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History And Anthropology Examples and Topics

Chapters 4-7

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History and Anthropology

Chapter 4

1. What geographic factors made those living in the Congo River basin isolated? (61-63)

One of the core reasons for the prevalent isolation of the Congo River basin was since how the area was blocked by the geographical drainage all the times. Another reason for the apparent isolated nature of the whole area was since how there was heavy rainfall across the year in the given region due to which the area was far from ideal.

2.WSYA how Leopold manipulated the media to fool Europeans & Americans about what his man Stanley was doing in the Congo? (64-67)

One of the key reasons that he was so successful in manipulating the larger audience was due to the fact that the media at that point of time was under the impression that Stanly was doing some sort of humanitarian work in the region. At the same time, the Leopold through wide media campaign, showed the distorted image of the region. Stanley was the chief propogandist in this regard.

3.Why did African call Stanley “Bula Matari” or Breakstone’s? (67-68)

Despite the positive image of the Stanley, the fact remains that African themselves referred to him as some sort of a cruel man and Bula Matari due to the fact that he was cruel and indifferent towards the plight of the Africans. The main purpose of the journey was to make sure that he was able to Breakstone’s in a sense that he broke the trust of the majority of the populace that was living over there due to his nature and how he operated.

4.Why did Stanley want to clothe the naked & “over-tattooed” Africans? (68-69)

Stanley was the white supremacists in the sense that he believed that how white people are always culturally superior to Africans. In a bid to take their cultural identity away from them, there was a deliberate effort on his part to make sure that he hides the tattoos and the body of the Africans which was the big part of their culture.

5.WSYA the treaty Stanley made with Ngombi & Mafela? (70-72)

The treaty that was being made by Stanley with the local populace was done with the underlying belief that what are some of the things that are needed to be done by the broader youth to appease them. The basic idea of the treaty was to make sure that the people belonging to the Ngombi and Mafela are provided with the settlements and areas where they can live and commute. The irony of the agreement was that it was their own area for which they made both these stakeholders’ bargain with him.

6.WSYA African culture & art? (72-74)

One of the key aspects of the cultural movement that was carried out at that point of time was to make sure that the under the mace of allowing people to embrace their culture, effort was being made to make sure that these people adopt to their culture as per their own sensibilities at the given point of time. The culture and art are some of the most integral part of the identity of the nation and there was a deliberate effort by Stanley to make sure that they present a distorted picture of the whole sequence of events at that point of time.

Chapter 5

1.WSYA how Leopold made treaties with Kongos?

Most of the times, the way these treaties used to work is that the Commissioners were the one that were authorized to make sure that they are having negotiations and discussion with regards to the treaties with the Kongo’s. The role of Great Britain could not be discounted during the course of the whole process as they played a mediating role during the process and how the eventual shape of the treaty is going to be turning out.

3.WSYA General Henry Shelton Sanford’s plan to send recently freed black Americans to the Congo? (76-79)

One of the ways through which the goodwill among people of Congo was being done was to make sure that they recently freed Black Americans were being sent to the region. The idea behind sending these people was to make sure that people would eventually connect with them allowing Generally Henry to further strengthen his agenda. They had a fair idea that the government and the regime that holds power in the Congo and some of the other African regions is such that is not going to resist if some broader changes that are being made over there that are going to support the long-term narrative of their government.

4.Why was Alabama Senator John Tyler Morgan excited about Leopold’s project? (79)

One of the reasons that there was certain degree of excitement among Leopold was due to the fact that how he was in the position to make sure that the eventual shape of the project is going to be determined in an appropriate manner. The idea was to make sure that the certain degree of control and influence was gained over Africa and to make sure that how better control of the region is being obtained. That would also allow him to show that how he has opted for the global expansion with better coordinated efforts in the given time period.

5.How did the African-American Congress of Chicago respond? (bottom 80)

The response from the African American Congress was far from ideal. The first thing was that they were not able to take strong actions against the establishment due to the fact that the African American Congress itself did not had much of a saying in that time period. At the same time, even though they condemned this imperialism, the response was muted in the sense due to the fact that they know they could not go against the powers.

6.What was going on at the 1884 Berlin Conference & why were there no Africans at the table? (80-84)

In an act that is going to be the most despised on in the century, there was a deliberate plan among people of United States and Britain to make sure that the model is created that is going to allow for the fair and free distribution of the land of Africa. For the obvious reasons, no African was made part of this colonialization attempt as it would have foiled the event.

Chapter 6

1.What effect did new inventions of the 19th century have on the Congo? (88-91)

Most of the times, what happens is that the new innovations do have a positive impact on the prospective population. The same thing though could not be said about Congo due to the fact that the imperialist ideology and the backward mindset meant that they were not able to bring about the progress in their nation. At the same time, another thing that was lacking in the population was that they did not have the level of education or sophistication that is needed in order to ensure that the technology could be used in an effective manner. It goes to show that without proper education, technology does not have the required impact

2.Why was Leopold named honorary president of the British Aborigines Protection Society? (92-95)

Despite the fact that the adventures that were carried out by Leopoid were not for the benefit of the African populace, no other politician has lobbied that hard when it comes to making sure that the role of Great Britain and the United States must be increased in the region. Keeping that aspect in mind, it is fair to assume that the he had an insight about the some of the prospective benefits of working in the region at the given point of time. It was one of the prime reasons that he was instated as the British Aborigines Protection Society. Another reason that he was honored was due to the fact that how well he protected the interest of the British empire at that point of time and despite the fact that the methods that were used by him were far from ideal, it went a long way towards distorting the facts.

3.How did King Leopold finance his Congo operations?

One of the worst parts about the operation was that how the financing of the whole thing was being carried out. The major financing of the whole project was being done with the money of the Africans themselves that these people have looted for a very long time. It was quite ironic in a sense that the level of effort that was carried out by the King Leopold to pretend to work in the interest of a certain community and then making sure that an effort is carried out to make sure that they resource, and the other aspects of these people are being used against them. The other major element of the financing was to make sure that the restraint was being showed when it comes to using the own funds of the Kingdom.

4.What strikes you about the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition? (95-100)

In the day and age when the media distortion was quite hard to achieve at the broader level, it was one of the major things that was done at that point of time. The Emin Pasha Relief Expedition can be termed as the last great effort that was carried out by the Europeans to make sure that how the Africans can be painted in bad light and it can be showed that what are some of the broader issues that are faced by the major populace at the given point of time. It was another melodramatic account of Stanley expedition of Africa as a nation. The other thing that it goes to show is that how prevailing the power of manipulation was at that point of time and how easy it was for the authorities to make sure that they are clearly duping the general populace and distorting the facts. Having survived for ten years of his childhood in the workhouse at St Asaph, he needed as a young man to be thought of as harder and more formidable than other explorers. That made him exaggerate punishments and hostile encounters. It was a serious error of judgement for which his reputation continues to pay a heavy price. Stanley's good relations with these two colleagues from the Emin Pasha Expedition shows that he could get on with colleagues.

Chapter 7

1.WSYA U.S. veteran & historian George Washington Williams?

The role of Washington Williams is quite important when it comes to bringing into forefront the truth about the whole incident. United States veteran provided a detailed account of how things happened over there and what was the actual truth behind the whole sequence of events. It was not until 150 years later that the general populace got to know about some of the challenges that are faced by the broader population in that area. At the same time, another important role that was performed by George Washington in this regard was to make sure that how the eventual collection of the events and some of the elements about the rich cultural heritage are known to the people.

2.Williams called what was happening in the Congo “crimes against humanity.” Do you agree? (112)

The first thing that one needs to understand is that what constitutes crimes against humanity. The gross violation of the human rights as well as well as some of the other underlying issues are some of the major instances of how the violation of the human rights is being done at the given point of time. Keeping that aspect in mind, there should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that how the crimes against humanity were carried out. One of the core reasons that the magnitude of the crime is on such a higher side is due to the fact that how the general populace did not have any clue regarding what was going in the region at that point of time and how they could have reacted in a better manner. In one of his books, Stanley said about mixed African-Arab people: "For the half-castes I have great contempt. They are neither black nor white, neither good nor bad, neither to be admired nor hated. They are all things, at all times. ... If I saw a miserable, half-starved negro, I was always sure to be told, he belonged to a half-caste. Cringing and hypocritical, cowardly and debased, treacherous and mean ... this syphilitic, blear-eyed, pallid-skinned, abortion of an Africanized Arab."

3.What are Williams’s main arguments against Leopold in his Open Letter? (108-112)

The argument that are set forth by Williams are pretty much universal in their nature. The first thing that is asserted by him is that how important it was for all the stakeholders involved to make sure that the African populace was made the part of the whole process. Another thing that was talked about by him was that how the imperialist attitude of the Leopold had caused considerable damage to the region and how amends are needed to be made to make sure that the long-term structural changes are brought into the reckoning. The main grade though was that how he has used a good cause of his own nihilistic goals.

4.Why do you think Williams was the only non-African to speak out about the atrocities?

One of the core reasons that Williams was openly able to speak about the atrocities is due to the fact that he was well aware of the shortcomings of the system and how people have exploited it for their own means. At the same time, he was one of the few people who had a fair idea about the African region as he had worked over there, and he knew how farfetched some of the responses are that are made by Stanley In 1877, not long after one of Stanley's expeditions, Reverend J. P. Farler met with African porters who had been part of the expedition and wrote, "Stanley's followers give dreadful accounts to their friends of the killing of inoffensive natives, stealing their ivory and goods, selling their captives, and so on. I do think a commission ought to inquire into these charges, because if they are true, it will do untold harm to the great cause of emancipating Africa. ... I cannot understand all the killing that Stanley has found necessary".

Works Cited

Singer, Kurt, John Brooke, and Stanley Ayling. "Mirror, Sword and Jewel." (1982).

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 8 Words: 2400

Chapters 8-11

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Chapter 8-11


Leopold gave the declaration on the case of ivory gathering. The city of Congo was using to gather the ivory. After the parliamentary debate in 1891, Leopold wrote that the Congo state is not the business. They only gathered the ivory to reduce the deficit of the state and if African was helping in the gathering of ivory then it was also not for the profit purpose. The main purpose of the ivory collection was for rescuing the people of Congo from indolence. Europeans were using the land of Africa only for justifying the conquest of America. For the purpose of more clarification about the ivory collection, he declared the statement to the American reporter. He was trying to explain all the steps that he was taking were for the welfare of the local people not for the personal or European profit.

The demand of the porters was very high. Porters were poor African who used to work for the European people who lived in Congo state for the trade of ivory. They were not paid in term of money. The officials who had to move away from the river system and into the bushes for collecting ivory were required extensive columns of porters to transport everything from the machine gun. Porters got payment for their duties, most of them were conscripts, but sometimes they were paid in term of food to carry on their journey. The death rate among the posters was relatively higher as they were forced to transfer heavyweight things to the vast distances.

There were various reasons which made functionaries watch the chicotte in action so carelessly. It was because of race. According to the Europeans, African were uncivilized, lazy, and little better than animals. This mentally was the reason behind the excessive workload over the posters. Authorities developed the Congo state, and this terror was sanctioned into the people mindset. It was impossible to raise the voice or to question white people, as it meant that the challenge to the system which gave livelihood to the people of Congo state. The functionaries were too dangerous that they did not question the person; they just act over it harshly. Victorian ideas were the foundation of such a racist society.

Leopold had made use of African mercenaries ever since sending Stanley to stake out his claim from 1879 to 1884. Leopold’s rule was filled with racism and discrimination. The Force Publique had its hands full. Various ethnic groups announced rebel against the rule of Leopold. Four ethnic groups that were Yaka, Chokwe, Boa, and the Budja fought a long war for their rights. The Yaka people fought for almost ten years with white people. The war ended in 1906 before they were subdued.

Force Publique were the mercenaries. During 1879-84, Leopold used the number of African mercenaries to stake out his privilege. Later in 1888, he organized the mercenaries into the Force Publique. In other words, Leopold established the army for himself from African mercenaries. With the next few years about nineteen thousand men and officer become the part of this force. By the late 1890s Force Publique was consuming half of the state's budget. The main purpose of the establishment of Force Publique was to control the rebellions. Many ethnic groups announced rebel against Leopold's rule. Force Publique fought with these rebellions to maintain the power of Leopold in Africa. The Force Publique was divided into groups in which the numbers of black soldiers were used to work under the supervision of one white officer.

A shrewd Tippu Tip was a very resourceful man. He was a powerful businessman. He used to collect the ivory for profit. Through the trade of ivory, he expanded his business dramatically in the state of Congo. Stanley knew the power of Tippu Tip. Therefore when he found the route toward upper Congo River, the king offered Tippu to serve their empire as a governor. Tippu Tip accepted the offer of the king and became the governor of the colony's eastern province. He was the largest slave trader in the state. King bargained with him to set free the number of slaves. The king set the condition over the contract of freedom of slaves. He wanted the free slaves to work for him within the Force Publique for seven years from the freedom. Therefore, Tippu Tip became the helper of the king to make a powerful Force Publique.

Rebels did not kill priest Father Auguste because of his religious background. Rebel's king told him that he had spent his life for God, spreading his massage. He took care of people who were sick. He taught God's word. There was no rifle of a priest. Therefore instead of killing Father Auguste, they fed him by slaughtering a goat, and a cup of coffee.

Ilanga's story was about the brutal act of Force Publique who entered into a village name "Waniendo" and took their food and animals. Next day they again entered into the village and forced people to move with them. They wanted them to be slaves. The soldiers ordered them to march without giving them food. They killed lots of people who tried to reject their orders. Many people died because of hunger, and they had to parade the whole day without a good meal. After ten days they brought people of Waniendo that is into the White men’s town. This whole brutal act was done by the Force Palaque leader named Kalanga. He made innocent people slaves for white people.

The role of Protestant missionaries in Congo was in favor of Congo people. They were foreigners and therefore beyond the power of Leopold. They also kept posters for their daily needs to be done. One of the missionaries informed their churche’s members through a letter about the instability of Congo. He also highlighted the fact that rebels were not killing them; instead, they were protecting them and behaving in a good way. On the hand, Catholic missionaries were not a foreigner and were under the control of Leopold. They were the supporter of Leopold and his regime. Their main role was to build children's colonies, in which Force Publique after attacking the villages, brought survivor to make them slaves.

Leon Rom who became an officer without a good education achieved lots of medals and power in Congo because of his White origin. Many people like him were attracted to Congo in search of wealth and being rich. The lucrative commission structure for the collection of ivory was the main attraction for these people. They got a high post with good pay. They also had posters. Most of them were missionaries; they joined the French Foreign Legion who gathered in the Klondike and South Africa. Also, many white men like Leon Ram became the officers of the Force Publique group without acquiring good education or skills; they took advantage of white privilege.

Whenever new people had to arrive in the Congo, they were kept awake whole night. In the bar, some drunker sang songs a whole night for them. Through singing, they described the sorrow about slavery and brutal acts of Europeans. At the same time, Africans sang different songs in which they cursed the white men and prayer about their dawn and death. They sang that sun, elephants, and river would kill the Europeans who came to Congo. Many other songs were sung by the Africans which mostly depend on the harsh reality of Africans and curses for the white men.

Chapter 9

A European Joseph Conrad went to Africa and noticed the behavior of white men and the condition of the Africans. He wrote the novella telling the story in the novel “The Heart of Darkness”. He had a perception that Leopold was working for African people to make them civilized. Therefore he went to Africa and stayed there for six months. He noticed the power of white men and slavery of African. On his return to European with so much disappointment, he told the story of the whole journey to his friend Edward Garnett. He wrote his heart out and made the novel "The Heart of Darkness." Edward Garnett wrote this short novel after the eight years of his Congo experience.

Chapter 10

William Sheppard was black American. He recorded the situation that he witnessed in the Congo. A scene which could be the symbol of the brutality of the colonies. He showed up in the annals of exploration and was not a white explorer in Africa as such. The main aim of William to visit Africa was to work for the white privilege. He helped engineer united state about the reputation and power of Leopold and the situation of Congo in his regime. William hoped that black people from America would emigrate in Africa. He was the first black American in Congo among the American missionaries. Like many other visitors or explorer, the journey of William was free of humiliating or brutal experiences.

Sheppard and Kuba's people had a strong relationship. The homeland of people of Kuba was bordered with the land where Sheppard was working. The people of Kuba worked in textiles, sculptures, and expanding carved tools, and masks. They were among the greatest artists of Africa. Sheppard had lots of Kuba art collection which was ended up in Virginia, at Sheppard's alma mater. Sheppard was the first outsider who acquired the Kuba art. He also wrote about the culture, rituals, and myth about the people of Kuba and Kasai region. Shepperd found Kuba people civilized. Kuba people acquired civilization from the Egyptians, was the perception of Sheppard after watching them well settled with their own culture and rituals. Sheppard remained in the court of Kuba for six months and noticed the entire social and legal activities of them. Later he wrote a lot about the Kuba people who impressed him in many ways.

When Leopold discovered the wide rubber vine, he found the source for boosting his profit. He was in a hurry to export the rubber and get money from it because Latin America and Asia were also producing rubber. Their plantation had time to get mature for harvest. Therefore, Leopold wanted to increase the revenue by exporting a large quantity of rubber before Asia and Latin America entered into the market. He knew that once other countries would start exporting rubber to the world, the price will drop. Leopold wanted to get the profit of monopoly. He was also aware of the ivory demand and its exports, but now his main focus was to enhance the revenue of Congo with the help of rubber exports.

The main business of the Leopold was the collection of ivory. He showed the world that he was trying to civilize the people of Africa, but in reality, he was getting profit through the ivory collection. In the 1700s, a British scientist provided the substance to erase the pencil mark. With time rubber got more uses and more products were made. With the increase in demand for rubber, its price was also increased. Leopold took advantage of the market situation and start exporting rubber. Congo was rich with the rubber trees that were ready to harvest. Leopold increased the labor and their payment for the rubber collection. In 1903 one of productive agent got an annual salary about eight times more than the original salary where posters were used as the labor for rubber collection.

King of Congo had gone into the debt with his investments when the rubber boom came as a godsend. The rubber became the main source for revenue and profit from Congo. He started his brutal act as he did for ivory collection. Soldiers from his army were entered into the different villages and looted their grain, chickens, out of their houses. They attacked the people especially women and kept them as the hostage. They demanded the chief of the village to provide the amount of rubber to get their people free. In this way chiefs of Africa got nothing but the brutality and blood of their villagers. If any male villager refused to obey the order for gathering rubber then in response soldier had killed their wife.

For the rubber collection, labor was the issue. Posters were used for rubber collection initially, but with an increase in export speed Leopold needed more labor. He enforced people of different villages to provide him a particular amount of rubber at a time. The villagers who refused his order or failed to provide the fair amount of rubber, soldiers of Leopold cut their hands off and then smoked. They did not kill all the villagers and left some alive to show other Africans the result of rejection King's order. Sheppard investigated the rubber system and found many dead bodies and injured people, all of them had burned hands, and some hands were showed by the chief along with the bodies whom they belong to. The situation was evidence of the horrible aspect of Leopold's rubber system.

Leopold soldiers cut and smoked the hands of a large number of Africans. Africans were scared of their brutal act. Leopold was trying to horrify them to take their advantage. This fear and horror lead to some myths. One of the myths spread all over Africa about the white soldier. According to the myth white soldier had cans in his house which contains meat. The news was spread that the cans did not contain the meat of animals as labeled on it. It was the meat of villagers. Hands of villagers were chopped-up and put in the cans.

Chapter 11

After the successful gain of profit through ivory and rubber Leopold found that connection with other lands through the railway could be significant for trade. During 1897, Leopold had started to invest in Congo for the railway in China. Climate, disease, and gauge track issue made the construction a more daunting project. In 1892, China started working on the railway. The railway became the element for Congo's wealth and power. Many employees died while constructing the railway line due to the number of issues like weather and diseases. Labor task was performed by the natives of Africa while higher posts were given to the Americans and foreign missionaries. The railway line became the backbone of the progress of the state.

The terror of Leopold killing by cutting and smoking them made villagers disappeared in the jungles. Missionaries who came to Africa found it difficult to clothe the bodies and to save souls. Villagers who were hiding into the jungle asked for help from the missionaries from rubber trouble. The missionaries just played the role of the observer in the battlefield and Sheppard was the witness who wrote about the situation. In 1894 a Congolese song was recorded by the Swedish missionaries. They sang the song after being tired of the terror, pain, sadness, and helplessness. Through song they explained their mental condition, they wanted to die; they were praying for death through song.

In 1879 a fair was set in Brussels. People from all around the world came to Brussels to attend the fair. At Tervuren, outskirt of the city became the most exciting exhibit for the visitors. More than millions of the people reached to Congo for fair. Things like Maxim gun and civilization instruments that were praised by Stanley were displayed. Linen tapestries which highlighted the Congo aspect related to family life, Barbarism, Christianity, Freedom, Slavery, Polygamy, and civilization were portrayed. The Ota Benga was pygmy from Congo were kept in monkey zoo in one of the New York zoos. When people found that he belongs to the Congo he was rescued by a delegation of black ministers.

Three discoveries shocked Edmund Den Morel. Firstly, the rule according to which arms Congo were sent to the Congo whose confession was so upset that secretary of Congo was not an exception. Secondly, money was made for America from ivory and rubber in Africa. Thirdly, he found the ships loaded and unloaded. The ships were the evidence for the Elder Dempster's record. Also, ships indicated that 80% of the Congo material was for the trade where natives got almost nothing in return.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 9 Words: 2700

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Carlto Sillah

History 101

Jacob and Laban: A tale steeped in treachery and deceit

It is a common trait that people do wrong with others and then forget without realizing the effects of their wrong actions. However, it is not as simple as doing wrong and forgetting but there is a power above who never leaves anyone without justice and it is a fact that whatever you do wrong will come around one day and this is called karma. This is what the Jacob’s story tell us. Jacob did wrong and tricks his brother and then he is being tricked by his uncle Laban CITATION Hen18 \l 1033 (Hendel).

The main thing which Jacob did wrong is the trickiness he has done with his brother is purchasing of the bright right in exchange for a soup CITATION Alt \l 1033 (Altein). Besides this, he and his mother lied to his blind father and get the double of his inheritance CITATION Pek07 \l 1033 (Pekarsky). However, when Jacob fled to his uncle Laban, due to the threat of his brother, he was tricked by his uncle and get married to the younger sister of Rachel without knowing. This shows that whenever someone does wrong with others, it will come back in some way or the other.

Another thing which happened to Jacob in return of his wrongdoing with his brother is to serve as a servant to Laban for six years in order to get the love of his life and to marry Rachel CITATION Mat16 \l 1033 (Matthew). He stole his brother’s blessings just to have life of ease however, he worked for his uncle in order to get his love back.

Jacob’s story is a perfect example of the reality of karma and the fact that whatever you do will come around someday later or sooner but it will come. Jacob’s wrongdoings with his brother came back to him in the same way and his trickery behavior came back to him in the form of his uncle’s tricky behavior.

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY Altein, Boruch . "Jacob of the Bible." n.d. Chabad. <https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/112361/jewish/Jacob-of-the-Bible.htm#Esau>.

Hendel, Ronald S. The Epic of the Patriarch: The Jacob Cycle and the Narrative Traditions of Canaan and Israel (Harvard Semitic Monographs). Brill, 2018.

Matthew, Michael . "Patriarchal ethics and narrative representation: Ethics, values and morality of the biblical narrator in the Jacob's story." Stellenbosch Theological Journal 2.1 (2016): 2413-9459.

Pekarsky, Mel. "Jacob: Blessed by God and Limping Ever After." 21 October 2007. Journey With Jesus.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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The Driving Force Behind The American Revolution

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While going through the Essay “Towards a Theory of Revolution” by James C. Davies , the opening sentence was more than enough for me to pause and reflect on the state of affairs in the world that we live in.

“Revolutions are most likely to occur when a prolonged period of objective economic and social development is followed by a short period of sharp reversal.”

If we explore the history of the world alone, the cause behind every revolution, not just the American Revolution was a tyrant ruling body that chose to oppress a flourishing system just because, in their opinion, it was time to harvest the fruits of their benevolence. History is filled will examples of civilizations rising and falling at the hands of a few that became too greedy for their own good. The fall of the Greek civilization paved the way for the Roman empire to build its stronghold over the region. While some regions gave into their rule willingly, other regions gave into their rule because they did not have a better alternative at hand. While the great Ottoman Empire paved the way for its own downfall, it was pride that took away the power and the splendor held by Spain, especially around the discovery of the New World. It is only through the fall of one empire, that another can seize its power and glory and shine. When Spain fell, England quickly stepped in to capture the vacuum of power created, and it shone undefeated for years, right from the era of Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II. However, its demise began the moment it began taxing its colonies to pay for the debts it incurred following the French and the Indian War.

While no revolutions have had the impact or the repercussions where the civilizations revolted in such a fashion, then again, no other civilization was this cruel towards its very own people at the same time .

The American Revolutionary War, also known as the U.S. War of Independence, lasted from 1775 to 1783. The American Revolution began with conflicts between inhabitants of the thirteen British colonies and the government. The Battle of Lexington and Concord started off the revolution in 1775. In 1778, France allied with the colonists to defeat Great Britain, and with their help, the British surrendered at Yorktown, in 1781. Even though the Americans became independent in 1781, the war did not end up until 1783. During and after the Revolution, the Americans called for equality, justice, fairness, and liberty. Americans were dissatisfied with the promise of freedom based on race, religion, and gender. However, at that time, they had different issues to contend with .

As mentioned earlier, the English were suffering from the repercussions of the French and Indian War. The way that was fought in North America, the region had left Great Britain with a huge debt that it needed to settle. The parliament was considering a number of options at the point and as a result, the parliament was considering passing a number of laws by placing taxes on the colonies. According to them, Great Britain had fought a long and costly war to protect the American subjects from the French living in Canadian lands. Thus, in an attempt to justify the taxes being implemented, the parliament stated that it had a right to tax the American colonists to pay for the bills incurred during the war for their protection .

Despite seemingly sound reasoning, most American units disagreed with the idea. They were of the belief that England had fought a terribly expensive war in an effort to strengthen its own empire, as opposed to fighting in it in an effort to benefit its own subjects. Furthermore, they also stated that the parliament was chosen by the people living in England at present and did not have any right to impose the required taxes. In their opinion, this foreign elected parliament did not understand their needs in the first place, thus taxing them is nothing short of being incredibly wrong. Moreover, the colonists were of the opinion that they did not have any representation in the parliament, which furthered their opinions on the matter. They took a stand on taxation without proper representation and stood their ground for a short period of time.

When you think about it from the perspective of the colonists living in America, they were sent over with a royal charter to form colonies in the area. They came over and settled into their lives, forming a government on their very own to handle their affairs. The system that they put in place worked for their colonies and allowed the people living in the colonies to look after the needs of one another. Another indisputable fact here is that the colonies were initially formed in America so that Great Britain can hold autonomy over the produce brought over from the New World into Europe. This was its way of increasing its trading powers, and hence increasing its wealth and status of power. This lays the basis of the fact that setting up colonies in New World had purely economical reasons associated with it. It may have solved Britain’s population and religious problems at the same time, but the country had a whole lot more to earn by placing its colonies in the areas that it did. Thus, when the colonies were settled, Britain let them develop, grow, and prosper in peace. It left them to their own devices until they began to prosper and that is when, conveniently, Britain decided to step in and turn the colonies into Royal Colonies .

This brings us back to Davis’ essay and how the possibility of a better economy inspires empires to change its ways and beliefs on the subject in an effort to accumulate more power and wealth. Great Britain was no different really. As soon as their colonies flourished, they began paving the way for their own woeful doom. Some of the main economic causes of the American Revolution are mainly due to Britain's unfair actions regarding trade, social order, and incrementation of taxes.

The series of taxes implemented in the area began with the Sugar Act of 1764. This was immediately followed by the Stamp Act, which required stamps for a number of different legal documents, which included newspapers and pamphlets. The Stamp Act was also accompanied by the Quartering Act, which required the colonies to provide the British Military Units with shelter, food and even transportation when they asked for it. Finally, the Townshend Acts of 1767 imposed further tariffs on the variety of goods being imported and kept the colonists from collecting a revenue, just how they used to.

Prior to the American Revolution, the British Empire had put in place the Mercantilism policies in the colonies. This prohibited the American colonies from freely trading with a non-British ally. At the time, the economic life was dominated by a small class of landowners and merchants while most people lived in power in North America. In 1765, King George III increased the taxes on the American colonies. This increased the tensions between the colonies and Britain, giving rise to the American Revolution. Time and again, the colonies made their best efforts to restore their relations with Britain in a peaceful manner, however, when push came to shove, the colonies had to resort to violent measures. The only efficient way for the British Empire to take the colonies seriously was by creating a boycott of British goods, meaning that trading was over, which would affect the merchants in the American and British economies negatively .

These taxes were not only decided wrong and a considerably terrible decision that was made on the part of the parliament of England, but they also took away the autonomy held by the colonies and its ability to trade freely with other European countries. This free trade was one of the many reasons that the colonies were able to thrive just how they were able to for so long with nearly no support from England. Not only that, but this trade was also to always pass through England from this point forward, no matter what the destination of the shipment was in the present case. Furthermore, following the seven-year French Indian war and the implementation of taxes, the colonies were also banned from settling into the newly acquired English territory and even carry out trade with the Indian communities they shared the region with. Around 10,000 armed forces were stationed in the area to ensure that no colonists violated the land treaties and were to be responsible for forming the new centers of trade with the Indians .

Add in the implementation of the law that bound the colonies to only use English produce was another low blow on the matter. At this point, Britain was trying to control every aspect of the lives of the colonists, restricting their way of life that they had lived all this time without any sort of foreign interference. So far, the protest towards the taxes was carried out in a peaceful manner. However, the Tea Act, occurring three years after the Townshend Act, was the linchpin that set the protests and rebellion against the implementation of taxes on fire. Tea, until this point, was either imported or smuggled into the area . The colonies, after having been put through so much were at the end of their patience when they refused to purchase the tea imported by the East India Company. Eventually, they were mandated by the law to do so, and that is when all hell broke loose.

The Boston Tea Party was an event that showed Britain that the colonies had the propensity to not only retaliate to the royal oppression but also stand up for themselves, especially if push came to shove and they were left with no other option.

The essay by Davies, i.e. under discussion points towards the ideas presented by Marx and how he called the laborers to come forth and lose their chains. In the current context, the American colonies were the ones being oppressed, hence representing the proletariat class, while Great Britain was the ruling class that sought to benefit from the situation by putting them down. They had endured their evils for far too long and simply couldn’t continue to do so anymore.

The American Revolution was a long time coming. While England did have a history of oppressing people it brought under its rule, the American colonies were a little too resilient and didn’t hesitate to push back in a manner that it did. Following the revolution, the country was in no way perfect and a number of issues within its own boundaries made it hard for the infant country to flourish despite having access to the right resources. However, between Westward Expansion, giving the African slaves the freedom that they deserved and the Women the right to be a complete member of the society, the infant country not only came a long way but also became a superpower at its core.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Barrow, Thomas C. “The American Revolution as a Colonial War for Independence.” The William and Mary Quarterly 25, no. 3 (1968): 452–64. https://doi.org/10.2307/1921776.

Davies, James C. “Toward a Theory of Revolution.” American Sociological Review 27, no. 1 (1962): 5–19. https://doi.org/10.2307/2089714.

Greene, Jack P. “The American Revolution.” The American Historical Review 105, no. 1 (2000): 93–102. https://doi.org/10.2307/2652437.

Hutson, James H., ed. “American Revolution.” In The Founders on Religion, 17–19. A Book of Quotations. Princeton University Press, 2005. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt7scxq.10.

Nobles, Gregory H., and Alfred F. Young. “Historians Extend the Reach of the American Revolution.” In Whose American Revolution Was It? 135–256. Historians Interpret the Founding. NYU Press, 2011. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt9qgj99.5.

Wood, Gordon S. The Radicalism of the American Revolution. Penguin Random House, 1993. https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/193550/the-radicalism-of-the-american-revolution-by-gordon-s-wood/.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

Cheng Ho

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Cheng Ho


Cheng Ho, also commonly known as Zheng He, was a Chinese sailor, explorer, mariner, fleet admiral, and diplomat. He also served as a court eunuch doing the era of one of China’s earliest dynasties, Ming Dynasty (Dreyer). Cheng was originally born as a Muslim and named as Ma He. He later changed his name to the conferred surname Zheng, conferred to him by Emperor Yongle.

Cheng Ho or Zheng He loved to go on expeditions and led many treasure voyages to South East Asia, Western Asia, South Asia, and East Africa. He has a huge fleet of ships which included both large and small ships. His larger ships stretched up to 120 meters or more in length and contained three to four tiers of decks. These ships accommodated hundreds of sailors and tourists.

Although Cheng Ho’s voyages are largely neglected in the Chinese history, the world came to know of his expeditions through the publication of Liang Qichao’s book, “Biography of out Homeland’s Navigator; Zheng He”. The book was published in 1904 and gave significant insights about the expeditions and voyages of the great admiral.


Cheng Ho or Zheng He was a great sailor and explorer. He loved seas and oceans and was fond of going to sea expeditions from the very beginning. His passion for sea journeys can be attributed to his devotion towards Tianfei, the patron goddess of sailors and seafarers. He had a very rough childhood, as he was abducted and castrated at a very young age of 10 (Wilson). He was then put in the services of the young prince Zhu Di, who later became the Emperor Yongle. He was inducted in the military at a very young age and gained the confidence of the emperor. The emperor trusted him in sending on long sea voyages and as an ambassador to the other countries. According to some scripts, Zheng He led a total of seven epic sea expeditions, whereas some pieces of literature describe that he went on five voyages in total. Details of the sea voyages have been elaborated below (Vade).

First Voyage (1405-07)

Zheng He’s very first sea voyage was done as an ambassador or diplomat. It was a two year trip to Southeast Asia from 1405 to 1407. This expedition consisted of 317 ships and more than 28000 individuals.

Second Voyage (1407-1409)

Zheng He did not lead the second voyage personally but he organized all the procedures. The second voyage consisted of 68 ships and took place during 1407-1409. This voyage was directed to the court of Calicut.

Third Voyage (1409-1411)

Chang Ho lead the third voyage composed of 48 large ships and 30000 troops. In this trip, he visited the same old places that he had already visited in his previous voyages but touched Malacca on the Malay Peninsula and Ceylon in Sri Lanka.

Fourth Voyage (1413-1415)

The fourth sea voyage of the brave admiral took place from 1413 to 1415, when he went to thirty different foreign states and brought envoys with him to pay homage to the emperor. This voyage consisted of 63 ships and more than 28000 men.

Fifth Voyage (1417-1419)

The fifth voyage took place from 1417 to 1419. This was actually a return trip from 17 states of South Asia. Zheng He visited many places like Aden, Mogadishu, Brawa and Malindi. He also touched the east coast of Africa.

Sixty Voyage (1421-1422)

The adventurous court Eunuch took his sixth voyage in 1421 to 1422, to Southeast Asian and Indian region. It was a very short trip, in fact, less than a year, and the primary purpose of this trip was to return nineteen ambassadors to their homelands, that had come along with him in his fifth voyage.

Seventh Voyage (1431-1433)

It was Zheng He’s last voyage and as per many resources, he immediately passed away after the completion of this voyage in 1433. In this voyage, Cheng Ho paid a visit to the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean along with the beaches of Hormuz and Aden. It consisted of more than a hundred large ships and above 27000 men.

Chang Ho’s Voyages and Christopher Columbus’s Voyages

History has seen two brave voyagers in the form of Cristopher Columbus and Zheng He. Both were very famous and well known for their adventurous nature. Although both loved sea journeys, the way they started their path in sea voyages is very different (Gómez). Chang Ho or Zheng He was well-equipped with the latest technology of that time and maps that could guide him about the routes of the journey. Christopher Columbus, on the other hand, had no maps and technology like Chinese. Zheng, He commandeered properly planned voyages whereas Columbus did not plan his voyages. He did not intend to discover America, in fact, he only wanted to discover a new and shorter route to Asia.


In a nutshell, it can be seen that Cheng Ho or Zheng He, was a brave admiral and a very famous sea voyager. Although he had a rough childhood he never gave up and turned out to be a very ambitious traveler. He led a total of seven expeditions and learned something new from all of his journeys. Many people compare his trips to the voyages of Christopher Columbus, who was also a well-known sailor himself; but the expeditions of Zheng He differs in many respects from the sea voyages of Christopher Columbus.

Works Cited

Dreyer, Edward L. Zheng He: China and the oceans in the early Ming dynasty, 1405-1433. Pearson Longman, 2007.

Gómez, Nicolás Wey. The tropics of empire: Why Columbus sailed south to the Indies. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008.

Wade, Geoff. "The Zheng He voyages: a reassessment." Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (2005): 37-58.

Wilson, Samuel M. The emperor's giraffe and other stories of cultures in contact. Basic Books (AZ), 1999.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Chinese Philosophies

[Name of Student]

[Name of Professor]

[Name of Class]

[Day Month Year]

Chinese Philosophies

Confucius Analects

Over the years, Confucius has been viewed as the highest wisdom among Chinese civilization with respect. As a result, this wisdom has characterized Chinese vision in various ways. However, the techniques of this thought are difficult to be characterized, but only a few of its aspects are apparent. The Confucius views human nature with immense optimism if they were provided proper education and leadership. These two elements, according to Confucius analects are vital to the human progress and prosperity. The analects have further discussed the social order composed of individuals with political leadership constitute an ideal society. This means that the combination of both pollical and social leadership are the only element of an ideal society. Moreover, the ideal society includes harmony among people with the will of heaven.

In Confucius analects, education is a perennial concern and its aim is to humanize people through normative behavior. So that the individuals can understand and broaden their way. In this required, the educational curriculum needs to be holistic, integrated and broad-based. Moreover, the students continuously practice what they learn through social interaction and self-cultivation. The education needs to be learner-focused and the teacher should understand the requirements of the students. In other words, the Confucius has much stress on good student-teacher relationship. In this regard, Confucius analects have given importance to the dialectic method – through questioning and answering. In this regard, the establishment of Confusion pedagogic culture is vital example. The aim of Confucius analects is establishment of good governance, rather than only depending on laws and governments. The leadership needs to devote all its attentions towards the provision of education, that will bring transformation to the minds of people.

Daoism: Dao De Jing

The Daoism school of thought has profound impact on socio-political culture of China through its classic work “The Classic of the Way and Virtue”. The Dao has an infinite origin and is limitless with various manifestations. However, its origin is unknown to everyone, but its roots can be seen in the animistic religions of China. Moreover, he is viewed as contemporary of Confucius. But whatever its belongings may be, it has significant impact on Chinese life and art. The has discussed three manifestations: the way to heaven, the way to nature and the way to human. The way to heaven is an absolute truth, but essentially can not be known. While the integration of the principles of whole is the way of nature, and it is the driving force behind everything. They way to human includes the guideline and individual potential to go through it.

For Daoism, the wise person is who renounce learning and has not troubles. If an individual renounce his benevolence and discards its righteousness, then he will eventually become kind and filial. Moreover, there will not be any robbers or thieves if an individual rejects the schemes of gain and artful contrivances. The affairs will be managed by the sage and without any effort through his instructions and without his speech. It means without any efforts he could do anything he wishes for. Hence, he holds everything, and he shines without his display. Moreover, he is different than all others and has superiority. He does not strive for worldly things and he is all powerful. Daoism has stressed for liberty and small governments and has discussed that the passivity is the most effective powered. He is of the view that when a leader governs people will not be aware of his existence.

Legalism: Han Fei

Writing was his most important concentration and is one greatest legalist philosophers in China. His political thought was that the political institutions must accept change when the circumstances change. The contemporary pattern of human behavior needs to be adopted by the institutions and such behaviors should not be determined by the moral sentiments but political and economic conditions. However, in twentieth century, his ideas were largely criticized by Mao Zedong. Moreover, Han Fei was of the view that power changes with the passage of time, and countries have rise and fall. But when the countries have strong laws, the will always remain strong. It completes depends on the confirmers of the law. Whether they wish it to be strong or weak. Therefore, a country’s strength and weaknesses are completely dependent on its confirmers of the law. There will be order in the country if ruler expels private crookedness and if he makes selective laws and without any arbitration on merit.

Critical Analysis

However, the Confucius analects are best in a utopian world, but in contemporary international politics the Confucius ideas does not prevail. The level of optimism does not exit in the contemporary societies. But the emphasis he has made on education and leadership are worthy to note. As both bring socio-political and economic changes in the societies. On the other hand, Daoism has discussed sage and his ability to do anything and his supercity has been widely discussed. His notion of state to be ruled by weapons of war, however, is illusive and slippery. In fact, the weapons are war are seldomly used by the contemporary states. But the ideas of Han Fie are most realistic than other two of his composers. He has widely stressed for institutional strength and in return these institutions bring order in the country. The countries with stronger institutions always remain powerful. On the other hand, the stressed the rule of law, that should be above everything. Moreover, the he discussed the confirmers on which the rule of law depends. He has not only discussed the rule of law in theory but also in practice. Therefore, Han Fie philosophy is more significant in the counterparty state politics.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 3 Words: 900

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Walt Disney


The Walt Disney Company is a prominent diversified international family entertainment enterprise which is working in various segments including studio entertainment, parks, and resorts, interactive media, media networks, and consumer products. Initially, it was known as ‘The Disney Brothers Studio’ after Walt and Roy Disney formed a partnership in 1923. It was the beginning of what is known today as ‘The Walt Disney Company.' The company has used various strategies since its foundation in order to prosper in the entertainment industry. The company began to expand and launched the first cartoon of Disney's Mickey Mouse in the year 1928. The 1950s was a precious time period for Walt Disney as it became a spectacular place for people in order to watch their favorite cartoon characters (Bohas 23-32). The first international theme park of Disney was opened in Japan in 1983. It is notable to mention that Walt Disney expanded its business to the world of written entertainment and television by establishing its theme park which attracted people of varying ages. Walt Dream has great insight into opening various park themes in different areas of the world. It was his dream to open different parks to flourish their company. Walt Disney chose Florida to expand their business capabilities and to reach more consumers (Bohas 27-35). The inexpensive land and favorable weather made Florida a suitable place to develop company business. It was hard for Walt Disney to keep up the good peace after the death of Walt in 1966.

The company managed to grow and expand their business regardless of the loss of Walt. Walt Disney World Resort was opened in Orlando, Florida with the help of stockholders in October 1971. Walt Disney and Shanghai Shendi Group, a Chinese joint venture partner, got approval from the Chinese central government in Beijing started work on the Shanghai Disney Resort in 2011 (Zhu, Li & Xu). Additionally, in the same year, a free-to-air Disney channel was launched in Russia due to the agreement with Walt Disney Company and UTH Russia. In order to deliver the company's sport, news, and entertainment content, a distribution agreement was made in January 2012, between Walt Disney and Comcast (Carillo). The new agreement was very effective in supporting companies' mutual goal and in enhancing their multichannel business model. Companies planned to collaborate in order to establish unique viewing experiences for the consumers of Xfinity TV. In March 2013, pictures of the resort theme park in China was unveiled featuring Shanghai Disneyland.

Products and Services

Walt Disney is widely considered as the largest entertainment company in the entire world. It is a diversified entertainment company. The products of the Walt Disney Company includes television programs, motion pictures, plays, video games, magazines, books, and musical recordings. The services of the Walt Disney Company contains theme parks, cruise line, vacation club, resorts, radio stations, a radio network, and entertainment program broadcasting. There are various character based merchandises including consumer electronics, stationery, cosmetics, home décor, home furnishings, toys, apparels, accessories, and footwear. The brands of this company include Disney, ABC, and ESPN.

Marketing Strategies

Walt Disney Company puts a lot of emphasis on marketing in order to attract customers frequently. It embraces new technology like launching an app to keep visitors informed to maximize their viewership. Disneyland uses tracking data with the help of MagicBand in order to optimize their organizational processes. It balances accessibility with exclusively to make their consumers feel special. Customer experience and criticism are always taken positively to streamline the process of purchasing and servicing product. Maximum viewership attained by delivering remarkable moments such as vivid characters, parades, and surprise performances. It is notable to mention that Walt Disney Company is known as a leader in entertainment. The company uses a renewal strategy, a growth strategy, and competitive advantage to prosper in the entertainment world (Carillo). Disney mastered the art of creating memories of people of diverse age. Disney introduced the concept of a theme park with an exceptional level of art and performance. Their strategy of introducing surprise performance with live characters amused adults along with children (Voigt et al. 117-119). Walt Disney provides unique "magic" which is difficult for other companies to present in a better way.

The company started its business with cartoons and movies, but, with the passage of time, it expands its area of interest. It has always envisioned more than just making animated movies for its viewers. The company adopted a growth strategy with the establishment of a theme park to present a live experience. The growth strategy helps Walt Disney Company to reach the global entertainment position. Due to serious competition, the company knew that there is a needed for growth. Michael Eisner increases the number of theme parks from two to nine. It is noteworthy to mention that Walt Disney is now comprised of the Animal Kingdom, Epcot, California Adventure, Disneyland, Magic Kingdom, Hong Kong Disneyland, Tokyo Disney, Disney Studios, and Euro Disney (Carillo). In accordance with their growth strategy, Walt Disney also acquires the services of the Marvel Comics, Pixar Entertainment, and the ABC television networks to increase their television and movie presence (Esty 88-91).

Five Forces Analysis

Five forces analysis is essential to understand what kind of external threats Disney can encounter in order to expand its business. Porter’s five forces analysis will help them to navigate their way towards success and sustainability as it provides knowledge about the industrial environment.

Industrial Rivalry

In the amusement park industry, there are four main rivals for Disney Parks and Resorts. Some of them are flourishing in the United States, while others expanded globally to prosper their dreams. Disney is also competitive in locations outside the United States. There is strong competition among these parks to attract new customers in order to out-perform their competitors. The difference between themes and experiences is a valuable paradigm to distinguish their success. New attractions, restaurants, and infrastructures are the keys to progress in the competitive market (Voigt et al. 117-119). However, a significant amount of revenue is generated by Disney every year as compared to its competitors.

Figure: Disney Industrial Rivalry

Threat of Substitutes

The threat of substitute is relatively high for Disney due to various reasons. Disney Parks and Resorts provides cheaper alternatives to active entertainment such as sports, concert, movie, museum, and zoo. People can go to any theater to watch a movie instead of going to a theme park. However, it is essential to understand that Disney has a unique experience due to which it can maintain relevance. Customers are unable to get the experience of animated characters, and family fun rides anywhere else which makes Disney relevant (Voigt et al. 117-119). Potential Entrants

The threat of potential entrants in western countries is particularly low. A significant amount of capital requires to build a new park. Shanghai Disney was created with 5.5 billion dollars (Zhu, Li & Xu). Many competitors of Disney are not much evolved to invest in new parks. Competition is tense in China due to various opportunities in the amusement park market. That is why it is hard for newcomers to make significant progress in this market. Weak position of potential entrants is a plus point for Disney.

Bargaining Power of Supplier

There are various points based on which the bargaining power of supplier is medium for Disney. Disney is limited by the number of suppliers as there are few companies who are in the business of producing and maintaining amusement rides. The products of Premier Rides, Arrow, Vekoma, Intamin, and S & S Power are found in the theme parks around the world. Therefore, there is large flexibility of bargain for these companies with Walt Disney. Companies making toys and related characters had low bargaining power. However, Disney is limited with companies who make amusement rides. Therefore, the switching cost would be high if Disney wants to change the supplier. Due to the immense size and expanded business, suppliers do not control the bargaining power strongly as they are well aware that it could provide business for many years.

Bargaining Power of Buyers

Disney is the leader in the parking and amusement industry due to which the bargaining power is much lower. For Walt Disney, there is a lack of concentration of the buyers' group. People have no other choice to go anywhere else due to limited choices for such entertainment. The products are differentiated that allows a visitor to consider. Switching cost is not very high for the buyers which keeps them loyal to Disney.


In a nutshell, Walt Disney’s history dating back to nearly a century ago. Analysis of Disney demonstrates that it is both resourceful and capable. Disney is a diversified and vertical integrated company and is the master of globalization. Disney with the passage of time makes many rewards acquiring decisions. Disney is a reputable entertainment company that sells ‘dreams’ and ‘happiness’ to its customers. It is analyzed that the business of Disney is quite successful due to its effective marketing and business strategies. Merchandising helps Disney to develop in the entertainment field continuously. It acquires a large volume of revenues throughout the world due to advance technological improvement.

Works Cited

Bohas, Alexandre. "Transnational Firms and the Knowledge Structure: The Case of the Walt Disney Company." Global Society 29.1 (2015): 23-41.

Carillo, Carlos, et al. "The Walt Disney Company: A corporate strategy analysis." (2012).

Esty, Benjamin C. "Structuring loan syndicates: A case study of the Hong Kong Disneyland project loan." Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 14.3 (2001): 80-95.

Voigt, Kai-Ingo, Oana Buliga, and Kathrin Michl. "Making People Happy: The Case of the Walt Disney Company." Business Model Pioneers. Springer, Cham, 2017. 113-126.

Zhu, Li, and Dan Xu. "Marketing Strategic Change in Expansion of Disneyland: Cases Study of Disneyland's Overseas Expansion in Shanghai." (2010).

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Choice Of The Writer

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Art 101

19 November 2018

Research Essay: Walt Disney

The world-renowned animation company was found by Walt Disney and his brother, Roy on the 16th of October 1923 in Hollywood, California. In essence, the company functioned by the name of Disney Brothers Cartoon studio, as a Cartoon studio which introduced many new functionalities over time. The company expanded over time and had a huge impact on the entertainment industry and is now one of the biggest media organizations in the world.


Walt Disney who was a very talented artist from his early days. He drew cartoons for various other groups and studios and became a pioneer in cartoon animation while working with a Kansas based Ad Company. The founder of Walt Disney Company, Walter Disney, initiated a company by the name of Laugh-O-Gram Studio which went bankrupt in 1923 and caused the founder to move to Los Angeles. In Los Angeles, the co-founder of the company and his brother, Roy was recovering from tuberculosis. After he travelled to Los Angeles, he sold a movie by the name of Alice’s Wonderland that was produced by Laugh-O-Gram. Disney did not expect the movie to be popular as the quality was still not up to the mark in terms of entertainment, but surprisingly so, it became a hit with the local cinemas. He also signed a contract to make six more films of this kind. After the successful sale of their first film, the brothers decided to make the complete series and thus, found their new company by the name of Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio in Hollywood. In 1927, Disney began his first series of fully animated films within the banner of Disney brothers cartoon productions featuring the character Oswald, the lucky rabbit. This was the first official creation of the company but it was overshadowed by the copyrights claim of his distributor. Disney then altered his appearance to make a new character by the name of Mickey Mouse. The company produced two fully animated films based on this character by the name of Plane Crazy and Gallopin Gaucho ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"LDELlh5A","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(\\uc0\\u8220{}Disney Company | History & Films\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(“Disney Company | History & Films”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":216,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/DTmO0ro3/items/8W47QFS6"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/DTmO0ro3/items/8W47QFS6"],"itemData":{"id":216,"type":"webpage","title":"Disney Company | History & Films","container-title":"Encyclopedia Britannica","abstract":"Disney Company, American corporation that was the best-known purveyor of family entertainment in the 20th and 21st centuries. Among the company’s many intellectual properties are the cartoon character Mickey Mouse, Pixar Animation Studios, Marvel Entertainment, and the Star Wars films.","URL":"https://www.britannica.com/topic/Disney-Company","language":"en","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,24]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Disney Company | History & Films”). Both of these films were released in 1928 and turned the character into somewhat a star. These two films were very popular, but were silent movies. The third Disney film based on the same character by the name of Steamboat Willie, was released later that year and the feature of voice was added into the film. This third film was an instant sensation amongst the audience and this film led the era of the dominance of the studio’s dominance over the next several years.

Later, the company started to produce feature films and was inspired by the success it was able to achieve after the popularity of its third animated film. The first feature film made by the company earned more than 400 percent over the budget that was used to make the film. This feature film by the name of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was an overwhelming hit when it came to cinemas in the last month of 1937 ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"TaKhF9hV","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Editors, \\uc0\\u8220{}Disney Releases Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(Editors, “Disney Releases Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":220,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/DTmO0ro3/items/R9RANB4E"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/DTmO0ro3/items/R9RANB4E"],"itemData":{"id":220,"type":"webpage","title":"Disney releases Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs","container-title":"HISTORY","abstract":"“See for yourself what the genius of Walt Disney has created in his first full length feature production,” proclaimed the original trailer for Snow White and","URL":"https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/disney-releases-snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Editors","given":"History","dropping-particle":"com"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,24]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Editors, “Disney Releases Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”) . From that time onwards, the company has directed and produced hundreds of very popular films. The company has, since then, evolved into a trademark company for all aspects of media and entertainment industry. It has been involved in the opening of theme parks across the world that begun in 1955 and it has been able to take over a number of companies in the process as well. Some big names include ABC, Pixar, ESPN, and LucasFilm ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"GTDft4Pc","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Editors, \\uc0\\u8220{}Walt Disney Company Is Founded\\uc0\\u8221{})","plainCitation":"(Editors, “Walt Disney Company Is Founded”)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":214,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/DTmO0ro3/items/WN7DXZTB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/DTmO0ro3/items/WN7DXZTB"],"itemData":{"id":214,"type":"webpage","title":"Walt Disney Company is founded","container-title":"HISTORY","abstract":"On October 16, 1923, Walt Disney and his brother Roy found the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio in Hollywood, California. The studio, now known as the Walt Disney","URL":"https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/walt-disney-company-founded","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Editors","given":"History","dropping-particle":"com"}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",12,24]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Editors, “Walt Disney Company Is Founded”). The company is one of the best examples of a journey from very humble beginnings and has turned itself into one of the most lucrative brands of its time and it still remains, after almost a century of its initiation, one of the biggest names in the entertainment industry.

Competitor Analysis

Over the years, the company has seen a large number of competitors emerging in the market. The company has seen the rise and fall of many enterprises and it has been able to maintain its position of being the global market leader for almost a century. At this moment in time, the company is worth $69.6 billion with its closest competitor being less than a quarter of its worth. The major competitor in the animation industry for Walt Disney is CBS which stands at a net worth of $15.3 billion. The list of competitors fighting for the market include Viacom, Warner Bros, and Sony productions. All of these companies hold their trademark in different parts of the world producing a number of successful animations as well but none of them good enough to take the market lead spot from Walt Disney.

Operations by Region

The company has expanded over the years to several continents with their services and has been able to diversify its services while maintaining the position of the market leader. The main revenue of the company is still being generated in the United States of America, however, the presence of the company has gradually grown in Latin America and Europe as well. One factor that plays a very big part in the success of the company is its online presence. The marketing department of the company is so strong that it enables the content to become popular where the physical presence of the company is close to none. The use of social media along with the traditional means of communication has caused the company to earn large sums of revenue over the years.

Figure 1-Walt Disney revenue per region

As we can see from the visualization above, the revenue that is being earned by the company is constantly improving in other continents as well. The last year has proven to be a very fruitful year in terms of revenue, especially in Asia Pacific and Latin America.

In terms of employees, the company has a total of 223,000 employees generating a revenue of $59.5 billion. In terms of the variation of employees with the number of years, the company had a total of 195,000 employees in 2016 which was a 5.41% increase from the previous year. In 2017, the number increased to 199,000, which was a 2.05% increase from last year. A similar trend followed the next year when a 1.01% increase was seen in the total number of employees and the total number soared past 200,000. The year 2019 proved to be a very fruitful year as the revenue increased both in the United States as well as abroad. This caused a considerable increase in the number of employees as well. The number increased to 223,000 with an increase of 5.41% from last year.

Figure 2- Data visualization of growth and employees over time.

This has caused the company to maintain the lead as a media giant as well as swell the revenues of the company to an all-time high. The growth rate in the last year has also proved to be very high. The regional distribution for the revenue generation of the Walt Disney can be shown by using a pie chart in which all of the regional portions of the company are shown.

As we can see from the pie chart, the majority of the revenue has been generated by the North American subcontinent. This is why majority of employees in the company belong to the American peninsula. The company has a variety of services that it is providing; the revenue as generated by each segment can also be fully understood with the help of a pie chart visualization.

From the pie chart above, one can infer that the majority of revenue is generated by the help of media outlets and the wide network of theme parks and resorts. This distribution has changed considerably over the years, starting from feature films and then extending to cartoon animations, and then to theme parks. This diversification of assets means that the company does not remain confined to only one field of work but can rely on other fields that has provided the company with the required amount of exposure.

Works Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY “Disney Company | History & Films.” Encyclopedia Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Disney-Company. Accessed 24 Dec. 2019.

Editors, History com. “Disney Releases Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” HISTORY, https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/disney-releases-snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs. Accessed 24 Dec. 2019.

---. “Walt Disney Company Is Founded.” HISTORY, https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/walt-disney-company-founded. Accessed 24 Dec. 2019.

Walt Disney Revenue in different regions,


Walt Disney Growth Rates,https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/DIS/disney/number-of-employees

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Choose Two New Innovations Or Inventions From The Period Of American History Covered By The Readings In This Section Of The Course.

Kyle D Krush

Enter the Name of Instructor

History and Anthropology

October 2, 2019.

Inventions from the period of American history

Without many essential commodities, life as we know it wouldn’t be the same, as many things have made our life easier. Many of these inventions date back to the first industrial revolution in America. From 1790-1870, the industrial revolution brought immense changes in cotton, farming, communication, and textile industries. It completely changed the perceptions of Americans toward life and brought economic opportunities to the country. Samuel Slater brought this revolution to America from Britain. Gradually the changes brought in to America by Slater helped in building the American factories. The industrial revolution brought changes first in American agriculture. Although these changes employed minimum technology and brought ease for a much small level, therefore, they remained unable to get wide attention compared to the newly built industrial infrastructures from those times. Another reason for such negligible attention toward agricultural development was industrial ease. Things were taking less time in manufacturing, as a result, the American export were experiencing rise with every coming day. This essay explores the primary inventions in American history which helped in reforming American society.

From the agricultural aspect, innovation was limited to a lower level. Despite a little innovation in agriculture, American agricultural production remained high in terms of generating wealth. Slave labor and farmers were largely unaware of the changes which were taking place in agriculture, however steadily, farmers started employing machines into their work. With the creation of cotton gin, the Southern slave population experienced some relief. Compared to the one pound of cotton per day, which the slaves were able to clean hard, the cotton gin allowed cleaning fifty pounds of cotton in a single day. Other than cleaning cotton, the cotton gin helped in multi-tasking. The farmers that had a large slave population under control employed some for cleaning cotton using cotton gin, whereas others were required to perform other tasks. Cotton gin abruptly became popular and the southern population started putting its part in the national economy.

The American nation was largely divided between the industrial and agricultural class, and the changes which swept across the southern land soon started taking hold in the northern part of the country. The revolution here was not that abrupt but with time, the industrialization brought considerable changes to this part of the land too. The changes in the Northern part of America dates back to 1807, with the invention of steamboats. Steam boats could not bring considerable changes but it helped in creating an idea that distances could be lowered. For example, steamboats were not costly and compared to the traditional boats, they used to cover the distance in a small span of time. In America, the first steamboat was introduced in 1787. Its ride was although very unpleasant and by the end of ride, some people were covered with soot. In terms of easing the job, steamboats were less beneficial.

The only applicability of the steamboat, one could grasp is the enhancement of American trade and connectivity. One of other practical manifestations of steam boats is the creation of railways and roads. The first railroad completed after this invention was the pacific railroad of 1869, and from there on, Americans started building roads in order to lower the distance. The American inventions are not limited to just these two inventions; rather, there is a list of accomplishments, the nation has achieved in its history. The major benefit the American public and government earned from these changes, was the upsurge of economy and reduced remoteness. These changes at that time helped America to lead the new world.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Christianity And Its Threat To The Roman Empire

Christianity and its threat to the Roman empire

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Christianity and its threat to the Roman Empire


The religion was considered as one of the essential factors of the Roman Empire. Without religion, for anyone living in the city of Rome, life becomes highly difficult for the people over there. For the authority of Rome, everything should be adapted from their standard rules and regulations for the consideration of any matter for which they are unable to find out the solution.

All the people in the Rome used to take the help from the Roman orthodox religion as it as the only source of guidance for them and the person who does not believe in the rules and regulation given to them by their religion was not among themselves. During that tenure, there was a religious rebellion starting in the city of Rome, and the people were unable to judge the entire significance of this rebellion. Initially, it was considered as a rebellion movement as for the deviation from their God was considered as a heinous crime. The effects of this crime can have adverse effects on the people as well as the community of the person. With time, the Romans authority recognized that there was an existence of new religion in the world, which was taking place all across the globe and was pushing people to move towards the guidance of this religion.


With the development of the new religion in the world and the widespread of this religion, the red alarm ringed for the Roman Empire. The reason for this alarm was that the integrity of their religion was under a great attack. Their beliefs of their Roman Gods were the challenge, and there was no way out for them but to take this as a severe threat as the people ere [preaching about the existence of a single God in this world (Dunn, 2018).

This threat took the extreme when the people started moving towards it with the proper logical reasons. Christians did not have any traditional stories or traditional approach but whatever they claimed was in the authentic script of Hebrew and directly linked with the presence of Christ with them. This was the other reason that they were not forcing anyone but assuring them the logical reasons and giving the right deeds to deal with them accordingly as it can provide an explicit rejection to all the other religions dealings consequently (Davies, 1964).

At that, the time the rebellion nature was also noticed when the people who started following the Christian practices refused the people to take part in the religious cult and methods of the Roman emperors and their teachings. They started negated their teachings like whenever you do good let the others know, but they denied it with the proper functional teachings, and proper reasoning's is that they can have the correct and authentic knowledge. All these factors were no less than a threat to the people of Rome (Walton, 2017).


With this, it can conclude that the authentic teachings of Christianity were no less than a threat to the Roman people as they were negating all their practices and that too on the logical reasons. Moreover, various people started to leave their military as well because of the reason for worshiping their emperor; it was against the laws, and regulations of the people who began to practice Christianity. All these issues created anarchy and chaos in the city of Rome and gave them a real shock for which their religion’s integrity was in danger against the religion of Christianity.


Walton, S. (2017). The state they were in Luke's view of the Roman empire. Reading Acts in the Discourses of Masculinity and Politics, 559, 75.

Dunn, J. D. (2018). Romans 1-8, Volume 38A. Zondervan.

Davies, W. D. (1964). The Setting of the Sermon on the Mount. CUP Archive.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

CIA Within The World

CIA within the World

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

CIA within the world


The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) was created under the National Security Act of 1947. This act was signed by President Truman who signed it on July 26, 1947. On September 18, the CIA came into existence on an official basis taking into account that President Truman appointed CIG Deputy Director as the first director of the CIA. The organization aimed at the adjustment and adaptation to the approaching and emerging trends of the global landscape that are continuously changing. Historian asserts that the CIA is one of the agencies that has shaped the resilient parts of America, helping the country to attain what was unachievable in the beginning. The establishment of an intelligence agency for the United States was the next step it would need to ascend itself as the leading global power; the creation of the CIA during the Cold War would demonstrate that foreign intelligence was essential for America's growth in global affairs and creating its political identity.


It was 1940 when the major events of the history of America took place and the events highlighted that there was an increased challenge for the United States to surrender in an isolationist attitude, depicted in the formation of the united nation. It was the same time iron curtain took control of Europe and after communism was initiated, there was a clear rivalry between West and East (Breckinridge & S, 2019). Churchill, who was the president of the United Kingdom at that time, highlight the importance and significance of Communist expansion and the Soviet Threat in the form of speech that was a call for America to take some major political decisions. This was the turning point in Cold War because Admiral Aouers on 29 April issued the first directive code that was concerned with the formation and gathering of intelligence on the Soviet Union(Breckinridge & S, 2019). It was the possible shortest time for the US to collect intelligence services and it resulted in the formation of the CIA. On one side, the Soviet threat was there with its hostile attitude and then it was the result of hostility that paved the way for espionage and covert operations which was not possible without the formation of a totally new organization (Breckinridge & S, 2019).

During the Cold War, CIA was one of the significant yet least options that could have been adopted by the American government to take control of the presented issues. There are several reasons behind it such as, The Great Depression that pushed the president Roosevelt so that he can implement “New Deal” also called the series of reforms that were meant for the improvement of the situation of the people who were affected by the economic crisis. Although there was a population, “conservative ones” who disagreed with the option because they were gaining significant power in the congress (Foglesong, et al. 2019). Another aspect for the formulation of CIA was the lack of trust towards the government and a belief in the efficient centralized organization and the opponent of the New Deal such as Senator Tydings who supported the formation of the agency called CIA. One one hand, the supporters were also one of the reasons who brought the significant and long-term crisis to the agency, such as CIA as an elitist and undemocratic conspiracy. On the other hand, CIA allowed and paved the way for covert operations as well as the option for increasing the support for its formation (Foglesong, et al. 2019).

The formation of the CIA is directly traced to the beginning of the Cold War and it was inevitably a product or reaction to the communist threats that were taken as a direct offense for the US. As it was quoted, "The need for an intelligence organization with high standing stems largely from a modern circumstance: the emergence of the United States as a world power at a time when the Soviet Union, a clandestine society, stated to pose a potent threat to world security." (Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri, 2014). Although there are a lot of controversies associated with the formation of CIA, still it was highlighted that the realization of Donovan’s statements as the precursor of CIA argued that the intelligence should not only comprise of the military aspects but it should be a combination of all the other aspects such as military, social and political along with an increasing threat of the USSR that inclined secrecy as well as new forms of conformation that lead to the sentiments of fear and imminent need for the intelligence services (Hagerty, et al. 2019).

It can be asserted that the formation was CIA is seen as one of the most controversial issues in the history of the United States. If those controversies are taking positive, it can be concluded that the CIA is one of the agencies that is designed and meant to synchronize and align the status of the United States by merging it with the other powers in the world. The central aim of CIA is to collected data i.e. informative data from either way or either source that could be used for the reformation of the country or make some decisions that can prove effective for the development of the country (Hagerty, et al. 2019). Tracing history from Cold War till now, an exegetical view of the actions, and the performance of CIA highlights that it was meant for America’s growth in the global affairs. None of the countries can progress in global affairs until and unless relative information is collected from some credible sources which can then be used to make policies or recommend some changes to the policies. Also, the political identity of the United States today is a profound tribute to the actions and the accuracy of the functions of CIA, which is meant to collect analyze and evaluate intelligence and data so that progressive changes can be made at the evaluator's end (Hagerty, et al. 2019).

The history of the intelligence also highlighted that the intelligence was not officially visible until national security took place, while there are a lot of historians who argued that the along with Act, and the Soviet Union the communist were amalgamated and all the approaches were meant for the formation of the agency that was merely tactical (Hamilton, et al. 2019).. It would not be wrong to say that CIA is the creation of the mess during the Cold War and it demonstrate that foreign intelligence is essential for America's growth in global affairs and creating its political identity. According to an author Wilford, the emergence of CIA is the outburst of an agency from the embryonic intelligence organization that is now the center of attention for the world due to its cutting edges in the global development (Wilford, et al. 2013). According To him, the CIA is one of the tactics that is used by the American government to expanse its rule and interference for the collection of information so that it can gain position superior to the other countries of the world. The author found the actions and the working timeline of the CIA as a platform that set the stage of some of the serious world affairs (Wilford, et al. 2013). . It is highlighted that the critical analysis of the 9/11 attacks, the relationship between US and the Middle East were more like caught in a downward spiral. It was one of the sound reasons that the Central Agency has been made so that it can worsen the situation (Wilford, et al. 2013). The book “America’s Great Game”, highlighted that CIA is the product of pro-Arab operation in the 1940 and 1950, by analysis of the actions and the code of conduct of the last influential and the colorful officers in the Middle East (Wilford, et al. 2009). He brought into insight and exegetical understanding of the formation of CIA by saying that the Roosevelt family joined the combined force with that of Miles Copeland who was a maverick covert operation specialist and has joined the American intelligence during the World War II. The three people were termed as the major heirs of the missionary tradition that engaged both Muslims and Arabs with the same empathy and respect. The great Game started in the nineteenth-century struggle between Russia and Britain for taking control over Central Asia. Although there were some good intentions, still, the Arabizes propped up from the authoritarian regimes that attempted secretly to saw the public opinion in America (Wilford, et al. 2009). It is critically highlighted that the formation of the CIA is the product of a spy game that changed the history of US foreign policy forever (Wilford, et al. 2013).

If a chronological order is followed, it is asserted that CIA served as mandate that could continue the global development of the United States in the global world. One of the illustrations is provided in 1950, when CIA made some significant strides, in the form of Korean War that acted as a key player in the foreign policy areas as well as defense (Hamilton, et al. 2019). Adhering to the CIA procurement authorities as well as the ability of the CIA to carry out the mission in secret, the President established the CIA-Air Force Program that fielded U-2 before the set time as well as the calculated cost. In 1960, with the help of the CIA, several technological advances have been made by the United States, asserting the expansion of the intelligence community. There was an invasion of Cuba in the springs, although the invasions crumbled still it is counted as one of the major events in history (Hamilton, et al. 2019). . In the same year, the Defiance intelligence agency was formulated with an aim to coordinate and consolidate the production of intelligence analysis with the help of military analysis accompanied by an ambition to serve as the major and critical source of support for the Secretary and his staff. 1970, the decade of Turmoil and Reform is another, a major chunk of the history that is coordinated with the central role of CIA. There was critical involvement of CIA in the Watergate, accompanied by the activities of the former employees and in the preparation of the psychological profile of Daniel Ellsberg. The Rockefeller Commission is another major approach that was meat to define if the CIA employees are involved and engaged in the illegal activities in the United States or not, but later it resulted in an expansion of CIA, foreign intelligence chants in order to promote and forward suggestions of the operational guidelines. All these events highlight how CIA is less of an agency for security reasons but made of a platform that can help United States to promote its ways towards the other part of the world and appeal to the avenues of development around the globe (Jervis & R 2018).

It would not be wrong to say that today, 90% of the total budget is used for the national foreign intelligence budget and it is meant for nothing other than the collection and then the analysis of the information that can be used to approve the myriads of resources and information for the welfare of the United States. It is asserted that about half of the Intelligence Community and the CIA's overall resources are devoted to the Soviet Union and it is more of a lion’s share that is devoted to the military agencies and the military operations under the name of data and figures (Jervis & R 2018). It is asserted today, CIA is playing a central role in the overwhelming preponderance of its key effort for the collection of information which is gained from periodicals, newspapers, debates and the military attaches that peruses along with the course of classic spies. The collected information is then forwarded to the Washington where analysts shift through it, they examine, explain it to the others and try to make a house of a single straw that is caught in the form of pieces. This information then results in an infinite number of issues and worldwide development of interest to the United States. According to Maret, (2017), CIA officers are not the real-life James but they are the same layman who is trained and treated to collect the scarps of information that can help them to complete the mosaic in Washington. The CIA officers are the engineers who are specialists in several different disciplines and they try to make an understandable contact to inform a code that can warn this world of some dramatic change that would be for the wellbeing of the United States (Maret, et al. 2017).

There are a lot of dimensions and aspects that assert and justify how the CIA is a tool for the United States to get itself empowered in the global world. CIA collects information on targeting the Soviet Union and its signs, strengths, and vulnerabilities which can be used to bring modification in the weapons design in the United States making it eligible of competing in the global world through well developed and improved approach to weapons. It is observed that weapons are one of the significant tools that are the source of threat of security for the country (Hamilton, et al. 2019). Then, detailed assessments are done and performed to control and collect data regarding economic or trade negotiations. These negotiations are one of the major sources for the United States to promote world trade and define what are some common and significant vulnerabilities of a particular country. These negotiations also help the US to enter into the other realms because the US has already collected sufficient information about what others are planning to do so overcoming one table up is always appreciated and taken hand to hand (Jervis & R 2018).

Security concern is one of the major topics under discussion in the world taking into account terrorism has bought different countries closer. In the same way, a lot of countries are pushed apart under security threats. It is highlighted that CIA is performing an exceptional job in collecting information and data regarding the plans of terrorists to attack the United States or impart the allied installation that is used to alert the security forces. Here, there are two major concerns to be addressed, one of the concerns is the use of security information to overcome and mitigate the security threats and then on the basis of these threats and knowledge US is trying to empower its nation and security forces in terms of any approaching threat which strengthen the security forces. However, a significant role is played by CIA in controlling and preventing the terrorist attack, which automatically makes US a platform of secure actions and treaties as compared to other countries such as Pakistan (Richelson, et al. 2018).

United Nations is on the world stage, where all the countries are looking ahead for their major representation. This representation is not just attached to strong political framework but it also enforces and encourage other countries to come up with the idea of negotiation and connection with the United States. It is highlighted that currently, United States is playing a central role in completing a comprehensive analysis of the Society Police officers into the United Nation so that United Nation can influence and empower the policies and members of the United Nations (Richelson, et al. 2018). CIA is not just playing a central role in highlighting and promoting the underlying facts and figure of the country that can empower different departmental in fact, a central role is played by CIA in the analysis of the foreign restrictions on the United Nation business operations so that more economic growth can be addressed. US investment and business operations when combined with the foreign support for business resulted in business ventures that are essential for US negotiation with UN. These negotiations are definitely meant for the social economic and political upheaval of the United States in companionship with the other countries of the world. Also, CIA is used by the USA to encourage and empower the law enforcement officials’ in terms of intelligence that is acquired on the activities of the drug traffickers. This aspect also invited attention toward one of the global threat that is addiction (Richelson, et al. 2018). A Critical analysis highlights that there are very rare cases of drug trafficking activities in the United States and it is ultimately a credit to the work that is done by the CIA to enforce and stop the activities of the drug traffickers. It is the efforts of CIA that have made United States capable of imposing and progressing ahead and screening actions that can later be used to overcome some major threats. It would not be wrong to say that the United States has used this data to track the activities of drug traffickers so that the drug invasion and the rackets can be banned from contaminating the social timeline of the country (Wilford, et al. 2009).

Technological information is one of the most significant and undeniable aspects in the analysis of the activities of CIA and how it is helping the United States to make up a mark on the global landscape (Secker, et al. 2019). It is highlighted that there are major technological advances and Western technologies that are adopted by the United States illegally in order to assess the value of technological empowerment to the Soviets. This technology is also used to collect information that can also help to assess the base of technology to the Soviets, the parties who are participating and playing a role in the transaction and the inclusion of different movements and authorities in such activities (Richelson, et al. 2018). All these aspects are quite diverging and hard to understand and apparently misleading but all this concept is aligned with the help of CIA that aimed at the acquiring of information that can help the US to collect up to date data and technological advances that can prove effective in the long run and place it at a parent place in the global world (Secker, et al. 2019).

USSR is one of the platforms and focuses of attention in the global world, where the US is seen in active negotiations with USSR in terms of different issues and topics. Wherever, some major topics of attention are, arm control, intelligent assesses and the ability of the United States to monitor the Soviet compliance per the noncompliance with the agreements, it is the product of information that is collected from the CIA so that USA can be successful in approaching those standards that can make a country superpower, economic country and one of the most developed country (Wilford, et al. 2009).

These are few apparent paradigms that are addressed by the CIA in order to support USA to gain a global reputation. It is highlighted that intelligence is something that is a 24-hour availability in the United States. Every day, the national security advisers are seen having meetings with the president and it is asserted that the ultimate aim of these meeting is to ensure update on the unique data that have been collected by that time. This data is then used to synchronize or sometimes modify the longer-range policies and then the policy analysis is again made in the light of the intelligence that has been collected so far. Finally, the CIA facilitates and promotes the formation of different policies that are a specialized assessment by the research program conducted by the CIA (Secker, et al. 2019). These research reports or events are meant to carry out analysis of the issues ranging from minor concerns to major aspects such as the formation of strategic weapons, epidemiology of the space and the notion of food supplies. Another major concept discussed is the political instability in the third world, issues of the intention of finances and the supplies of energies that are used to enrich the trade spectrum of the country. Other major topics of discussion and the topics to collect information are Soviet Laser weapons, the proliferation of commodity supplies and the chemical and biological weapons that a can be used in present time or in the long run for the empowerment of the country or to enhance the strategic location and powers of the country (Jervis & R 2018).

Another major aspect of agency is the warning reports and making decisions that have been made by the major powers of the world. It would not be wrong to say that CIA is more like a watchdog that takes into account all the global happening and then tilt and modify its decision with respect to the presented notion so that United States can be a few steps ahead of the other countries. Keeping the comparative and competitive steps aside, there are some other responsibilities and duties that are performed by CIA and those activities are the hallmark of the progression of the United States of America. These actions are something that is compulsory for all the developing and developed countries in order to make up make in this world. It is highlighted that CIA plays a central role in national security which is one of the prime concern. Earlier in the paper, the security concerns derived from the other countries were discussed and here CIA is defined in term of the internal efforts that are made for restoring the peace and security concerns in the country. It is highlighted that CIA is meant to study intelligence issues and then resolve it with peace measures so that the public can be prevented from getting panicked. After that, CIA is engaged in the analysis of the collected information so that both national and international decisions can be made that can prove effective in the long run for the progression of the country. Also, CIA is designed to keep a check on the activities within and the areas surrounding the country with the help of data that is collected through satellites. These pictures from satellite are then used to analyze all the information and any interruption that is observed around or within the country. It is highlighted that the subject issue or noted concerns is not affirmed to be something derived by manpower, it could be natural disaster or a natural happening that may prove devastating or the country (Hagerty, et al. 2019).

It would not be wrong to say that no matter how much connotations and controversies are attached with the formation of CIA, it is one of the sources and opportunities for the United States that is the key to global development because CIA is working globally while remaining confined to a single geographical area. It is more like a political initiative now that is necessary for the USA to invest in and work for the betterment so that a global position as a superpower along with a dominant political power can be maintained. (Maret, et al. 2017).


CIA and intelligence of the United States of America also called “America’s house of intelligence”, was formulated during the Cold War because America was facing issues in terms of intelligence and there was no way out to collect intelligence. Although there are other connotations such as “political game” and “spy legacy” associated with CIA, still, the chronological history of CIA and its current performance depicts a different picture. It is concluded that the CIA is one of the sources of information that is responsible for aligning and restoring the political and military actions of the United States. CIA is performing all the duties from security managements, pre-planned terrorist measures and negotiations with the emblems of authority and power such as UN and USSR which are the major factors that can contribute to the global position of the country. In a nutshell, CIA is playing a central in wearing the USA to maintain its global position as a political and economic power in the world. If CIA would not have been formulated during Cold War, the assembling of the political data and information at that time would not have been possible and there would have been rare chances for the United States to be the same economic and political power in the world that is competing with the major and the growing powers of the world. So, CIA can be called, a necessity, a promotor of political success as well as an essential department for the United States to maintain its political identity and a global position in the timeline of emerging powers.


Breckinridge, S. (2019). The CIA and the US Intelligence System. Routledge.

Foglesong, D. S. (2019). From Moses to Edward Snowden: Toward a Global History of Intelligence.

Hagerty, E. J. (2019). Spy Schools: How the CIA, FBI, and Foreign Intelligence Secretly Exploit America’s Universities.

Hamilton, N. (Ed.). (2019). Crisis in Central America: regional dynamics and US policy in the 1980s. Routledge.

Jervis, R. (2018). The politics and psychology of intelligence and intelligence reform. In Intelligence and national security policymaking on Iraq. Manchester University Press.

Maret, S. (2017). Cold War Intelligence: The Secret War between the US and the USSR, 1945-1991. The Charleston Advisor, 19(1), 10-13.

Richelson, J. T. (2018). The US intelligence community. Routledge.

Secker, T., & Alford, M. (2019). New Evidence for the Surprisingly Significant Propaganda Role of the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense in the Screen Entertainment Industry. Critical Sociology, 45(3), 347-359.

Wilford, H. (2009). The mighty Wurlitzer: how the CIA played America. Harvard University Press.

Wilford, H. (2013). America's great game: the CIA's secret Arabists and the shaping of the modern Middle East. Basic books.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 13 Words: 3900

Cities In The U.S. Went Through Difficult Times In The 1960s And 1970s. In A Short Essay Describe Some Of These Changes In Terms Of Race, Economics, And Culture.

Beverlyne Jean

Enter the Name of Instructor

History and Anthropology

18 December 2019

The time of the 1960s and onwards, the American cities started developing an organized system of development. Although this development pattern was based on racial patterns, a rare incident of racial violence was reported. The American cities during the times of the 1960s were also experiencing rapid development in terms of resource distribution. Although the latest technologies, like todays, were not present, in terms of transportation and public-oriented facilities, American cities started attracting investors ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"SxqL3ZEk","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Howard and Bray)","plainCitation":"(Howard and Bray)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":105,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/D87JYFA6"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/D87JYFA6"],"itemData":{"id":105,"type":"book","publisher":"Guilford Press","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Managerial lives in transition: Advancing age and changing times.","title-short":"Managerial lives in transition","author":[{"family":"Howard","given":"Ann"},{"family":"Bray","given":"Douglas W."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1988"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Howard and Bray). A new pattern of division, which still influences the expansion pattern in cities like the South/ East divide in Austin and the North/ South divide in Chicago etc. became apparent during the 1960 era. In terms of economy, the decade of 1960 had been quite thriving.

The economic experts from those times believe that such an uninterrupted pattern in economic development was not experienced like this before. Some economic experts, however, credit this expansion to technological expansion and advancements in researches related to electrics and automobiles. Culturally, the times of the 1960s had been not much paying to the American society at large ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"w3qjZ6gG","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Howard and Bray)","plainCitation":"(Howard and Bray)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":105,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/D87JYFA6"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/D87JYFA6"],"itemData":{"id":105,"type":"book","publisher":"Guilford Press","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Managerial lives in transition: Advancing age and changing times.","title-short":"Managerial lives in transition","author":[{"family":"Howard","given":"Ann"},{"family":"Bray","given":"Douglas W."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1988"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Howard and Bray). Although people started adopting cultural traits that they admired in the literature, John F. Kennedy’s murder in 1962, Martin Luther King Jr. and Kennedy’s younger brother murder in 1968 left the American public in shock. For such reason, the American cultural progress faced little progression.

The 1970s decade was a bit tumultuous time in the history of the United States. The decade followed the progression pattern of the 1960s, however, the increased immigration during this decade from the Asian region somehow changed the social fabric in the major cities. During the 1970s, cities like New York, Boston, Washington and California experiment with the up- emergence of sky-high rising structures. Some of them later became the recognition element of those cities ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"VatmAYR5","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Wandersee)","plainCitation":"(Wandersee)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":107,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/4ALHMNSG"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/4ALHMNSG"],"itemData":{"id":107,"type":"book","publisher":"Twayne Publishers Boston","source":"Google Scholar","title":"On the move: American women in the 1970s","title-short":"On the move","author":[{"family":"Wandersee","given":"Winifred D."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1988"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Wandersee). The racial aspect of the United States' social system again became apparent, which forced the Black population to rise for their rights. Such movements also dominated United States politics and the population of unprivileged classes increased a little.

During this decade the movements of gays, lesbians and many unprivileged people rose to fame, which some believed was influenced by the European region. Another disconcerting aspect of the 1970s era was the mass protest against the Vietnam War. Many Americans believed that the Vietnam War is nothing, but the wastage of national resources. On the other side, the working classes and the Middle-class Americans were also protesting against the increasing differences between resource acquisition and incomes ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"LUjpDWGi","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Wandersee)","plainCitation":"(Wandersee)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":107,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/4ALHMNSG"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/4ALHMNSG"],"itemData":{"id":107,"type":"book","publisher":"Twayne Publishers Boston","source":"Google Scholar","title":"On the move: American women in the 1970s","title-short":"On the move","author":[{"family":"Wandersee","given":"Winifred D."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1988"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Wandersee). From a cultural perspective, the 1970s had been quite convivial, the growth in the city population and new writings about culture, art and philosophy brought diversity in the culture of the United States.

Works Cited:

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Howard, Ann, and Douglas W. Bray. Managerial Lives in Transition: Advancing Age and Changing Times. Guilford Press, 1988.

Wandersee, Winifred D. On the Move: American Women in the 1970s. Twayne Publishers Boston, 1988.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Civil Rights: The African American Struggle For Equality

Civil Rights: The African American struggle for equality





The history of African-American struggles remains vital to date in the US. This movement does not pause at equal rights but calls for the capitalist order. The struggle of African-Americans has become a myth. But this story is often falsified or sanitized. The civil rights struggle is particularly valued. Fighting against economic and social inequalities is more hidden. The struggle for equal rights faced a lot of challenges. The thesis statement is to explore the struggle that was made by black people for equal rights.


The abolition of slavery was promulgated in 1865. But the southern states were developing black codes to limit their economic and physical freedom. In 1890, the "Jim Crow" system institutionalized true racial segregation. The toilets, schools or hospitals were separated. It urged blacks to endure the various insults and abuses of the segregationist system. But African-Americans adopted lifestyles that were just as different as Whites to each other. These social and geographical differences had an impact on Black's fight for equality (Patton, 2004).

The black population joined the industrial cities of the north, like New York or Chicago. But it suffered misery and poor housing conditions. In 1919, the riots of Chicago broke out. It imposed urban segregation on Blacks. In 1930, the New Deal helped the economic crisis. Blacks were given access to public jobs other than labor work. Part of the black population integrated into the middle class through school meritocracy. But another party remained locked in misery. It is this black middle class that wanted to frame the popular classes to steer the fight for racial equality towards a legal process (Krutz, 2017).

After the Civil war, nonviolent direct actions predominated. The shops that did not hire African Americans were boycotted. The NAACP valued ​​the legal dimension and registration on the electoral lists. Racial integration in employment and in institutions took precedence over the economic concerns of the working class. In 1967, a wave of riots spread in many cities. In Detroit, the army and police failed to maintain order. Nixon denounced a "hell of urban anarchy". The war in Vietnam also created a rift within the country. Blacks were gradually opposing the war (Lucic, 2013).

Black Power also included a cultural dimension. Creativity allowed the emancipation of the black community. The artistic expression, including popular cultures, including a liberating and revolutionary potential were valued. This culture refused to integrate and fight against the oppressive workings of American society. Larry Neal proposed to connect art and politics in a very conscious way for the liberation of the black people. Theaters and independent publishing houses were able to get out of white commercial culture (Hemmingson, 2014).

In 1968, riots broke out after the murder of Martin Luther King. The institutions decided to reinforce the repression while the black movement became more and more threatening. Nixon became president and imposed a conservative policy. In this context, the BPP moved towards direct solidarity in neighborhoods. It organized free meals. The black wanted to integrate into capitalist society and become assimilationist. This class defended equal rights. Some black became nationalist and even separatist. This social class defended exclusively black institutions to consolidate its small power. Only the working classes had an interest in transforming the whole of society against racism and social inequalities (Civil Rights, 2004).


The fight for equal rights faced many challenges but this movement has been able to make concrete progress. It is the struggles of the black proletarians, both men and women, who had emancipatory perspectives. The black working classes led the fight against racism and social inequality. These movements carried the perspective of a world without hierarchies, without class, and without the state. Although the fight for civil rights has achieved a lot, there is still much more to do.


Civil Rights. (2004). Civil rights chronicle: the African-American struggle for freedom. Choice Reviews Online, 41(11), 41-6276-41-6276. doi: 10.5860/choice.41-6276

Hemmingson, G. (2014). The Fourteenth Amendment and The African American Struggle for Civil Rights. The Virginia Tech Undergraduate Historical Review, 3(0). doi: 10.21061/vtuhr.v3i0.24

Krutz, G. (2017). American Government. Retrieved from https://d3bxy9euw4e147.cloudfront.net/oscms-prodcms/media/documents/AmericanGovernment-LR.pdf

Lučić, I. (2013). African American's Struggle for Equality and African American Literature. Mediterranean Journal Of Social Sciences. doi: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n9p123

Patton, J. (2004). Essay Review I: African American Women, Civil Rights, and Black PowerBettye Collier-Thomas and V. P. Franklin, Sisters in the Struggle: African American Women in the Civil Rights-Black Power Movement. The Journal Of African American History, 89(3), 262-265. doi: 10.2307/4134078

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Civilization On The Border

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Civilization on the Border

The two important civilization on the border of Assyria and Persia interact with these imperial powers were the Greeks and the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians fell victim to the aggression of Assyria, then Egypt and the New Babylonian kingdom, then the Persians, each time falling into political dependence on these territorial states. Secondly, it was from the end of the VIII century that the Great Greek colonization began, and Phoenicia itself gradually lost its significance as the center of the world-economy.

Third, the Western Phoenicians formed the Carthaginian power, which took the path of conquest and turned into a territorial (that is, feudal, landowning mainly) state. At the same time, it should be remembered that even in its classical era, the Greeks were far from being ahead of the Phoenicians in everything. In the Persian Empire, the city of Phoenicia, along with Babylon, continued to play the role of a major trading and financial center. The population of Phoenicia was a complex ethnic conglomerate. The West Semitic tribes of the Canaanites lived here.

Among the main achievements of the Phoenicians can be called, first of all, the invention of the alphabet, which later formed the basis of the writing of the majority of modern peoples. Phoenicians were the first to begin the production of purple dye from a special type of mollusks. She dyed woolen and linen fabrics. These fabrics immediately became fashionable and were in great demand in all neighboring countries. During the excavations of the ancient Phoenician cities, piles of empty shells were found after they were painted. The scope of production was very large. Its fabric was not enough, and cheap unpainted wool was imported into Phenicia from the pastoral regions of Syria, from Crete, and later from the whole of East Asia. The ancient Phoenician artisans made of bronze and silver were highly valued in antiquity, as well as the famous glass from Sidon, the secrets of which were discovered in the 17th century. BC e. In addition to locally produced goods, the Phoenicians traded in the fact that they exported from Asia Minor, from Cyprus, Crete, from ancient Greece. Their cities were the largest transit trade centers. Silver and lead came from Asia Minor, and later - iron. From the island of Cyprus, the Phoenicians exported copper. From Crete, they received items of artistic craft, products from other Mediterranean countries. The main center of trade relations with the West was Ugarit, and after its destruction.

The ancient Greek civilization has developed in the basin of the Aegean Sea on two continents (Europe and Asia) and many islands. It included the South Balkans, islands, Crete and coastal areas of Asia Minor. The life of the population of this region is closely connected with the sea, which contributed to the development of navigation, colonization, trade, opened up the possibility of becoming acquainted with the civilizations of the East. The sea has formed a certain character and psychological characteristics of the ancient Greeks courage, determination, optimism and faith in their own abilities. Greece was rich in minerals (silver, gold, copper, lead, iron) and building material (limestone, marble, clay). The Greeks learned to melt bronze from copper and tin, to use it for the manufacture of tools and weapons. Entire families engaged in the manufacture of pottery and jewelry. On the islands of the Marmara and Aegean seas, marble of different colors was mined (gray, black, with streaks of blue and pink). But it was especially famous for the extraordinary whiteness of the marble from the island of Paros.

What people created the ancient Greek civilization? The ethnic history of ancient Greece is very dynamic. Already in the III millennium BC. In the south of the Balkan Peninsula, Pelasgians were inhabited by the most ancient pre-Greek tribes, whose ethnicity is still the subject of debate. They also inhabited the extreme northwest of Anatolia and the islands of the Aegean Sea. At the turn of III-II thousand BC. The Balkan Peninsula is experiencing an invasion of the proper Greek tribes - the Achaeans, who may have migrated from the Danube regions of Europe. Pelasgians were partially exterminated by the Achaeans, partially assimilated with them.

The role of the ancient Greek civilization in the history of mankind is great, complex and multifaceted. It was not only a powerful civilizational breakthrough. Ancient Greece made a kind of historical workshop, where many blanks were created, received their further processing and improvement within the subsequent civilizations. Democracy and private property, human freedom and civic duty, materialism and idealism are all of the most important components of modern civilizational development born in ancient Greece. It is not by chance that in the history of Europe, the concept of rebirth is associated with Antiquity, with the ancient Greek civilization. People of the next centuries sought in it a foothold for the further development of the spiritual world of man, science and culture, for the most important achievement of the ancient Greek civilization was the flourishing of the human person.

The paradox of history is that, relying on slavery, the ancient Greek civilization for the first time gave a sample of a free man and the free organization of the human community. City-states existed before ancient Greece. But it was the Greeks who, as if taking a step back from the power of the kings, managed to create democratic communities — policies — back to the communal structure, gave those samples of democratic self-determination of people who later served as a subject of study for those who thought about a more equitable structure of society.

It is to the first in the history of the free community of the Greeks that we owe the appearance of scientific thinking as a type of world outlook. The Greeks created the foundations of philosophical science in its dialectical unity of an idealistic and materialistic view of the world. They, realizing the significance of the past for the present and the future, created the science of history. Ethics and geography, psychology and trigonometry, physics and anatomy. These and many other sciences owe the ancient Greeks not only their birth, but also their names. Ancient Greece is the birthplace of many conceptual ideas that have become scientific truth today: the atomic structure of matter, the rotation of the Earth around its axis, the planets around the Sun, etc. But many of their specific inventions have entered our world today. Hard to believe, but Plato invented the first alarm clock., and the modern taxi meter has as its prototype a mechanism created by the Alexandrian mechanic Hodon.

To conclude, Linking the ancient world, creating great cultural achievements, spreading these achievements in the zone of its influence, the Phoenicians left the historical scene, becoming one of the "ghostly civilizations" of antiquity. The most important thing that gave us the ancient Greek civilization is the ideal of the harmonious beauty of man, which, despite the diversity of the culture of the next millennia, remained unsurpassed. Without hiding from themselves the tragic underside of life, the Greeks had the amazing ability to enjoy life, see and sing its beauty.

Works cited

Pollard, E., Rosenberg, C., & Tignor, R. Worlds together, worlds apart. retrieved from https://digital.wwnorton.com/worldscon

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Climate Change

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of Instructor]



Climate Change

Our world has gone through multiple changes since its beginning. History has witnessed numerous changes in the geographical patterns, sociological circles, governing patterns, political structures and in many other aspects. Previously there used to be limited population, thus the problems were also limited. With the passage of the time, as the human population started to increase, the issues also started growing. The land started falling short for the growing population and humans had to move to other parts of the planet to accommodate themselves. As a result of this, many humans left their areas and moved towards different areas, in order to find better space and resources for themselves. Not only individuals participated in this migration, but they also took their whole families and even tribes to the new locations. This migration resulted in the formation of multiple countries and dynasties, which adopted sophisticated civilizations and left rich history to be plundered upon.

Many examples of such diverse cultures and civilizations can be found in history. Some of the most prominent ones of these are the civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Shang State in China. These both civilizations are known for their fertile culture, rich civilizations, valuable resources, well-developed Government systems, and high-end infrastructure.

The area of Mesopotamia is a historical region, which constitutes the space between the Tigris-Euphrates river systems. Most of the area that is covered by the Mesopotamian region constitutes the territory of Iraq, Kuwait, regions from Northern Saudi Arabia, the eastern parts of Syria, Southeastern Turkey and areas along the Turkish-Syrian and Iran-Iraq Borders.

The Shang State in China, on the other hand, was situated in the Yellow River Valley of China. The Shang State, most popularly known as Shang Dynasty or Yin Dynasty, walked the Earth in the second millennium and progressed to becoming Xia Dynasty and finally Zhou Dynasty. Various accounts are present for the ruling dates of the Shang Dynasty; as per the traditional chronology presented by Liu Xin, the Shangs ruled the area from 1766 to 1122 BC, whereas Bamboo Annals presents the chronology to be from 1556 to 1046 BC.

Various factors play a role in explaining the history and the practices that were being carried on at the time of governance of these civilizations in the areas of Mesopotamia and Shang Dynasty. If the example of Mesopotamia is considered, the significant factors which played a role in the understanding and explanation of that time period are Amorites and The Hammurapi’s Code. The Amorites are the people who partly speak and understand Afro-Asiatic languages and occupied large areas of southern Mesopotamia from 21st century BC to the end of 17th Century BC. The Amorites played a significant role in Mesopotamia by establishing multiple prominent existing city-states and establishing a stable government system for the region. One of the most notable examples of the states developed by Amorites is the city of Babylon. Hammurapi’s code also assists significantly in clearing the concepts of ancient civilizations as Hammurapi (or more popularly known as Hammurabi) gave an organized set of rules to the state to run and handle the state affairs in an organized way. Hammurapi was a very popular and intelligent ruler of Mesopotamia who held the throne the sixth king of Old Babylonia’s First Dynasty. Hammurapi’s code was, in fact, a compilation or 300 edicts on handling crimes and serving punishments against them CITATION Pol14 \l 1033 (Pollard).

Meanwhile, if the example of Shang State is considered, the Shang Dynasty consisted of rulers who used Oracle Bones to resolve queries and predict the future. Oracle bones usually consisted of bones of large animals and shells from turtles, which were carved with questions and pits, in order to find answers to the future. It can be seen that the Shang Dynasty moved its capitals very often and finally Pan Geng was finalized as the capital. This usually happened due to the high frequency of natural disasters, floods, to find fertile lands, to resolve the issues of corruption and the continuous battle over the throne.

The failing of various ancient civilizations can be attributed to climate change issues, especially the civilizations of Shang Dynasty, Mesopotamia, Egyptian Dynasties and Indus Valley Civilizations. The collapsing of these dynasties can be attributed to the factor of Climate change as almost all of these civilizations were present on the banks or near big rivers, the climate change caused severe rains and flooding in the rivers which became a reason of eradication of these civilizations from Earth.

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Pollard, Rosenberg, and Tignor, General Editors, et al. "Nomads, Territorial States, and MicroSocieties." Pollard, Rosenberg, and Tignor, General Editors, et al. World Together, World Apart. WW Norton, 2014. 89-105.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Code Of Hammurabi Analysis

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Code of Hammurabi Analysis


When we talk about the Code of Hammurabi, it is the world’s most whole and original legal code that was ever written. It was declared by the Babylonian King Hammurabi. His reign was from 1792 to 1750 B.C. The code is seen as an early projection of fundamental laws and the basics of how to regulate a Government. The code can be easily called an embryonic constitution. It is also one of the first times in history that the idea of innocence was garnered. The expansion of city-state of Babylon sideways the Euphrates River to tie all the southern Mesopotamia. The code that was given by Hammurabi was engraved on a huge finger-shaped pillar which was black in color. It was robbed by invaders later, but was recovered again in 1901. The Hammurabi cypher of laws is a collection of a total of 282 rules. The rules helped lay foundation for the establishment of values for commercial interface and set various penances and fine to meet the required needs of the justice system. In this paper I will be discussing resolve and inauguration of the Code of Hammurabi, along with how does the code shed light on the class and society structure as well as gender in Mesopotamia.


Hammurabi had the title of being the 6th King of the Babylonian Dynasty, which was in rule in the pivotal Mesopotamia. Some of the clauses in the code worked on eye for an eye or tit for tat rule, depending on what was the social status of the person; was that person a slave or free and lastly, what was the gender of that individual. Hammurabi brought about the rules and regulations to bring about righteousness to the land, and destroy any wickedness or people who committed evil deeds. His idea was that the strong are not given any authority to bring harm to the weaker people. He wanted to bring enlightenment in the world with his acts and help pave the path to progression of mankind. About half the code deals with difficulties of various deals and contracts, for example the wages that are supposed to be paid to an ox driver or what pays will a surgeon be getting. Then other laws were inclusive of transactions and what liability does a builder carry if the house he built collapsed. Then there was also a law on what actions are to be taken if the property that is left in the care of another person is damaged. Then the third of the code dealt with issues regarding family relations and household problems like; divorce, heirloom, fatherhood and reproductive conduct. There were some clauses that talked about military. Only one law that dealt with imposing responsibilities was; “that if a judge tries to change the decision after it has been written down, he is to be removed from his seat permanently and fined.”

The code of Hammurabi was created to seek a sense of equality, however there were many biases present. The law was unfair based on where the culprit lies on the social spectrum. The person who was unfortunately at the bottom of the social band would have to deal with very gruesome punishments. The justice system was ghastly towards lower class people. The scale of punishment varied when it came to gender. For instance if there is a crime committed, the extent of the penalty will be set based on which gender and what class do both the felon and victim belong to. As mentioned above as well, the code issued justice based on three particular classes of the Babylon Society; Slaves, people who owned property and if a person is a free man.

When it came to punishments, the magnitude of the penalties would be much less if the person being assaulted was from a lower class. However, if an individual who was being assaulted was from a higher or equal class, the punishment would be quite harsh. The easy way to explain this is via an example. If for instance; “a doctor somehow ended up killing a person of a high status, the penalty would be that his hands are cut off. Contrary to that, if a doctor is responsible of the death of a poor individual, the penalty would be much lighter. The doctor will only bear financial compensation.” In fact, the prices that a doctor asked from his patients were based on the social status. Now coming to gender based issues, women had to suffer punishment for the same acts that men were not held accountable for. “In fact, men were given permission to have an affair with slaves ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"8bhgAw89","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Goldman and Cropanzano)","plainCitation":"(Goldman and Cropanzano)"},"citationItems":[{"id":187,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/zTPHp9Do/items/QDS786LX"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/zTPHp9Do/items/QDS786LX"],"itemData":{"id":187,"type":"article-journal","title":"“Justice” and “fairness” are not the same thing","container-title":"Journal of Organizational Behavior","page":"313-318","volume":"36","issue":"2","author":[{"family":"Goldman","given":"Barry"},{"family":"Cropanzano","given":"Russell"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Goldman and Cropanzano 313-318). On the opposing end, if a married woman was caught having an affair she would be chastised for committing disloyalty.”


After going through all the rules of Code of Hammurabi, it is safe to say that there are some evident pros to it as well as many cons. The fact that there came a proper law to govern a state is commendable, having said that, it was not perfect. The class system was highly impacting the justice system of Mesopotamia. People were judged not on equal grounds but based on the wealth that they owned, other than that the gender discrimination can be prominently seen through every other clause of the code, a small example is “If she is not guiltless, but leaves her spouse, and wrecks her household, abandoning her husband, this woman shall be cast into the water.” Not everything is perfect, but at least a foundation was put down on the basis of which a more substantial code was written in the future.

Work Cited


Goldman, Barry, and Russell Cropanzano. "“Justice” and “fairness” are not the same thing." Journal of Organizational Behavior 36.2 (2015): 313-318.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Cold War

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[Name of Instructor]



Cold War

Cold war is the time period when there was a geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States. At that time, the world was clearly divided among two blocs, the one was the Eastern bloc that was supporting the Soviet Russia and the other one was the Western block which was led by the United States. It has to be noted that there is a common historical conflict between United States and Russia, and it all escalated after the culmination of the Second World War. Due to the war, there were anticommunist suspicious as well as number of international incidents that lead to two superpowers almost on the brink of the nuclear disaster and due to the allies being supportive of each other during the course of the war, the likelihood of the full bloodied military conflict was on the higher side.

The reason that the term “Cold War” has been used to define the event is due to the fact that during this whole time period, both the United States and Russia were in conflict with each other but they did not indulged directly in the military conflict. At the same time, the nature of the war was such that both the countries used extreme measures to make sure that they bring the other party down. The starting point of the Cold War is the year 1946, the year in which the George F Kannan had submitted the long telegram and had started to threat the vital regions of the United states. The Cold War ended with the revolution of the 1989 and the culmination of the Cold War came with the demise of the ideology of the communism.

The interesting thing about the Cold War was that both these countries had completely different ideals that almost contrasted with each other. The United States and its allies were of the belief that the two party presidential system has to be used as the well as the creation of the bloc has to be done to make sure that the free press and the functionality of the other independent organizations had to be there. While on the other hand, Russia was of the point of view that how the network of the banana republics with strict control must be there in terms of the management of the authority at that point of time. There was conflict in terms of the ideologies as well where the Soviet and Russia was more inclined towards the Marxist ideologies whereas the United States talked about the liberal democratic view of the way governments are supposed to be run. The events that lead to the Cold War had left considerable legacy in the United States. In the popular culture, the movie and its context has been discussed lot of time. The war escalated to the point that both these countries left no stone unturned to make sure that they bring the other nation down. Whether it was in sports and culture or sending missions for the space exploration. In the hindsight, it can be said that the economic might and clout of the United States was one of the prime reasons that the country was able to thrive, and Soviet’s weak economy could not sustain in front of the United States.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Colonialism And Modernity


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Colonialism and Modernity

The book Song of Ariran by the American author Helen Foster Snow sheds light on the struggle of China and Korea against the colonialism and imperialism of the Japanese forces. The autobiographical story has been described from the perspective of a Korean communist who was living with a fake identity, in order to support the revolution. In ‘Return to Manchuria,' the author has shed light on the experiences of the Korean communist when he went to Manchuria, in order to work out the differences of the Chinese and Korean communist parties, for the sake of cooperation and unity against the Imperial Japanese forces. The book may have been the memoir of the struggle of the Chinese and Korean populations, however, it sheds light on colonialism ideology of the society at that time.

The author has quite effectively shed light on the strategic position of Manchuria, during the year 1930, when the Japanese forces had got the control of Manchuria and planned to extend it to other parts of Chinese and Korean regions. Manchuria was the part of China and had put other areas of the country at greater risk. The author has described the scenario in a detailed manner that the Japanese force in the region used to keep a close eye on the movement of the public, in order to culminate any kind of reformation planning parties and groups.so, the Korean communist disguised himself as a Chinese citizen, in order to ensure the collaboration with the Chinese communist party (Chang, San, and Wales, 116).

The evaluation of the text reveals that the author has explained the concepts of colonialism in an effective manner. She has shown that although it was the Japanese government and forces who wanted to control the areas of China and Korea, in order to get the benefit of their economic conditions, the actual benefiter was the Chinese upper-class population. They exploited the Korean labor and joined hands with the enemy forces, which became an important reason for their powerful status in society. The Koran population kept trying to win the favor of the Chinese communist party, so they could fight against the enemy collectively. However, the disappointing attitude of the upper-class Chinese society made the conditions difficult for Korea, which had to fight against colonialism on its own (Chang, San, and Wales, 118).

The text has been authored in a very impressive and touching manner., which helps the readers to get an idea of the difficult situations which were going on in that time period. The author has effectively highlighted the brutality and careless attitude of the enemy forces, which only thought about maximizing its benefits, instead of working for the progress and prosperity of humanity.

The book Song of Ariran by the American author is an impactful depiction of the colonial and imperial attempts of the Japanese forces to take the control, of Chinese and Korean regions, which had ultimately led to First World War. The memoirs shared in the book provide insight into the social and political conditions of the society at that time, as well as their impact on the lower class populations of the society. The text also shed lights on the reasons for not supporting colonialism.

Work Cited

Chang, Chi-rak, Kim San, and Nym Wales. Song of Ariran: a Korean Communist in the Chinese revolution. Ramparts Press, 1972.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Columbus Letter

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Columbus letter

Columbus letter is known as the first document that announced the results of the first voyage. He discovered America while travelling to Asia. The letter was written by himself. The letter became the reason for the news of America discovery throughout Europe. The initial aim of the Columbus was to find out the short and quick route to Asia from Europe. While he set out for Asia, he discovered America which was a crucial moment in European history. As Columbus was traveling towards India, at first he could not identify America and misunderstand America as India.

In his letter, Columbus wrote about the different islands and claimed that he discovered and taken possession over it on the edge of Indian Ocean. These island included Cuba, China, Hispaniola, and Arawak where he called Arawak as India. He portrayed Indian as competent and skilled servants. He found the native people very friendly and peaceful. He also mentioned about the gold reserves Indian had as Columbus went out for India but reached to America that is why he called them Indians or Indies. He wrote that these people could be made good servant as they repeat things very quickly and due to this reason they can be easily converted to Christianity. Columbus defined the nature of the native people as innocent, fearful, primitive, timid, hardworking, and extremely cowardly. They portrayed them stupid as they were agreed to exchange their valuable metal and cotton for broken crockery, glass, and shoelace tips ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"syAtaThl","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf (\\uc0\\u8220{}Christopher Columbus\\uc0\\u8221{})}","plainCitation":"(“Christopher Columbus”)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1227,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/EWT8I3WX"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/EWT8I3WX"],"itemData":{"id":1227,"type":"webpage","title":"Christopher Columbus","container-title":"Royal Museums Greenwich | UNESCO World Heritage Site In London","abstract":"Explorer Christopher Columbus (1451–1506) is famed for his 1492 ‘discovery’ of the New World of the Americas on board his ship Santa Maria.","URL":"https://www.rmg.co.uk/discover/explore/christopher-columbus-0","language":"en","issued":{"date-parts":[["2015",8,5]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (“Christopher Columbus”).

The description of land through letter shows that observation of Columbus was so much detached. He saw the people and land from an entrepreneur perspective that is why he mentioned more about the economic behavior and resources present there. He mentioned the gold that native people had. He failed to find any big market in China and India to invest and returned with the empty hulls. Instead of launching a description of land he focused more on the future benefits by exploiting the natural resources. He discussed the formation of farms, towns, and mines for self-interest. As the land was rich in natural resources as well as suitable for agriculture, therefore, Columbus was more concerned about the benefits Europe can get from the land.

Native reaction towards Columbus was very positive. Columbus wrote in his letter that people were so friendly and helpful there. It was easy to fool them for self-interest. Columbus notices the presence of gold there and exchanges it with the useless material. This shows the innocence of the native people. Columbus mentioned about the local king who treated him like brother near Navidad. Native people were so unaware of the crucial aspects of society like economic activities, trade, money exchange, use of resources ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"4Z8oCSE5","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Minster et al.)","plainCitation":"(Minster et al.)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1225,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/LHM22BVK"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ccgWoSRn/items/LHM22BVK"],"itemData":{"id":1225,"type":"webpage","title":"What Was the First European Town in the Americas?","container-title":"ThoughtCo","abstract":"On Columbus&#39; first voyage, he was forced to leave behind 39 men at a settlement he named La Navidad.","URL":"https://www.thoughtco.com/la-navidad-first-european-settlement-2136439","author":[{"family":"Minster","given":"Christopher Minster Christopher"},{"literal":"Ph.D."},{"family":"Guides","given":"is a professor at the ​Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador He is a former head writer at VIVA Travel"}]}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Minster et al.).

WSYA the first European settlement in America at La Navidad. The settlement of La Navidad is not much significant historically. No one died there terribly, and the people who destroyed the land by burning it were the ones who destroyed themselves due to enslavement and diseases. According to metaphorical level, La Navida is crucial as it is not only the first settlement in America but also the New World for the European. It also becomes the reason for major and initial conflict between the Europeans and native people. We can say that this conflict was an ominous sign of times to come, as the same pattern repeated with time all over native land, from Canada to Patagonia. With the trade starting between two lands problems of wars, crimes, unspoken hatred, slaughter, and massacres began.

Works Cited

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY “Christopher Columbus.” Royal Museums Greenwich | UNESCO World Heritage Site In London, 5 Aug. 2015, https://www.rmg.co.uk/discover/explore/christopher-columbus-0.

Minster, Christopher Minster Christopher, et al. “What Was the First European Town in the Americas?” ThoughtCo, https://www.thoughtco.com/la-navidad-first-european-settlement-2136439.

Subject: History and Anthropology

Pages: 2 Words: 600

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