front of the court of law, without caring about being labeled as disloyal. Following the ethical decision-making guidelines, I would follow the outline of commitment, consciousness, and competency, in order to resolve the situation.


Dutelle, A. W., & Taylor, R. S. (2017). Ethics for the public service professional. Crc Press.

Miller, S., & Blackler, J. (2017). Ethical issues in policing. Routledge.

Miller, S. (2013). Police ethics. International Encyclopedia of Ethics.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Ethical Issues In The Criminal Justice System: Judges, Corruption, And Personal Bias


Ethical issues and dilemmas is an ongoing debate in the criminal justice system. All the stakeholders in the justice system including the judges, prosecutors and law enforcers are faced with ethical dilemmas. These officers are expected to uphold the highest level of ethical practice. The need to observe high level of ethical behavior is informed by the increased levels of public scrutiny. The media, society, victims of crime, defendants and government expects the justice system to act impartially yet in their favor.

Keywords: Ethics, Ethical issues and dilemmas, Criminal justice system

Morality, Ethics, and Human Behavior

Ethical issues and dilemmas is a prerequisite in criminal justice. There are various categories in the justice system. Each category has people exercising discretion that impacts on the fate of individuals and security of a community of state. Inappropriate laws and regulations, policies and practices result in conflict and distort the foundation of justice (Ehrenreich, 2009). These conflicts pause major ethical dilemmas. The concerned parties grapple with the appropriate course of action and the moral/ethical issues created by decisions made.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of questions of right or wrong. Ethics gives guidelines on proper living. It entails examination of moral standards and how these standards influence conduct or moral principles guiding the appropriate conduct of a person or group (Kleinig, 2015). On the other hand, criminal justice ethics is the study of ethics as applied in the justice system (Cook, 1999). Agencies mandate to enforce law operate on established practices and ethical guidelines. These guidelines are aligned to community standards to ensure that law enforcers gain public trust and goodwill to carry out their duties.

The criminal justice system involves several actors who make decisions based on their interpretation of ethics. These actors are mandated with discretion to judge what is ethical or unethical. The actors include the legislators, prosecutors, probation officers and police officers (Kramer, 2020). Ethical dilemma refers to a decision-making quagmire between two possible decisions, neither of which is acceptable or preferable. Making one decision results in transgression of the other.

For example, a prosecutor may wonder whether to prosecute a case with incomplete or faulty evidence, how to wade pressure to stop prosecuting a case that presents strong evidence, or how to obtain justice, instead of conviction, in the midst of public pressure or personal affiliations towards a defendant. A police officer face difficulty deciding on the amount of acceptable force to restrain a violent suspect, make partial discussions about his/her job if addressing the media or citizens or the amount of information to disclose to the public.

Types of Ethical Issues and Ethical Dilemmas

Ethical judicial dilemmas are a common phenomenon because of the coexistence of special power and service which are both part of the judicial system. Judicial ethics is dictated by the judges’ constitutional status, their level of immunity and values and societal expectations. The societal expectation of the code of conduct of judges has raised a lot of ethical questions.

For instance, when a case involving a child is brought before a judge, judges apply legal principles in line with past events (Mlyniec, 1996). The challenge with these principles is ambiguity and vagueness. We as a society expect the judges to make ethical decisions in such cases. In the context of a child’s case, the society expect the judge to rely on his/her beliefs, our expectations and judge’s assessment. On the other hand, the affected child expects the judge to rule in favor of his/her preference. The judge might not adhere to the child’s demand because of the child’s emotional, financial and education needs in future.

A judge in the above scenario believes that the decision made is final. However, the judge is aware that such a decision might negatively affect a child. Such a child may run away from the home the judge places them. In this case, the judge should be aware that once is the case is brought before court, the child is no longer in control. The political autonomy of the child is dealt with by the legislators once they decide to forward the case to court (Mlyniec, 1996).

Sometimes, a judge’s decision about a case can be crowded by their personal feelings. A case scenario is when a case is prosecuted within the confines of the law but the judge feels that the result obligated by precedent is unfair. The public might say that the judge should not consider his personal feeling because he is obligated to act according to the law. But we all agree that such a case scenario presents the judge with a conflict of obligations.

The judge is mandated to apply the law without partiality and at the same time be just. For example, if a judge examines a case and discovers that the evidence linking a crime to the defendant is weak and no circumstantial evidence, then he has the liberty to be just. But what if the defendant confessed in his jail cell that he committed the crime? And there is an inmate willing to testify to this effect? This is authentic information that the judge should consider. On the other hand, the testimony could be made up by an inmate seeking a plea bargain.

The law enforcement agency is one of the professions that demand a higher ethical standard. The profession calls for immeasurable dedication and ethical behavior. We as a society keenly observe the actions of the law enforcers during and after duty. This public scrutiny demands that police officers behave above reproach. Contrary to expectations, every day the public wakes up to news of police officers behaving unethically. These unethical behavior include but not limited to excess use of force, misuse of authority, and violation of rules they are meant to enforce.

For example, at the beginning of 2011, a drug task force commander and an investigator were taken in by federal agents and accused of conspiracy to sell drugs (Solanga & Fraley, 2011). Similarly, a police officer in Seattle resigned after an alleged shooting captured on the officer’s dash-cam. In the same year, a law enforcer in Dallas was laid down after evidence of him kicking a handcuffed prisoner surfaced (McNerthney & Pulkkinen, 2011). In 2017, Schupper (2017) reported that Chicago cops were accused of shooting at fleeing suspects, using force to hold back angry mob, failing to investigate reported cases of misconduct and biased investigations.

From 2012 to 2019, police officers were accused of brutal treatment of African-Americans. These allegations resulted to riots, violent retaliations by police, unrest and mistrust of police by the public. A case example is the shooting of a teenager from Miami, Trayvon Martin. However, it is alleged that the teenager was killed by a civilian not a law enforcer. However, the public argued that his death was fueled by ethnic profiling perpetrated by police officers (Schupper, 2017).

On the hand, the police officers argue that they must make decisions in situations which the law does not provide the legal guidelines to follow. On use of excessive force, the law enforces often deal with violent criminals or individuals. Sometimes they use lethal force to protect their own lives. In such a scenario, the officers make a decision based on assessment of the situation. However, criminal justice provides that use of lethal force should be a last option.

According to Braswell, B.R. McCarthy and B.J. MacCarthy (2002), police officers in the discussed situations face ethical dilemma. These dilemmas include situations where an officers is not aware of the appropriate action, or the appropriate action was difficult to execute in the given situation. Another dilemma is when the inappropriate course of action is tempting. Officers should be aware that failure to act ethically is a violation of police ethics. Unethical actions deplete public trust towards the forces and affects the officers’ ability to effectively carry out their duties in the society.

A criminal prosecutor executes conflicting roles in court. A prosecutor is expected to be an advocate for his/her client, to help the citizens get justice and also protect the defendant’s constitutional rights (C. McDonough, D. B. McDonough, Keenan, 2001). Prosecutors are powerful people in the judicial system as they have the sole mandate to start judicial action in a criminal case. The prosecutor has the sole discretion of pressing or not pressing charges against a suspect. This implies that the prosecutor makes crucial ethical and legal decision in the initial stages of a trial. Moreover, he/she must also ensure ethics is adhered to when proclaiming a suspect guilty or innocent. He/she is also a key player in negotiating for fair sentencing, lodging appeals and granting parole.

One of the ethical dilemmas facing prosecutors is the aspect of maintaining considerable convictions and executing justice. A prosecutor’s competence in a court of law is pegged on the number of successful convictions he/she makes (Donahue, 1999). The public and the media judge the prosecutors harshly, especially when dealing with high profile cases and criminal cases. Victims of crime want the crime perpetrators convicted, without concern of the ethical issues involved in the case. Similarly, the society expects the prosecutor to make as many convictions as possible. They do not expect the prosecutor to sympathize with the defendant. The public have no consideration for the defendants’ right to fair trial.

This kind of ethical dilemma can easily result in prosecutorial misconduct. On one hand, the prosecutor makes convictions to maintain the public trust and maintain his conviction records while disregarding the constitutional rights of the defendants.

Another ethical dilemma facing prosecutors is lack of defined roles. The prosecutor is not only an officer of the court but also an advocate making efforts to make a conviction. These conflicting roles makes it difficult for the prosecutor to exercise their duties. Moreover, the government has no mandate to interfere with a prosecutor’s decision to prefer charges to an individual. This lack of well-defined prosecutorial guidelines and constitutional duties are a good breeding environment of prosecutor’s misconduct.

Solving criminal ethical dilemmas can take many forms. This paper recommends the Balint, Evans & McMillan (2014) recommendations which involve a 7-step framework. The framework depicts possible actions in relation to laws and regulations, policies and procedures that can be used by the various actors in the criminal justice system to execute their work. The first step is the establishment of facts that surround the ethical dilemma. Officers must interrogate facts and avoid personal feelings and misinformation from either the media, society or other quotas.

The second step is determining the officer’s legal obligations and duties. Acting professionally helps an officer to decipher the course of action without biasness or acting on intuition. The third step is determining the ethical values of all stakeholders involved and the fourth is consideration of the normative ethical values which guide ethical behavior of professionals. The fifth step is considering the consequences of one’s actions. Judges, prosecutors, police officers should consider the effects their actions have on themselves, the victims, the public and the law.

The sixth step is consideration of actions that are ethically sound. The decisions might not auger well with the government officers but it is their duty to execute them. The seventh option is related to the consequences discussed earlier. We should evaluate our decisions to establish whether these decisions affect us negatively or positively. Decisions that have positive impact, though considered unethical may be beneficial to the parties involved.

Work cited

Balint, J.Evans, J. & McMillan (2014). Rethinking transitional justice, redressing indigenous

harm: A new conceptual approach. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 8, 2:194–216

Braswell, M., McCarthy, B.R. & McCarthy, B.J. (2002). Justice, crime and ethics. Cincinnati,

OH: Anderson Publishing Co.

Ehrenreich, B. (2009). Bright-sided: how the relentless promotion of positive thinking has

undermined America. New York: Metropolitan Book

Cook, J. (1999). Morality and cultural differences. New York: Oxford University Press.

Donahue, K.S. (1991). Prosecutorial ethics: The case for the Per Se Rule. Fordham Urban Law

Journal, 18:2

Kleinig, J. (2015). Criminal justice ethics. Oxford University Press.

Kozinski, A. The real issues of judicial ethics, Hofsra Law Review, 32: 4

Kramer, Lindsay. (2020, January 1). Ethical Dilemmas of Justice. legalbeagle.com. Retrieved

from https://legalbeagle.com/7255673-ethical-dilemmas-justice.html

Cook, John. 1999. Morality and Cultural Differences. New York: Oxford University Press.

McNerthney, C. & Pulkkinen, L. (2011). No charges in woodcarver shooting by Seattle police

officer. Retrieved

from http://www.seattlepi.com/435580_shooting.html

Mlyniec, W. J. (1996). A Judge's Ethical Dilemma: Assessing a Child's Capacity to Choose, 64

Fordham L. Rev. 1873

Pollock, J. Ethical dilemmas and decisions in criminal justice. 10th edition. Cengage Learning

Schuppe, J. (2017). Chicago police department routinely violated people’s rights feds say.

Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/chicago-police-department


Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 7 Words: 2100

Ethics And Code Of Conduct

Ethics and Code of Conduct

James Grey

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

Ethics and Code of Conduct

Importance in Future Career Choice

The study of ethics concerns itself with notions and ideas about what is held to be good or bad. Ethical conduct is central to a law enforcement career, as the profession involves the use of coercion and force to uphold the law; hence, a greater degree of personal responsibility is needed to ensure no abuse of authority especially when exercising discretion CITATION Mil06 \l 1033 (Miller, Blackler, & Alexandra, 2006). A closely related value is integrity, which refers to an uncompromising adherence to certain values and codes such as avoidance of deception, and uprightness, even in the absence of everyone. It is important in particular because those who are accustomed to smaller deviant acts can easily become prone to engaging in deviant acts of more serious nature, taking a series of steps towards corruption. Therefore to maintain impartiality, and engage in exemplary conduct while committing one’s self to the highest standards, is critical in order to maintain the public’s trust to preserve the community’s dependency on its law enforcement agencies.

Aspects in which ethics, morality, and law differ

Although the term morals and ethics are used interchangeably, there is a subtle difference between the two. Morals are more concerned with social, religious or cultural values, beliefs, or principles that set up societal rules to determine what is right or wrong; whereas ethics relate to rightful or wrongful conduct in certain situations. A situation where a particular officer is hired or designated because of being a relative of the interviewer is unethical conduct. Laws, on the other hand, deal with managing an individual’s behavior in society by enforcing ethical and moral conduct CITATION The16 \l 1033 (The Ethics Center, 2016). Law enforcement officials are bound to act legally in various situations they may not find morally acceptable at a personal level. For instance, an officer cannot discriminate against people who engage in same-sex relations in enforcing the law despite not agreeing with the act on a personal level. Moreover, the motivation behind the officers’ decision also concerns itself with ethics, as doing the right thing for the wrong reason cannot be said to be ethical.

Using morality, ethics and codes in personal and professional lives

For law enforcement officers, it is essential to be cautious about their own personal conduct as it is to uphold their professional ethical codes. They are required to embrace moral and ethical conduct in their public goings and comings, as well as in private. Any conduct that is unbecoming of an officer on-duty is equally out of bounds when they are off-duty CITATION Kle12 \l 1033 (Klein, 2012). The higher standard of conduct is not solely because of the badge they wear but because they have to exemplify standards that promote harmony, security, and mutual respect within society. Therefore, even in their private lives, they are required to be constantly mindful of other’s welfare, maintain calm in dangerous situations, develop self-restraint and avoid scorn and ridicule and demonstrate exemplary behavior in obeying and upholding laws and regulations. Moreover, any personal prejudices, feelings, friendships, or animosities must not influence decisions while exercising authority, while ensuring an unrelenting drive towards prosecuting criminals without compromise.

Important aspects of the code

Police officers are expected to act in a manner which preserves the consideration and confidence that their duties require of them. Among the most important aspects of an officer’s code deal with integrity. Any demonstration of unethical behavior by an individual officer can make the entire department or agency lose public trust, and impact the officers that are upholding the code CITATION Sou15 \l 1033 (Souryal, 2015). There are many occasions where officers were found to be lying to hide their wrong acts, and the resulting outcome was a greater hatred towards the entire department. A police officer must take care of his responsibilities, they must also try to be careful about using abusive language, or on refusal to reveal their police identity upon request. They must avoid using excessive force than what is reasonable, or making threats, harassment, or detaining any person illegally. Integrity must be the core focus of a police officer while performing their duties and must not damage or destroy any person’s property.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Klein, C. (2012). Police Ethics: The Creed. Retrieved April 11, 2019, from Law officer: http://lawofficer.com/archive/police-ethics-the-creed/

Miller, S., Blackler, J., & Alexandra, A. (2006). Police ethics (2nd ed.). Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin.

Souryal, S. S. (2015). Ethics in Criminal Justice: In Search of the Truth (6th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

The Ethics Center. (2016, September 27). Ethics, morality, law – what’s the difference? Retrieved April 11, 2019, from Ethics: https://ethics.org.au/ethics-morality-law-whats-the-difference/

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Ethics And Organizational Strategies

Ethics and Organizational Strategies

Christine Jones

School or Institution Name (University at Place or Town, State)


The prison officials might be held responsible under the Prison Rape Elimination Act if acted with the reckless disregard for the safety of the prisoners ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"8WEhT7VX","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Dumond, 2003)","plainCitation":"(Dumond, 2003)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":405,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/PwL0F8bO/items/FTPWGEEB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/PwL0F8bO/items/FTPWGEEB"],"itemData":{"id":405,"type":"article-journal","title":"Confronting America's most ignored crime problem: the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003","container-title":"Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online","page":"354-360","volume":"31","issue":"3","author":[{"family":"Dumond","given":"Robert W."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2003"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Dumond, 2003). This means if the prison officials have any prior knowledge about a prisoner who is a substantial risk of being raped or harmed seriously in any other way, but that risk is failed or ignored by the officials, the officials might be held responsible if the prisoner ends up being assaulted or raped. The courts have distinguished between the evaluations of the risk which the inmates might face every day, which is possible for being in prison and the substantial risk of the serious harm, which is unusual for the prisoners. On the other hand, the prisoners might not be held legally responsible if the incident occurs and they respond to the event positively.

Ethics, in particular, corresponds to the respect and justice for the people ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"jHxe6Ytb","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hosmer & Kiewitz, 2005)","plainCitation":"(Hosmer & Kiewitz, 2005)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":406,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/PwL0F8bO/items/XAKG9FEV"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/PwL0F8bO/items/XAKG9FEV"],"itemData":{"id":406,"type":"article-journal","title":"Organizational justice: A behavioral science concept with critical implications for business ethics and stakeholder theory","container-title":"Business Ethics Quarterly","page":"67-91","volume":"15","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Hosmer","given":"LaRue Tone"},{"family":"Kiewitz","given":"Christian"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2005"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hosmer & Kiewitz, 2005). Regarding the ethics in prison, it responds to three primary issues:

Nature of the consent concerning the task asked to perform by the prisoner.

Competence and freedom provided to the prisoners.

Legal representation allowed to the prisoners when it comes to making a choice.

In the current scenario, all of the ethical perspectives are being violated and disrespected, with the prisoners having to face sexual interactions without their consent, being raped in prison. While not taking any action, the freedom of the prisoners is being violated as they are raped in prison. One other ethical issue being broken is the violation of the prisoner's rights to have a constitutional legal representation.

With reference to the Prison Rape Elimination Act, the authorities might face severe consequences if proven guilty for going against the ethical norms of the prison to be followed. But for this to work, the prisoners must provide valid proof of the action or practices caused by the officials. There must be a logical connection to the action which the officials needed to take in response to the harm faced by the prisoner. A liability has been imposed on the line correctional officers who are said to have observed an assault or knew of any risk to the prisoners, but they did nothing. The courts also impose liability on the higher level supervisors in case of any failure to make a policy or act on the risks they were aware of.

A correctional facility must be set up at the prison immediately, where both the staff and the inmates must be educated about the higher costs of the sexual abuse ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"rZgRD8OE","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Phelps, 2011)","plainCitation":"(Phelps, 2011)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":407,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/PwL0F8bO/items/YJ4LEINM"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/PwL0F8bO/items/YJ4LEINM"],"itemData":{"id":407,"type":"article-journal","title":"Rehabilitation in the punitive era: The gap between rhetoric and reality in US prison programs","container-title":"Law & Society Review","page":"33-68","volume":"45","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Phelps","given":"Michelle S."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Phelps, 2011). Training must be provided to both of them and making them recognizing and preventing the sexual crimes in these correctional facilities. Inmates must know the fact that they do not have to bargain the sexual favors for the staff. They must know if they have to report any threat of sexual abuse by the other inmates or staff. The inmates and staff both must be taught that rape is never acceptable in any case.

What can be done on an immediate basis is to set up a correctional facility and provide education to the staff and the inmates about rape and other unethical actions not allowed in prison. The prison staff is not allowed to use force against the inmates, which is implied by the 8th Amendment but they are allowed to use force for restoring or maintaining the discipline of the prison. This issue states that the officer must risk the liability to use excessive force for saving an inmate from sexual assault.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Dumond, R. W. (2003). Confronting America’s most ignored crime problem: the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online, 31(3), 354–360.

Hosmer, L. T., & Kiewitz, C. (2005). Organizational justice: A behavioral science concept with critical implications for business ethics and stakeholder theory. Business Ethics Quarterly, 15(1), 67–91.

Phelps, M. S. (2011). Rehabilitation in the punitive era: The gap between rhetoric and reality in US prison programs. Law & Society Review, 45(1), 33–68.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Ethics And Organizational Strategies

Ethics and Organizational Strategies

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Ethics and Organizational Strategies

Analyzing Current Level Of Officers Misconduct

Police misconduct is considered to be the set of illegal actions or inappropriate conduct that police offers take in connection with their official duties. In the current scenario, the level of officers misconduct can be analyzed by looking deeply at the activities of police officers that involve discrimination or miscarriage of justice (Johnson, 2018). Usually, it happens that police officers intentionally make himself involved in some actions that are considered to be illegal. As police misconduct is seen to be ever increasing in the most developed countries like the U.S., there is a high need to look up to this matter and analyze it thoroughly.

The main advantage due to the increase in the use of mobile devices is that it tends to allow the victims to record the alleged misconduct, abuse, and police misconduct. Due to this, it has been observed that officers misconduct is receiving publicity on social media. However, one thing that must be taken into consideration is that police officer now try to intimidate the individuals to prevent them from using their cameras. There are certain ways to analyze the current level of officers misconduct such as by looking at the different types of misconduct and coming up with the total number of incidents in which police officers were involved in misconducting with the public. The numbers then can be compared with the numbers of other organizations which help us to identify whether the official misconduct in this organization is too much high or is it normal as compared to the other organizations.

Improving Ethics In Police

There are certain steps that are necessary in the current case to train the officers in repeatedly and successfully making ethical decisions whether they are on duty or off.

Ethical pre-planning

When it comes to the officer misconducts, it is quite necessary to engage the police officers in ethical pre-planning. The best and the easiest approach is to play the "when/then" game when it comes to training the officers for officer survival (Johnson, 2018). Such a process can be used when it comes to ethics and preparing the officers ahead of time for potential ethical challenges.

Consider The Consequences

One of the main reason why police officers are often seen in misconducting with the citizens is due to the unawareness of consequences. There is a high need for police officers to clearly understand and fear regarding the consequences that can occur due to police misconduct (Piraino, 2017). Police officers must be informed about the consequences that they may face such as loss of career, and even jail (Zavala et al., 2016).

Put Up Ethics Reminders

Another important step that can be taken is to place ethics reminders where the police officers may see. Code of Ethics, The Law Enforcement Oath of Honor along with some other ethical reminders are ideal in such case. There can be small cards with values such as accountability, legacy, and integrity are not so hard to create.

Think, And Then Act

The matter of fact is that most of the misconducts tend to occur in the case when the officers are confronted by an unexpected ethical challenge (Zavala et al., 2016). The training must teach the officers to slow down while making an ethical decision. The training of the police officers will tell teach them that there is a high need to always think before indulging into any action.

Implementation Of Techniques

The above-discussed techniques can be implemented and emerge as the best practices for the police officers regarding the officer's misconduct. First and the foremost need is to look upon the ethical pre-planning. It can be done with the approval of the higher authorities within the organization (Piraino, 2017). The reason for that is simple that intuition of any type of games is not considered to be a mature practice in any organization. However, it must be taken into consideration that such intuition can emerge as a great practice that may help to change the way police officers behave.

The organization must have a discussion just like an assembly on a daily basis, and address the police officers regarding the consequence that they may face. After becoming acknowledged with the consequences that may occur due to the misconduct, the police officers may avoid such acts in the upcoming time (Johnson, 2018). Moreover, the ethics reminder can be simply put in a place where the police officers may see them again and again, so that a sense of responsibility among themselves may develop.

Evaluation Of Effectiveness

Officers misconduct is of many types, so it may become a lengthy process to look up at each aspect of the training effectiveness and find out whether it was effective or not. The reason for that is quite simple that there is a different type of police offices in which some may understand and become well-trained officers when it comes to ethics, whereas some would not even bother about that. However, the effectiveness of training can be evaluated by comparing the officer misconduct that had happened before with the ones that may happen even after the implementation of the training (Piraino, 2017). In case if the numbers are less, it indicates that the training is somehow effective. However, if the numbers remain the same or even increase then for an obvious reason, the training can be considered to be a failure in the organization.


Johnson, C. E. (2018). Organizational ethics: A practical approach. Sage Publications.

Piraino, P. T. (2017). Pre-employment Polygraphs and Ohio Law Enforcement Officers' Perceptions of Police Misconduct.

Zavala, E., & Kurtz, D. L. (2016). Applying differential coercion and social support theory to police officers’ misconduct. Deviant Behavior, 37(8), 877-892.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Ethics Law And Justice Essay

Justice for Family Abuse Victims

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Justice for Family Abuse Victims


There are number of challenges that are faced by the victims of the domestic violence over the period of time. The major challenge that they face is there is always going to be this mental barrier that is going to be kept in mind when such situation is faced. The key thing for these victims though is to make sure that they stand up for themselves and come forward with a collective action as far as the way these things can be controlled, and the situation can be improved. If there is an instance that these cases are not reported, then it is fair to assume that the perpetuators of the violence would carry on doing these things and thus there is a need for the combined effort to combat these crimes. In this paper, it is going to be seen what some of the legal options are that are available for these people at the broader level.


The first thing that has to be kept in mind if one intends to report the crime is that the police is going to be creating an official record of the crime and this would lead towards investigation. If the investigation officers find out that there is clear evidence in terms of the way specific suspects are being found out, then the suspect is likely to be arrested and the citation for the perpetuator might be raised as they have to appear into the court of the law. During the legal proceedings the prosecutor is going to examine the underlying evidences that are available. After the determination and assessment of the evidences, the next thing that is going to be done is that how the information is going to be requested with regards to the progress of the case.

Legal Proceedings in the Court

Once the verdict has been established in the case and the plea agreement has been reached, the judge is going to be setting up the date for the hearing of the case. This is where the victim has the option that they can submit the victim impact statement. This statement goes to define the nature of the crime and how the crime has affected the person. The judge in the given instance is going to be considering the statement in this case and based on that statement, counter argument and other corresponding legal procedure, the date for deciding of the sentence is going to be there. Now, it has to be noted during that during the course of the legal proceedings, there is all the likelihood that the sentences are going to be varying from one victim to the another. The laws of the jurisdiction as well as the nature of the crime plays an important role during the course of the whole situation. The jail term and the way intervention plan are going to be turning out is also an important element in the legal proceedings. The important thing though is that with the advent of the increase in the cases of the family violence, there is sufficient attention being gained about these cases and how they tend to turn out. Typical sentences include probation, time in jail or prison, or time already served. Sometimes offenders are ordered to seek counseling or participate in intervention programs for battering, substance abuse, or other crime-related behavior problems.

Going for the Civil justice System

Another option that the legal experts suggest for the victims of the crime is that how they civil justice system can be setup to make sure that the corresponding investigation for the crime can be carried out in the right manner. The basic idea behind the civil law suit is to make sure that the perpetuator and the other people would be taking some responsibility for the crime at the time at which it has happened. The goal of the civil suit is to make sure that the defendants in the case are going to be liable in case if the crime is committed or the instance it has been allowed to happen at the particular point of time. There is another likelihood that the person who has suffered the abuse from the family would have to hire an attorney and if that is the case, then it is a significant cost. The goal of a civil suit is to hold defendants "liable" (accountable) for committing the crime or allowing it to happen. One will need to hire an attorney. (Many attorneys will take a civil case on a "contingency" basis: they agree to be paid a percentage of any financial awards that may be granted.) Attorney will decide if there is enough proof to take the case to court. If one win their case, the court will order the defendant to pay you a specific amount of money. Victims often use civil justice awards to pay for services they need, such as medical care, counseling, or repairing or replacing property.

Resource to Help the Victim

It has to be noted that the criminal prospection and the filing of the case is something that is quite cost extensive as well as traumatic for the person specially if the family is involved. The good thing that just about every state at the moment has a victim compensation and that compensation goes to make sure the concerns and some of the issues of the victims are being sorted out. The victim support is not limited to the monetary compensation, but effort is being made to make sure that the mental and the emotional wellbeing of the victim is also being taken are off at that point of time. Now, there has been instances in the past where people have opted for multiple sources of funding and duped the law enforcement agencies, and if that is the case, the provision for the compensation is that the victim is supposed to be compensated from one source only at the particular point of time.

Provision of Shelter Services

There are many communities that are working at the moment in Australia that are offering shelter and healthcare services to the victims. The reasons that it is an important service is that at times, the victims are being abused from their guardians as well, and when that happens, the case becomes complicated in a sense that the they cannot stay with people against whom they have started a legal battle. This is where these shelters play an important role in the rehabilitation of the victim as they provide them with adequate housing, but healthcare solutions are also provided to them.

Counselling and Support Groups

To make sure that the people are able to get through the counselling and the support group sessions in an appropriate manner, these services allow the victim to get through the trauma and mental anxiety during the case.


In the hindsight, it can be said that the support groups and the counselling might go a long way towards making sure that the victims have the right sort of information at their disposal when lodging a case. In Australia, the good thing is that there is adequate support available for the victim and due to the strong support system, the instances where people have actually come forwarded and reported the crime have increased with the passage of time.


Helfer, R. E., & Kempe, C. H. (Eds.). (2016). Child abuse and neglect: The family and the community. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Company.

Lew, M., & Bass, E. (2018). Victims no longer: Men recovering from incest and other sexual child abuse. Perennial Library.

MacFarlane, K., Waterman, J., Conerly, S., Damon, L., Durfee, M., & Long, S. (2016). Sexual abuse of young children. New York: Guilford Press.

Pagelow, M. D. (2013). Justice for victims of spouse abuse in divorce and child custody cases. Violence and victims, 8(1), 69.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Ethics Reflection Paper - VW Emissions Scandal

[Your Name]

[Instructor Name]

[Course Number]


Ethics Reflection Paper - VW Emissions Scandal


The modern world has progressed very much in every field of life. We have far more resources than the previous generations. The business has reached the highest levels of its history, and philosophical theories have raised new questions about the New World. The contemporary human being claims to be the most advanced and most civilized human being who knows the good and evil best than any previous race. Similarly, the human being has introduced work-ethics to promote the production industry in the world that believes in a win-win situation in around society. Global warming has been causing catastrophic changes in our climate and the world leaders claim that they are making honest policies to cope with this danger. Volkswagen Scandal has raised many new questions about the integrity of modern human being’s claims. A giant company of a civilized country deceived millions of people for so many years. It shows that the modern human being is either as uncivilized as the savages or perhaps more than them if we examine through intellectual perspective.


Volkswagen Scandal has proved that work-ethics are a sham and hollow words of hypocrite white-colour criminals. Famous luxury cars like Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Audi, Porsche, SEAT, and Škoda are produced by Volkswagen Group of Germany. They earn billions of dollars annually and millions of people trust them although these numbers have fallen and still falling since the world came to know about the shameful act of the company (Rhodes, Carl. P.p. 1501-1518). Germany is a leading country among those who propagate measures to control Global warming. Germany itself is affected by the increasing global temperature with many other European countries. Many countries in Africa and Asia have been suffering due to climate change and it is believed that Maldives (a South Asian island) will sink into the ocean in a couple of years. This gravity of the issue is well known by every literate person in the world, how can such a great group of companies undermine such an issue and how can they mislead the millions? Where this excess of selfishness came from?

Two philosophical approaches are proposed to analyze why people in any organization or other governing body behave in a certain way. Utilitarianism believes that "the end justifies the means". This is an old approach used by the ancient monarchs to justify their wrong acts. The other approach is the deontological approach that believes otherwise. It claims that we should never choose a wrong path to chase the right goal because the achievement of goals is uncertain but our wrong ways might produce other wrong results. Volkswagen Group has followed the utilitarian approach, but they did not clarify what right purpose they wanted to achieve. It is apparent that it was mere selfishness (Cavico, Mujtaba. N.p). They were not going to reveal their shameful act if there were no research by Arvind Thiruvengadam of the Virginia University of America. The contemporary business needs a strict watch all over the world because this community is so insensitive to the matters of mass destruction.


Work ethics have become much important in the contemporary century than ever in history. Business has become so complex in nature that it has become harder governments to keep a check on the activities of the businesses, but Volkswagen Scandal has proved that these shameless and unethical white-color criminals would not fear from setting a fire on the whole world for their petty interests if they are not checked regularly by independent bodies. The article and the video concluded that the new criminals must be told that the ends do not justify the means.

Works Cited

Cavico, D. F. J., and Bahaudin G. Mujtaba. "Volkswagen emissions scandal: a global case study of legal, ethical, and practical consequences and recommendations for sustainable management." Global Journal of Research in Business & Management Vol 4.2 (2016).

Rhodes, Carl. "Democratic business ethics: Volkswagen’s emissions scandal and the disruption of corporate sovereignty." Organization Studies 37.10 (2016): 1501-1518.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Executive Jets

Jets of Daytona

Student’s Name




Daytona Jets is one of the leading airline training and management organization. It has a team of experts, which provides a specialized aircraft maintains, flight management, and trainings of individuals pursuing a career in the aviation industry. Over the last years, the organization has experience steady growth, which created a need to add more aircrafts into the fleet of aircraft the company manages CITATION Day19 \l 1033 (Daytone Jets, 2019). There is an increase demand of aircraft services in Florida, Caribbean and East Coast and therefore, Daytona Jets is forced to seek for new fleets of aircraft to add on its already over used aircrafts so that it can be able to meet the demand in the market.

The purpose of this study is to seek for the aircrafts, which can meet the needs of the company based on the market requirement. Therefore, the company should consider two options of aircraft based on the available offer in the market. It is important for the company to consider technical advantage of the aircraft, and therefore, Pilatus PC 12 and Cessna Jet are the best option for Daytona Jets.

Market requirement

Based on the market and demand of the aircraft the company requires aircrafts, which can serve a flight range of 401 to 2200 miles. It should be able to carry a maximum of 6 people per trip and this would be profitable to the company. Since it only serves a specific route and range of flights a light aircraft with a better engine would be an idea aircraft, which would serve Daytona Jets well for several years. Market research also indicates that 30% of market is premium segment, 50% are average customers and 20% are leisure travelers CITATION Hol15 \l 1033 (Holand & Seth, 2015). These are some of the key elements, which make light aircraft to be the best aircraft for Daytona Jets to purchase for the purpose of business expansion.


The Pilatus PC 12 is the best aircraft for the flight since it has the specific range, passenger capacity and space, which can meet the demand in the market. The Pilatus PC 12 and Cessna 182 are able to meet the main mission required. The Cessna 182 and Pilatus PC 12 have a speed of more than 401 and can cover an average speed of more than 240 miles stretch in just one hour and forty minutes CITATION Mar16 \l 1033 (Lessard, 2016). When given enough fuel and good maintenance, Cessna 182 can serve for several hours without taking rest to cool the engine, which most aircrafts cannot manage to complete and therefore, Cessna 182 and Pilatus PC 13 are the best aircraft, which Daytona Jets should settle on and purchase to expand its fleets of aircraft operations. Cessna Citation Jet/M2 have the capacity to complete or fulfill the need of the market based on its flight hours, capacity and range of flights and therefore, the two aircrafts Cessna Citation Jet/Ms and Pilatus PC12 are the best choice for the aircraft, which would be able to meet the mission requirements.

Operational Concepts

The company will require a total number of five aircrafts to meet the growing demands in the market. With a yearly flight schedule of 1700 hours of every aircraft, and calculated requirement of 7200, 30 aircrafts would be able to meet the demand in the market. Daytona need to acquire about 30 aircrafts to be able to provide the demanded services from the customers. It will acquire 10 Cessna Jet/M2 and 20 Pilatus PC 12 aircrafts, within a period of two years CITATION Mar09 \l 1033 (Toppari, 2009). With an acquisition of these aircrafts, Daytona Jets would be able to serve the market efficiently and grow its market share within the next five years. However, the acquisition of the 20 aircrafts will also make the company to hire more pilots, and other crews to provide required assistant during the flight. It is also important to point that more control podium and management team would be required as well so that it can monitor the operations of the entire flights. And because of the additional aircrafts, the company would require efficient management from marketing and sales, IT and other relevant department, which provide support to the aircraft so that Daytona Jets could provide appropriate and effective services to its customers.


The market assessment has established that the acquisition of Cessna Jet/M2 would cost the Daytona approximately $4.5 million. It is tabulated that each Cessna Jet/M2 cost about $45000 and the ten pieces would cost the company about $ 4.5 million. This cost does not include delivery and other related costs, which the company would incur during the delivery. The Pilatus P12 is established to cost about $55000 each and therefore, twenty pieces of the said aircraft would cost about $11 million. It is therefore, means that Daytona would used about $15.5 million to acquire the light aircrafts, which it needs to have complete fleets to the additional market demand. However, the total operational cost of Pilatus P 12 is estimated to be $3.5 million annually and Cessna jet/M2 is $2.7 million. This is for the next 30 years until 2050 and based on this calculation, it is an appropriate to point that the purchase of the aircraft is a good business decision. They have the capacity to generate the intended amount and more profit for the company, therefore, the cost related to operation and purchase of the two aircrafts would be easy recovered from the operations within five years. This is due to the high demand in the market and therefore, it is appropriate to point that the two aircrafts are affordable and would be profitable based on their costs.


The assessment conducted established that, Daytona Jets requires light aircrafts, which could serves its current routes and new routes, which is about to be established. And based on this it needs aircrafts which requires little maintenance, fuel efficient and can serve the company for a longer time. It is therefore, recommended to purchase Cessna Jet/M2 because of its fuel consumption and cost of maintenance. The aircraft would be able to serve for years and cover longer distance and this makes it more profitable compared to other aircrafts. However, because Daytona is also looking into comfort of tourism and high end clients, Pilatus P12 is therefore, recommended and purchasing this aircraft is likely to give the company more edge in the market. With both aircrafts being a good business idea, the company should purchase more Pilatus P12 because of its comfort, fuel consumption and the number of hours the aircraft can take nonstop without refueling. In order to ensure that the aircrafts are profitable, it is recommended for Daytona Jets to hire pilots, and some experience crew for the purpose of the new aircrafts. It would also important to get specialized technicians for this new fleets of aircrafts foe the management purpose to make sure that the serve the airline for several years without serious damages.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Daytone Jets. (2019). Daytona Jets Management and Operations. https://www.yelp.com/biz/daytona-jets-daytona-beach , 2-18.

Holand, T., & Seth, R. (2015). Why Airlines Needs Aircraft Purchase Strategy. Journal of Aviation and management , 2-14.

Lessard, M. (2016). Aircraft Acquisition Finance & Leasing Aircraft Acquisition, Finance. https://www.mcgill.ca/iasl/files/iasl/ASPL614_Aircraft-Buy-Lease_Lessard.pdf , 2-45.

Toppari, M. (2009). Analysis of the Purchasing Process. https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/3800/Toppari_Mari.pdf?sequence=1 , 12-35.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Executive Summary


[Name of Student]

[Name of College/University]


Women in prison are highly invisible and vulnerable population, and people in rare cases the opportunity to hear their stories. The public health importance of the issue has unsatisfactorily been recognized. Around 10 million people worldwide are held in penal institutions. While half the global prison population is imprisoned in three countries: the US, China, and Russia. Researchers and practitioners in the US felt to write about the issue. In this regard, the Justice Committee have confirmed that they are in the depth of an enduring crisis in prison decency and safely.


There has been a significant increase in the number of women prisoners around the world in recent decades. There is a 71% percent increase in the prison population among the countries listed on the World Prison Population List. More than five million women are held in penitentiary institutions around the world. While the women get prisoned are usually come from a disadvantaged and marginalized society. They are a small minority of the population in prison, but in some countries, their rate is increasing such as Wales and England ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"MryiPkSh","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(R. I. Mawby n.d.)","plainCitation":"(R. I. Mawby n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":395,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/PNQ5USLR"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/PNQ5USLR"],"itemData":{"id":395,"type":"webpage","title":"Women in Prison: A British Study - R.I. Mawby, 1982","URL":"https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/001112878202800102?journalCode=cadc","author":[{"literal":"R. I. Mawby"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (R. I. Mawby n.d.). Where the number of women population has been increased 200% over the past decade.

The small number of prison result in women imprisonment in long distanced prisons from their homes. This affects maintaining ties with their families and difficulty increases when they have dependent children. When a mother is being imprisoned, this result in the breakup of their family and her children are sent into the state care institutions. Most of the offences which women do are non-violent such as drug and property related and for that they serve short sentences.

Compare to male prisoners, women have generally more health problems and require greater care than the male. As most the women do not have contacts with their health services when they admit into the prison. As a result, most of the women have an idea of their health and frequently suffer health problems including depression and traumatic stress have frequently been reported. The mental health problems are higher than that of the male prisoners, around 90% higher. In addition, they are more likely to commit suicide and self-harm. In the case of the US, women prisoners are three times more likely to have experienced either sexual or physical abuse before imprisonment.

A high number of women prisoners are addicted to drugs compared to male. On the other hand, the risks of sexually transmitted infections are higher among women such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"UWTc1lTA","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Yu-Shu Chen, Yung-Lien Lai, Chien-Yang Lin n.d.)","plainCitation":"(Yu-Shu Chen, Yung-Lien Lai, Chien-Yang Lin n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":397,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/9RXXVC9P"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/9RXXVC9P"],"itemData":{"id":397,"type":"webpage","title":"The Impact of Prison Adjustment Among Women Offenders: A Taiwanese Perspective - , 2014","URL":"https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0032885513512083?journalCode=tpjd","author":[{"literal":"Yu-Shu Chen, Yung-Lien Lai, Chien-Yang Lin"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Yu-Shu Chen, Yung-Lien Lai, Chien-Yang Lin n.d.). They often serve short sentences, this means there is a higher turnover rate of women prisoners and hence there is an intensive interaction between the community, prison and the society at all. Therefore, the continuity of their health service becomes important after the post-release especially in the first week of the release.

The state government, in this regard, are responsible for the provision of adequate health services during and after their release from the prison. For example, there is a significant variation in the availability of treatment such as harm reduction treatment and opioid substitution treatment. However, the ways in which mental issues treated are different as the programs are either inadequate or non-existent for countering the specific requirements. This would possibly cause a severe mental health issue.

In a human rights perspective, the prison system has failed to meet biological and gendered requirements that have been highlight by the Amnesty International in its report on the women prison in the US.

The improvement of the situation requires thought, awareness, and action at all levels of policy-making such as prison staff, health advocates, prison management and politicians. In this regard following may be considered.

First, there is a need to define the health-care system in the UN declaration of human rights. Moreover, women imprisonment should be considered when there is no alternative available. In fact, this is vital to women with pregnancy or young children. Because it costs both personally and socially as they lose their family, community, and society. Moreover, community-based services need to be strengthened to prevent further women from imprisonment.

Second, there is a significant gap in staff training in prisons. All the staff who work with women prisoners needs to follow gender sensitivity with improved coordination with higher authorities and effective response to the gendered concerns.

Third, the international standards have vital importance with regulations particularly focused on the women prisoners. However, most often, such regulations are general in nature and do not adequately guarantee the provision of services that meet their specific requirements.

Lastly, an imperative part of gender equity is women preferences related to health. The services should be based on an individual level so that they could meet specific needs. This includes rigorous us of chaperones and female practitioner.


The high cost of women imprisonment in social, health and financial terms makes crime and challenging politics issue. In this regard, new approaches have been developing around the world concerning women in prison. There is a great emphasis on an alternative to the prison such as Diversion and Liaison services by supporting women at their own places ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"0QuFQfcI","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Alternatives to Custody n.d.)","plainCitation":"(Alternatives to Custody n.d.)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":401,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/QPD5TXXQ"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/QPD5TXXQ"],"itemData":{"id":401,"type":"webpage","title":"Alternatives to Custody","URL":"https://www.womeninprison.org.uk/research/briefings-bulletins.php?s=2015-11-23-alternatives-to-custody","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",4,12]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Alternatives to Custody n.d.). Moreover, the prisons around the world have established mother and baby units. In addition, ideas related to health promotions have been developing with a more participatory approach by using community development. Imprisonment becomes an important concern when diseases in the prison population are disregarded. To correct many of the contemporary issues, there needs to be an agreed international recommendation and change in policy.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY “Alternatives to Custody.” https://www.womeninprison.org.uk/research/briefings-bulletins.php?s=2015-11-23-alternatives-to-custody (April 12, 2019).

R. I. Mawby. “Women in Prison: A British Study - R.I. Mawby, 1982.” https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/001112878202800102?journalCode=cadc (April 12, 2019).

Yu-Shu Chen, Yung-Lien Lai, Chien-Yang Lin. “The Impact of Prison Adjustment Among Women Offenders: A Taiwanese Perspective - , 2014.” https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0032885513512083?journalCode=tpjd (April 12, 2019).

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Extent Of Policing In The United States

Extent of policing

The incident of 9/11 has huge impacts on the policing because the police and state emphasize on eliminating the terrorist activities from the country. Due to increased pressures from the state the police is now more often searching citizens and cameras are planted throughout the cities for monitoring citizen activities. Law enforcement now suggests on using technology for enhancing security and minimizing the risks of terrorist attacks CITATION Ron12 \l 1033 (Burns, 2012).

Surveillance technology offers many advantages to the police such as they can monitor the streets even when they are absent from the incidents. Massive amount of criticism is received by the law enforcement for affecting the privacy of the citizens. However it is still important to adopt technology and minimize the risks of terrorist attacks by keeping an eye on the activities of the people CITATION Mic185 \l 1033 (Cayford & Pieters, 2018). The intelligence officers stress the need for formulating effective policies that will prevent police from misusing the evidence. The indicates the need for conducting scrutiny and assuring that the cameras are installed for promoting safety in the city. It is also crucial to conduct cost and benefit analysis for determining if the technology has been adequate for enhancing security and mitigating crimes.

Homeland security is focused on creating strategies response for building tactics for addressing the issue of national security. Integration of technology is also criticized because it is a violation of the Amendment that protects the privacy rights of the citizens. This depicts the need for establishing adequate policy for making appropriate use of technology such as surveillance cameras and preventing its misuse. This also requires sharing knowledge and awareness among the officers about the legal use of technology. Without technology it is not possible to mitigate the risks of terrorist attacks.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Burns, R. G. (2012). Policing: A Modular Approach 1st Edition. Prentice Hal.

Cayford, M., & Pieters, W. (2018). The effectiveness of surveillance technology: What intelligence officials are saying. An International Journal , 34 (2).

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Film Review

Name of Student

Name of Professor

Name of Class

Day Month Year

Film Review

What’s the film trying to say?

Film “My Cousin Vinny” was one of the most admired comedy movies of 1992 that revolves around a court case. This entire movie is based on the criminal case in which two young New Yorkers are being arrested under the allegation of murder. This movie with a little touch of humor is giving a message about the worthiness of practice and legal proceedings systematically. This movie is delivering a message that self-belief is one of the essential things that one would need for winning any battle despite having any sufficient experience of achievement. Looking at the career of main character Vincent Gambini, who never won even a single case as a lawyer one could have a true inspiration as he try to protect his cousin Billy Gambini and his friend by studying their case. This movie is also giving the message of dedication and passion that one would have for his profession. It is explicitly delivering a message to all the attorneys who after watching this movie would become familiar with many techniques that are going to help them in their future career.

From a legal perspective, this film is trying to say that it is essential to take your client in confidence and being honest with them would be the only way through which one could win their trust. Making your client realize what is good for them is a key of convincing them and being a lawyer it is the first thing to do for taking them in confidence. Make them realize that you know what you are doing and you will do it in the best possible way. It is also giving one of the most important message for all those who are linked with legal proceedings, courts and would particularity address lawyers that legal institutions and books cannot teach you all the tactics and techniques for reviewing a case, but it would only give you an essential guidance and knowledge how to use your study for proving things right and wrong according to the situation for saving lives of people.

Was it worth to make it?

Yes, it was worth making movie as any piece of entertainment would be always worthy for reviewing. Specifically, in the case of this movie, there are many vital themes that have been discussed. There are significant reasons why it was worth making and these reasons are listed below:

First of all, it is worth making film as it gives a positive message that one must believe in his self. Unless one is going to be confident about his self, no one else is going to have faith in them. Vinny, who never won even a single case, but his confidence was the main thing that helped him in achieving his first success.

Secondly, it was worth making as it helped all those who were related to law. Specifically, it is a movie worth watching for the lawyers as they would get a lot to learn from this. In a broader sense, this movie teaches not only American, Italian or Canadian lawyers but as a whole to all the lawyers of the world many useful tactics and tricks that would help for revealing many mysteries. This movie was worth making as the story inspired many people who wanted to have a career in law.

Thirdly, the most important thing why it is worth making is the legal lessons that a lawyer can get from the main character of My Cousin Vinny. One can learn how to build a case, courtroom decorum, how to make discoveries, cross-examination, and voir dire. Legally Canadian law and many other would have most of the things that a lawyer could opt from Vinny and that would be quite helpful for him in solving a case.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Film Review — The Shawshank Redemption

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]

[Law and International Law]


The Shawshank Redemption

What’s the Film Trying to Say?

The Shawshank Redemption is one of the most interesting movies of the time of its release. The movie is based on a novella which is written by Stephen King. The characters in the film are quite interesting. Robbins has played Andy where he was a banker and was sentenced to prison on account of murdering his wife and her lover. The plot involves a judge who sentenced Andy and considered him a particularly remorseless and icy man. When it comes to the prison in Maine, it can easily be observed that Andy’s aloofness along with his cool reserve was not seen being accepted by other inmates.

One of the most highlighted parts of the entire film is when Andy gets raped by a group of angry men. Andy is given a number of long stretches by those angry men, because of the bad attitude of him. However, Andy seems to be quite lucky as he was befriended by Morgan Freeman who played the role of Red. In The Shawshank Redemption, Red was a prison fixer. Andy being a banker had great accounting skills, and starts doing the taxes for the guards. The outcomes of this result in providing Andy with a cushy job of librarian. With the passage of time, Andy wrangles money out of state official for building a fine library anywhere.

Frank Darabont who is the director and the writer as well of The Shawshank Redemption has tried to draw out intense and strong performances from Tims Robbins and Morgan Freeman as soulmate who tend to support each other. It must be taken into consideration that red sees hope as a dangerous thing that tends to drive someone insane. However, the belief of Andy is that it is nothing but fuel that keeps one going against odds.

Was it Worth to Make it?

The film The Shawshank Redemption is undoubtedly worth to make due to a number of reasons. First of all, the entire story is quite great which tends to engage the viewer to watch the entire movie without getting bored. The Shawshank Redemption is an amazing film as it has been able to increase the fanbase of the entire cast of the film. The movie undoubtedly encompasses dreams, hopes, and hardships. So, basically the movie gives hope to the audience, and it is something great about The Shawshank Redemption that it moves you.

There is no doubt that the circumstances between the viewers and the characters of the film are quite different. However, the viewer does not feel that far removed from what a character is going through. It can simply be said that The Shawshank Redemption is a simple film, but still, it has an everlasting message for the viewers. Frank Darabont did not require to put any sort of outlandish special effects in order to get viewers to love his film. It is nothing, but the acting along with narration that does for him.

The question to be a debate on is why The Shawshank Redemption is such a nice movie still have not been able to win all seven Oscars. However, the matter of fact is that the film ranks on IMDb’s top 250 list. Apart from the message that a viewer may get from this movie, the acting in The Shawshank Redemption is simply phenomenal. There is no doubt that the performance given by Tim Robbins is one of the greatest. Throughout the film, Tim Robbins was intelligent and inspiring, and the most important part is that he was positive from all angles. In a nutshell, the movie was worth to make it.

Work Cited

"The Shawshank Redemption (1994) - Imdb." IMDb. N. p., 2019. Web. 4 Mar. 2019.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Final Exam

Title page

Legal and ethical environment

Ryan Coogler v. Ripoff

Court’s rule in case of Ryan Coogler v. Ripoff will act in favor of Coogler because Ripoff has violated the copyright infringement law. Coogler filled suit of copyright infringement against Ripoff and Sleazy claiming that they have used the design costumes that were similar to the ones worn by the characters of his movie ‘Black Panther’. Court’s rule in case of Ryan Coogler v. Sleazy will also act the favor of Coogler because Sleazy has also violated the copyright infringement laws.

Both Ripoff and Sleazy will be liable to pay the monetary damages to Coogler because the defendants have used the costume designs from Black Panther without permission of the owner. This reflects the unlawful conduct of Ripoff and Sleazy. The Copyright Act of 1976 states that “rights of reproduction, exhibition, and sale are not part of the license you received and are reserved by the copyright holder”. The rule of court will be based on purpose and character of use, the nature of the copyrighted work and the substantiality of the portion used. Vessel Hull Design Protection Act (VHDPA) depicts that Ripoff and Sleazy did not acquire permission from the owner of Black Panther they are liable to pay the damages.


The court’s rule in case of Stalker v. Lady Panther will consider Agency’s law and agent’s authority. It states that agent can act on behalf of the actual principal. Agency explains the legal relationship between the agent and an authorized person in which the agent acts to conduct the business only after seeking permission from the principal. The principal (Peeper) could contract with the agent (Sleazy) verbally or in written. Because no contract existed between Sleazy and Jazzmine, the court will act in the favor of Sleazy.

Peeper sued Lady Panther for breach of contract and claimed damages of $25,000. Implied authority is applicable in this case that states that agent’s relationship with the principal is based on custom and usage. The contract states that, “the duties imposed on a party may be transferred to another party by delegation, unless the contract expressly restricts delegation, or there is a substantial interest in personal performance by the original party to the contract”. Lady Panther is not liable to pay the damages as claimed by Peeper because Jazzmine was not acting as her agent, neither she fulfills the conditions of agency. Peeper can sue Jazzmine for damages not Sleazy.

Business entities

The business of starting a swimming lessons camp involve certain degrees of risks. It is appropriate to get insurance for covering the cost of damages. The sisters will need to sign the business forms before starting the business. A partnership agreement will be signed by the sisters that will include details of business, capital, profit and loss, interests, salaries and banking details. The section of death will explain who will be responsible for carrying business activities after the death of either partner. Other forms that the sisters will need for starting the business include independent contractor agreement that will identify duties, terms and compensations in case of each partner CITATION Lau13 \l 1033 (Lau & Johnson, 2013). This form also include details about confidentiality and conflict of interest. The confidentiality agreement will also be signed by the partners that will explain which information can be disclosed and which information is kept protected.


The option most suitable for Kevin and Carlos is keeping their personal home and property (including that of parents) from being taken by creditors. The creditors demanded $50,000 from the company in addition to $100,000 claimed by child’s parents. U.S Bankruptcy Code offers several protections to the small businesses. Bankruptcy under chapter 7 states that unsecured personal and business debts are discharged. The debtors are not liable to make payment from their future earnings. It has also exempted the home occupied by the owner CITATION WHI06 \l 1033 (WHITE, 2006). The law also states, “exemption up to $500,000 e.g. in Massachusetts and Minnesota”. The total amount claimed by the creditors and the child’s parents is $150,000 so Kevin and Carlos can be exempted. It is also possible for the owners to gain homestead exemption that will allow them to save their personal property.


Jennifer was denied the job at the Barclays Bank due to her black color. She is liable to sue the company for denying her job because this reflects discrimination. Abercrombie & Fitch agreed to pay $50 million for their act of discrimination. The company faced allegations for hiring the white employees. This reflects their engagement in discriminatory activities because many African-Americans were denied jobs CITATION NPR04 \l 1033 (NPR, 2004). Discrimination is illegal because it is not fair to hire people on the basis of their physical appearance or skin color. The case of Jennifer can be defended on the basis of Civil Rights Act that stresses on offering equal job and employment opportunities to the people. “Title VII also prohibits acts of retaliation against anyone who complains about, or participates in, any employment discrimination complaint”. This indicates that Jennifer can file suit and claim monetary damages by proving that the rejection on the basis of color has impacted her personality and emotional wellbeing. Employment Discrimination", Section 12.3 "Other Federal Antidiscrimination Laws will be used for defending the case of Jennifer. Barclays will be liable to pay the damages because it is responsible for causing emotional destruction to an African-American woman.


Boutique Clothing Store in Boca Raton, Florida adopted a policy of hiring people who are fit and their BMI is not above a specific level. Jessica Chin an Asian female was terminated from the job when the company found that she was overweight and did not maintained average BMI as company’s policy. Jessica has a legal right to sue the company and get her job back by proving that the act of company was discriminatory. The strategy of company depicts that it preferred physical appearance by hiring smart girls. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of personal appearance or characteristics such as obesity. The Act claims that it is unlawful to terminate employees on the basis of obesity or disability if their performance is not affected. Jessica can claim monetary damages from the company and also file suit for rejoining it. Her termination is the result of discrimination that is illegal.

Research question

Slickster could be responsible for violating the stature H.R 361. He is violating the Sports Agent Responsibility and Trust Act (SARTA) because he is engaged in unfair practices of such as by offering a gift (house) to buddy’s dad for getting a contract signed. The evidence suggests that 35 states in America are following this stature for regulating agent conduct by using SARTA. The unfair practice involve, “providing anything of value to a student athlete or anyone associated with the student athlete before the student athlete enters into an agency contract” CITATION CSR03 \l 1033 (CSR, 2003). This reflects that Slickster has been engaged in unfair practice by offering a house to the father of Buddy.


CSR. (2003). Federal Regulation of Sports Agents: Sports Agents Responsibility and Trust Act (SPARTA).

Lau, T., & Johnson, L. (2013). The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business.

NPR. (2004). Abercrombie & Fitch Settles Discrimination Suit. Retrieved 07 26, 2019, from https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4174147?storyId=4174147


Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Financial Crime

Financial crimes

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[Institution affiliated]

Policy convergence and its importance in controlling financial crime

The concept of policy convergence is a popular term in political science referring to the tendency of societies to create and grow similar structures, processes and performances (Bennet, 1991). It is the increasing similarities in policies, governmental structures, economic and political preferences, and social structures. Policy convergence is increasingly becoming a popular concept in contemporary society given the growing propensity towards regional integration. Policy convergence is necessitated by policy transfer which, according to Dolowitz & Marsh (1996) relates to the transfer of policy ideas and solutions across different states in a bid to mitigate common problems.

The policy convergence comes in distinct ways. There is convergence through emulation, which arises when state officials intentionally copy and implement policy action taken from elsewhere (Bennet, 1991). The second process of convergence, according to Bennet is convergence via elite network and policy communities which is driven by multinational organizations whose primary concerns are status of their industries that have an impact across the state boundaries. These professional organizations push for policies spreading over the state boundaries. Thirdly, Bennet identifies the process of convergence via harmonization, noting that as states increased cooperation, there arises a need to create an inter-government body that ensures mutual ends and respond to problems. Lastly, Bennet indicates that the final process of convergence is convergence via penetration which refer to “one in which externally based actors participate in the selection of goals, the allocation of costs, and the mobilization of resources and capabilities in the domestic policy process” (Bennet, 1991, p. 227).

Policy convergence plays a significant role in curbing financial crimes because it supports converging anti-money laundering and anti-fraud processes. Converging these processes improves collaboration between departments, identify risks and ensure efficient and effective investigations. Policy convergence in financial services provides that process of detecting money laundering is similar, and the process of managing fraud as well as investigating financial crimes operate under a unified platform.


Bennett, C. J. (1991). What Is Policy Convergence and What Causes It? British Journal of Political Science, 21(2), 215 -233.

Dolowitz, D., & Marsh, D. (1996). Whom Learns What From Whom: a Review of the Policy Transfer Literature, Political Studies, 44(2), 343 -357.

Subject: Law and International Law

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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