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Final Project Essay

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Regulations and HRM

Taft-Hartley Act

Taft-Hartley Act was passed in 1947; it was sponsored by the United States Senator, Robert A Taft and his representative Fred A, Hartley. This act remained at the cornerstone of the United States labor law even today. This act amended the Wagner Act of 1935, also termed as Labour Management Act of 1947, and discontinued the parts of Federal Anti Injunction Act of 1932.


The history of this law can be traced back to post-World War II, taking into account the national emergency strikes during the war and the postwar. In 1945 and 1946, there was an unprecedented wave of a number of strikes that affected the economy of the United States, taking into account that about 2 million workers were engaged in strikes. This law was enacted by the 80 United States Congress over the veto of President Harry S Truman. It is asserted that this law was enacted by the Republicans who controlled the 80 th Congress. (Frymer, et, al. 2019). This law received massive support from Democrats, with a number of Republican colleagues who voted to override Truman’s veto. This act restores the balance of power between management and labor, by restricting few activities of the union, such as unfair labor practices listing the rights of employees and employers and empowering president to suspend strikes of labor that can contribute to national emergency. (Frymer, et, al. 2019). One of the major points to note is, the act while preserving the rights of labor aimed at organizing labor, taking into account that labors should be made to bargain collectively. Additionally, it guaranteed the employee’s right not to join union. It is asserted that only those union shops have the right to strike where state laws allowed and there are a majority of workers who are voting in its favor. Such shops required unions to give a 60 day advance notification of strike along with an 80 days federal injunction when a strike threatened to imperil national health or safety. The act narrowed the definition of unfair labor practice by specifying and restricting union political contribution, and it required union officers to deny all the oaths that are taken under Communist affiliation. It would not be wrong to say that this law addresses four major aspects of resource management, interference, bargaining, control, and special conditions. (Frymer, et, al. 2019).

Taft-Hartley Act and Human Resource Management

Taft Hartley Act addresses the “activities of union” and “union management”. It describes the following areas

Unfair Labour Union Practices

Taft Hartley Act prohibits and eradicates certain labor practices that are perceived to be “unfair”. This act restrains and prohibits employees from exercising their guaranteed bargaining rights, taking into account that a union doesn't have any right to threaten the jobs of employees who vote against union. In a simplified form, this act highlights that the employees who criticize the union or testify against the court cases should not be punished. (Meltzer, et, al. 1956). This act also restricts any unfair action that can result in any discrimination against employees with an aim to discourage and encourage membership in union. Taft Hartley required union to establish and bargain “good faith in employees” and negate any “wild cat” strike. Bargaining of faith requires both management and union to communicate with each other and initiate counter proposals. (Meltzer, et, al. 1956).

Rights of employees

The Taft-Hartley Act protects the rights of employees against their union. It incorporates the right to work laws, by prohibiting closed shops. In accordance with this right, a closed shop that asserts employees to join union was considered as a violation of individual rights to freedom of association. It is important to note that there are a number of states in the United States that have enacted such laws, and this act infers "right to work legislation". In accordance with the act, it is asserted that critics of “the right to work” inferred that a company should represent all the employees, as opposed to this that belong to the union. (Meltzer, et, al. 1956).

Rights of employers

Under the Taft-Hartley Act, employers are given the right to express their views and opinions regarding union and the result of unionization. It is asserted that the employers have the right to say anything they wish to say about union as long as they are not treating the employees. It is asserted that the right of employers include that they have the right to promise, make direct interference and make coercion. A common example of that of employers infers that employers can claim unionization that might result in plant closing but they cannot say that plan is closed because union has voted in. (Meltzer, et, al. 1956).

Prohibited Union Practices

Taft-Hartley Act prohibited some of the major practices of labor union. Such examples include

Secondary Boycotts

Secondary Boycotts are used as tools to encourage the employees of a secondary employer to strike against their employer. It is asserted that employer should stop doing the business with such employer even if it is the center of the business. (Meltzer, et, al. 1956).

Sympathy Strikes

These strikes refer to the boycotts that aim at influencing other employer; it does not refer to the union’s employer to bargain with an unrecognized union. This practice is also termed as a “blackmail picketing”. (Meltzer, et, al. 1956).

Jurisdictional Strikes

These strikes refer to boycotts that attempt to force an employer to hire others for work to giver one union to perform a task over the other.

Case Study 1: Steel Industry

In 1950, during the Korean War, the North Korean Troop invaded the Republic of Korea in which the United States was involved. Troops were sent to South Korea without asking Congress to declare war on North Korea. It is assumed to be the best time for something to happen that could jeopardize the nation’s defense. It was a negation of the Taft-Hartley Act. During World War II, price control was implemented in order to prevent the shortage and inflation during the wartime. Wage Stabilization Board was directed to make recommendations to control wages and implement changes that could mitigate labor dispute. (Epstein, et, al. 2018). The steel industry rejected the stance of wage increment that was proposed by board. (Rehnquist, et, al. 1986). Truman believed that strike will have severe results, but unable to find some satisfactory solution, he issued an Executive Order of seizing the steel mills. The order was not based on law instead it invokes solely upon the powers that were granted to the president by the United States Constitution. (Epstein, et, al. 2018).

Truman reported situation to Congress but he got no response it made him realize that dealing with similar situations would not automate the government seizure of property in order to settle a labor dispute. The steel company sued the Secretary of Commerce while asking for judgment and injunctive relief. The court was granted an injunction that was preliminary in nature and the court of Appeals stayed the lower court’s decision. It is significant to note tha finding no way out, Taft Hartley Act was the stance that worked to prevent the union from striking initially. Then the administration rejected that iron taking into account that they despised the act and Truman’s veto five years prior. (Epstein, et, al. 2018).The administration section saw industry as a whole, representing the cause of the problem, not the union. It was then highlighted that the steelworkers preferred that the government should seize plants, adhering to them to face an injunction against Taft-Hartley Act. It not only left them unsurprised however Truman did not use the remedies that were made available to him with the help of the Taft-Hartley Act is seeking an injunction that was against national emergency. (Epstein, et, al. 2018).

Case Study 2 NLBR Vs Truck Drivers Local 449

NLBR Vs Truck Drivers Local 449 is also called an 8-0 decision by the supreme court of the United States is a case in which the court held a temporary lockout by multiple employer bargaining group that was treated by a strike named as Taft Hartley Act. It refers to the case of truck drivers who were working for linen supply in the companies around New York. Eight of the employers among them formed linen and carried exchange, referring to a must employer association that can act as a collective bargaining agent for the employers. The very first contact was negotiated and the succeeding contract also agreed for implementation. The more recent contact was due on April 30 but none of the successor was negotiated. Finally the teamsters played their role in the whipsaw strike against one of the employers. (Cases, NLRB). The other day, seven other employers blocked their truck drivers and after one-week collecting bargaining agreement was signed that lockout came to end and the locked out works were rehired. The teamster filed unfair labor practice and charged hasn't the seven employees who alleged the lockout violated section. 8 (a) (1) and 8 (a) (3) of the National Labor Relations Act. After an examination of trail it was asserted that the administrative law judge, it was concluded that a ULP had been bound and committed however five-member National Labor Relations Board overruled the examiner. The Board concluded that the lock-out was defensive it was not retaliatory and it was considered unlawful. (Cases, NLRB). However, the appellate court inferred that a temporary lockout that was based on the perceived fact that a strike can only be justified if it would impose an unusual economic hardship on the employer. (Cases, NLRB). Justice Brennan observed the trails and underwent an analysis of the case. He addressed the issue of temporary lockout taking into account that it may be used lawfully as a defense to union strike analysis that threatens and demolish the destruction of the employees who are interested in the bargaining group. It was asserted that the Exchange and the board argued about the preservation of the cohesiveness of the multi-employers association that somewhere justifies the use of lockout. (Cases, NLRB).

This argument was rejected it was inferred that the legislative history of Taft Hartley Act asserted Congress has deferred the judgment on the legality of the multi employee bargaining units leading to a commission. In accordance with the legislative history of Taft-Hartley Act, it was inferred that multi-employer bargaining not only predated the history of the act; in fact, Congress has also rejected and considered the banning of such bargaining. In conclusion, Brennan wrote that the aim of Congress was to let the NRLB make design in a sequence that should be case by case so as the wisdom of bargaining that is associated with permitting of multiemployer. (Cases, NLRB).Brennan inferred that NLRA's protection to the laws of strike is not an absolute decision; the stance of balancing the right of union members to strike against the right of employers has paved the way for “economic hardship” test for lockout. (Rehnquist, et, al. 1986). As a result, the Supreme Court deferred that rule of board and concluded that "a temporary lockout to preserve the multiemployer bargaining basis from the Union strike’s action threat.” (Rehnquist, et, al. 1986).


Cases, S. NLRB Rules for Determining the Appropriate Bargaining Unit in Craft and Departmental.

Epstein, R. A. (2018). The Wrong Rights, or: The Inescapable Weaknesses of Modern Liberal Constitutionalism. U. Chi. L. Rev., 85, 403.

Frymer, P. (2019). The Law of the Workplace. The Legal Process and the Promise of Justice: Studies Inspired by the Work of Malcolm Feeley, 215.

Meltzer, B. D. (1956). Single-Employer and Multi-Employer Lockouts Under the Taft-Hartley Act. The University of Chicago Law Review, 24(1), 70-97.

Rehnquist, W. R. (1986). Constitutional law and public opinion. Suffolk UL Rev., 20, 751.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 6 Words: 1800



Gender-Based Violence

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Gender-Based Violence



Global statistics clearly indicate that the issue of violence is alarmingly increasing that requires active attention. The problem of violence can be observed in many different forms, and every aspect has its particular implications. Gender-based violence is recognised as one chronic form of violence that demands some immediate practical measures. The issue of gender-based violence is defined as the phenomenon that is closely linked with the broader spectrum of gender inequality. This specific problem is ranked as the one chronic violation of human rights that prevails in all societies in various forms. The calamity of gender-based violence is recognised as the violence against a person due to their gender. It is noteworthy to mention that both women and men can experience gender-based violence, but mostly, this phenomenon exists in the case of women and girls. Gender-based violence is mostly characterised in the form of violence against women because the majority of victims are reported as women and girls (Flood and Pease, 2009, pp.126). This research paper focuses on critically analyse the issue of gender-based violence to determine how this type of violence is different from other forms of violence.


           The comprehensive understanding of the issue of gender-based violence is an essential step because it eventually increases the issue of gender inequality. Though gender-based violence is experienced by both men and women ratio for women victims is immensely high. This extensive gap demands active consideration of this issue to propose some effective practical solutions. Critical consideration of the ‘gender-based’ aspect is crucial because this form of violence ultimately increases the extensive power gap between the genders of men and women. The specific term of gender-based violence is used interchangeably when it comes to the problem of violence against women. It is important to consider different relevant aspects of the problem of gender-based violence to recognise its difference with other forms of violence. It is obligatory to discuss the issue of gender-based violence more than any other form of violence because it is a common practice in different cities (Garcia-Moreno and Watts, 2011, pp.2). This specific issue is immense because people never even have the realisation of the intensity of this problem that ultimately affects the approach of equal human rights for everyone without any gender discrimination. 

Difference between Gender-based Violence from Other Forms of Violence

           The comprehensive discussion on the issue of gender-based violence can never be considered complete without identifying its differentiation with other forms of violence. This form of consideration can be helpful to assess the seriousness of this specific problem to propose better practical solutions in the end. Gender-based violence is different from other forms of violence because violation of human rights as violence differently influence men and women. This form of violence ultimately causes the issue of gender inequality that is one major concern in the broad case of unbiased human rights (Reed, 2008, pp.197). The issue of gender-based violence is directly linked with the application of equal human rights for everyone without the approach of gender discrimination. 

It is important to evaluate the wide-spread implications of the issue of gender-based violence to determine its association with the broader form of power inequality between genders. Gender-based violence is ranked as the practical domain to reinforce other forms of inequalities in the society that never appears in case of other forms of violence. The problem of gender-based violence is wide-ranging that impacts all the societies irrespective of social classes. This form of existence never prevails in other forms of violence as it impacts society in the form of a single perspective. The calamity of gender-based violence can be manifested in diverse forms that require some critical attention. Another major difference that prevails between gender-based violence and other forms of violence is that it is immensely difficult to recognise and report violence against women. It is complex to register the problem of gender-based violence in society because mostly, it is not reported as domestic violence. In some societies, women considered themselves restricted to bear the problem of violence because they depend on men in different forms (Signorelli, Taft, and Pereira, 2012, pp.1041). The existing differences between gender-based violence and other forms of violence can be better apprehended by analysing different crucial aspects of the problem of gender-based violence.

Assessment of the issue of gender-Based violence

Over the years, the issue of gender-based violence has immensely come to be recognised as one serious concern of human rights. Critical consideration of this specific issue is important because it not only influences women, but it is concern about equality, overall development, and peace. The issue of gender-based violence is established as the priority to address the concerns of equal human rights. The problem of violence against women eventually directly linked with the practical prospects of equality and development. This alarming concern is also actively considered by the international organisations of human rights such as the United Nations. This form of consideration demands active, practical measures to deal with this growing problem. All the stakeholders need to have proper consideration of different dimensions of the issue of gender-based violence that mainly prevails in the form of domestic violence (Purohit et al., 2015, pp.7). The particular forms as gender inequalities norms ultimately increase the risk of gender-based violence in society. Application of suitable gender-based violence assessment tools is an essential condition to deal with this issue in case of different societies effectively.

           The issue of gender-based violence is closely linked with the aspects of power difference in the case of men and women. The growing issue of gender-based violence ultimately expands the authority and power of men as compared to women. This approach ultimately affects the balanced domain in the form of gender equality. The issue of gender-based violence has appeared in different forms such as rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment, acid throwing, parental sex selection, etc. Consideration of different forms of gender-based violence helps to identify the prevailing difference between this type of violence from other domains of violence (Vaughan et al., 2015, pp.7). These forms of violence differently affect men and women and ultimately indicates the powerful position of men in society. The concern of gender inequality is closely linked with the practical implications of gender-based violence. 

Gender-Based Violence as a Human Rights Violation

           The universal declaration of human rights maintains no difference in the rights of men and women, pertaining to any condition. The important covenants recognised as the universal declaration of human rights, the covenants on the economy, culture and social life and the universal declaration of human rights. Albeit, the presence of certain global norms, the American and Caribbean women associations have been calling for the contextualised provision of rights for the women. They have been raising this voice, as there exists a growing concern that they have been marginalised from the structural adjustment policies and the policies pertaining to the economic changes. They also cite the reason for growing social stratification and increasing limitations of social imbalance. Some of the women's rights organisations working here have called for the equitable participation of women in political activities (Rees et al., 2011, pp.517). Their struggle is pillared upon the fact that they have been facing problems in suitable care during the last stages of pregnancy and in accessing the controlled contraceptives. Since the 1970s, these women have not been able to put their demands according to the essentialist perspective offered by the realist paradigm. 

Legislation on Domestic Violence

           Gender-based violence is a global concern. With time, there had been an increasing understanding that the elimination of gender-based violence is a pressing issue. For eliminating the gender-based violence, it remains pertinent that the historical causes and the social-cultural factors attributed to the tribal communities must be addressed. Consequently, it can pave the way for upholding the civil rights movements and maintaining an equitable balance between the provision of rights of both men and women. For keeping the values upheld and supreme, the Roman law and the Napoleonic code were based on the Latin American and the Carrabin law. Although the Caribbean law upheld the values related to the male population but not in any way, it derogated the rights of women in any way (Reed, Raj, Miller, and Silverman, 2010, pp. 350). Women, however, were considered permanent minors and the incapacitated persons; even violence was made against them, but gradually the Caribbean communities remained successful in eliminating such roles and violence. The term “gender-based” violence took over control in the international literature during the 1920s. Interestingly, this was the same time when Britain and American nationals were working on new laws pertaining to women. These refinements are established in Britain and America laws impacted positively on Latin American culture and economics. Many legal reforms pertaining women were made in Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Venezuela and Uruguay during the same decades (Kaya and Cook, 2010, pp. 440). 

Different Forms of Gender-Based Violence

Identification of different forms of gender-based violence is essential to assess its implications in case of gender inequality successfully. Critical consideration of the different forms such as sexual harassment and domestic violence are mainly associated with women. This form of assessment reveals the unequal and weak position of women in a male-dominated society. The imbalance approach in the form of gender inequality explicitly appeared as the authoritative context for the men as compared to women (Vos et al., 2006, pp.741). The risk of traditional practices in the form of gender-based violence can also never be ignored that affects women's position in a great manner. Proper consideration of this specific issue is also critical because it challenges the other factors such as the aspects of health, dignity, security, and autonomy, specifically for the women. Gender-based violence is an example of one critical social crime that influences victims emotionally, physically, and emotionally.

Domestic Violence against Women

The elderly persons, women and children are the core victims of domestic violence. However, studies have shown that women are the utmost victims worldwide. Worldwide figures specify that 2% of the sufferers of acts of viciousness performed by a partner are men; 75% are females, and 23% are reciprocal viciousness (Heise, Ellsberg, and Gottmoeller, 2002, pp. 10). These statistics burden up the fact that women are the most vulnerable among all victims. Domestic violence and violence in workplaces reflect gender discrimination in communities. Domestic violence has been observed in communities very commonly despite the age and socioeconomic status of females (Guruge et al., 2017, pp. 18). It cannot be divorced from the societies and communities without proper administration to stop this violence against women. Gender-based discrimination, division of labour and socio-cultural values are the major causes of domestic violence. Aggression, misbehaviours, and domination of male-based society are also linked with domestic violence. Inequality among sexes, male preferences, pressure from families and male supremacy increase the incidence of domestic violence (Flood, 2011, pp.374). Unemployment, illiteracy and lack of awareness are the chief causes of domestic violence in communities. Certain psychological factors, culture and localities also influence domestic violence. For example, in localities, where males are dominant and show aggression towards females are more probably have increased the occurrence of domestic violence. The domestic violence in the form of sexual abuse, injuries and mental stress resulted in the whole family to suffer. Gender-based violence is more commonly observed in families with low socioeconomic status. The discrimination and other related differences arise because of lack of awareness and education. Domestic violence is not attributable to individual psychological factors and social status; it is a representation of the entire family and a society (Levtov et al., 2014, pp. 10). Cultural and philosophical factors are also linked with the occurrence of domestic violence. It is a culture that prevails in societies and communities which entails appropriate awareness to stop this domestic violence, particularly against women.

 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

           Sexual harassment refers to undesirable sexual advances as well as requests for sexual favours leading to the development of a hostile working environment. This phenomenon is increasing at an alarming rate all over the world, specifically in developing countries. Women are the prime victim of this harassment. Sexual harassment is ranked as one of the critical forms of gender-based violence mainly faced by women. The reported cases of sexual harassment in the workplace for women are drastic that eventually indicate power difference between men and women (Higate, 2007, pp. 100). In many societies, women never have enough protection to attain an equal position in the overall process of development. 


           To conclude the discussion about the growing concern of gender-based violence, it is important to indicate that the drastic implications of this form of violence are different from other types of violence. It is important to address this particular issue to ensure successful dealing of gender inequality and ensure equal human rights without any biasedness. 


Flood, M. and Pease, B., 2009. Factors influencing attitudes to violence against women. Trauma, violence, & abuse, 10(2), pp.125-142.

Flood, M., 2011. Involving men in efforts to end violence against women. Men and masculinities, 14(3), pp.358-377.

Garcia-Moreno, C. and Watts, C., 2011. Violence against women: an urgent public health priority. Bulletin of the world health organization, 89, pp.2-2.

Guruge, S., Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., Ganesan, M., Sivayogan, S., ... & Vithanarachchi, H. (2017). Intimate partner violence in the post-war context: Women’s experiences and community leaders’ perceptions in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. PloS one, 12(3), e0174801.

Heise, L., Ellsberg, M., & Gottmoeller, M. (2002). A global overview of gender‐based violence. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 78, S5-S14.

Higate, P. (2007). Peacekeepers, masculinities, and sexual exploitation. Men and Masculinities, 10(1), 99-119.

Kaya, Y., & Cook, K. J. (2010). A cross-national analysis of physical intimate partner violence against women. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 51(6), 423-444.

Levtov, R. G., Barker, G., Contreras-Urbina, M., Heilman, B., & Verma, R. (2014). Pathways to gender-equitable men: Findings from the international men and gender equality survey in eight countries. Men and Masculinities, 17(5), 467-501.

Purohit, H., Banerjee, T., Hampton, A., Shalin, V.L., Bhandutia, N. and Sheth, A.P., 2015. Gender-based violence in 140 characters or fewer: A# BigData case study of Twitter. arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.02086.

Reed, E., 2008. Intimate partner violence: A gender-based issue?. American journal of public health, 98(2), pp.197-198.

Reed, E., Raj, A., Miller, E., & Silverman, J. G. (2010). Losing the “gender” in gender-based violence: The missteps of research on dating and intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women, 16(3), 348-354.

Rees, S., Silove, D., Chey, T., Ivancic, L., Steel, Z., Creamer, M., Teesson, M., Bryant, R., McFarlane, A.C., Mills, K.L. and Slade, T., 2011. Lifetime prevalence of gender-based violence in women and the relationship with mental disorders and psychosocial function. Jama, 306(5), pp.513-521.

Signorelli, M.C., Taft, A. and Pereira, P.P.G., 2012. Intimate partner violence against women and healthcare in Australia: charting the scene. Ciencia & saude coletiva, 17, pp.1037-1048.

Vaughan, C., Murdolo, A., Murray, L., Davis, E., Chen, J., Block, K., Quiazon, R. and Warr, D., 2015. ASPIRE: A multi-site community-based participatory research project to increase understanding of the dynamics of violence against immigrant and refugee women in Australia. BMC public health, 15(1), p.1283.

Vos, T., Astbury, J., Piers, L.S., Magnus, A., Heenan, M., Stanley, L., Walker, L. and Webster, K., 2006. Measuring the impact of intimate partner violence on the health of women in Victoria, Australia. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 84, pp.739-744.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 7 Words: 2100

Hiring Process And Employment Laws

Hiring Process and Employment laws

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Hiring Process and Employment laws


When a company needs to recruit a new employee, it can be for several reasons. Hiring is a formal process of providing employment to a person at an organization or company. Sometimes a company needs some additional employees or an employee with some specific skills is necessary for the company matters. Moreover, all the big companies or organizations are having a separate department for managing all the concerns related to the workers. However, an effective hiring process is critically planned in order to select a new employee for the company. At the same time, Employment laws exist which guide all the public and private companies to ensure all the rules and regulations under this law. Likewise, all the candidates who are applying for a job position at any organization have legal rights even before getting the job. Moreover, under the Employment Discrimination law in the United States, all the companies have prohibited any discrimination against the applicants while hiring new candidates (Bl0ch, 1994). All the laws at the state and federal level have protected the rights of all the job applicants. Therefore, all the employers are bound to follow all the rules and regulations specified by the Federal and State employment laws.

Under the Federal Employment Discrimination law, discrimination is prohibited in many areas like an appointment, employing, job assessment, upgradation policies, skill development procedures, compensation and penalizing action. Therefore, it is crucial for employers to maintain the anti-discrimination laws at each stage of the recruiting process. Hiring is not about pooling through the applications and select a candidate. It is a long process, and each step of the process requires the anti-discrimination laws to be followed like from placing an advertisement for the vacancy to the final selection of the applicant. However, this paper aims to present all the fairways of hiring a candidate in the company by keeping all the fundamental laws of employment at front. It will help to improve the recruiting process of the company and maintain a fair system in the organization.


Keeping all the laws in mind, it is also very important for the hiring staff to go through the information provided by the applicant and this process is known as a background check in familiar terms. In this process, the hiring team will go through the application form and will make sure that whether the provided information is authentic or not (Levashina, & Campion, 2009). There are many possibilities that the applicant might provide inappropriate credentials in the form. However, background checking will be done legally. At the same time, background checking also helps to know the background education and work experience claimed by the applicant. Moreover, it is about finding the right candidate with the required skills and honesty to do the job. In order to be effective in this process, it is essential to know their capabilities and work performance.

However, background checking is also performed legally. For instance, staying compliant with the pertinent laws the privacy of every candidate must be retained. During these two of the background, checking is mostly done by all employers, i.e. Qualifications Verification and any previous Police records of the applicant. Likewise, the background checking is done to determine the outstanding qualifications of several applicants are accurate or not. However, through the interview, it can be figured out about an applicant that what is provided in the paper and what he or speaks about. Moreover, applicants with work experience also mention their previous organization, and it also gives an idea of what skills the applicant has (Levashina, & Campion, 2009). Moreover, recommendations can provide details about the personal character of the applicant. In this case, the law limits the employers regarding the background check, and it allows to gather the job-related information only. However, some of the actions in the background check may not be important. Therefore, the hiring team should evaluate the background check purposes before its initiated. In addition, it must be uniform for all applicants and should be conducted according to a proper plan. It is prohibited to investigate into personal information of a candidate while background checking. At the same time, checking on history will help to find out the criminal history of an applicant, and such candidates are not ideal for the organization. Likewise, substance abuse is also a serious issue, and it should also be checked. A person with a good qualification and good personal records will contribute in a positive way for the development of the organization.

Moreover, drug testing is another process conducted by an employer to find out if job candidates are consuming drugs. Currently, drugs addiction is a widespread problem. Drugs testing helps the employers, but then again, it needs a written policy for it. The employer is also responsible for educating the employees about the effects of drug consumption. Moreover, the company should also aid those employees who are facing problems with substance abuse. While conducting a drugs test on employees and candidates, the human resource team must ensure the legal aspects.

Firstly, all the tests regarding drug test should be assigned to the trusted laboratories and medical expertise. In addition, all the information on the reports should be kept confidential. The copies of reports should be provided to employer and candidates both. There are a few of the procedures identified for drugs testing of the employees. Similarly, in order to stay on safer legal grounds, drug testing may follow the procedures standardized by the law. According to SAMHSA's guidelines ensure that there should be a Medical Review Officer to evaluate the test results. Under these Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing, five drugs tests are specified and accept the results from certified drug labs only. The first and very common technique of drug testing is Urinalysis. It can be conducted anywhere at office, lab or drugs center. The sample provided by the applicant is tested under certain precautions. The collection of specimens can be performed in privacy without letting any other person see. Under the laws and regulations specified by SAMHSA, the sample is sent to the laboratory which certified. It is because all these laboratories give accurate reports.

Furthermore, the other specified procedures include Chain of Custody, Initial screen, Confirmation Test and Split Sample for legitimacy and accuracy (Karch, 2016). A chain of custody is a form which is used for the documentation to handle and store the sample of the employee from the time it is collected to the time it is disposed of. It connects the person o its sample and this written document is proof of all the procedures take place at a laboratory. The second step is the initial screen. It is the analysis of the sample for the first time. It alone cannot give accurate results that's why other tests also conducted. It can be false too. Hence, when the initial test is positive, another test is conducted for confirmation of the results. The next step is called confirmation Test, and it is on the second number. It is performed through the gas chromatography or mass spectrometry, and it is considered highly reliable and gives the evidence for the initial test. Also, it helps to find out the false results from the first test. When the initial test and confirmation test give the same effect, then test reports are reported as positive or negative.

However, another test which is conducted for drugs is conducted based on a split sample. When the initial urine sample is fragmented into two is a split sample. One sample is used for the initial screen, and if it gives positive results, then the other sample is tested under the confirmation test. If the result is positive, the person is asked to test at several certified laboratories for the confirmation test. However, all the tests for alcohol and drug testing guidelines need to be done on a split sample. Finally, the Medical Review Officer (MRO) reviews the results after the initial screen and confirmation tests give positive results. MRO holds a license to offer his or her services in this procedure. After evaluating the results, MRO may inform the employer about the positive results. Sometimes due to certain medicines also give positive results. If it is the case, then the doctor prescribes a certain amount of same medicine, and after the consumption again the tests are conducted. As a result, the test results will be negative.

Furthermore, Bona Fide Occupational Qualification is another legal requirement for a hiring process. Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ) includes the qualifications of an employee which are considered by the employer in the process of hiring and recruiting an applicant. Moreover, this qualification should be according to the job requirements and relate to the functioning of a particular organization. Therefore, the Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications are legalized for acquiring a candidate for a specific position. It ensures the hiring regardless of race, class, status, sex, origin, and age of an applicant. Likewise, it protects against any type of employment discrimination by the employer at the workplace. The BFOQ principles are particular and limited. Therefore, in order to avoid any legal preceding the company will prohibit any type of discrimination while hiring new applicants. Thus, while posting the job advertisement, it will ensure to avoid specifying the age limit for the candidates. It will maintain the law under the Employment Discrimination Act. Secondly, it will also give equal opportunities for all sexes. At the same time, it will be clearly demonstrated by the company that it maintains all the laws and rules by providing equal opportunities to everyone despite the sex. It will be ensured to have the purposeful, rational and supportable facts to justify any BFOQ at the organization (Cavico, & Mujtaba, 2016). At the same, all these principles under BFOQ will be used for the progress of the business. Thirdly, no person will be discriminated due to different national origin and language or accent. People from diverse backgrounds will be given equal opportunities in the same position. However, language and accent discrimination are limited based on the requirements and qualifications required for the job position. Moreover, training will be provided to the selected candidate later.


In short, an effective hiring process is critically planned in order to select a new employee for the company. At the same time, Employment laws exist which guide all the public and private organizations to run their services according to those principles. When Hiring process is studied with employment laws, there are so many things to be discussed. However, some of them are discussed in this paper in more detail. This paper presents all the fairways of hiring a candidate in the company by keeping all the fundamental laws of employment at front. Moreover, background checking also helps to know the background education and work experience claimed by the applicant. On the other side, drug testing is another crucial thing in hiring applicants. Lastly, it provides information about the Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ) under legal terms.


Bloch, F. (1994). Antidiscrimination law and minority employment: Recruitment practices and regulatory constraints. University of Chicago Press.

Cavico, F. J., & Mujtaba, B. G. (2016). The Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ) Defense in Employment Discrimination: A Narrow and Limited Justification Exception. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 7(4), 15.

Karch, S. B. (Ed.). (2016). Workplace drug testing. CRC Press.

Levashina, J., & Campion, M. A. (2009). Expected practices in background checking: Review of the human resource management literature. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 21(3), 231-249.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

How Bullying Can Impact The Work Place

How bullying can impact the workplace

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

How bullying can impact the workplace

Bullying is common everywhere. It is so pervasive that no place can even escape the brunt of it. Even workplaces are not immune to bullying and intimidating experiences. Now and then, this phenomenon of bullying happens and hampers the working environment in any organizations. Workplace bullying is much common in today's world where life offers different complex situations. It is an ineffective and inefficient pattern of psychological harassment which has serious repercussions in essence. Several researchers and human psychologists have illustrated that bullying hampers the amount of work done in an organization. Different situations have their kind of bullying experiences as sometimes it is not much obvious and evident ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"v2EEO9Zp","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Glambek, Einarsen, & Helge, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Glambek, Einarsen, & Helge, 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":650,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/9DHIJM5B"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/9DHIJM5B"],"itemData":{"id":650,"type":"chapter","title":"The sources, prevalence, and consequences of bullying in the workplace","container-title":"Violence and abuse in and around organisations","publisher":"Routledge","page":"224–251","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Glambek","given":"Mats"},{"family":"Einarsen","given":"St\\a","dropping-particle":"ale"},{"family":"Helge","given":"Hoel"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Glambek, Einarsen, & Helge, 2018). Sometimes, this bullying experience is non-verbal, but a repeated one. Many practices are common in this regard that amounts to this unauthorized and illegitimate experience; however, many solutions are also available to counter bullying experience in the workplace.

 Practices of workplace bullying

This workplace bullying has several forms and many potential targets. Several reports suggest that people who are bossy are habitual of intimidating others under the label of their authority and position. The reports also suggest that women and vulnerable groups are more susceptible to this bullying in the workplace. Some irresponsible employers heavily employ these myriad bullying experiences. In this vein, it is exhibited when someone from the top echelons of organization misuses it to victimize and harass others. The practices of singling out, denying opportunities, twisting the facts, and marginalization occurs in such hostile working environments which are characterized by bullying ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"nP4Npyv0","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Glambek et al., 2018)","plainCitation":"(Glambek et al., 2018)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":650,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/9DHIJM5B"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/9DHIJM5B"],"itemData":{"id":650,"type":"chapter","title":"The sources, prevalence, and consequences of bullying in the workplace","container-title":"Violence and abuse in and around organisations","publisher":"Routledge","page":"224–251","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Glambek","given":"Mats"},{"family":"Einarsen","given":"St\\a","dropping-particle":"ale"},{"family":"Helge","given":"Hoel"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Glambek et al., 2018). I have had this bullying experience in my workplace where my work and talent were unrecognized in a way that appeared so demeaning to me. My seniors used to doubt my potential and undermined it most of the times. This psychological experience was so troubling for me as I felt caged. Moreover, I was also marginalized in that working environment. People were habitual of isolating the young professionals in that organization and it was negative in effect.

These practices of bullying are not helpful in any way. On one side, they curb the potential of an individual, and on the other side, they harm the effectiveness of that very organization where bullying is prevalent. An employee is the assets of any organization and this necessitates their proper handling. Bullying affects the overall performance of the organization ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"wTxylyBY","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Creasy & Carnes, 2017)","plainCitation":"(Creasy & Carnes, 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":658,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/72QWXAYR"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/72QWXAYR"],"itemData":{"id":658,"type":"article-journal","title":"The effects of workplace bullying on team learning, innovation and project success as mediated through virtual and traditional team dynamics","container-title":"International Journal of Project Management","page":"964–977","volume":"35","issue":"6","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Creasy","given":"Todd"},{"family":"Carnes","given":"Andrew"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Creasy & Carnes, 2017) in a way that it hinders the teamwork, and cordial environment in the firm.

Techniques to provide a positive impact on workplace bullying

Every problem comes with a solution. This holds for every process and every structure in the world. This problem of bullying is so pervasive and potent that no one can deny its ominous side. In this context, there are varied techniques to deal with this troubling experience of bullying in the workplace, but this is a time- consuming process. To have a positive working environment, it is very necessary to be clear-headed in key elements. The first technique to stop bullying at the workplace is to put a clear policy in action. This policy has to be very precise in goals and objectives. The effective organizational policy needs to be devised in a way that it synchronizes the concerns of everyone at the workplace, irrespective of their position ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"Ci35tSUn","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Gillen, Sinclair, Kernohan, Begley, & Luyben, 2017)","plainCitation":"(Gillen, Sinclair, Kernohan, Begley, & Luyben, 2017)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":649,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/Q9WW5CEG"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/ZD9MNZ2P/items/Q9WW5CEG"],"itemData":{"id":649,"type":"article-journal","title":"Interventions for prevention of bullying in the workplace","container-title":"Cochrane database of systematic reviews","issue":"1","source":"Google Scholar","author":[{"family":"Gillen","given":"Patricia A."},{"family":"Sinclair","given":"Marlene"},{"family":"Kernohan","given":"W. George"},{"family":"Begley","given":"Cecily M."},{"family":"Luyben","given":"Ans G."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Gillen, Sinclair, Kernohan, Begley, & Luyben, 2017). The second important aspect is to put that policy into action to analyze its effectiveness. The proper assessment has to be done to check its relevance and efficiency. Moreover, there have to be stringent penalties for the harassers, so others take a lesson and control their behavior. This is very important to identify the adequate resources and solutions that would best match the organizational structure. Perhaps this is the way to reform workplaces in this modern age.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Creasy, T., & Carnes, A. (2017). The effects of workplace bullying on team learning, innovation and project success as mediated through virtual and traditional team dynamics. International Journal of Project Management, 35(6), 964–977.

Gillen, P. A., Sinclair, M., Kernohan, W. G., Begley, C. M., & Luyben, A. G. (2017). Interventions for the prevention of bullying in the workplace. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (1).

Glambek, M., Einarsen, S. ale, & Helge, H. (2018). The sources, prevalence, and consequences of bullying in the workplace. Violence and abuse in and around organizations (pp. 224–251). Routledge.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 2 Words: 600

How Can Diversity Inclusion Bring A Change In The Organization

How Can Diversity Inclusion bring a Change in The Organization

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

How Can Diversity Inclusion bring a Change in The Organization


First of all, what is “Diversity” in the workplace? A diverse workplace is one that believes in giving respect and recognition to every single individual from all across the border, it projects equality. An individual should be appreciated for their culture, religion, ethnicity and social group that they belong to. This brings richness in the work environment and helps people learn from one another. Diversity in the workplace is essential. In fact, it brings the change in an organization that is necessary to flourish both financially and in terms of productivity as well. The firm McKinsey documents in its “Why diversity matters” report; that the organizations which had high diversity flourished more as opposed to the companies that did not. Further, even when the employees are dealing with the consumers, diversity is required. When the employee is more aware in regards to diverse cultures and religions they can deal with the customers from different backgrounds better (Barak, Findler & Wind, 2016). It also instills the skill of understanding what the client wants and what they are looking for in the product or service. So, diversity inclusion can aid a company to grow both internally as well as externally. In this paper, the main thing that will be discussed is the fact that how diversity inclusion can bring about change in the organization.


When an organization inculcates strong diversity inclusion strategy deep in the roots of the organization, it helps attract top-notch talent, drive innovative results and bring sustainability to the workplace (Benn, Edwards & Williams, 2018). Word of mouth is everything when it comes to the world of business. When a workplace is diverse it automatically makes the employees comfortable. The comfort level is what makes employees more productive and shine in the company. The employee's productivity level is what will make the company skyrocket. When there is diversity inclusion the company will change in the most positive manner. It will be recognized by both the employees, new talent and the employees. Today, the main topic of discussion amongst the majority of the people is inclusiveness. The business can be of anything. The example of Victoria's Secrets can be taken into consideration here. The models that they were using were mostly white and very thin. Apart from the lack of body type representation their sizes were not the best either. Over time they brought diversity and that changed their organization. The fact that they started including women of color made the company grow because of the appreciation from different ethnic groups. Further, recently they did a shoot with a model who is considered plus size (Barak, Findler & Wind, 2016). This also helped the organization grow through change. All the people that thought they were not inclusive ended up changing their opinions. The company is a large name, they needed to instill diversity and change the image of their brand. Further, they made a mark by tapping the Asian market. They have a few models who walk and do shoots for the brand, which further changed the organization’s image in the market.

The example of “Dove” can be taken as well, their campaign for real women was taken as an example to be shown to Victoria’s Secrets and other brands. They focused on women of all sizes and color when making their campaign. There are companies who instilled Diversity as their main goal form the very beginning that is why they are such huge success. Rihana’s brand Fenty Beauty can be taken into consideration (Theodorakopoulos & Budhwar, 2015). She hired women of all sizes and color for her makeup brand as well as her clothing line. She also made sure that there were male models as well in her makeup campaigns so it can indicate that her brand is for all genders. Change is not just internal it is external as well. If a company is inclusive, the customers from all diverse backgrounds are attracted towards the brand as well. This increase the sales of the products, which in return benefits the company financially (Theodorakopoulos & Budhwar, 2015). Further, when it comes to the internal change, when the culture is diverse the CEO is inclusive the employees work with great harmony and coordination. This again aids in the productivity and financial stability of the company.

Kotter’s Eight Steps

These eight steps can be beneficial for every organization which wants to bring a change. These days the main change that all the businesses are aiming for is to make their brand diversity inclusive. Let us explain how change can be implemented via these steps. The example of a clothing company can be kept under consideration to get a rough idea of how the model works. Carl is the owner of a clothing company, he is seeing that the revenues are going down the hill recently (Salman & Broten, 2017). After thorough observation and going through the comments on the pages of his brand on social media, he can see that the customers are complaining that the brand is not inclusive enough. The plus-sized women and men can never find clothes, the brand only caters to people who are thin. There are other people who complain that the brand does not have any women and men of color representations in their shoots and campaigns. There are some people who say that the brand is targeted only for white people. Carl is also in the belief of the fact that he needs to be more inclusive.

Sense of Urgency

So Carl decides to hold a meeting with his employees. He tells them that the company is not doing well financially, and because of this issue the employees might lose their jobs. Carl assures that closing the clothing company is the last thing that he wants to do (Salman & Broten, 2017). He shares the fact that the company needs to go through a change in order to secure the jobs of all the employees. All the workers after hearing this are determined to do whatever it takes to make the change a reality. Carl tells the employees that how they are having problems sustaining since society and the target audience is not happy with their products. They need to have diversity inclusion in order to make an impact on society and show them that their brand is inclusive and is for “EVERYONE.”

Creation of the Guiding Coalition

Now that Carl has instilled the urgency of the problem, he needs to decide who his guiding coalition will be. He selected 4 employees for that. Maria to find more diverse models from all ethnicity, Carol to work on the new size range, Adam to come up with attractive new pricing and Sarah to market the new take of the brand (Salman & Broten, 2017). These employees will help implement and bring about the necessary change.

Creation and Communication of the Change Vision

In this step, Carl needs to assure all the employees how the steps that are being taken will aid in the sustainability of the company. This new change will make sure that the employees get to keep their jobs and the company further flourishes. Further, he will be communicating the new change and the vision that is associated with this change to everyone in the company. Carl will talk about the company becoming diversity inclusive and its impact on the long-term sustainability of the organization.

Generation of Short-term Wins

Carl suggests to make short-term wins the company needs to market and advertise how they will be catering to plus size customers as well. He believes that a photo shoot is the best way to do this. The thing with clothing brands is that the more they are marketed the better the results. The models that will be used will also be of diverse culture (Salman & Broten, 2017). They will be dressed in the samples of the new clothes sizes that the company has created. This will indeed make a stir in the target audience.

Further, Build on the Change

Carl says that the company has to build on the change further as well. They cannot stop here, they need to assure the people that they are an inclusive organization. So, they will start more projects on this motto and have the same objective when hiring new employees as well.

Incorporation of Change in Culture

The most important thing is that Carl incorporates this change in the organization as well. Appreciate every milestone that has been achieved. Further, the employees should be shown that the culture is more diverse now and the change is not just external it is internal as well.


It is good to see that the majority of the business leaders are acknowledging the fact that cultivating equality in the organization is not just the right move but the smart move. Different surveys and data have made it evident that people both employees and customers have actually started to expect equality in all regards when a new business emerges. Equality has a tangible impact on the bottom line Salesforce (Benn, Edwards & Williams, 2018). After surveying around 1500 business professionals it was found out that 80% of them have a belief that organizations have the responsibility to go and look beyond profit. Now, impacting society is also part of the job. As research by McKinsey proves that the companies that have more gender diversity have a 21% more chance to outperform other businesses.


Salman, Y., & Broten, N. (2017). Leading Change. Macat Library.

Benn, S., Edwards, M., & Williams, T. (2018). Organizational change for corporate sustainability. Routledge.

Barak, M. E. M., Findler, L., & Wind, L. H. (2016). Diversity, inclusion, and commitment in organizations: International empirical explorations. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 2(2), 813.

Theodorakopoulos, N., & Budhwar, P. (2015). Guest editors' introduction: Diversity and inclusion in different work settings: Emerging patterns, challenges, and research agenda. Human Resource Management, 54(2), 177-197.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

How Would You Characterize Clive Jenkins’ Behavior And Response To This Situation?

Your Name

Instructor Name

Course Number



Answer to question 3

Clive Jenkins was the facility director the Treton Communications, Inc. The goal of this company is to promote diversity by providing equal opportunities to people regardless of their cultural background. The company prohibits gender, social, racial and religious discrimination of the employers and have strict rules regarding this issue. Mr. Jenkins hired Maalick as manager operations.

While discussing Clive Jenkins's actions, his actions were not in alignment with the company’s policies. When Maalick discussed her intention of joining the Internationalist religion, Clive started to mock her religion by calling it a “So-called” religion. He began harassing her over her religious beliefs and was not following the rules of the company (Vickers p.280). His response was highly unethical and inappropriate. As a facility director, it was his responsibility to not reveal the conversation that he had with Maalick yet he leaked the conversation while also spreading false rumors regarding Maalicks religion. After returning from her holiday, Maalick saw the inappropriate images and messages in her cabin (Namie p.1). She immediately told Jenkins yet he seemed unbothered by the situation and it seemed that he was also in the favor of people who were harassing Maalick. He also pointed out Maalick’s African roots and ridiculed her. He did not realize that his actions counted as racial discrimination which was against the company’s policies (Krieger p.51). It was his job to report any discrimination yet he was the one who was discriminating. Maalick, despite witnessing the discrimination that he faced, did not take any action.

The discrimination continues when Maalick was rejected and Barlett was selected just because Jenkins and Bartlett go to the same church. Although, Maalick was the most suitable person for the job, Jenkins did not consider her. Thus, in spite of reporting or stopping the harassment and discrimination that Maalick was facing, Jenkins did nothing to resolve the issue; rather his behavior was highly unprofessional.

Works Cited

Krieger, Nancy, et al. "Social hazards on the job: workplace abuse, sexual harassment, and racial discrimination—a study of black, Latino, and white low-income women and men workers in the United States." International Journal of Health Services 36.1 (2006): 51-85.

Namie, G. (2003). Workplace bullying: Escalated incivility. Ivey Business Journal, 68(2), 1-6.

Vickers, Lucy. "Religious discrimination in the workplace: an emerging hierarchy." Ecclesiastical Law Journal 12.3 (2010): 280-303.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 1 Words: 300


Human Resource Management

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]


Human Resource Management is defined as a strategic approach that can facilitate effective management of the employees in an organization or a company, with an aim to achieve competitive advantages. This management is accomplished with the help of different policies and systems.


There are different career paths in the field of Human Resource Management, described as follows

HR assistant

HR assistant is hired to perform some assisting jobs in human resource management. In this role, an individual is firstly directed to do some task and then he reports back to the Human Resource Staff Manager. An HR assistant responds to the questions and queries of the employees and assists human resource managers in different documentation of events and employee communication (Lucidchart.com, 2019).

HR generalist

An HR generalist performs some tactical roles such as hiring and onboarding of employees. A generalist also assists in employee compensation to evaluation (Lucidchart.com, 2019)

HR Manager

The HR manager ensures compliance of employees with business laws and the policies of the particular company. He/She also manages teams of HR such as assistants, and generalists. The HR manager also oversees culture of the company and sets the human resource department’s goals. (Lucidchart.com, 2019)

HR Director

The HR Director is responsible for creating policies regarding talent acquisition, inclusion, diversity dismissal and retention of employees and different benefit programs.The HR Director is also responsible for building the morale of the company along with issuing employee incentives and benefit programs (Stewart, et al. 2019).

VP or Chief of Human Resource Officers

The head of human resources advises the executive management team. The human resource chief also serves a succession of management and addresses organizational changes (Stewart, et al. 2019).

HR Consultant

HR Consultants specialize in different fields that are associated with the human resource management such as reward programs, benefits, and employee incentive plans. Some other tasks in this career opportunity are, making employee retirement plans, outsourcing of certain functions and employee motivation (Stewart, et al. 2019).

HR Entrepreneur

HR Entrepreneurship is a unique field in human resource management. It involves different functions such as employee placement company, developing professional employer organization, launching successful companies and finding clients who can work parallel to the set platforms (Stewart, et al. 2019).

Employee Education Consultant

One of the best career options in human resource management is "Employee Education Consultant". Such a consultant has an interesting and adventurous experience. Companies hire consultants for a set time limit, as they train and teach employees so that they can work happily and with satisfaction. These consultants can also set their independent business in which they can ask for membership with different companies in the days of hiring (Lucidchart.com, 2019).

Development of Strategic Human Resource Management Plan

A Human Resource Management Plan cannot be implemented without development. There are some basic but major steps that are involved in the development of a strategic human resource management plan


Staffing is one of the major elements of the human resource strategic plan because all the strategies can be implemented on the basis of the number of people who are hired to perform a job. Staffing not only defines the merit of hiring but it also highlights how employees would be recruited and facilitated (Stewart, et al. 2019).

Designing workplace policies

Policies are more like a set of dos and don’ts taking into account that policies facilitate to achieve the goals of human resource management that are enfolded in a strategic plan. The policies range from professional to entertainment options that are designed as per the company's feasibility (Zhang & H, 2019).

Defining benefits and compensations

Compensation and benefits are also mentioned in the strategic plan. It helps the company to design and use its budget in a way that the company’s goals can be met. Benefits include the incentives that are additional to employees' payroll and it is defined in terms of achievements. However, the compensation plan refers to the health benefits and other perks that are the responsibility of the human resource manager. These plans, not only tend to attract the employees, but, also help the company to facilitate employees in a neutral manner, keeping in view, the strategic goals to be met (Zhang & H, 2019).


Retention of employees on the basis of performance assessment and strategizing the retention of the best employees is also included in the strategic human resource management plan because a company or an organization can only work if talent is retained and the employees are given options in which they can express their knowledge and practical knowledge (Stewart, et al. 2019).

Development and Training

Strategic development plan has its roots in the development and training of the employees because it sets the platform for employees to work. The type, time and resources for training also reflect and affect the number of employees and how the company could achieve its goals (Zhang & H, 2019).

Workers and regulatory issues

Taking into account the critical insight into regulatory issues that might occur during work and how they will affect the workers, is also considered and managed in the human resource strategic management plan. It is highlighted that such a plan not only adds to the security of job, but also leaves a positive impact in terms of employee management (Zhang & H, 2019).

Implementation of Strategic Human Resource Management Plan

A critical overview of the steps involved in the development of the strategic plan, paves the way for the plan’s implementation. Here, the feasibility of the plan and goals of the company are given due significance. Also, feedback and experiences are used to bring changes, with the passage of time, so that the maximum achievement of goals can be facilitated. Furthermore, a useful human resource management plan is one that is derived from the experiences of the past and regulated in accordance with the goals of the organization and expectations of the employees.


A Guide to the Human Resources Career Path | Lucidchart Blog. (2019). Lucidchart.com. Retrieved 20 December 2019, from https://www.lucidchart.com/blog/guide-to-the-human-resources-career-path

Stewart, G. L., & Brown, K. G. (2019). Human resource management. Wiley.

Zhang, H. (2019, March). Reflections on the Innovation of Human Resources Management in the Era of Big Data. In 2018 8th International Conference on Education and Management (ICEM 2018). Atlantis Press.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 3 Words: 900



[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Compare and Contrast Pedagogy and Andragogy


The history of both, pedagogy and andragogy is complex as well as interesting. The history of pedagogy can be traced back between the seventh and twelveth century.The term “pedagogy” is derived from Greek origin paidi (child) and ago (guide). The term andragogy was designed for the first time in 1833 by a German analyst. Andragogy is also derived from a Greek word, where Andras means man and ago means guide (Polkinghorne, et al. 2019). So, it is asserted that both the terms refer to learning strategies, having its individual philosophy.


Pedagogy is defined as an education method in which a learner is completely dependent on the teacher or the instructor for guidance, gaining knowledge as well as for evaluation. Also, pedagogical learning is something that is driven by the teacher only, there would be no interference of the students. In contrast, andragogical learning is based on the learner as he or she is not entirely dependent on the teacher to teach him or her (Polkinghorne, et al. 2019). Andragogical learning is education that is driven by the facts and figures of life experiences, it can also be some social issues that might need some kind of enlightenment for social welfare or a moral gap that needs to be addressed. Different methods of self-evaluation and self-direction are used to check the effectiveness of learning and makeing evaluations (Khaldi, et al. 2019).

Pedagogical learning technique is usually designed and preferred for teaching children while andragogical learning is used and preferred for teaching adults. In the pedagogical learning technique, a learner has very little experience or sometimes no experience. The teacher acts as a facilitator who teaches the students new experiences by using different teaching skills. In contrast, with regards to the andragogical technique, one learns himself/herself, or experiences different things, on the basis of which his or her educational advancement is made (Khaldi, et al. 2019).

The evaluation of pedagogical learning is dependent on the one who is the teacher or the instructor. The learner plays a passive role as he or she is monitored and evaluated on already-set standards. In contrast, andragogical learning is self-evaluated. A learner is presented with a problem and is then given the chance to look for the solutions. These solutions then lay down the foundation of other knowledge experiences that can support a learner to expand his or her knowledge (Blascke, et al. 2019).

The teaching method also varies, taking into account that in pedagogical learning, the unit to be taught is broken down into different chunks and topics that are to be learned. Students are taught what they need to master in order to be promoted or given knowledge in advance. In contrast, andragogical learning is initiated on the basis of different life experiences and these experiences are led by some designated instructors. That instructor fills the knowledge gap, wherever it is required, on the basis of his or her knowledge and experience (Blascke, et al. 2019).

The tools of motivation also vary, taking into account that in pedagogical learning, a learner is motivated with the help of some external resources. These resources can either be something materialistic or something that is driven in the form of attachments and associations, such as, parents and teachers. Also, this motivation is guided by a concrete result in the form of grades as either pass or fail (Khaldi, et al. 2019). However, in andragogical learning, the learners are motivated with the help of some intrinsic means. These means can be problem solving, self-esteem or the quality of life. Quest of recognition is also one of the motivational tools for the motivation of the learners. These motivations are meant for the learning of the learners so that they can master a particular skill (Polkinghorne, et al. 2019).

Employee Awareness Program

In order to design a program to increase employee awareness of sexual harassment and train employees in appropriate ways to deal with harassment complaints, the andragogical learning method would be used. There are several justifications for this method. Firstly, the andragogical learning technique is dependent on the employees. Within an organization, the self-driven approach can be more fruitful, as compared to external motivation. Andragogical learning will create a sense of responsibility and independence because it will create a quest for learning. Also, andragogical learning will allow learners to use life experiences. Employees will be able to incorporate their past experiences, along with sharing with others, and it will help to get diverse knowledge. Also, as a result, employees will be able to learn different scenarios and context and build their learning on the basis of those experiences, which is again, a characteristic of andragogical learning. In addition, the employees will be made to experience different life scenarios and how the one facing a particular situation has reacted, that will automatically help employees to experience new scenarios that will add to their knowledge. Also, sexual harrassment is a gap, taught as a problem within the organization so employees would be better facilitated when they will be taught to find a solution for it by adhering to work/life associations. It is also important to note that sexual harassment is something that questions intrinsic abilities and abstractions that are directly associated with existence. If any of the employees have ever faced such a situation, he or she would be eager to learn in a more critical way. Also, sexual harassment is an emotional torment that challenges emotions and feelings of the one who is harassed and, in this framework, also, andragogical learning would be best fitted because employees will learn about the issue with the thought, that they might face this issue in the future i.e. a proactive measure. All these justifications assert that andragogical learning would be the best option for teaching employees.


Blaschke, L. M. (2019). The Pedagogy–Andragogy–Heutagogy Continuum and Technology-Supported Personal Learning Environments. In Open and Distance Education Theory Revisited (pp. 75-84). Springer, Singapore.

Khaldi, M., & Erradi, M. (2019). Between Pedagogy and Andragogy: Definitions and Concepts. In Personalization and Collaboration in Adaptive E-Learning (pp. 55-93). IGI Global.

Polkinghorne, M., Roushan, G., & Atkinson, R. (2019). Exploring Andragogy: Understanding the Implications for Teaching in Higher Education.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

HR Discrimination

Dear Client,

You may not be able to see the actual files on the portal because of a system glitch. We are really sorry for the inconvenience.

Your files have been sent via the email.

Kind Regards

Subject: HRM

Pages: 8 Words: 2400

HR Final Project

HR Final Project

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

[Include any grant/funding information and a complete correspondence address.]

HR Final Project

College Paper

Planning for and Recruiting Human Resources

Job Description

The first and fundamental task of the human resource department is to analyze the requirements of the vacant posts in the company and develop a comprehensive job description regarding that post, which directly links to the ultimate goals and objectives of the company CITATION JES17 \l 1033 (LOMBARDO, 2017).

Testing and Evaluation Process

It is again the decision of the human resource department either to conduct the aptitude tests for a particular position or not. In order to get the right candidate for the right post, these tests should be reviewed and modified from time to time (Noe & Wright, 2007).

The Interview Process

The human resource department of a company must decide the personnel for interviewing for a particular vacancy. Some positions may require the manager, as well as the human resource person to conduct the interview process (Johnston, 2019).

Selecting Employees and Placing them in Jobs

Process of Selection

The selection process involves multiple things; Reviewing the resumes of candidates, checking the tests and the references, and conducting the background checks in order to verify the precision of the provided information (Johnston, 2019).

Techniques for Conducting an Interview

There are various Interview techniques depending on the nature of the vacant position. Some of them are (Johnston, 2019):

Non-Directive; the questions depend on the choice of the interviewer.

Structured; the questions are predetermined.

Situational; the employer explains a certain situation that may arise during his job and asks the interviewee about his decision.

Panel; the interviewers include numerous members of a company.

Testing methods

There are several kinds of tests for several positions. The company must classify these tests according to their requirements. Some of the test types include Physical tests, Aptitude tests, and Intelligence tests (Noe & Wright, 2007).

Making a decision

The most critical and crucial part of the selection method is of making the final decision. The companies may conduct several tests on several stages, which will help them refine the candidates for a particular position. Finally, the company has to pick up the best candidate, and that’s the individual who has the ability to perform in a way that will help the company in achieving its overall goals and objectives (Johnston, 2019).


BIBLIOGRAPHY LOMBARDO, J. (2017, January 28). Google’s HRM: HR Planning, Job Analysis & Design. Retrieved from Panmore: http://panmore.com/google-hrm-hr-planning-job-analysis-design

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B. A., & Wright, P. M. (2007). Fundamentals of human resource management.

Johnston, K. (2019). Planning Recruitment & Selection of Human Resources. Retrieved 28 November 2019, from https://smallbusiness.chron.com/planning-recruitment-selection-human-resources-68708.html

Subject: HRM

Pages: 1 Words: 300

HR Management


[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]


Strategic Partnership is defined as a relationship between two different commercial enterprises by formulating different business contracts. Initially, the essence of strategic partnership falls short of legal partnership entity, corporate or agency with whom a company is affiliated. There are different frames of strategic partners such as contractual cooperation, as well as hand agreements that can incorporate equity in alliance and the formation of a cross-holding between the two companies. Usually, strategic partnership is established between the companies who are having one of more business assets or they have the expertise that can help to enhance business. It is more like the ideology that the aim of one business to support other business where both would be having some shared expertise. In accordance with Levinthal and Cohen, Strategic Partnership is defined in terms of significant associations dealing with products and services that allow two different companies to come up with a mutual relationship (Lengnick-Hall, et, al,2019). There are both, advantages and disadvantages associated with a strategic partnership. Some major advantages are, avenues of opportunities of business, incorporation of better resources and a comparative and statistical approach to business that can empower globalization. There are certain controversial subtopics to address under a strategic partnership, such as co-inventorship, transfer of technology, having access to business opportunities, ownership of intellectual property and the creation of rights to the business. Moreover, some prominent disadvantages are the conflict or distribution of authority between the key suppliers and manufacturers (Lengnick-Hall, et, al,2019). Moreover, different developmental plans are also termed as a major fact to break the strategic partnership. Usually, complex relationships result in lack of negotiation.

History of Human Resource

Personal administration emerged as a distinct field in the early 19 century, its meaning refers to the technical aspects of evaluating, compensating employees and hiring them so as to proceed with the organizational functions. It is important to note that the offhand resource management was not initially concerned with the relationship of disparate employment practices on the conclusive organization performance or on the systematic relationships among such practices. In a simplified form, HRM developed as a response to the substantial increase in the competitive pressure that began in American organizations due to certain factors such as deregulation, globalization, and other technological changes. This competition and struggles paved the way for increased or enhanced concerns in the firms so as to incorporate strategies that can anticipate future changes in the environmental conditions along with the alignment of various components of the organization (Keegan, et, al,2018). However, the overall aim of strategic planning was to promote organizational effectiveness. Another name for human resource management is Personal Management that consist of activities to ensure the effective utilization of the employees towards the achievement of individual, group and then organizational goals.

The initial form of Human Resource Management was Industrial Welfare according to which factories act was formulated stating that there should be male inspectors of factor. Trade Unions were formed during this time in order to start collective bargaining. Recruitment and Selection is another aspect of Human Resource managing that originated during WWI because of increased personal development as a result of an initiative that encouraged the use of people for services. Acquisition of other personal activities was the extension of prior aspect that originated during two world wars with its prime focus om the selections, recruitment of the employees and training system through training session so as to improve organizational framework, teach morals, ethics, wage policies, and incorporate health and safety. The industrial relationship was the result of consultation between workforce spread and management in a way that was meant to deal with the industrial framework (Keegan, et, al,2018). This concept was originated in 1970s, where negotiations between different departments of works were encouraged so as to empower the industries. Flexibility and diversity were the term of 19 century that were used to decipher human resource taking into account that during 1990, there was an increasing trend of increased flexible arrangement in employees and invention of distance working. In a nutshell, it can be asserted that the role of HR changed with its name, with the passage of time and the impact of different social spectrums (Keegan, et, al,2018).


Taking into account the changing role of HR with the passage of time, it is found that today there are different function of HR that are necessary for the growth of any organization. One of these roles is termed as Strategic partnership role that refers to the support for the people, implication of different regulations and the management of policies. In the business partner role, HR helps to implement business model where different strategies are formulated in coordination with executive management. It is one of the innovative responsibilities of HR where HR managers see themselves at the executive stage that can help them to play a role in the decision making of the strategic partnership (Keegan, et, al,2018). The function of HR is to connect human capital with the strategy framework in order to identify organizational design, features and talents that can makes strategic differences. In order to be a strategic partner, HR has to develop talent through rotation that uses teams in synchronization with specific expertise. In accordance with rotation, a leader has to locate more leaders in different areas of the organization and involve them in decision making with line management. The analysis of the metrics and analytics reveal that HR should be able to measure and analyze the impact of HR programs and processes (Thoman, et, al,2018). It is contradictory to the typical approach of strategic development that is used to demonstrate business knowledge with the help of Line Leaders.

Significance of strategic partnership

In accordance with the framework of organizational conduct, it can be found that there are two fundamental of human resource management, either employee can fulfill comparative and assigned administrative role by facilitating the paperwork that is involved in the tasks such as handling compensation for different worker or the hiring of new employees. It is important to note that Human resource personal are benefited by the work and attributes of the senior management team. Taking into account the encouragement of employees, addressing employment needs and the strategic use of HR activities, a strategic partner is one of the leading head of success. It is much important for HR management to transform its process from administrative process to strategic function because globalization is increasing with every year and it requires all the companies to be global as well that requires initiation of businesses in different parts of the globe (Thoman, et, al,2018). There are different aspects that have become part of the business world such as liberalization, computerization, and privatization. Moreover, the functional areas of the organization are segregated still, integration is required to fulfill the overall objectives of the organization. Moreover, there are no specific methods or techniques that can enforce integration, in fact, it is the product of organizational goals that can make the entire department to assimilate activities by working in consonance.


An example of a strategic partnership is Starbucks that has modified its conduct form being primality administrative to become a strategic partner so that customer experience can be improved. Starbucks and Alibaba Groups have formed a strategic partnership so as to achieve millstone for two companies. Starbucks has planned to collaborate with Alibaba ecosystem inclusion Hema, Alipay, Taobao, and Ele.me so as to elevate the experience of Chinese Customers. The roots of this fact can be found in the analysis of the fact that both the companies are iconic and global that are built on the distinct retails. As a result of strategic partnership, Starbucks is meant to unify its actions seamlessly by leveraging retail infrastructure (Investopedia, 2019). The ultimate benefit of this strategic partnership can be seen by the analysis of the growth of Starbucks in China where it is growing in a more fast and innovative way as compared to the other regions of the world. According to the Chief Executive Officer of Starbuck, “Our transformational partnership with Alibaba has reshaped the modern retailer and represented a significant milestone in the efforts that have exceeded the expectation of Chinese customers. Moreover, Starbucks china is meant to analyze heights of success because the upcoming strategies would be bringing innovation and progress” (Investopedia, 2019). However, the Chief Executive Officer of Alibaba Groups said, “Starbucks is more than an estimation for premium coffee that has shared the same vision of becoming a pioneer to new coffee culture and lifestyle accompanied by technology and innovation. Alibaba is much positive and passionate to expand the partnership with Starbucks mitigating the cutting edges and adhering to New Retail infrastructure along with digital power that can help to support unprecedented experience for the consumers (Investopedia, 2019).

Adhering to research following are the opinions and ideas that are formulated in terms of integration and strategic partnership of Starbucks.

Innovation and modification in the retail industry

Under the impact of the strategic partnership between Alibaba and Starbucks, a single platform of customer service has been turned into centralized online management hub that has the unique ability to deliver and integrate the commitments and experiences in terms of multiple digital platforms. As a result of digital collaboration, there is a collective experience of companies adhering to the digital platform that is leading to profit (Thoman, et, al,2018). Moreover, innovation has transcended the limitation of a single-app visit by the provision of producers at an elevated level. As a result of this innovation, there is a revolutionization in old traditions from offline models to online models that is providing better and improved service to the customers and as well as it is bringing a change in the daily lifestyle of the Chinese consumers, leaving behind the factors of time and place.

Shared Values

As a result of becoming Strategic partners Starbucks would be benefited with improved values that can help to impart the element of trust between the partners (Thoman, et, al,2018). Moreover, there would be shared framework of different financial and economic paradigms where both the organization would be equally benefited in future as well. The shared values are resulting in the empowerment of both retailers in the present time also.

Integration of core principles

The strategic partnership is resulting in an integration of some principles, under which the two companies share their principles relevant to different departments. Here, Starbucks is sharing its rewards from Starbucks Membership platform to a centralized system that is helping to improve the provision of services and establish a strong foundation of digital experiences in China (Olson, et, al,2018).

Revitalizing Traffic

Revitalization of the traffic of Starbucks is one of the significant benefits taking into account that Starbucks products are increased adhering to mutual interest by which better products are supplied and there is more traffic because of a centralized system. In a nutshell, it can be found that revitalizing traffic has resulted in an increased approach towards resource management and it will facilitate the consumer ratio of the retailer in future as well (Banfield, et, al,2018).

Empowerment of resources

It is evident that the sharing of platforms and services in Starbucks and Alibaba would result in the mutual sharing of resources that would be much better than the individual resources. Moreover, there would be more available resources in future as well. As observed that the unification of two iconic retailers (Starbucks and Alibaba) is resulting in a framework that is guided by a more productive and practical approach. The weak sides of one of retailer are covered by the other retailer (Thoman, et, al,2018).

Economic aspects

Sharing of values and the integration of resources would automatically increase economic progression. As a result of a strategic partnership, would be equally beneficial for the two retailers and it will increase the avenue of protection as well as competition. It is treated as one of the apparent phenomena because sharing resources would automatically affect the retailers, states in which retailers are operating as well as the general public because there would be an increased rate of employment (Olson, et, al,2018).

Sharing of grounded information

Although there are a number of enlisting that are associated with the strategic partnership between Starbucks and Alibaba. It is asserted that the sharing of business secrets and grounded information is one of the controversial topics although there is no such report of conflict between Starbucks and Alibaba still it is assumed that any such conduct would occur in future (Keegan, et, al,2018).

Choice of partners

It is clear that there are numerous reasons behind the partnership of enterprises, where choice of partners is one of the fundamental aspects. Usually, a partner may bring in different offers that would ultimately or sometime imbalance the prior partnership. Taking an example of Starbucks, there are no such cases to be found but it assumed that in the near future many of the companies will also approach and the choice of an official partner may cause complications in a business relationship (Banfield, et, al,2018).

Goal achievement

Achievement of goals is one of the major strategies that serve as an underlying strategy to be achieved after a retail partnership. It can be further said that the achievement of goals is one of the major strategy to be addressed because gaps in achieving the set landmarks would result in complications that may distort retail partnership between the two organizations. In terms of Starbucks, it can be found that in future any gap in the achievement of goals would result in the breakage of this relationship (Keegan, et, al,2018).

Communication channels

Communication is one of the major topics to address because as soon as the communication and connective sides are confined to a single robotization or different departments of a single organization, there are fewer complications. Problems arise, when there is sharing of information between two different retails and companies taking into account that lack of communication, unclear information or gaps in the processing of information may result in economic and political setbacks that would ultimately lead to a mutual loss (Keegan, et, al,2018).


After analyzing the current status of retail partnership between Starbucks and Alibaba, it can be analyzed that retail partnership is one of the major aspects that can help to empower business relationships and open avenues that would lead to productive result. It is further accompanied by an economic empowerment and the progression of the resources that will help the companies to accomplish goals and be successful. In a nutshell, it can be asserted that the partnership between Starbucks and Alibaba is one of the frameworks that had laid the foundation of the empowered economic system by shared resources. Although there are some disadvantages that are proposed by researches they have not been yet reported so apparent. Exegetically, the retail partnership is one of the trends and a one-time that can lead to the success of both companies along with strengthening human resource management.


Banfield, P., Kay, R., & Roles, D. (2018). Introduction to human resource management. Oxford University Press.

Olson, E. M., Slater, S. F., Hult, G. T. M., & Olson, K. M. (2018). The application of human resource management policies within the marketing organization: The impact on business and marketing strategy implementation. Industrial Marketing Management, 69, 62-73.

Thoman, D., & Lloyd, R. (2018). A Review of the Literature on Human Resource Development: Leveraging HR as Strategic Partner in the High Performance Organization. Journal of International & Interdisciplinary Business Research, 5(1), 147-160.

Keegan, A., Bitterling, I., Sylva, H., & Hoeksema, L. (2018). Organizing the HRM function: Responses to paradoxes, variety, and dynamism. Human Resource Management, 57(5), 1111-1126.

Lengnick-Hall, M. L., Lengnick-Hall, C. A., & McIver, D. (2019). 2 Strategic management approach to technology-enabled HRM. e-HRM: Digital Approaches, Directions & Applications.

How Starbucks Can Profit From Alibaba Alliance. (2019). Investopedia. Retrieved 25 July 2019, from https://www.investopedia.com/news/how-starbucks-can-profit-alibaba-alliance/

Subject: HRM

Pages: 8 Words: 2400

HR Plan

Human Resource Plan

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Human Resource Plan


Human Resource plan is one of the continuous processes of systematic planning that is meant to achieve and make appropriate use of the most useful asset of the organization. Human resource planning ensures that the valuable assets and useful employees are not just hired but they are placed to avoid manpower shortages or other surpluses (Stewart et al 2019). It would not be wrong to say that human resource planning is the process of forecasting the human resource requirement of the organization and consider them as a human resource capacity that can be used to fulfill the requirements of the organization (Stewart et al 2019). Human Resource Planning is meant to manage the organization in terms of the demands of human resource by taking into account that appropriate people will be required in an appropriate time and place (Stewart et al 2019). There are different types of Human resource plans ranging from one person to a complete team that comprises of human resource executives in a large number. The aim of this project is to develop a one-person human resource plan of Cornerstone Visionaries, taking into account different departments and the areas of work that are to be monitored by the human resource department.


The name of the company would be, “Cornerstone Visionaries”. The company for which Human Resource plan is developed would be of Graphic designing. This company will be developing different websites on demand along with management of orders that are required by other companies.


The mission of the company is to hire a ‘Graphic Designing Specialist’ who will be working closely with the set targets and with an aim to assist customers with creative projects from conception to the completion of the projects. The resulting work would be certified to be complete, creative and, aligned with the business models and would be inspiring.


The objectives of the company are to “provide quality work with innovation within set deadlines”.


Cornerstone Visionaries is a company that is meant for in house working on a project that belongs to graphic designing. The company would be dealing with the formation of the online projects, software and websites for companies, people and other corporations. These companies will be approaching Cornerstone by using a portal that will be called a sales portal (Malik et al 2018). A small proportion of employees would be hired for the actual task, i.e. of making websites and other graphic designing tasks (Stewart et al 2019). In this company, there would be an already available quota of clients who are willing to get their tasks done, so the only need is of the graphic designing team. So, this plan will be meant to hire graphic designers only.

Recruitment and Selection plan

The recruitment and selection plan of “Cornerstone Visionaries”, will be similar to other companies. It is one of the major steps in the recruitment and selection of new team members with an aim that the company has the required number of employees in order to proceed with the work (Malik et al 2018). It is important to note that there is a difference between recruitment and selection plan. Recruitment is meant to search for the candidates and having such a sufficient number of employees that the most suitable one can be chosen and selected to satisfy the job need. On the other hand, selection refers to the selection of candidates in order to hire them for a job (Malik et al 2018).


Some vacancies will be introduced. These vacancies will be accompanied by a detailed description of each of the departments, in terms of the type of employees that are required and their duties and responsibilities (Malik et al 2018). While making and designing advertisements, all of the recruitment methods will be critically analyzed to identify the one which will be most suitable to achieve the set objects and specifications. A closing date would be set and till then, all the employees will be allowed to appear in the organization (Derindag et al 2019). As this step will be performed by a single executive, all the employees would be asked to submit their application via online source so that screening is done by using different software. In case of exceptions, the data would be arranged systematically and side by side so that talented people can be given the option to give their best.


Following would be the requirements of the employees who will be recruited for Cornerstone Visionaries:

Bachelor’s degree in Graphic designing

Straight grades in the annual project and visual or graphic design experience will be required and appreciated

Applicants would have the portfolio that will be comprised of their design works

Applicant should have creative thinking along with excellent skills of executing ideas in some functional and dynamic design solutions

The ability of the employee to complete their task with maximum speed and efficiency that will range from social media content to that of designing a website for all types of procedures

Applicant should have better communication skills along with the ability to give professional feedback and maintain a professional work environment

Must be willing to learn more and work under the guidance of others when needed.

Furthermore, following are the steps of recruitment plan:

Step 1

In this step, all the applications will be collected by using both online and other sources and an initial screening will be conducted (Derindag et al 2019). Only 300 employees would be able to pass the screening test because the company aims at hiring fresh graduates and degree holders as they would be having a clear and good insight for the required work.

Step 2

In this step, further screening will be made in terms of criteria of the qualification and the results of the 300 employees. From this step, only 200 employees would be shortlisted for the next step.

Step 3

Among the 200 employees, only 60 will be called for an interview and the entry test that the employee has to appear in.

Step 4

The employees will be selected by asking them to share one of the artifacts that they have prepared, their certifications and they will be given a task to be completed within an hour. This task would be to develop an animation within a specific timeframe. It will help to know the time management and the skill of the employees who are interested in the job. Among them, only 25 to 30 employees will be selected at this step.

Training and development plan

It is evident that the employees hired would already be proactive in their task, taking into account the skill and the initative that are required by the job role (Derindag et al 2019). Training and development will be an addition or a motivation to the already prepared workforce. Training and development refers to the improvement of different skills, performance and personality attributes that will help the employees in the long run. The procedure of using the training and development plan is to empower the employees’ personal and professional development (Malik et al 2018).

For the employees of Cornerstone Visionaries, training and development would be an addition to the already present skills taking into account that the company believes in the improvement and polishing of the skills.

Training plan

Training plan for the employees would include a two-dimensional plan. One of the plans will be brought into practice as soon as the employees are hired. As after hiring, the employees would be made to undergo training under the supervision of a floor supervisor who will be managing them and telling the specifications of the projects that are to be done (Derindag et al 2019).

Also, the other training plan would be a buffer plan, meant to make employees aware of their responsibilities and duties by giving them a formal training session after every six months. This will include a leadership trainer who will be asked to visit the company for a one-week training session. In the training, a systematic division of the employees will be made so that there are always some employees who are working except for those who are there on training.

Development Plan

The development plan would be a productive addition that would be included in the job duties of employees (Collings et al 2018). In order to proceed with the development plan, the feedback and evaluation of the work of the employees will be made by analyzing the number of revisions and the feedback that are posted by the clients. If an employee is found to be exceptionally great, he will be given some appraisal along with special trainings for which employees would be sent to some other places to learn more so that they can use the learned skill to improve their work. There is another notion, that is associated with the development plan, which is to recruit the company that made leaders with the passage of time. It will help employees to make a positive usage of their time and do what is required of them.

The compensation package for the people hired

Compensation package refers to the amount that is paid to the employee for their work they will be doing (Malik et al 2018). As the company will be new and there are a lot of people to be hired and a competitive framework of work is required. There are a lot of things to be considered while planning the compensation plan.

Initially, an employee will be paid $32.4k each year. It is the amount that is planned to be given to the employee. With the passage of time, and based on the progress of the employees, a systematic appraisal will be given to all the employees. There would be some major points to be included along with this compensation plan such as:

Health and Dental facilities

Life, accident and other disabilities insurance

Prescription plan

An account that would be guided by flexible spending

Vacations as a recreation mode and paid holiday (maternity and paternity leaves)

Sick days that would be paid after verification of the illness and submission of medical certificates

There would be no discrimination in terms of race and color in the context of salaries and compensations.

Legal issues of the company

Legal issues refer to the issues that can be faced by the company in terms of the management of laws and authority (Armstrong et al. 2019). All legal affairs would be dealt in accordance with the regulations that are designed by the constitution, taking into account the implication of the constitutional policies and values. It is highlighted that none of the companies could work without adherence to legal affairs when guided by legislation. One of the examples is, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, workplace safety, Health coverage, and Family Leaves. Following are the legal issues to be addressed in this plan.


The company will be strongly adhering to confidentiality, taking into account that maintaining confidentiality is both, an ethical as well as a legal responsibility. There would be complete confidentiality in terms of the pay scales, data of the company and self-esteem. In case of any kind of breaching an employee can be fired or either jailed (Chakraborty et al 2019).


Verification is another major task that should be performed by the human resource managers which will also be performed in this company (Armstrong et al. 2019). It is highlighted that before hiring an employee, they will be verified in terms of economic and social criminal records. If there would be a criminal record, special attention and consideration would be employed before hiring. Moreover, there would be a legal check on all the employees in terms of different actions such as drug addicts or having some criminal background (Chakraborty et al 2019).

Workplace policies

Workplace policies referee to different policies that are designed to address the profile of the employees in terms of different actions and the eligibilities. It is highlighted that there is a chance of employees who would be on some medication or they might be suffering from any kind of disability. Such employees would be given special consideration in terms of time management and the ratio of opportunities for growth (Chakraborty et al 2019).

Rights of labor and implication of those rights

Every individual has certain labor rights that are the measure of the security of that person in terms of preference as an employee and a worker. The organization will abide by all the laws that are designed for the empowerment of employees by given them chances of growth and provision of basic rights. These rights include the right of remuneration along with a notice period of job performance before being removed from the job. HR professionals will make sure that all of the employees abide by the law as well (Collings et al 2018).

Implication of tax laws

The organization will keep a follow up with all tax laws that are necessary to run a nation. It is highlighted that the company would be liable to the tax deduction similar to other employees. However, it is also the responsibility of the company to make policies that can help the employees be aware of their rights as a responsible citizen and be supervised by the human resource executive. It is highlighted that the employees will be made of the organizational laws in terms of state affairs so that they would be clear about the authenticity of the company in terms of the management of the employees. It is also brought into insight that the company will display tax-paying necessities and affairs in the policy framework. It will also act as a motivation for the employees to follow the practices by the company and incorporate them in their personal life as well (Chakraborty et al 2019).

General laws for company

It is highlighted that there are very rare chances of the implication of legal direction so, it is necessary to consider the implication of the laws on the employees as well as the management. Laws of organization are more like the code of conduct that are brought into practice when it is found that the company is not achieving the required results or the employees are not satisfied with the organizational framework (Armstrong et al. 2019). the company will abide by the simple code of conduct that will include respect authenticity and the analysis of break timing. As there would be only one HR representative so all the actions will be kept simple by an open suggestion open for the employees so that required strategies can be brought into practice (Chakraborty et al 2019).

Performance Appraisal System

Performance appraisal is one of the major tools that can be used to manage employees, not in terms of their work competencies , but also in terms of the opportunities that can help employees to get a positive motivation (Chakraborty et al 2019). It is a common observation that employees are attracted more towards the options that can help them earn more because the ultimate aim of doing a job is to become economically strong. In this company, employees will be given 360 degree appraisals; this appraisal plan will be focusing on gathering feedback on the progress of the employees and different stakeholders in the organization. The reason for incorporating 360 performance appraisals is to enhance the core values of work by getting input from the peers as well as the authority that is handling the work that is submitted. The company will also give due significance to the management of performance appraisal while goal setting, tracking the progress of the employees and discussing different visions of the workplace. Performance appraisal will also include a performance improvement plan in which the best employees will be made to work on specific projects and these projects will be paid by the company. It is important to note that the performance appraisal system will also act as a motivation for the other employee to strive for best and spend their skills in the departments that are well paying.


It would not be wrong to say that an organization can work only if all the departments of work are stabilized by positive attitude, adherence to social, moral, political and human-oriented code of conduct. It can be concluded that the plan of Cornerstone Visionaries is a platform for graphic designer, modeled and monitored by a single Human Resource manager. All the departments ranging from hiring and selection to appraisal and firing will be monitored by a single being who will be having a clear insight into his job and will be guided by a positive approach to the workplace. Moreover, the responsibility of the human resource manager doesn't end here. He has to pay specific attention to note that all the departments, areas of work and employees are doing their job as required, where none of the employees are neglected, degraded or discouraged.


Armstrong, M., & Brown, D. (2019). Strategic Human Resource Management: Back to the future?

Chakraborty, D., & Biswas, W. (2019). Evaluating the impact of human resource planning programs in addressing the strategic goal of the firm: An organizational perspective. Journal of Advances in Management Research.

Collings, D. G., Wood, G. T., & Szamosi, L. T. (2018). Human resource management: A critical approach. In Human Resource Management (pp. 1-23). Routledge.

Derindag, O. F., & Canakci, M. (2019). Strategic Human Resources Management in Innovative Firms. Anadolu Akademi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(1), 52-77.

Malik, A. (2018). Strategic Human Resource Management and Employment Relations. Springer.

Stewart, G. L., & Brown, K. G. (2019). Human resource management. Wiley.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 9 Words: 2700


HR plan

Your Name (First M. Last)

School or Institution Name (University at Place or Town, State)


Content writing is becoming one of the fastest growing business in the market as almost all the organizations and institutions need to spread the message of what they are doing and they want the world to know what services they are offering. Clear Voice is one of the emerging names in the content writing industry that consists of 20 employees whose efforts and creativity is assisting Clear voice in becoming the first choice of the customers. This fact cannot be denied that there are different kinds of customers that content writing companies have to deal with. It has been seen that all the customers want to have maximum views on their websites and Clear Voice promise them to earn the maximum number of views. In any business and organization, HR management serves as the backbone and same is the case with the Clear Voice, though for now HR functions are being designed and performed by only one person but what matters is, how efficient the HR department is performing (Azeem,et,al,2016,p.686-712). Like all other HR departments, Clear Voice’s HR department is designing framework that would participate in planning and development, provision of assistance in career assistance and shall polish skills of employees who will become an asset for company. Employees who become an asset helps in achieving company’s objectives,


Decades earlier, the HR department was not much important but it has been seen that with the advancement of time, as the organization and business industry grew, more attention has been paid to the HR department. The HR department and the plan being made, is for a content writing company. Content writing is becoming one of the popular business in the market. This company (Clear Voice.com) helps websites in getting as many views as possible. Clear Voice knows that appealing articles and blogs are going to steal the interest of the readers and this element makes content writing companies important in the present scenario. Clear Voice is one of the emerging names in the content writing industry. Though it is a small organization with 20 employees, the quality work and meeting the deadlines, are making it the client’s favorite content writing company. The HR department of Clear Voice consists of one person who is efficiently managing multiple tasks of this content writing business. This organization is an example that even a single HR professional could serve as a bridge between the employees and the employers and also HR professional serves as a representative of the people working in an organization.

Recruitment and selection

HR professional of Clear Voice knows that one of the basic factors for making an organization successful is the selection of talented people who could performance assigned tasks at its best. The HR department of Clear Voice pays more attention to recruitment and selection. Recruitment and selection means selecting the best individuals among the pool of applicants for a particular job. While making the HR plan for Clear Voice, HR kept in mind that the recruitment and selection process is a critical decision that is going to define the position of the content writing company in the market (Johnson,et,al,2017, pp. 1-31). HR professional focuses on matching the skills, abilities, and knowledge of the applicants with the requirements of the job being offered by Clear Voice. While recruitment and selection HR department focused on certain factors so that it could select the best employees. These factors are legal considerations, organizational hierarchy, applicant pool, type of job, probation period and selection criteria (education, competence, experience, skills and personal characteristics). Steps in the recruitment and selection process designed by Clear Voice HR are:

Initial screening and application checking

Test (pre-employment test)

Face-to-face interview

Background checks

Issuing a confidential job offer letter

Medical examination

Final selection decision

The HR department of Clear Voice also pays attention to other steps while recruitment and selection. HR planning of Clear Voice includes identifying vacancy, job analysis, job specification, job description, and job evaluation, etc. HR professional of Clear Voice gives a central position to this process of the recruitment and selection while making Human Resource Plan for this company.

Training and development plan

It has been seen that HR professionals, after the process of recruitment and selection pay attention to training and development of the applicants who are being selected by the company. HR professionals of Clear Voice knows that they have to train the individual who is going to be their employee. Clear Voice, HR professionals also believe that the kind of training, this content company is going to give to its employees is similar to the output they are going to receive. HR plan is being made to invest money, efforts and time in the training and development of its employees. HR believes that employees should be trained regarding their current job, what they have to do that would contribute to the success of the company. In the HR plan being made, training has been focused so that employees could be informed, what company is expecting from them. Training the employee about the task that they are going to perform would determine the position and rank of the Clear Voice in the content writing industry.

For HR professionals, along with training, another major area of focus is the development of the certain skills and abilities in employees for the future responsibilities and roles that they are going to perform. Particularly keeping in consideration the Clear Voice, it could be said that HR professional is arranging a training session in which the employees would be taught about the skills how they could use their creativity for coming up to the expectations of the customers (Cuéllar-Molina,et,al,2019, 52-89). HR shall consider the development of certain skills in selective employees so that they could divide the job and the task as per the learning capacity of the employees. HR is also focusing on the development of certain skills in few of the employees so that they could be prepared for the future positions that they are going to get in this content writing company.

Clear Voice’s HR for training and development is for the critical analysis of the training and the skills that it wants its employees to learn. Once the training analyses are completed and basic design is made, HR would be focusing on the development stage as it involves both the content as well as training material (Wallo,et,al,p.25-36). After designing an appropriate working environment design and deciding which tools (latest graphic and writing tools) employees would need, everything would be done is the development stage. Employees would be given training regarding career development.

Compensation package

For employees, compensation is above all other attraction and offers. HR professional of Clear Voice department designs the compensation package for the employees depending upon the performance. HR professional recommends regular increase in salaries. HR has designed a compensation package in which employees would be rewarded with bonuses and annual promotion for the employees who are going to perform exceptionally well. Being an emerging organization, HR professional knows that it could not offer much to its employees but the way it is becoming popular, it would be looking forward to include other things in its compensation package i.e. health insurance and accident insurance. The HR department is trying its best to provide the best affordable compensation to the people it hired.

Legal issues being considered by the HR department

For making any business successful, it is important to keep in consideration laws and regulations that are being put in by the government for protecting the legal rights of the employees. For Clear Voice’s HR department, keeping legal consideration in the account is a must. Being an emerging organization, it is more important for Clear Voice' HR to avoid the legal issues that may hinder its growth. HR wants to avoid any court proceeding so it treats the employees in such a way that would not violate any right of its employees. HR has designed its policy in which it is paying much attention to providing positions in working environment by discouraging the discrimination and harassment cases. It is also paying special attention to the satisfaction of the customers so that there could be no space left for a legal issue that could be raised by them (Maheshwari,et,al,2017, 742-761). HR is mainly considering the policies and rules being made by the U.S Equal Employment Commission which is a federal agency that administers and enforces civil rights laws against workplace discrimination. It is considering all the legal issues that have been reported by the U.S Equal Employment Commission. For avoiding any of the legal issue, central to the attention of HR is discouraging the cases that arise because of race, religion, nationality, age, disability, and sex. Few important things that are considered by the HR of Clear Voice are that protections are being applied to the hiring practices, advancement and raise, scheduling, payments and benefits, work assignments and disciplinary policies.

Performance appraisal system

Having a surveillance on the performance of its employees is necessary. Evaluation of employees’ performance has various benefits. It helps for motivating the employees so that they would do best in occupying the top position in the market. Every organization has a different way of evaluating the performance of its employees. Clear Voice HR has designed a way of having a check on the performance. It supervises and analyses the annual productivity of its 20 employees. performance appraisal system also includes checking on the annual revenue by noting which employee is helping the most in increasing the revenue of this content writing. It also takes the views on the supervision regarding each of the employee by taking a look at the tasks whether employees meet targets given by their supervisor.

Support from the scholarly articles

With the advancement of time and increase in the demand of HR department, many scholars and experts made research on HR and its function. This fact cannot be denied that HR is the department who’s effective actions would determine what position an organization would secure in the industry. According to Kelechi Ekuma, there are many ways the HR manages employees influence their performance. There are many other articles as well which claim that HR department inculcates in employees an instinct to excel others by offering bonuses. Jeanne Meister claims that for delivering the best services, the HR department needs to do experimentation so that they could come to know their capabilities and expertise of each of the employees and this experimentation have been observed in Clear Voice's HR professional. Employees should not be only ordered what they have to do as Rebecca suggests that it is important to provide emotional support for motivating them so that they could perform a task at their best. According to her, the organization that is going to provide more emotional support to its employees would be successful delivering best services as it could win the confidence of its employee and would make them feel that they are a part of the organization.

HR plan

It has been seen that the HR department of Clear Voice is mainly focused on generating more revenues by providing all the possible facilities to its employees. HR has designed a plan in which it centers its attention on providing and protecting all the basic employee rights by avoiding all the legal issues that are being legal. HR of Clear Voice is also taking a look at providing the possible bonuses to the employees as per their performance so that they could be encouraged for showing more dedication to the job they are being hired (Ulfsdotter Eriksson,et,al,2017, 1089-1103). In its plan, it has also mentioned that giving the required training to the employees would be a basic part of the HR function. Development of certain skills and abilities has been mentioned as another major duty of the HR of Clear Voice.


Taking a look at the above discussion, it could be said that HR departments are playing a central role in making the organizations more successful. In this case, small businesses that are emerging as strong competitors for others in the same industry, HR needs to make policies and plans that would be a little different than the rest. HR not only just selects the competent pole for its business but also provides them with an opportunity to learn and grow that would help them in polishing their skills that would ultimately help the business in growing and grasping the attention of more customers. It won’t be wrong to say that better an HR is, its going to design its policies and framework, better employees it is going to hire and better employees are going to perform the assigned task well. So, keeping all the above discussion in consideration, it could be concluded that HR department needs to be more efficient and organizations need to pay more attention to their HR departments as HR is going to control how the employees are going to perform.


Azeem, M. F., & Yasmin, R. (2016). HR 2.0: linking Web 2.0 and HRM functions. Journal of organizational change management, 29(5), 686-712.

Cuéllar-Molina, D., García-Cabrera, A. M., & Déniz-Déniz, M. D. L. C. (2019). Emotional intelligence of the HR decision-maker and high-performance HR practices in SMEs. European Journal of Management and Business Economics, 28(1), 52-89.

Johnson, R. D., & Diman, K. (2017). An investigation of the factors driving the adoption of cloud-based human resource information systems by small-and-medium-sized businesses. In Electronic HRM in the Smart Era (pp. 1-31). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Maheshwari, V., Gunesh, P., Lodorfos, G., & Konstantopoulou, A. (2017). Exploring HR practitioners' perspective on employer branding and its role in organizational attractiveness and talent management. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 25(5), 742-761.

Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2017). Global HRM standards as boundary objects: a device to enhance legitimacy and status. Personnel Review, 46(6), 1089-1103.

Wallo, A., & Kock, H. (2018). HR outsourcing in small and medium-sized enterprises: Exploring the role of human resource intermediaries. Personnel Review, 47(5), 1003-1018.Ghassemieh, G., Thach, L., & Gilinsky, A. (2005). Does my business need a human resources function? a decision–making model for small and medium-sized firms. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 8(2), 25-36.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 7 Words: 2100

HR Project Management Final Team Report

HR Project Management Final Team Report

John A. Wilson

Strayer University

Dr. Tony Denkins

Assignment 5

Author Note

HR Project Management Final Team Report

Report Overview

HR is an essential part of every organization. It mitigates people-related risks associated with a project in an effort to ensure that everyone is doing exactly what they are supposed to. This enhances the probability of everyone at the organization get the support they need and work towards a successful project. Project managers, especially in terms of HR always start off with the needs of a project. They delegate the tasks at hand and ensure the best possible outcome for the said project.

Project Management is primarily composed of four different components. These components work in complete harmony with one another to achieve the common goals of Human Resource Management, which makes them crucial and essential at the very same time. The first of the four components in Strategic planning. It involves an analysis of the business environment of an organization, with respect to the goals and objectives it seeks to achieve. Strategic planning is always carried out with a vigilant eye on the guiding principles, the vision statement and the mission statement of the project. The goals defined by strategic objectives are both short term and long term and serve to reflect the performance of the organization. For this purpose, it employs the use of the programs as well as the company portfolio that it has in place.

Once a strategy has been put into place, all that is left is the management as well as leading the HR project. Here, the absolute power is held by the manager, who can influence the actions of all those around him. Whether this power is legitimate or expert, it has the potential effect of curbing corporate problems, while also ensuring low-risk percentile, management and communication issues in the organization. Here, motivating the group of people he manages and keeping them on track is also the manager’s responsibility.

Once the strategy is in place, with the tasks delegated to the right people who are being led by a team lead, next comes planning considerations in relation to the project. It discusses the scope of the project, where everyone is aware of what their job description actually entails and are ready to deliver. With regard to planning considerations, choosing to work with people with a certain behavioral skill set is essential. This includes an optimal level of communication among various members of the project, as well as key leadership potential exhibited by the team lead. The project costs, along with the determination of a set budget and mitigation of risks involved, is also kept in mind in this phase of project management.

In the end, the last, and perhaps one of the most vital components of an HR project revolves around tracking the progress of the HR project, the potential results of the project along with finalizing the project upon its completion. In this aspect, both internal and external progress is not only maintained but tracked in Realtime to estimate when the project will be completed. Projects prove to be more beneficial for an organization as they provide a chance to the organizations to learn various new strategies and aspects related to different fields. Thus, using strategies to maintain and sustain the project progress, aligning the needs of HR and the project and addressing means to resolve any conflict are all important parts of the last component of project management.

Organizing HR Projects

Strategic Planning

Strategic Analysis

Strategic Analysis is defined as a process that involves an analysis of business environment of an organization, taking into account the environment in which an organization operates. It is one of the major element in order to facilitate decision making. Strategic refers to anything that is of superficial level and analysis asserts the breakdown of larger section into small fragments. If a company holds certain objectives and mission in terms of goals, strategic analysis plays a significant role in achieving those objectives. It would not be wrong to say that strategic analysis is a long term task that involves continuous and systematic planning along with resource investment. In a simplified form, strategic analysis is an external review of the happenings in environment in which an organization operates, adhering to long, medium and short term features (Joseph M.Putti, 2015).

Strategic analysis refers to three main paradigm

SWOT Analysis. It refers to the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and certain threats.

Elements within the control of project team

Elements on which team of project control has no/ little control

Guiding Principles

Guiding principles refer to the principles that are used to highlight "the baseline of organization" as well as, "mechanism used for achievement of vision” (Bratton, et, al. 2000).

Vision Statement

Vision statement is a single sentence that highlights and laments organization in terms of future. There are two major aspects that are associated with “Guiding Principles” such as, “requiring extra effort to be achieved” and other paradigms refer to “multiyear goals that may require a new vision.”

Mission Statement

It refers to the mechanism that is designed for achieving vision. It includes several considerations such as culture, core values, primary customer, beliefs, primary business and organization's core purpose. The purpose of mission statement infers existence of an organization. Core values refer to the circumstances and factors that can facilitate decision making and beliefs reflect the attitude of organization towards people. It also asserts the stance for which leaders stand for. Culture considers the attitude and attribute of the members of an organization. Primary business areas highlight major areas of interest of an organization, referring to products, and services. Primary customers are the actual people or customers for which an organization works to satisfy and fulfill their needs.

Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objectives refers to the means that are utilized for an organization in order to achieve vision and mission. It is significant to note that strategic objectives occur annually, taking into account that objectives are modified and reformulated every year. Strategic objectives define both, long term and short term results (Bratton, et, al. 2000). Long term objectives are inherently strategic, taking into account that they shape the overall orientation of an organization. On the other hand, short term goals reflect the performance of organization's program (Li, Y., et, al. 2018).

Essence of goals

It is significant to note that, effective objectives are “effective” in nature adhering to certain attributes such as, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Result-based and Time-specific. It is equally important to note that SMART goals are the actual stance towards achieving required gaols (Li, Y., et, al. 2018).

Flow-Down Objectives

Flow-Down objectives refer to those objectives that have the potential to enforce, "strategic objectives". Flow-down objectives are enforcement and real-time implication of the strategic objectives. It is important to note that Flow-Down objectives are implemented through ongoing operations. The stance of implication of objectives relies on projects as the primary methods (Li, Y., et, al. 2018).

Portfolio Alignment

Portfolio alignment is management tools that can agile program management. Project portfolio management is a process by which the projects of an organization are evaluated in order to define benefits, aims and purposes. There are different aspects of portfolio management such as portfolios, programs, project and subproject and assessment of organization's ability to perform projects (Li, Y., et, al. 2018).


It refers to the composition of programs, sub-portfolios projects, and ongoing operations. Portfolios are a major tool to adhere to balance between small and large projects, high risk and low-risk projects. Portfolios also determine equilibrium between the high rewarding and low rewarding project, taking into account the time required for the completion of the projects as well as the substantial time that is required for the achievement of project goals (Li, Y., et, al. 2018).


Programs are an accumulation of subprograms, related projects and the activities that can synchronize organizational goals. Programs last as long as organization lasts because organization cannot work without programs that are highly dependent on the organizations. It is significant to note that projects that are localized within a program are of limited duration and they are managed at a level that is above project manager (Li, Y., et, al. 2018).

Project Portfolio

Project Portfolio refers to the collection of projects that are grouped so that they can be managed collectively. The management of portfolio includes management of projects referring to certain aspect and paradigms such as identification of projects, their selection, prioritization, sorting of resources and the governance of the projects (Li, Y., et, al. 2018).

Projects and Sub Projects

Project is a collection of multiple subprojects. It is the responsibility of project manager to coordinate several subprojects and make certain decisions that are best for the project. The subproject is a fragment that is attained by division of project, referring to obtaining more manageable pieces (Li, Y., et, al. 2018).

Organization’s ability to perform projects

It refers to the ability of different stakeholders to perform actions that are associated with projects such as teamwork, PM process, and leaders. The ability of an organization to perform required actions are dependent on the ability of each of the stakeholder to perform duties that are required of them (Li, Y., et, al. 2018).

Importance of these steps

“The steps of strategic planning can guide project team to make decisions that could act as a code of conduct in terms of long and short term goals, taking into account that required changes can be made by adhering to both quality and quantity” (Li, Y., et, al. 2018).

Vision and Mission Statement


To incorporate word class human resource management adhering to best practices and technologies with continuous learning and improvement.

Mission Statement

The mission of Project team is to provide effective management of human resources by implementing and developing policies, services, and programs that can contribute to the attainment of employee and corporate goals. Project team aims at balancing the needs of company and employees, ensuring a diverse workforce void of discrimination. Organizational goals are achieved by adequate training and development in the areas of career development of employees, government regulations and employment laws. The aim of project team is to hire most qualified employees by adhering to employment market place.

Project Charter

Project Charter is an informal contract between the sponsors and the project team. It would not be wrong to say that project charter is a contract in which two or more parties are freely in contact with each other, this contract cannot be changed arbitrarily (Bratton, et, al. 2000). Project charter is a stance that offers something for value, taking into account that it is a living document that changes with a change in condition. It is asserted that project charter is a transition from project initiating stage to project planning stage (Bratton, et, al. 2000).


Authorize project manager to proceed

Project charter allows the project manager to proceed with the plan. There are two specific considerations with it, mentioned below

Commitment of resources to a project

Resource commitment is a project management document that is used in the planning of human resource. This form does not use all the projects however it refers to the resource sharing between different departments. Commitment of resources highlights the stance of "check and balance" between different resources (Bratton, et, al. 2000).

Providing official status in the parent organization

Project charter is a tool that can pave the way for granting official status to the parent organization. It refers to the fact that charter is more like a code of conduct that allows an organization to incorporate the stance of “set pattern”. It is evident that official status highlights the "expected conduct” that can keep contractors and stakeholders in synchronization with each other (Bratton, et, al. 2000).

Developing a common understanding

Organization character incorporates teamwork; it paves the way for attributes such as trust, agreement, commitment, and communication. Common understanding reflects mutual understanding taking into account that a sponsor is less likely to bring bout a change in the original agreement. It is significant to note that common understanding is the stance that keeps the sponsor and stakeholders in coordination with each other (Bratton, et, al. 2000).

Creating commitment

Commitment is one of the catchlines of the organizational charter; it is an analysis of abstract relationship that keeps the contractor in touch with each other with complete trust (Bratton, et, al. 2000).

Screen-out poor projects

Organizational charter is one of the major tools that allow an organization to screen out poor projects, taking into account the fact that a systematic and procedural analysis of decision paves the way for continuous betterment and evaluation (Bratton, et, al. 2000).

Three Charter Elements

There are different elements of charter, taking into account individual significance of each; however, three major elements are as follows

Risk, assumptions, and constraints

Risk refers to an uncertain situation that could have a positive or negative impact on the project. It is asserting that “negative connotation” is commonly associated with risks.

Assumption refers to the supposition that is made while planning a project; these presuppositions adhere to factual basis. Negative assumption refers to risk that can threaten the overall goal achievement in an organization (Joseph M.Putti, 2015).


It refers to the restrictions and limitations in the implementation of project. Constraint may range from external factors to certain internal factors. A common example of constraints is lack of money (Joseph M.Putti, 2015).


Resource refers to the budget adhering to a level of confidence in the estimate; it refers to the identification of expenses that a project manager can authorize. Resource estimation also highlights the control of needs of sponsor as well (Li, Y., et, al. 2018).


In the case of stakeholders, charter determines the actual stakeholders who can have an influence on the decision making power. Stakeholder list determines the actual stakeholders who can have impact on the organizational decisions (Bratton, et, al. 2000).

Statement of Emphasis

Organization charter is more like an action plan that determines the future circumstances, side by side it keeps the present and ongoing action to be controlled by the mutual coordination of both stakeholders and sponsors. Organizational charter is the spine of organization, adhering to an analysis of facts and figures in terms of major elements of organization such as resources, and stakeholders.

Leading and Management in the HR Project

Types of Manger Power


Power is defined as the ability of the manager to influence the actions of other people who are working with him. It is significant to note that power is a tool that can mitigate or encourage someone to do something. Power reflects the stance of impacting and highlighting objectives in terms of influencing both stakeholders and other team members. There are different types of power that are associated with the project manager, named as legitimate power, reward power, expert power, referent power, and punishment power (Kerzner, et, al. 2013). 

Two major types of power to consider are,

Legitimate power

Legitimate power refers to the values that are concerned with the project that are actually influenced as a result of the action. It highlights the stance of “rights and regulation”, taking into account that the party has the right to do so. Legitimate power occurs with the support of normal authority in an organization and it is respected by the legitimate authority. Legitimate power would be relevant to my project because it will allow me working in accordance with laws, adhering to minor oppression. It is one of the great sources to make others abide by my will without much argumentation (Zwikael, et, al. 2019). 

Expert Power

Expert power is one of the catchlines of successful project management, taking into account that the team respects someone due to the sake of expertise. Expert power is more like an idea that allows project manager and team members to work in synchronization with each other. It refers to the skill and abilities that made someone to exercise its will and allow others to respect its opinion. It would be relevant to my project because this skill is the most significant thing that makes someone superior to the other group member or team members, adhering to the core standards of working (Marion, et, al. 2018).  Expert power will inculcate an instinct of "actuality", because team members will be well known to the abilities a project manager, facilitating the stance of decision making.

Possible Issues in Project management

Following are the issues in project management

Corporate Problems

It is one of the internal problems that a project manager has to face, taking into account that a company or a firm may have ambiguous or unclear goals. A poorly planned project has no future, asserting problems with corporate. It refers to the issues and consequences in terms of budget, goals, and timeframe. Corporate problems are much similar to the issues that are associated with goals and objectives. These risks can be mitigated by having clear project expectations in terms of team members and tasks to do (Marion, et, al. 2018). 

Ensuring risks are low

Risks are one of the major threats that a project manager has to face. It is one of the hard tasks because the overall project is hampered and distorted by internal factors. These risks can be mitigated by building a strong circle of trust and analysis that intimates which part of the project is not feasible and worth to do. It asserts the significance of the protective measures and the analysis of assumed risks, taking into account that there would be no risks for the project in future. Moreover, risks can also be mitigated by having a strong sense of accountability asserting that modifications are made before it’s too late (Marion, et, al. 2019). 

Communication Issues

Communication is also one of the risks that a project manager has to face. There are certain barriers in terms of adequate communication, having the potential to create hurdles in successful accomplishment of project. It refers to the gaps between the manager and the teammates, taking into account that every individual plays an equal role in terms of a successful project. These risks can be mitigated and analyzed by having a clear code of instructions (Kerzner, et, al. 2013). 

Managing Issues

It refers to the risks that arise due to misunderstood expectations. It is significant to note that these issues arise when there are gaps between the proposition and the actual action of a manager. These issues can be mitigated by having clear expectations in terms of resources, deadlines and future goals (Marion, et, al. 2019). It also includes issues that are related to payment and training because they play a crucial role in formulating the ideology of employees and team members towards a manager.

Extended Challenges

There are a number of extended challenges that a project manager has to face such as,

Resource Conflict

These conflicts or issues refer to the “insufficiency of resources”, taking into account that there are no sufficient resources that can staff the project accurately. It is significant to note that these issues refer to the lack of accountability and a decreased approach towards the identification of objectives (Zwikael, et, al. 2019). 


There are certain strategies that can address these issues, such as accountability and maintaining a register that could keep a check on the resources. Both the actions will let the manager know about that resources available and the number of resources that are required for future.


It refers to the issues that are the result of inadequate planning and resources processes and tools that can lead to inadequate actions (Marion, et, al. 2018). Fragmentation also refers to the inadequate division of resources, labor or time, asserting that three of them are highly significant for successful project completion. It refers to the lack of communication baseline taking into account the future of project scenarios.


There are a number of strategies that could be used but adequate communication and check and balance will be specific taking into account that it will allow a project manager to address all the gaps in the plan. An analysis of the labor force and the division of labor can allow a project manager to stay updated regarding present and future objectives.

Dependency Conflict

Dependency conflicts refer to the gaps in terms of equipment resources, instructions, and deliverables. These conflicts also include lack of attention of a manager towards project details and the amount of resources that are provided for the completion of the project (Marion, et, al. 2018). 


Dependency conflicts can be mitigated by having clear objectives and expectations taking into account the analysis of resources and scheduling. Maintain logs is one of the strategies that could act as a rescue to dependency conflict.

Unrealized business value

Business value is all about priorities and any hampering to these values are a major tool to create massive challenges for a project manager. Unrealized business values include late arrival of resource, lack of check and balance and deviating instructions.


These challenges can be overcome by proper scheduling and analyzing project goals in terms of future goals and expectations. It also includes an analysis of the facts and figures in terms of “type of business” and the approach towards future goals and resources.

Communication Management

The aim of communication management plan is to impart effective communication in order to address and manage stakeholders, taking into account that the project is completely accurate. It would not be wrong to say that the communication plan is more like a structured plan that could impart accountability and check and balance towards the achievement of goals within the set time. A communication plan that I will be following during my project would be having a clear purpose, set of instructions, methods, and timing.


The plan would be having a clear purpose in terms of all the relevant fields and authorities such as information seeking, schedule, issues, quality, risks and change control. All the escalation and directions would be evident (Marion, et, al. 2018).


My plan will be having a clear structure in terms of templates and forms. All the statement would be void of ambiguity. The communication plan will be made in accordance with a purpose having a clear structure, all the instructions would be clear (Zwikael, et, al. 2019). 


I’ll take into account the required methods of communication such as push method, referring to E-mail, text, and instant messaging. I will use pull method whenever required such as blogs, internet and bulletin boards, asserting that all the team members have access to them. The interactive method would be an effective source for communication taking into account that I will stay in contact with my team members through telephones, group wares, and wikis. However, the most preferable method that I’ll be using would be push method (Marion, et, al. 2018).


I will make sure that my communication would be clear and compact in terms of timing. I will make use of charters, and project plans, taking into account that they would be used and applied in time. All the routines would be shared one week before actual execution making sure that none of the team-mates is left behind. I will try to negotiate my timing with my team members as well so that the project life cycle is not hampered by the stance of lack of time, taking into consideration the output acceptance (Marion, et, al. 2018).

Planning Considerations for the HR Project

Scope of the Project

This project is about understanding and knowing the exact job descriptions and job specifications of major people of the university. Those people mostly include Director of the university, Deputy Director, Vice Chancellor, Deans of different faculties, chairman of all department, Heads of departments and department coordinators. In terms of task management, each member of the project will perform different activities or tasks. Every member will be assigned with a specific task or duty for which he/she will be responsible to perform with perfection and add results into the project. The main deliverable or purpose of this project is to know that what are the exact duties and responsibilities of the above-mentioned people (both, roles in the documentation and actual duties).

By delivering this outcome, this project can be extremely beneficial for HR Department of the university for any decision making as well as they will know the actual duties of these bodies beyond what they have in writing about them. Afterward, another major part of this project is the estimation of costs, expenses or expenditures that how much budget will be needed and how costs will be allocated. As well as where the financial requirements will be gathered from (Clark, 1989).

At the end and final step of the scope of the project, we will have to define the expected deadlines of the project. For deadlines, the shortest deadline of the project will be to complete, finalize and submit the result at the end of the coming month and the longest deadline (not longer than) is completed before the final exam of the current semester. Any change request can be made from the team players if any issue or problem occurs in any aspect or at any stage of the project. This request will be made only for the purpose of generating exact, outcomes.

Behavioral Skills Associated with Project Resourcing

There is a number of behavioral skills which all have their importance in project resourcing as well as there are some crucial technical skills which have also the connection with project resourcing. But some most critical and important (based on my consideration) are listed and described in details below.

Communication among Project Members


Public Speaking

Team Building

Communication among Project Members

Communication among project members is 90 plus percent important in the success of every kind of project no matter the project is of small size or large. Communication is considered is the most important factors because success or failure and efficiency of the project mostly depend on the strong-ness of communication among project members. Activities and operations and their efficiency also depend on the communication because if the communication among team members of the projects if strong and fine then the activities and responsibilities will be performed better than having weak communication(Burke, & Barron, 2014). Like, all the activities of the project are related to each other and the responsibilities of members are connected with each other. So if members can communicate their progress then they are able to perform better than what has been done, what is going and what is needed to be done. Beyond that, if the communication of members with project leader is good then the progress of work and how a member is performing his/her duty can be checked out by the leader which result to the efficiency of project operations.


Leadership is an important factor in the success of every project. Leadership plays a huge role in the project and defines the success and failure of the project. The critical stress in project management or handling is making sure that things are going fine and well while motivating team members of the project towards delivering the desired outcomes as well as ensuring the success of the project. Beyond that, leadership factor in project is very crucial and critical because leadership is the factor which is responsible for answering each and every question as well as to provide the desired outcomes. Sometimes, the importance of leadership in the project(s) depends on the nature and size of the project. If the project is of large size then the leadership become more crucial while it also has a keen role in small size project (Burke, & Barron, 2014). So based on these factors and analyses, leadership is an important and crucial skill required in the project out of mentioned four skills.

Public Speaking

All projects or project of any kind needs members who have the capabilities to be a good public speaker. This is important because project members are the people who face meeting with all the people who are connected with the project. In a project, there is a number of bodies who are highly involved and project members have to answer them. Those bodies include project manager, project supervisor, people or bodies who provide financial resources and the people or public which can be affected in any way by the project (Burke, & Barron, 2014). So, in this case, you must have the capability to face all of them and answer what they ask and what resolve the issues or problems they face or might face. So in short because of this consideration, public speaking is one of the important and critical & crucial skills required in the project.

Team Building/Team Working

Team building and/or team working is a behavioral skill which is mentioned as last one out of mentioned but it is an important and critical skill in the project because the concept of team building or teamwork is basically introduced for project-based activities and operations. It is an important and critical behavioral skill because if there is a well-designed and well-built team then there will strong communication too (Burke, & Barron, 2014). So your project progress and operations will be as good as your communication is (mentioned above too). Beyond that, suppose a project manager has not built a good team for the project then it would be extremely difficult and even impossible to run a successful project and bring desired outcomes as well as satisfy expected need (Martinelli, et.al 2017). So because of these reasons, team building and teamwork are a critical skill for any project.

RACI Chart

Project Phases


Member 1

Member 2

Member 3

Phase 1

Team Development

Task 1 (Define Project Scope)

Task 1 (Project Approval)

Task 2 (Activity Scheduling)

Phase 2

Checking Outcomes

Task 3

(Skills Review)

Task 4 (Budget Projection)

Task 5 (Project Execution)

Phase 3

Performance Evaluation

Task 5 (Project Execution)

Task 5 (Project Execution)


In the ARCI chart, the main responsibilities have been assigned to project leader and project leader will be responsible for overall project management.

Budget Determination with Project Costs

Using the WBS of the Project

The first step in determining the associated budget of the project through the help of WBS of the project. In this, we first checked out the deliverables and their components which are approved to generate the deliverables. After that, we worked on cost estimation for every package of each WBS. In this way determining the associated budget became easier for us than determining the overall budget (Callahan, et.al 2011). After that, the obtained information has been used for aggregating costs estimates associated with the project and setting costs baselines.

In determining this cost for the project, we have looked over several things/components and gone through below steps for determining the cost associated with the project.

First of all, we defined the direct labor cost of our project but we don't have this cost because our project is of small scale and it is performed by students which have been assigned as an assignment.

At the second step, we estimated the material costs of the project. In these costs, we estimated the cost of the material. In our material costs, we have identified several costs for different things which are documentation cost, printing cost of pages, travel cost of visiting a different place (dues) and some other costs.

Beyond that, we also estimated and set out some extra costs for equipment which can be used at any stage of the project but we are not clear about that at the time.

Other than above estimations, we should have to set an estimate the cost of the software which can be used in the project. The software may be MS Project which can be used and its cost may occur.

According to (Callahan, et.al 2011), project office and estimation of its cost is also an important component but we don’t need any office or specific location to perform our work because we are in small scale project, so this cost has been ignored in the process.

Cost Aggregation

Cost of our project has been aggregated by summing the cost of every individual work package to account up to our project level. This has been achieved by summing estimating lower costs associated with the project within the breakdown structure (Callahan, et.al 2011). In this aggregation, we also considered reserve analysis and funding limit reconciliation.

Ways of Risk Identification

There is a number of ways which can be used by a project leader, project head or project manager for identification of possible risks which are highly associated with the project and can affect the results of operations of project negatively. But! In our project (a small level project) there are three ways have been used to identify possible risks. These ways are described in enough detail below.


Brainstorming is the most usable and common way which enables the manager to identify possible risk which may occur during the project. This technique involves the process of working together to identify possible risks. Brainstorming encourages free-flowing conversation among a group of people who are knowledgeable about the project (Martinelli, et.al 2017). It is also the best way to identify the key controls for the identified risks so that it becomes easier for the project manager to resolve an issue and eliminate risk before it occurs.


After brainstorming, the checklist is considered as the most useful and best way of identifying project risks. The checklist can be used by the project manager to identify possible risks associated with the project. It (checklist) is the pre-populated list of risks which have been developed usually from past and realistic experiences. It is developed from the result of any previous assessment or from a previous happening or incident(s) (Martinelli, et.al 2017). The project manager can prepare a checklist of key controls in his / her list to control effectiveness. This is the most realistic way through which a project manager can identify all possible risks because this checklist has been developed from past experiences which had happened earlier.

Cause and Effect Diagram

After above mentioned (two) ways which can be used by project managers for risk identification, the next and most usable & realistic way is cause and effect analysis/diagram. Cause and effect are one of the powerful tool /ways. The project manager can use this way or technique to identify the causes or reasons which may lead to creating risk(s) (Martinelli, et.al 2017). In this way, if a project manager or project head can identify or address the reasons or causes so that he or she can eliminate and reduce the risks and their possibilities of happening.

Progress, Results, and Finalizing the HR Project

As the world of business is changing incredibly in nowadays, every function related it is also garnering extreme importance for the company. In the current times, no organization can deny the importance of any function for the sustenance and the growth of its business. Whether it’s sales, marketing, finance administration or human resource management, every function is equally important and profitable for the organization. Some functions are internal and remain limited to the walls of the organization, whereas others tend to reach out of the boundaries of the organization and deal with the outer world like the customers, the dealers, the retailers, and the contractors. Sales, marketing, and advertising are mainly such departments that are considered to be the outdoor or the intermediating departments of an organization, whereas departments like human resource management and finance are those departments which do not have any link with the outer world and deal with the internal matters of an organization. No matter what role every department is performing, all the functions are closely interlinked, and no organization can survive without the mutual harmony of these departments.

In today’s world, companies focus more on the short term projects as compared to performing a similar role or job for the whole life. The companies prefer to pick up or select and even start short time projects which can be completed in a specific time and the company can then focus on the next project or the assignment. The human resource department plays a very vital role in this respect (Grey, et, al, 2008). There are also multiple projects that keep coming specifically from the area of human resources so that the organization can assign the projects to its HR team as well. There are certain significant aspects of the projects whether they are related to the HR department or any other field and specific strategies need to be designed as per the need and the time frame of the project.


Projects prove to be more beneficial for an organization as they provide a chance to the organizations to learn various new strategies and aspects related to different fields. As projects are dynamic in nature, they give an opportunity to the employees of an organization to come together for a limited period of time and learn new concepts from various fields. Projects also allow the current employees to exhibit their current skills at a platform within the organization or outside the organization.

Most organizations prefer to pick up or chose projects in accordance with their areas of expertise. For example, an IT firm will prefer to conduct projects that are related to the field of Information Technology, a marketing or advertisement company will love to do projects that are related to the area of marketing and a law firm will undertake assignments or projects that constitute litigations. All these firms prefer to conduct projects in their respective area of expertise because they know that they can manage it very well and can perform, with excellence. This is the mostly carried on practice but it is not a rule of thumb; companies also pick up projects out of their field and hire experts and staff out of the organization so that they can perform the tasks for them. In both cases, an elaborated planning and strategic decision making are required so that the project can be executed successfully.

Successfully Directing and Managing a Project

Successfully directing and managing a project or a project plan refers to the extent the objectives of the project are achieved. It is not an easy job; rather it requires very hard work. It a complex and complicated job of performing, leading, controlling, implanting and even hiring and firing. The process of project management is also closely linked to the project integration management. The main purpose of the project planning, direction, and management activities is to coordinate and produce.

Directing and managing project work involves all the processes involved in the project, it refers to all the activities that encompass the area of the project management. It starts from the very beginning of the project and goes till the last part of the project has been delivered to the clients per their expectations (Burke, 2013). It involves an extensive planning process and designing of strategies as per the requirements of the project. Sometimes, it also requires to perform the complete function of an HR department, like recruitment, hiring, firing and planning the compensation roles. It usually happens when the team has been or is going to be outsourced for the project.

Strategies to Manage and Sustain Progress in HR Project

As the HR department is an internal function of the organization, the core competencies of the department are only in human resources. It cannot perform other functions with that much excellence as compared to its own area of expertise. Although human resources constitute an important part of the project or project management, the whole project cannot rely on a single function. However, some projects are only and specifically related to the area of human resources. The management of a project that is specifically related to the area of human areas also requires to follow some specific rules and strategies, which are necessary and required for sustaining and managing the project (Kerzner, & Kerzner, 2017). Some of these strategies that can be adopted for successful sustenance and management of the project are;

Aligning the HR needs and the Project needs

It a mandatory requirement for the HR department to look into the fact that the human resource needs or human resource strategies are well-aligned with the needs of the project. It should be carefully checked by the managers who are in charge of the project to check the demands of the project and align them according to the demands of the project.

Project Design and Structure

As the project under discussion encompasses the areas of specialization of human resources, the managers need to make sure that the overall structure and the execution of the project is in accordance with the definitions of the HR.

Compensation and Benefits

The strategies of an HR project should be carefully aligned with the project and as the project is directly related to the area of HR, the compensation and benefits should be decided in such a way that they justify the amount of effort required for the project.

Strategies to Address and Resolve any Risks within the Control of the Project

No project is free from risk, every project has certain downfalls and risk factors. It is said that more the risk, greater the chances of project. The type of challenges or the risks involved in the project are directly linked to the area of the project. Some risk or challenges are directly in control of the project or the project manager, whereas some of the challenges are far beyond the control of the management.

One of the major issues that arise in a project management setup is of keeping track of the progress of the project. It can be resolved by properly documenting all the activities of the project.

Another risk that arises in the execution of a project is incorporating changes in the project. The solution to this problem is to keep a close track o0f changes and catering to them on time, whenever they arise.

One of the major strategies that can be adopted to overlook and avoid the risks in the project is to research the challenges coming in the way of the project in the very beginning and prepare for them accordingly.

Actions a Project manager can take at the Beginning of the Closing Out The project

Closing up of a project refers to ending up a project. It is a very important stage in the process of project management as it needs an overall review of the project and finalizing it. A manager needs to be extra careful during this stage as it may be the final outline or the assignment that would be delivered to the client. There are certain actions need to be taken in this respect which are as follows:

Review of the overall Project and making sure that all the work has been done according to the requirements of the client or the project.

Revamping and changing or making improvements to the currently finalized work of Project according to the review.

Preparing a formal report and Submission.

Review of “Project Management in Action: The Power of Lessons Learned”

There are certain instances in which the project team, when working on a project, learn many new things. The issue arises when this newly incorporated or learned knowledge fades out and vanishes with the passage of time. Multiple organizations adopt various strategies in order to retain this knowledge within the employees so that they can carry it with them for a longer term and it can further be utilized in the completion of the internal and external projects of the organization. These strategies include involvement from the participants of the project so that it can help in the long-term retention of the knowledge.


In conclusion, the process of planning, management, tracking and using collaborative tools in order to carry out a task enables carefully planned and well-organized execution of a project. However, without the integration of rightly guided leadership, most projects that happen to reach completion often do so by meeting the bare minimum requirements. In a scenario such as this one, integration of a project leader to lead the people involved in the project in a rightly guided manner, not only motivates the people involved to reach their goals, but it also makes the entire process effortless and efficient for the entire team. This affects the overall morale of the organization, setting the precedence for coordinated hard work among the people involved in order to meet targets and grow together, both as an individual and as a company.


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Burke, R. (2013). Project management: planning and control techniques. New Jersey, USA.

Burke, R., & Barron, S. (2014). Project Management Leadership : Building Creative Teams (Vol. Second edition). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=702739&site=eds-live&scope=site

Callahan, K. R., Stetz, G. S., & Brooks, L. M. (2011). Project Management Accounting : Budgeting, Tracking, and Reporting Costs and Profitability (Vol. 2nd ed). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=382100&site=eds-live&scope=site

Clark, K. B. (1989). Project scope and project performance: the effect of parts strategy and supplier involvement on product development. Management Science, 35(10), 1247-1263.

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Marion, J. W. (2018). Project Management : A Common Sense Guide to the PMBOK, Part One-Framework and Schedule. New York, NY: Momentum Press. Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=1703251&site=eds-live&scope=site

Marion, J. W. (2019). Project Management : A Common-Sense Guide to the PMBOK Program, Part Two–Plan and Execution. New York, NY: Momentum Press. Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=1918052&site=eds-live&scope=site

Zwikael, O., & Smyrk, J. R. (2019). Project Management : A Benefit Realisation Approach. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=2089217&site=eds-live&scope=site

Subject: HRM

Pages: 2 Words: 600

HR Training Class

HR Training Class

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

HR Training Class

Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company’s proposed employee customer service training, stressing five (5) ways in which such an assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies.

In the retail industry, it is necessary to have an employee needs assessment (Brown, 2002). The employee needs assessment is an important asset for any organization. Since the retail industry is a challenging domain to work in, the employees working in it must be fully capable of carrying out their duties rapidly and on time (Brown, 2002). Hence, the needs assessment is used to highlight those individuals that best fit the needs of the organization. Moreover, a needs assessment points out any deficiency that may be impeding the company's path toward success. There are many ways in which a needs assessment would point out an existing deficiency (Brown, 2002). The first way through which needs assessment would prove helpful in pointing out performance deficiencies is by looking at and evaluating the candidate's needs at an individual level (Brown, 2002). In this scenario needs assessment would be helpful in a way that it would allow the company to decide which candidate needs what kind of training. This will help the company in saving time and finances that would have been wasted on training a potential candidate wrongly. Secondly, the needs assessment can help to see any existing performance deficiencies by evaluating the organization's current performance (Brown, 2002). It would help identify the knowledge, skills, and capacity building measures that the organization requires from the candidate. Additionally, it would help the organization to take on board the candidates that would only take the organization to unprecedented success. Thirdly, the needs assessment would prove beneficial in identifying any existing deficiencies in the performance by conducting an assessment of occupational needs. An assessment of occupational needs would identify the abilities, skills, and knowledge that are needed by an affected occupational group. Furthermore, an occupational assessment would pinpoint any existing discrepancies and evaluate the current performance of the employees. Furthermore, it would help to establish an understanding of the capacity of the employees to do new tasks. The fourth way to identify any current performance deficiencies is by carrying out an organization-wide personality test. Personality test would give an idea about the capability of the candidates. Since not everybody can work in the retail industry, personality test would identify the right candidates. Lastly, by assessing the mental capacity of an individual can be useful in identifying any current performance deficiencies. There is little doubt that the retail industry is challenging and requires significant mental fitness. By assessing the mental capacity of the individuals, those candidates would be identified who not only would handle pressure but also performs the best under it.

Develop a customer service training implementation plan and determine how the method of training (i.e., presentation, discussion, case study, discovery, role play, simulation, modeling, or on the job training).

Multiple factors are deemed necessary to fully adapt to the retail industry. One of them is training (Wiliam & Thompson, 2017). In the retail industry, it is imperative to have the right training. Training is an important starting point for any individual. Training would enable the candidate for working in the retail industry to understand the requirements of the jobs. Training would motivate the candidates (Wiliam & Thompson, 2017). During the training, the candidates would get to know what it would be like to work for the organization. Furthermore, the candidates will get to know the history of the company and the factors that make the organization or the company to stand out from the rest of the companies out there in the market. Certainly, a candidate could be rightly trained in several ways. For instance, a presentation, modeling, role play, case study, and on the job training are some of how individuals can be trained. All these methods of training contain a way that would help individuals to train and learn using audios and videos. This is the most perfect way to train newly hired people. Furthermore, it helps provide training to a large number of people using minimum effort (Wiliam & Thompson, 2017). When collective training would be given to an employee, different ideas and narratives would be an exchange, which would help the candidates to understand the different perspectives.

Justify why you selected the training method that you did

I have chosen the method of presentation for training newly recruited individuals. Honestly, in my opinion, the presentation is the most effective way to train new employees. With presentation being delivered, the individuals are not only hearing the information being provided by the speaker but also seeing visuals on the screen, helping them to follow along easily. The presentation would help the individual with recalling not only the audio of the presentation but also having the visual at their disposal. Furthermore, the case study methodology was chosen only because it would enable the newly hired employee to watch everyday activities within the domain of the retail industry. Since the employee would know what to expect, they would be prepared for the customers fully. Additionally, it would help the employees to perform their duties aptly all the times. Role-playing would consolidate the concepts learned by the case studies. A newly hired employees can easily peruse a case study and read the solution afterward. The role play would help the newly hired employee to appreciate the order of things in which things would be in the retail industry. Through role-playing, the kinetic learners would be able to apply the information they just have been taught. It would be beneficial for the newly hired employees only because they would be able to see what would or would not happen at work. This type of training would help to eliminate any doubt when a real problem crops up. Modeling is considered to be a great source of training for the newly hired employees to envisage what the possible outcome of any situation would be like should it be handled properly. Using modeling, right behaviors and activities from an expert in their field would mean that the employees have been trained in the best possible way. On the job training is pretty useful for newly inducted employees that work in the retail industry. By learning along the way would be beneficial for the newly inducted employees. All three learning areas are being explored which are visual, audio, and kinetic. The employee would be able to understand more things because of being in the moment. Retail organizations must make it compulsory for the newly hired employers to receive on the job training. It would help them in understanding how the operations of the company take place. All of the training methods that are being employed to train the newly inducted employees would be helpful as they are recommended by many retail industry experts. Each method offers a different insight into the working principles of the retail industry which the newly hired employees would be learned through these methods.

Propose two (2) ways to motivate an employee who has no interest in attending a training class

Most of the times, the least interesting things for the newly inducted employees are to attend training classes (Curado, Henriques & Ribeiro, 2015). Although training classes are deemed necessary for the newly inducted employees. They need training because it would help them in their line of duty (Kasemsap, 2015). Those newly inducted employees with little interest in getting a train can be a scourge for the HR department of the company. Therefore, the HR department must integrate activities in the training class that would be fun to learn by the newly inducted employee. There numerous ways in which an employee could be trained. The first way is to conduct a professional development course aimed to empower the employees with thriving in their careers. After successful completion of the course, points will be assigned to the participants. These points would motivate employees to attend training classes. Furthermore, when a newly inducted employee reaches a certain level, they would be given promotion so that those employees who are not interested in training claass4es would receive a boost to attend training classes (Kasemsap, 2015). Paying is another way to motivate those newly inducted employees for receiving training classes. For instance, the newly inducted employees that are reluctant to join training classes can be lured into joining training classes if they are offered a certain amount of money against their time spent on the training classes (Curado, Henriques & Ribeiro, 2015). This payment would be given to employees after successful completion of their training classes along with their paycheck. Showing the employees that a company is willing to offer them money without having taken a service from will build up the reputation of the company that they value their newly inducted employees more than anything. Employees would also get to know that preliminary training is a must for all employees. Training is necessary for the employees because without training they would not know about their job duties and responsibilities. Therefore, by receiving the training they would perform their duties in the best possible way (Homburg, Jozić & Kuehnl, 2017). Those employees who are yet to receive any training classes after so many motivational activities would then be asked by the HR department to leave the company. This would send a message to all those employees who are proving to be difficulty in joining training classes. Although this is a strict act, it is necessary to reinforce the authority of the organization that they are not afraid of taking bold decisions and are serious about their company’s goals. Additionally, it would also project a message that the company is serious about their employees because they want them to be trained to best perform their jobs. This thing can set the company stand out from the rest of the competitors in the market because they are serious about their company’s goals. By enacting this strict policy, it would be a message to the employees that the company is serious about building their capacity to the fullest for them to perform their duties in the best possible manner (Kasemsap, 2015). Additionally, it would be a message to all the employees that the organization is serious about training their employees because it would not only help them in duties in this company but would help them in the future as well.

Develop a survey to collect feedback from the employees who attend the training

A training program for individuals working in the retail industry is central in playing an important role in the success of the company (Homburg, Jozić & Kuehnl, 2017). An organization can be successful only when it treats all the employees ranging from the entry-level employees to the CEO as same. There is little doubt that all the employees, be it the entry-level employee or the CEO, play an important part in the company’s success. A company that puts a lot of time and cost in developing a training program for the newly hired employees, it goes to show that the company cares for its employees from day one. Training the employees will foster a culture of care and compassion on the part of the company. It is the primary responsibility of the HR department to create a training program that best serves the interest of the company as well as training the individuals according to the needs of the company. Furthermore, the HR department must take into account that having best methods at their disposal in training the newer employees would ensure that the employees feel valued and would commit themselves for a long time with the company (Sitzmann & Weinhardt, 2018). By having a training survey the company can get valuable data which will help them to reconcile their training methodologies with the feedback from the individuals being trained.

Following is a survey of feedback to be collected from the employees that were the part of the training sessions.

Were the goals of the training were sharply defined?

Was participation actively encouraged?

Were the topics presented relevant or not?

Was the presentation of the content was organized or not?

Was the material distributed during the training proved helpful?

Did the trainer seem well prepared?

Was sufficient time allocated towards the training?

What are the top 3 things that you found positive about the training?

How do you hope the training sessions would help you with your career?

What other trainings do you hope to have in the future?


Brown, J. (2002). Training needs assessment: A must for developing an effective training program. Public personnel management, 31(4), 569-578.

Curado, C., Henriques, P. L., & Ribeiro, S. (2015). Voluntary or mandatory enrollment in training and the motivation to transfer training. International Journal of Training and Development, 19(2), 98-109.

Homburg, C., Jozić, D., & Kuehnl, C. (2017). Customer experience management: toward implementing an evolving marketing concept. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), 377-401.

Kasemsap, K. (2015). Implementing enterprise resource planning. In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition (pp. 798-807). IGI Global.

Sitzmann, T., & Weinhardt, J. M. (2018). Training engagement theory: A multilevel perspective on the effectiveness of work-related training. Journal of Management, 44(2), 732-756.

Wiliam, D., & Thompson, M. (2017). Integrating assessment with learning: What will it take to make it work?. In The future of assessment (pp. 53-82). Routledge.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

HR Training Class

HR Training Class

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

HR Training Class

Employee Layoff

In the situation when a business or company goes downhill, then they have some ways to cut their costs. One of those ways is laying off some employees. It is not a common way that companies use because companies and businesses try all other ways before coming to take the decision of laying off their employees. It means that the company comes to take this action when they do not have other ways to use it (Datta, et.al, 2010). Most of the time, the decision of laid-off comes with no expectations while they are well planned for the company that goes to take the decision.

Ways That Manager Can Cope With Negative Emotions That May Accompany an Employee Layoff

Many ways are there through which manager can cope with negative emotions that may accompany an employee layoff while the most credible and top are;


Communicate or Communication is the finest way that manger can cope with any negative emotions in such cases. It is the best way because it ensures the provision of facts and actual reasons, assist the employees to stay productive and focused, ensures the employees that they have been treated with honor, and set a forwarding tone by bringing changes (Goins, & Gruca, 2008).

Anticipating the Reaction of Remaining Employees

The remaining employees would be experiencing different feelings including the management. So it is significant that the manager should acknowledge and respond to the feelings for the purpose to assist the team and organization to proceed forward.

Managing Work Transition

The third way that managers can use is to manage the transition of work and responsibilities. In this, the tasks and processes can be redesigned, can be asked for more inputs, monitor progress, plan for and manage setbacks while maintaining morale (Goins, & Gruca, 2008).

In short, the major and most credible way is to Communicate.

Process of Conducting Dismissal Meeting

No matter how efficiently a company or organization hires, recruit and maintain its employees, it could be very challenging when it comes to terminating employees. Terminating employees can results in several issues like performance issues, changes in the company, and misconduct, etc.

The meetings of termination cannot be easy for both parties the employer and employee, but there are some steps that can make it the process easier if taken properly.

First of all, the organization should ensure that it is a face to face meeting.

Ensure the bodies involved in the meeting as well as who will conduct it. Also, act in a way that makes the employee feel fine and comfortable.

Ensure the place of the meeting conducted. The meeting is needed to arrange in a place that is fine for the employees more than the employer or managers etc.

Ensure the timing of the meeting. It is important that the meeting should be scheduled properly before it held. Beyond this, it is also important to note that the meeting should be arranged at the time where the employees are communicated earlier so that employees would have time for future planning (Perritt, 2016).

Plan and decide what to do at the meeting. The meeting needs to be of 15 minutes at least where employees should be kept comfortable in every moment. As well as possible simple, clear, and concise statement should be given to the employee in the meeting.

In this, the manager and management should be prepared and clear about what they are going to do. As well as they must have a proper checklist so that every important point should be communicated.

An adequate reason should be given to everyone going to get terminated. Employees sometimes sue organizations for such actions so the story must be conveyed to them. In short, a full and reasonable explanation should be kept in front of the employee regarding the action of the organization.

Seek for the interpretation of employees about the event and meeting. It is also important that you must have the reason or misconduct that led to the firing. So that employees can be given the chance to have their say as well as open their emotions (Perritt, 2016). While the management should not talk over a person or specific team because any legal conduct may occur on the organizations’ side.

Make a very clear statement that the decision made is final. As well as concisely run through the benefits for the organization while focusing on employee wellbeing as well such as covering the benefits like insurance, pension, funds, and other offerings the company is making. It would be finer if the final paycheck of the employee is ready so that the employee may have good thoughts to proceed with the decision.

Provide details and explanations of the reference policy of the job. Here, the organization should talk about the details and policies they have about the job of employees while providing the service letter to the employees with a certificate of satisfactory performance of the employees you are going to fire.

Collect everything that is your property but is with the employee. It should be considered a negative act by the employee and it is important to take anything such as keys, company assets like car, home, and credit card, etc. from the employees in or after the meeting (Perritt, 2016). These can be taken after the meeting in case the employer wants to keep them comfortable to have the new things so that he/she would return the company’s assets.

Compensation for the Fictitious Company to Provide To Separate Employee

A Vice President or other non-officer employee if terminated then he/she has the legal right to get the Severance pay form the organization. He/she has the right for the Severance pay is he/she gets terminated for any of the below reasons.

Force Reduction

Elimination of the Position

An employee at a higher level who is getting paid for $120,000 or higher salary has the legal right and eligible for the Severance Pay if he/she has been terminated for the reasons listed below.

Poor confidence level

Release of Claims and the agreement

It is important to sign an agreement and release of claims if the employee is eligible for Severance Pay provided by Freddie Mac while in the opposing case, you are not eligible for it. This release and agreement of claims pardons Freddie Mac from any potential and known liability and claims associating with the employment duration or period with the company or organization or the termination of your job might include other different benefits by Freddie Mac. The main purpose of the agreement and claims release is aimed to satisfy every standard for the voluntary and knowing waiver under the law which involves a number of factors such as the ADE Act (Goins, & Gruca, 2008).

The Severance time period of a president or non-officer employee (Severance eligible) is detailed and listed below;

Service completed since the very last start date.

The Severance period for the Severance eligible employee whose basic salary package is below the amount of $120,000 is calculated based on the weeks.

While the salary of Severance eligible employees whose salary package is higher than this amount is calculated based on months or in months.

Chart Depicting Timeline of the Disbursement of the Compensation

Minimum Years of Service

Maximum Years of Service

Weeks of Severance

Months of Severance





















































The payment of Severance pay is made based on the standard payroll policy and procedures of the organization. Beyond this, the employee can also decide to get the amount in a lump sum as well as he or she must take the decision in consideration of the policies. As well as he/she also has to sign everything on time or before he/she gets terminated such as agreement and release of claims (Goins, & Gruca, 2008). In case the employee gets failed to elect on the execution of the agreement, then the employee would be given the payment in a lump sum and this payment would be subjected to applicable withholdings.

Ways (Three) That This Layoff Can Affect the Company

The organization prefers sometimes to boost their bottom line when they are in financial troubles. Layoff does not pay off all the time. So it is important that how the organization or company should analyze that the layoff is a fine action at the moment. As there are direct costs associated with the layoff such as funds, insurance, and benefits, etc. there are also several indirect costs associated and they make lay off less fine action. Beyond that, there are other costs of recruitment and retaining new employees by the employers when coming out of the financial trouble they are in. employers conduct layoffs to cut costs by having a short term price to pay. Here the companies can pay out some costs beyond the Severance and other benefits. But other short term costs are also there while it is also noted that it takes time to fire employees (Datta, et.al, 2010). Hence, managers are required to plan properly and spread the news in a good manner, manage everything properly, handle issues and problems, and other concerns that may come to see in the case of laying off employee(s) including the costing.

The impact of layoff on the company is not much clear but it is important especially in terms of costs. Despite this, morale impacts the productivity level very directly while the employees laid off by the company may not contribute to the company growth and success as the employees who have been compensated and benefited by the company instead. Furthermore, other costs to the company involve the costs and problems of loss of skills, knowledge, customers, contacts, which is not easy to get back once lost (Datta, et.al, 2010). This includes mainly short term costs to the company.

The costs to the company would be increased by the expenses occurred due to the loss of valued assets of different types. Based on my view the balance sheet of the company may loom fine in short term but it would not be impressive after losing the assets the company had while it would be impacted inversely by the costs and expenses occurred for hiring new employees when the company gets settled after the tough time the company has. Several organizations or companies that lay off employees get themselves back of pre-playoff employment levels within one and a half years. In short, companies see long terms benefit when they layoff very rarely while they have extra costs instead when the rehire by offering attractive packages to the new employees when needed. While the new employees would also in need of training and supervision (Datta, et.al, 2010). Despite this, the productivity level of new employees would also be lower as they are learning their jobs compared to those who were already experienced. Even there are huge costs for replacement and higher salaries.

At last, some (few) intangible costs are also there such as loss of knowledge, morale, teamwork, innovation, creativity, customers, loyal employees, and even market share. So does laying off pays off for companies? Hence, it can be stated the action and strategy of layoff are cannot be considered as an effective and fine strategic initiative for long term benefits.


Datta, D. K., Guthrie, J. P., Basuil, D., & Pandey, A. (2010). Causes and Effects of Employee Downsizing: A Review and Synthesis. Journal of Management, 36(1), 281-348.

Goins, S., & Gruca, T. S. (2008). Understanding Competitive and Contagion Effects of Layoff Announcements. Corporate Reputation Review, 11(1), 12-34.

Perritt, H. H. (2016). Employee Dismissal Law and Practice. Aspen Publishers Online.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 6 Words: 1800


HR Training Class

HR Training Class

It is very important for an organization to train their employees and to keep them updated on the skills and knowledge that are needed for a job. Training is very important and can found to be a great investment for organizations. In an effective employee training program, the first step is to identify the skills and knowledge that needs improvement. This can be determined by performing a need analysis at both an organizational and individual level. This process includes establishing an understanding of the organization current status. A training need analysis is defined as a systematic method that is used to determine what caused the performance of an organization to be less than expected. By performing training need analysis an organization or company can decide whether training can improve performance. Training need analysis is also done when an organization or company decides to change its policy or when the organization has concerns about some specific issue ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Dipboye</Author><Year>2018</Year><RecNum>317</RecNum><DisplayText>(Dipboye &amp; Dipboye, 2018)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>317</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="2s2s0zrapsf0pbe5efuvv20f9rszvx0sd2fe" timestamp="1574658495">317</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Book Section">5</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Dipboye, Robert L</author><author>Dipboye, Robert L</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Employee Training and Development&apos;</title><secondary-title>The Emerald Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology</secondary-title></titles><pages>581-624</pages><dates><year>2018</year></dates><publisher>Emerald Publishing Limited</publisher><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Dipboye & Dipboye, 2018). Training need analysis is also done to enhance and encourage team-building skills. I am a member of a small retail company. This company officially started its business operation on August 2, 1990, with an initial capital of 11 million. My manager has asked me to create customer satisfaction training class for all new employees. To effectively carry out training class the first step is to perform a need analysis. This will help in determining the training objectives and also defines a measuring system that will identify the effectiveness of objectives. The need analysis will include task analysis, team analysis and organizational analysis.

Organizational analysis

Since that time, the company was founded in 1990, the company has undergone great development that has not attained by many other global companies. However, for the sustainable development of the company, there is a need to take into account issues that create hindrance in company development. These issues range from dealing with hostilities, organizational needs and customer satisfaction. Between the years 2002 to 2009, the company had a managerial position which led to profit instability. Between these times, the CEO served the company. During this year there was an unsteady fall and rise in business that resulted in the closure of 5 outlets in the United States. Another area on which the company needs to improve is how to effectively deal with the feedback from the customers.

Human resource survey

Due to increased competition and sophisticated customer requirement, there is a need to focus on excellence in customer service.

Team Analysis

A team analysis is necessary when a company or organization needs to work on team-building skills. The main goal of this is to train a team so that all members of the team can work together in an efficient and unified manner. Team members bring different attitude, skills and knowledge to the team. When team building is required then the team should be trained together. My company is arranged into different teams. Each member possesses a different level of experience and training that give skills and knowledge relevant to his/her department. This training is not only important for the knowledge of the products but also communication skills, cognitive ability and problem-solving strategies. This training is necessary for satisfactory customer service and effective sales performance. Cognitive ability is important for sale and employee needs to process information that is related to different products offered by our company. The three main dimensions of cognitive ability are reasoning ability, quantitative ability and verbal communication. Any employee who is engaged with customer service is not aware of the need for the customer and the use of different products offered by our company. The development of training sessions at our company will focus solely on the department in which the retail employees serves.

Task Analysis

According to Blanchard and Thacker, different work activities that are required to perform a job should be identified. In task-oriented job analysis, it is important to determine skills, knowledge, tasks and subtasks. It is very important to decide the significance of the task and the knowledge of an employee on how to perform/ accomplish the task. The task-oriented analysis will help in determining the expectation of a job and training programs can be developed to achieve the expected results. Task analysis helps to determine the description of different work activities, including the task that is performed by the employees and skills, knowledge and abilities required to complete the task. In our company, there is an issue with customer feedback. If feedback from a customer is not followed up properly, then this can lead to problems for our company. The main thing that would need training is following up in a timely and professional manner to feedback from customers. To fulfil our mission statement, it is necessary to keep up with customer expectations.

Objectives of the training program

To make employees aware of the significance of task and importance of knowing how to perform/ accomplish task

To build skills and knowledge among employees regarding satisfactory customer service and effective sales performance.

To build cognitive thinking ability and communication skills among employees

To make employees aware of company’s culture

To make employees aware of ethics in handling customer complaints.

To show employees the proper way to take customer’s orders

To explain different styles of communication and strategies to effectively deal with customers

To explain to employees how to perform different customer needs analyses using company software


Training of an employee is the responsibility of a company. Development of an employee is a shared responsibility of individual employee and management. For the training of the employee, the company will provide a supportive environment and the right resources to accomplish the goals of the training session. For the training of employees, a well-crafted job description will be built, which is a foundation upon which development and training activities are designed. Supervisor of the company will be assigned responsibility to provide training to employees to meet the main competencies for the job. Good understanding of abilities, knowledge and skills that our company will need in future will be developed and shared with new employees. In the training session employees will be explained about the job requirement, their duties, benefits which the company provides to its employees such as weekly and monthly bonuses and health insurance plan. In this training session, employees will be encouraged to develop individual development plans. In the first stage, the employee training development plan will be developed by the supervisor in coordination with HR team members. The plan will be based on the employee need, organization and position. Budget is also an important component in organizing training session. Employee training sessions depends greatly on the budget; therefore, budget will be developed in the initial stages of planning. This training session will last for 3 hours. Another thing which will also be considered is a cost to the organization while employees will not perform their job. The spreadsheet will be developed that lists all direct and indirect cost associated with this training session ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Rodriguez</Author><Year>2017</Year><RecNum>318</RecNum><DisplayText>(Rodriguez &amp; Walters, 2017)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>318</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="2s2s0zrapsf0pbe5efuvv20f9rszvx0sd2fe" timestamp="1574658548">318</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Rodriguez, Joel</author><author>Walters, Kelley</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>The importance of training and development in employee performance and evaluation</title><secondary-title>World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development</full-title></periodical><pages>206-212</pages><volume>3</volume><number>10</number><dates><year>2017</year></dates><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Rodriguez & Walters, 2017).

Delivery Style

The plan will be practical, interesting and realistic. The plan will be implemented with the approval of the HR manager. The training session will be of 3 hours' duration with 2 breaks in-between. In this session, the employee will identify his/ her abilities, weakness, strengths, values and skills. Self-assessment tools that are available on the internet will be used and employees will be asked to compare their knowledge, abilities and skills with the job description. Performance assessment will also be conducted ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Jiang</Author><Year>2016</Year><RecNum>316</RecNum><DisplayText>(Jiang, Zang, &amp; Liu, 2016)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>316</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="2s2s0zrapsf0pbe5efuvv20f9rszvx0sd2fe" timestamp="1574658420">316</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Conference Proceedings">10</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Jiang, Zhenni</author><author>Zang, Wenke</author><author>Liu, Xiyu</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Customer Satisfaction Analysis Based on SVM</title><secondary-title>International Conference on Human Centered Computing</secondary-title></titles><pages>683-688</pages><dates><year>2016</year></dates><publisher>Springer</publisher><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(Jiang, Zang, & Liu, 2016). Position assessment will also be done during this training session. These employees will be asked to identify the requirement of jobs and their expectation. Employees will be asked about the goals they want to achieve in their career. The best ways to implement the employee training session goals will be identified. Resources that are required and the method that will be used for training will be identified. After approval from HR manager the plan will put into action.

Methods that are used to training

A supervisor will provide training to the employees and self-assessment questionnaire will be used. A PowerPoint presentation will also be used to brief employees about the company goals and objectives; about the products the company deals with and the customer dealing strategies. Interactivity and discussion sessions will also be developed in conjunction with this presentation. Breakout discussion, icebreakers and activities that can make the training interactive will be incorporated. Employee customer satisfaction training class is necessary to prepare our employees to implement performance standards to satisfy our client. The main purpose to select these training methods is to improve the skills and knowledge of our employees regarding customer services. Brainstorming session, performance assessment, and interactive sessions will enhance communication and will build problem-solving skills among our employees that are necessary for customer satisfaction. The two ways which we will use to motivate our employees for training are by asking them what they want and will provide them with a compelling reason to participate. Secondly each employee will be motivated separately rather than in a group.

Evaluation form

Part A

1: How would you rate the overall quality of the training session?

A: Excellent

B: Good

C: Fair

2: How well the presenter states the objectives?

A: Excellent

B: Good

C: Fair

3: How effective were the handouts?

A: Excellent

B: Good

C: Fair

Part B

4: What is the most interesting thing you learned in this training session?

5: What is the least interesting thing you learned in this session?

6: What would have made this training session more effective?

Part C

1: Length of training was sufficient

A: Yes

B: No

2: Instructions were understandable and clear

A: Yes

B: No


ADDIN EN.REFLIST Dipboye, R. L., & Dipboye, R. L. (2018). Employee Training and Development' The Emerald Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (pp. 581-624): Emerald Publishing Limited.

Jiang, Z., Zang, W., & Liu, X. (2016). Customer Satisfaction Analysis Based on SVM. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human Centered Computing.

Rodriguez, J., & Walters, K. (2017). The importance of training and development in employee performance and evaluation. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 3(10), 206-212.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

HRM - Performance Management Plan

Rosa Jones

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

Project Management Plan

Plan Criteria


Provide a description of your company and employees.

The company name is "we care". The aim of the company is to provide life coaching and mentoring. We are in a modern world where people are equipped with every possible knowledge and skills. The only thing needed is to polish soft skills and make the best use of time and skills in an efficient way. The company will provide a wide range of coaching, , and therapy. The company will hire top phycologists and psychotherapists to provide counseling to people suffering from anxieties as a result of work pressure, education peer pressure or family issues. The company will hire career counselor people who are experts in different fields to help people opt for better career opportunities. Also, there will be one department looking for yoga and meditation techniques which will help people cope up with stressful situations. This department will hire trained yoga and meditation therapists. The organization structure will be flat where power will be distributed among each departments head. And above all departments, there will be the director and deputy director who will look after the coordination among the different department. Below the managers of each department, the therapist and instructors will work. And below that level, blue collar workers would be hired for office maintenance.

How will you assess employees? (For example, will you make performance appraisals? Will you rank employees?)

Each department's manager will be held responsible to provide monthly evaluation report of the monthly performance of the instructors. Each department will be given a target to deal with at least 15 clients per month. The performance will be measured based upon the changing health and attitude conditions of the clients. A client should be dealt with a maximum of six months. And two final evaluations will be held by the end of each year and the health conditions of the clients will be measured as per their consent. Furthermore, client's feedback will also be evaluated.

How will you provide feedback? What kind of feedback will you provide?

The feedback to the employees will be provided according to the evaluation reports. Clients feedback will also be incorporated into the feedback form of the employees. Four meetings per year would be held so that the instructors and top management would gather and share ideas and work together for the betterment of the company. A yearly survey will also be arranged from all the employees as well as all the previous and current clients to give fruitful feedback to the top management as well as employees.

Will you use micromanagement or macro management? Explain how you will accomplish this.

The company will rely both on micro and macro management. The company if needed will hire a research team which can carry outreach to come up with the best possible solutions to help clients. The research team will also look into the scientific developments and the instructors will be provided with pieces of training on how to deal with the clients in a better way. Furthermore, the company can also outsource training programs for the instructors so that they can learn counseling and therapy techniques from the top-level experts outside. For micromanagement, the company will also use a reward system as per the ranking of the employees to provide them incentives for better performance. For top-level management, the board of directors will also evaluate their performance in reference to the overall performance and will be rewarded accordingly.

How will you reward the top employees? How will you handle low-performing employees?

There will be multiple reward system. Firstly, there would be a financial reward for top management. The head manager of each department will be given financial benefits upon target achievement. As well as the instructors will be given benefits. If certain department exceeds the target, they will be given bonus awards. For the topmost management, the reward will be given informs of international trips and more vacations time. To keep all the employees satisfied all the employees including the maintenance workers will be given financial as well as vacation benefits. As far as the matter of low performing workers is concerned, they will be given training both inside and outside the organization. A close performance measure will be held, and incentives will be given.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 2 Words: 600

HRM 510 Wrongful Termination

HRM 510 Wrongful Termination


School or Institution Name (University at Place or Town, State)

HRM 510 Wrongful Termination

Human resource departments are of crucial importance in any organization because they are responsible for providing the best available human talent to the rest of the departments. Along with many critical responsibilities of a human resource manager is to terminate or fire an existing employee. There can be multiple scenarios leading to employee lay-offs and terminations ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a2880428qf0","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Wolf, 2019)","plainCitation":"(Wolf, 2019)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1802,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/SM8B3P7N"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/SM8B3P7N"],"itemData":{"id":1802,"type":"article-journal","title":"Securing Coverage for Wrongful Termination","container-title":"Risk Management","page":"12-13","volume":"66","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Wolf","given":"Daniel"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2019"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Wolf, 2019). The paper discusses the legal restrictions and policies compliance for the cases where the employees are being terminated on the basis of their performance and behavioral conduct at the workplace. Laying-off a large number of employees at the time of filing bankruptcies for particular organizations but terminating the services of an employee in a progressing business is not an easy task.

Firing an employee is a decision that is not concluded immediately or in a hurry. It involves various legal perspectives as well. In case of a loyal and experienced employee, the decision of termination is even harder as compared to the terminations involving fresh talent. There are a lot of investments involved in preparing the employee to fit particular business requirements, and sudden terminations of such employees will not be welcomed by their colleagues. Such actions can intrigue other fellows to adopt illegal methods in support of their colleague as well ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a31ph2sm2b","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Macpherson & Stephenson, 2016)","plainCitation":"(Macpherson & Stephenson, 2016)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1803,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/KCVB85EU"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/KCVB85EU"],"itemData":{"id":1803,"type":"article-journal","title":"Assessing Economic Damages in Wrongful Termination Cases","container-title":"J. Legal Econ.","page":"31","volume":"23","author":[{"family":"Macpherson","given":"David A."},{"family":"Stephenson","given":"Stanley P."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Macpherson & Stephenson, 2016). One of the legal complexities involved in the termination of an employee is known as constructive discharge. Constructive discharge is referred to as the situation when an employer intentionally makes the working conditions worse for a particular employee. The situation is made so cruel for the individual that there are no options left for the employee other than resignation. Employers can use the tactics of constructive discharge to obtain forceful resignations from their employees.

Constructive discharge is similar to the wrongful termination in a way that an employer can violate the terms and conditions of an agreement to get rid of a particular employee. Although constructive discharge is a nefarious activity that must not be practiced by organizations, the concept of constructive discharge is recognized by most states as a legal concept. It is recognized legally because the employee quit the job due to the behavior of an employer ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a440rpi3c6","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Howell, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Howell, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1804,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/FEBS3D98"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/FEBS3D98"],"itemData":{"id":1804,"type":"article-journal","title":"Implications of Wrongful Termination Suits in Industrial Facilities","container-title":"Journal of Business","page":"100-103","volume":"6","issue":"3","author":[{"family":"Howell","given":"K. R."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Howell, 2018). It has a legal basis because such forced resignations are considered direct terminations due to the fact that the employee was not left with any other reasonable option to continue the job. Therefore, in such conditions, even the employee has reigned it will be considered as the wrongful firing of the employee. Organizations may face lawsuits regarding such constructive discharges.

On the other hand, such legal backing of the constructive discharge may also urge the employee to file false cases against their employer based on personal preferences. Therefore, an employee cannot simply quit the job and claim compensation for constructive discharge. For claims of constructive discharge, an employee is required to prove that the working environment was extremely unfair to compel for a resignation. Further, the employee must also prove that the employer was either aware of the intolerable working conditions or has intentionally made the conditions worse. In claims of the constructive discharge filed by the employees, the courts will look for several aspects ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a1v9if0tdmu","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hawkins, 2018)","plainCitation":"(Hawkins, 2018)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1805,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/GPZMYJIG"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/GPZMYJIG"],"itemData":{"id":1805,"type":"article-journal","title":"Wrongful Termination Whistleblower-protection","container-title":"Wisconsin Law Journal","author":[{"family":"Hawkins","given":"Derek"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2018"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hawkins, 2018). Investigations may include that whether the employer forced the employee to participate in illegal activity or the employer tried to rectify the issues. The courts will also access the time between the initiation of severe actions of the employer and the resignation by the employee. It will be hard for the employee to prove that his perception of intolerable working conditions is not subjective. In this way, laws provide protection to organizations and employees as well.

As discussed above it involves a significant investment in training an employee to fit the particular needs of the business. Therefore, employers can bind the employees by contracts to not leave the job unless stipulated conditions are met. One similar concept is the use of employment at will. Employment at will entitles the employer with the powers that the employee can be terminated at any point in time without stating any reason for termination or without the issuance of a single warning ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a1e5timdmb7","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hawkins, 2017a)","plainCitation":"(Hawkins, 2017a)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1806,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/UVRPJQ9T"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/UVRPJQ9T"],"itemData":{"id":1806,"type":"article-journal","title":"VII Violation–Wrongful Termination","container-title":"Wisconsin Law Journal","author":[{"family":"Hawkins","given":"Derek"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hawkins, 2017a). Employment at will contracts may help employers in certain ways, but the employees also have rights protected by state and federal laws. Therefore, exceptions to the employment at will contracts exist in a broad spectrum. Most of the employees in the United States are covered by the employment at will contracts according to which they can be terminated any time for any reason or for no reason at all. Employment at will contracts also allows the employer to change working conditions for the employees without any prior notice to them.

However, exceptions to the employment contracts provide employees with the protection of their rights where they are protected by state or federal laws or by collective bargaining agreements or public policies. Not all of the employees are subject to employment at will contracts. Most of the time when employees accept their job offer letters, the rules or terms and conditions of the employment may be stated in the letter or employee handbook of the company stating exceptions to the employment at will ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"amrb3pij93","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Hawkins, 2017b)","plainCitation":"(Hawkins, 2017b)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1807,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/3XPRVIX6"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/3XPRVIX6"],"itemData":{"id":1807,"type":"article-journal","title":"Wrongful Termination–Title VII Violation","container-title":"Wisconsin Law Journal","author":[{"family":"Hawkins","given":"Derek"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Hawkins, 2017b). Employees may be covered under other types of stripped down versions of employment at will agreements usually supplied with job offer letters. Employees having coverage by the union agreements often know about the conditions that can result in their employment termination. Usually, such agreements stipulate that the employees can only be terminated due to some valid reason governed by the rules of the employee union or agreement also known as the collective bargain.

Company policies can state the rules and conditions according to which the employment contracts of the employees can be terminated. A good company policy to avoid any severe legal consequences would be to detail the complete procedure of employee termination including the warning life cycle. Most of the time organizations follow the warning card approach to avoid any legal consequences. For example, a first oral warning may be issued at the first mistake with a light tone. The second oral warning can be issued with a harsh tone. After the oral warnings if the issue is not taken seriously then first written warning with a lighter tone can be issued ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"a2barng6e8m","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Baum, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Baum, 2015)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1808,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/97AETDKM"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/97AETDKM"],"itemData":{"id":1808,"type":"article-journal","title":"Employee Tenure and Economic Losses in Wrongful Termination Cases: A Reply to Nicholas Coleman","container-title":"Journal of Forensic Economics","page":"95-97","volume":"26","issue":"1","author":[{"family":"Baum","given":"Charles L."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Baum, 2015). Finally, a second written warning with a harsh tone can be issued to the employee leading to the termination of the contract. Some organizations may follow a time-based warning system such as the first yellow card warning for two weeks of improvement. Second yellow card warning with a single week of improvement time allowed and finally a red card warning leading to the termination of the contract with the employee.

Public policies can also protect employees from wrongful terminations and put restrictions on employers as well. For example, employers can be restricted by the public policies not to fire an employee who has filed a claim for compensation. Public policies can also protect employees rejecting the violation of laws while performing their duties against wrongful termination. Public policies clearly define the protections for the employees engaging in roles of public interest such as serving in the military. Many courts of law, almost in eleven states of the United States protect employees from wrongful discharge ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"ar479mr25f","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(McGinley & Buonocore Porter, 2017)","plainCitation":"(McGinley & Buonocore Porter, 2017)"},"citationItems":[{"id":1809,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/K25ATAH7"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/gITejLE9/items/K25ATAH7"],"itemData":{"id":1809,"type":"article-journal","title":"Public Policy and Workers' Rights: Wrongful Discipline Actions and Good-Faith Beliefs","container-title":"Emp. Rts. & Emp. Pol'y J.","page":"511","volume":"21","author":[{"family":"McGinley","given":"Ann C."},{"family":"Buonocore Porter","given":"Nicole"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (McGinley & Buonocore Porter, 2017). Employees can file lawsuits if they believe that their termination was not just. Although employers can be legally permitted to practice employment at will, they give due respect to the opinion of their employees as well. It is because if an employer has developed a reputation of wrongfully terminating employees will face severe difficulties in retaining top performing employees in the company.

Therefore, careful actions are inevitable by human resource managers in every organization to maintain a good reputation and loyalty of employees. Higher turnover rates of employees due to poor handling of concerns of employees regarding working conditions will put a substantial financial burden on the business. Such burdens often lead to lower revenue streams and reputation loss. Having a poor reputation in employee handling not only reduce the revenue stream and business growth but also provide the competitors in the same market to outperform the business. Appropriate warning mechanisms for employee terminations must be followed such as yellow card warnings or oral and written warning approach. Oral and written warning approach is best utilized by project managers. For long-term employees, the yellow card warning mechanisms are more appropriate as compared to the others. Organizations carefully dealing with employee terminations will enjoy a competitive advantage and increased business growth. More talented people will be available to join the organization, and it will add value to the business as well. Poor handling or wrongful terminations may lead to lawsuits by employees or in severe cases of reputation loss.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Baum, C. L. (2015). Employee Tenure and Economic Losses in Wrongful Termination Cases: A Reply to Nicholas Coleman. Journal of Forensic Economics, 26(1), 95–97.

Hawkins, D. (2017a). VII Violation–Wrongful Termination. Wisconsin Law Journal.

Hawkins, D. (2017b). Wrongful Termination–Title VII Violation. Wisconsin Law Journal.

Hawkins, D. (2018). Wrongful Termination Whistleblower-protection. Wisconsin Law Journal.

Howell, K. R. (2018). Implications of Wrongful Termination Suits in Industrial Facilities. Journal of Business, 6(3), 100–103.

Macpherson, D. A., & Stephenson, S. P. (2016). Assessing Economic Damages in Wrongful Termination Cases. J. Legal Econ., 23, 31.

McGinley, A. C., & Buonocore Porter, N. (2017). Public Policy and Workers’ Rights: Wrongful Discipline Actions and Good-Faith Beliefs. Emp. Rts. & Emp. Pol’y J., 21, 511.

Wolf, D. (2019). Securing Coverage for Wrongful Termination. Risk Management, 66(1), 12–13.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

HRM Executive Interview

HRM Executive Interview

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HRM Executive Interview


The efficient and productive organizations which are performing very well have a much developed human resources department and are considered as a vital sign for the successful running of the business, just like the other departments. To understand the functions of a human resource department in a better way, an exclusive interview was held with an HR executive, who specializes in the said field and is working in the same department from a long time. Mr. A has been serving the human resources department of a well-known production and services firm, ABC, form the last ten years. He is working at the leading position of the department, i.e., head of the HR department. Organizations, whether working in the products sector or services area, strive to grab the maximum market share and become successful in the region in which they are operating. Multiple strategies are developed in order to get the attention of a maximum number of customers and serve them with providing optimum quality products or an excellent level of services. In order to achieve all these purposes and earn the maximum degree of profits from the region, it is very much necessary that the company takes care of its employees. All good organizations design and implement strategies that keep their employees motivated and charged for work. Organizations also try to develop and maintain a favorable workplace environment for their employees so that they feel comfortable while working for the company and produce the optimum level of results. All these functions are carried on by an essential department, known as the Human Resources Department.


ABC technologies are a production and services firm that specializes in providing software and technology products as services to its consumers. It has been working in the market since the last 25 years and has served many prominent names of the market. Starting from a small office in the room of a house, ABC technologies is now a medium-sized form with approximately two to three hundred employees spread across its branches in 4 cities and is planning to expand more.

Effective Human Resource Management

Having a chance to discuss various human resource functions in ABC technologies was a unique experience, and I got to learn multiple new aspects of the human resource department. My first and foremost question from the HR manager was obviously about the basic knowledge of human resources. I wanted to know that what it is precisely and how an effectively managed human resource function can contribute in the success and prosperity of an organization to which he responded, that the human resource is a function connected to the recruitment, hiring, firing, and compensation of the employees in an organization (Cascio, 2016). The changing role of the organizational functions is also profoundly affecting the purpose of all the departments in the organization, and In today's dynamic environment, a human resource department should establish the systems of successful performance management, career success planning, and employee development. Such strategies keep the employees motivated, engaged, and committed to the organization, which ultimately leads to better productivity and success.

Alignment of HRM with Business Strategy

The next thing that I wanted to know was how to align the HR practices with the business strategy so that the organization can work in coordination. Mr. A told me that for an organization to succeed and make a right name in the market, it is very much necessary that all its departments are entirely aligned with the business vision and mission. Human resource department is a vital department, which needs to be necessarily aligned with the business goals so that success can be ensured. Human resource department should develop such strategies which are in line with the business strategies so that the trust of employees can be established towards the department (Kravetz, 2018).

Collaboration of Management and Employees

Upon asking that how human resource department collaborates with the higher management to ensure maximum productivity and engagement from the employees, Mr. A responded that it is a very complicated as well as an overwhelming task (Noe et al., 2017). Human resource department coordinates with the higher management and develops such strategies that may motivate the employees and prove to be beneficial for them in a longer run. These include better compensation packages, regular increments, benefits and rewards and arrangement of different activities, to keep the employees fresh.


I was interested to know that what are the challenges a human resource department faces, especially an HR department of a technological firm, and how do the managers cope up with those challenges. Mr. A told that the biggest challenge that any technology firm faces in current times is employee turnover. He said that a number of technology firms are emerging nowadays in the local as well as the global market, which is looking for expert and talented employees. These firms attract the already working employees with apparently attractive packages, and they rush towards those organizations. Mr. A told that the human resources department at ABC technologies copes up with this attitude by providing better rewards and benefits and effective counseling (Okpara, & Wynn, 2007).

Although, I had already read about the functions of human resource and the role a human resource department plays in an organization, watching it practically happen in a real-world organization was quite different. This interview gave me great insights about various human resource functions and how the subject is almost at work in the organizations competing in the real business world. Firstly, the informative interview session gave the knowledge that human resource is a vital part of an organization just like all the other functions in the organization like finance, sales, and marketing. Secondly, hearing the experiences from such a person who had been performing these functions from quite a long time was an excellent and informative experience (Cascio, 2016). The knowledge that I got through this interview session was entirely in accordance with the information that was conveyed to me through the material that I was taught in the whole course. Thirdly, I felt like I was swimming through all my course during the session and at multiple places, I gave my input, confirming that whether the practices that I got to know during my course was practically happening in the organizations or not.


Hence, in the end, I would like to conclude that the interview with Mr. A was a unique experience loaded with lots of valuable information and knowledge related to the current business world, especially related to the subject. The duty of the human resource department is to look over the functions of recruiting, hiring, firing, and compensation in an organization. Moreover, the human resource department also controls the reward and benefits distributed in an organization. In order to achieve a balance between the above-mentioned functions and the organization, it is essential that the departmental strategies are entirely in-line with the overall strategy of the organization and they are completely aligned with the vision and mission statement of the company. Moreover, the company, in which Mr. A represents as a human resources manager, tends to control the challenges of the current business world by thoughtful planning and strategy designing. All this information was entirely in line with the knowledge that I was taught in class regarding effecting human resource practices and the duties of the human resource department.


Cascio, W. F., (2016). Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill.

Kravetz, D. J., (2018). The human resources revolution: Implementing progressive management practices for bottom-line success. Jossey-Bass.

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2017). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Okpara, J. O., & Wynn, P. (2007). Human resource management practices in a transition economy: Challenges and prospects. Management Research News, 31(1), 57-76.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

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