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The Value Of Failure In Leadership

The Value of Failure in Leadership

John A. Wilson

The value of Failure in Leadership

How failure can improve vision as a leader

As I think about my career, I believe there are many events, which remained influential toward building my personality, in the manner I am today. Becoming a strong leader requires the ability to forecast things, which may shape one’s personality. My personal visions, however, matured a bit late. I experienced numerous events, which, if I would have avoided would have proved beneficial. These failures are somehow beneficial as well since they make you realize where you are at fault ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"vFjGcxbl","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Goleman 2004, 65)","plainCitation":"(Goleman 2004, 65)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":478,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/6SPGPNJN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/6SPGPNJN"],"itemData":{"id":478,"type":"article-journal","source":"Google Scholar","title":"What makes a leader","author":[{"family":"Goleman","given":"Daniel"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}},"locator":"65","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Goleman 2004, 65). Though I have not been able to recover fully from my worst experiences, I had in the recent past but, I believe failures can be used to improve vision as a leader. First of all, failure makes someone a leader by offering them an opportunity to enhance analytical abilities. Once facing the hard times, I need to stand again and start analyzing the perceptions, I had before about the people I work with. It is actually broadening know-how and understanding about people, which will help in reinventing my own self ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"tXLuVAe9","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Goleman 2004, 67)","plainCitation":"(Goleman 2004, 67)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":478,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/6SPGPNJN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/6SPGPNJN"],"itemData":{"id":478,"type":"article-journal","source":"Google Scholar","title":"What makes a leader","author":[{"family":"Goleman","given":"Daniel"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}},"locator":"67","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Goleman 2004, 67).

This stage was an opportunity for me to revive my concepts about life and my understanding of the environment around, since a leader cannot isolate himself from the surroundings. The second manner, I believe would be helpful to improve my vision about leadership by building a new team and making more decisions. The reason for failure could be probably that I might have not used my abilities at the right place, or I have not been able to take decisions at the right time. This is why I believe that my vision of leadership is dynamic. Trusting anyone for too long and using anyone’s abilities not at the right place, might cause failures. This is why a leader needs to forecast things beforehand, otherwise, it can damage a leader’s abilities specifically and of the team generally.

Characteristics of a transformational leader

The leader, being a no divine personality, is vulnerable to coercions like other individuals; these can be personal in nature coupled with any external element playing a negative role as well. In order to chalk the transformational abilities, it is pertinent to refer to Smith’s arguments. According to him, a transformational leader is a self-motivated and a dynamic individual. He has referred to some key abilities which are necessary for transforming personalities of a leader ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"dwVXknoX","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Smith 2011, 651)","plainCitation":"(Smith 2011, 651)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":480,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/G7KWVMWB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/G7KWVMWB"],"itemData":{"id":480,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Nursing Management","issue":"9","page":"44–50","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Are you a transformational leader?","volume":"42","author":[{"family":"Smith","given":"Mary Atkinson"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}},"locator":"651","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Smith 2011, 651). Ability to take right decisions, self-management, being inspirational, adaptable, open to new initiatives and bold in decision making are some key abilities defined by Smith. These are some critical elements in transforming an individual into a true leader. Taking bold and right decisions makes you understand your path, adaptability is accepting the changes taking place around you, and self- management is posing yourself upright every time. Similarly, being inspirational opens the heart and mind to new avenues of ideas, that leave an impactful image over a leader’s imaginations.

Though each time, a leader is not successful in achieving the goals he desires, he has to face failures and has to search for new options ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"xrzMKavp","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Smith 2011, 652)","plainCitation":"(Smith 2011, 652)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":480,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/G7KWVMWB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/G7KWVMWB"],"itemData":{"id":480,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Nursing Management","issue":"9","page":"44–50","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Are you a transformational leader?","volume":"42","author":[{"family":"Smith","given":"Mary Atkinson"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}},"locator":"652","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Smith 2011, 652). At this stage, creativity is somehow compromised, but a transformable leader needs to remain consistent which is important for both, the leader and his team. Any negative feel may strengthen despair among team fellows, which is lasting. However, this is an opportunity as well, as now a leader is able to impart new aims and ambitions to himself and his team. The rationale, for this reason, is linked to the example argued by Bolman (et. al), who thinks that there is an unshakeable relation between the hierarchy and the lower management ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"v2GPJh9h","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Bolman and Deal 2017, 120)","plainCitation":"(Bolman and Deal 2017, 120)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":483,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/TE85J9GT"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/TE85J9GT"],"itemData":{"id":483,"type":"book","publisher":"John Wiley & Sons","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership","title-short":"Reframing organizations","author":[{"family":"Bolman","given":"Lee G."},{"family":"Deal","given":"Terrence E."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}},"locator":"120","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Bolman and Deal 2017, 120). Any negative thing influences every team member negatively, likewise, any positive things make each individual stand and rise again. At this stage, the team has coordinated once again to take over new challenges.

Is failure an integral part of life or not?

In order to take a guess about failure, one needs to think about life from a larger perspective. Life is nothing but a long way which entails many ups and downs. These ups and downs are so regular that sometimes they become unrecognizable. Being up is looking at things in a positive manner, and being down is thinking about life in a pessimist manner. These ups and downs are however, connected in any way, and this is where life exists. This same pattern is apparent in a leader’s life, which is rarely comprised of just achievements. This rare aspect suggests that failure is an integral part of life, which is there to enhance creativity. If a continuous pattern is followed in anyone’s life, it gradually becomes obsolete. There exists no chances that any improvement could be made, so therefore, failure is an integral part of humans’ life.

It can be best understood by referring to the examples of Bolman (et. al), who thinks that failure plays a vital part ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"FAshfbVD","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Bolman and Deal 2017, 124)","plainCitation":"(Bolman and Deal 2017, 124)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":483,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/TE85J9GT"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/TE85J9GT"],"itemData":{"id":483,"type":"book","publisher":"John Wiley & Sons","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership","title-short":"Reframing organizations","author":[{"family":"Bolman","given":"Lee G."},{"family":"Deal","given":"Terrence E."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}},"locator":"124","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Bolman and Deal 2017, 124). More generally, I believe that failure is an integral part of a leader’s life because it makes him understand people. Failures makes realize that a leader, can be compassionate and be kind as well. This is how a leader can leave a positive image over the subordinates. There are different other examples, which suggest that failure can be used as an opportunity for getting close to the people who work for you. Bolman (et. al), believes that failure actually creates a balance field for both the leaders and the people who work for them ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"rSUEBy6u","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Bolman and Deal 2017, 127)","plainCitation":"(Bolman and Deal 2017, 127)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":483,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/TE85J9GT"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/TE85J9GT"],"itemData":{"id":483,"type":"book","publisher":"John Wiley & Sons","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership","title-short":"Reframing organizations","author":[{"family":"Bolman","given":"Lee G."},{"family":"Deal","given":"Terrence E."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}},"locator":"127","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Bolman and Deal 2017, 127). There are different other examples as well, which suggest that failure is unavoidable and for such reasons, it is considered as an opportunity to excel in leadership skills. Most notable entrepreneurs have proved that failure actually provides a chance to alter things in a positive manner.

Five best practices for leaders to follow

A failure at an individual level is less impactful, compared to failure at an organizational level. There is a different set of practices which are followed at both levels. An individual practices different means to counter the setbacks of failure, whereas a leader has to employ different means to make things beneficial, for his own self and for others. In order to be an effective leader Smith believes that the following five practices can be effective (Smith 2011, 652).

Accepting failure: I believe it is one of the first things, a leader should do. My experiences suggest that unless there is not an acceptance of the failure or the fault, it becomes even more difficult to move on. Those who challenge factors which lead to their failure, manage to stand again in a more passionate manner. If a leader accepts failure, it is the first right step toward spreading inspiration among the team ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"VQucVcO2","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Smith 2011, 652)","plainCitation":"(Smith 2011, 652)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":480,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/G7KWVMWB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/G7KWVMWB"],"itemData":{"id":480,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Nursing Management","issue":"9","page":"44–50","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Are you a transformational leader?","volume":"42","author":[{"family":"Smith","given":"Mary Atkinson"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}},"locator":"652","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Smith 2011, 653).

Make employees feel relax: Failure is not always linked with the reasons created by any individual. Both failure and success are the results of collective effort. Leaders who tend to condense the team, right after they face a major drawback, loses some of the key assets and end up reinforcing competition in the market. For being an effective leader, it is right to make your people feel at ease.

Apologize quickly: With other negativities, failure brings many evil things. People become impolite and discourteous to each other, which becomes distressing for a leader. Since a leader is among one of them, therefore he needs to introduce the culture of confessions. It serves a purpose in many ways thus, leading to introduce a more friendly culture. An effective leader takes the head start in introducing such norms.

Fixing failures: An effective leader streamlines the process immediately and fixes the failure which has resulted in negative results before. Once the failures are fixed, it is time to look ahead and aim at a new goal ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"9FTqfcFe","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Smith 2011, 657)","plainCitation":"(Smith 2011, 657)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":480,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/G7KWVMWB"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/G7KWVMWB"],"itemData":{"id":480,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Nursing Management","issue":"9","page":"44–50","source":"Google Scholar","title":"Are you a transformational leader?","volume":"42","author":[{"family":"Smith","given":"Mary Atkinson"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2011"]]}},"locator":"657","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Smith 2011, 657).

Moving on: After making the above changes, moving on is the first ride, a new team has to hail together.

How experiences with failures and leadership affect risk-taking?

Goleman has worked on the benefits of risk-taking as well ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"OHj6voaa","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Goleman 2004)","plainCitation":"(Goleman 2004)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":478,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/6SPGPNJN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/6SPGPNJN"],"itemData":{"id":478,"type":"article-journal","source":"Google Scholar","title":"What makes a leader","author":[{"family":"Goleman","given":"Daniel"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Goleman 2004). He believes that risk-taking is just setting new goals. He believes that academic literature has introduced this term to broaden the scope of opportunities. For a leader, the environment in a society or in corporate culture is always different. He struggles to differentiate his personality throughout life, and he certainly receives success. The experiences with failures add a new dimension to risk-taking. This dimension is being more caring and cautious at the same time. If a leader is looking forward to a small goal, the risk-taking might not affect his vision. However, if his horizon is broad, he will have to broaden the risk factor as well. The experiences of failure and risk-taking are bit related. This relation strengthens and explore with time and develops an environment which continuously challenges the abilities and performances of each other,

Irrespective of the team behavior, a leader has to adapt to things that are quite unnatural. These things are more specific and aim at building an environment that is everlasting and rewarding for a leader. In taking a risk, a leader actually creates opportunities for himself, as pointed by Goleman who believes that leadership abilities are related to risk-taking and better managing the future course of actions ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"w2grCCTX","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Goleman 2004, 74)","plainCitation":"(Goleman 2004, 74)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":478,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/6SPGPNJN"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/8reWiRZH/items/6SPGPNJN"],"itemData":{"id":478,"type":"article-journal","source":"Google Scholar","title":"What makes a leader","author":[{"family":"Goleman","given":"Daniel"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2004"]]}},"locator":"74","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Goleman 2004, 74). These debates suggest that risk-taking invites with its benefits and opportunities which are perpendicular and valuable at the same time.

How experiences with failures and leadership affect leadership behavior?

In accordance with a behaviorist, man is the product of experiences and is himself the actual consequence. In the same way, leadership behavior is the product of failure and past experiences that are too prominent to behoove a leader to even shift to another style. It is found that the gaps in the practical approach to one type of leadership can help a leader to know what is the gap in the leadership stance which is promoted the situation or behavior that the leader is applying currently. In the same way, it is highlighted that negative response to a particular leadership style or the failure of the followers to keep a follow up not only helps the leader know the weakness but it can also help a leader to undergo self-grooming. History quotes different leaders whose leadership behaviors were changed in response to their experiences and the legendary impact infers that it is not a sign of a failure, but a precursor of success. Leadership is more of a crux, that is embellished with negative experience but it promotes positive future prospects. In a nutshell, failures in leadership are not inefficient of the leader but they are the assessment tools that incorporate positive leadership.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Bolman, Lee G., and Terrence E. Deal. 2017. Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership. John Wiley & Sons.

Goleman, Daniel. 2004. “What Makes a Leader.”

Smith, Mary Atkinson. 2011. “Are You a Transformational Leader?” Nursing Management 42(9): 44–50.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 6 Words: 1800

Total Rewards System Proposal

Competitive Compensation Management

[Enter name of Student here]

[Enter the name of Institution here]

Overview of the total reward system

The competitive salary packages are required to retain quality workforce with the company. However, in the modern era, a competitive salary is not sufficient to retain the quality employees and companies have to offer a total rewards system to the employees to retain them. The basic components of such a system are discussed in the following lines.


The compensation includes the basic salary that will be paid to the employee but there are short or long term incentive pays given to the employees. A variable pay system is the one that rewards the employees on the base of their performance. This means that the employee will have to continue working with the same level of hard work to earn the same amount of salary over and over again. In the short term incentive pay, performance improvements are seen over a period of less than 1 year. In the long term incentive plan, the time period is more than one year. Both these techniques work well in order to motivate the worker to perform well. These aspects are also sufficient to motivate those employees who work to exceed the expectations in the work setting.


In order to achieve the goals of any organization, the employees should feel that they are also playing an important part in the process of goal achievement. The system should be developed where the management at all levels is ready to provide timely feedback on the performance criteria of the employees CITATION Ran84 \l 1033 (Schuler & Macmillan, 1984). This feedback should be specific to the tasks undertaken by the employees.


The benefits component of the system should include the annual leaves, medical insurance and leaves and some casual leaves that can be used to spend time with family. This section will also include the minimum amount of contribution from the employee and employer towards the social security and unemployment. A satisfactory package that includes sufficient benefits can become an advantage for the company against the competitors and can result in keeping high quality work force.

Work/Life Balance

The system should be maintained in such a way that none of the employees feel over worked. The employees will remain much happier if their work flow is smooth and allows them to keep a balance between work and family responsibilities. Some of the employees may need to have specialized schedules due to their family demands. An effective system will keep these special needs in view and provide these employees with ample opportunities to cope with their family responsibilities as well as their professional responsibilities. Some of the employees may be facing some family or personal issues which are disturbing them and not allowing them to perform their duties in a proper manner CITATION Geo87 \l 1033 (T.Milkovich, 1987). The organization should provide counseling to these employees to help them get out of these problems. Similar help can be offered to the employees who are nearing their retirements and will receive a considerable amount of money, they will be guided how to invest this amount of money to get the best rewards.


There should be ample opportunities for the employees to develop themselves to higher positions in the organization. An organization can have a defined system which will give almost equal opportunities to the employees to get promoted CITATION Che \l 1033 (Vanornum).

Total Reward strategy

In order to make an effective total rewards strategy, we have to assess the meanings of the terms included in the above heading. Rewards are taken or received by the people who work for some organization and it has some value for them. A simple interpretation of rewards is the salary that is received by the employees. The rewards are given in return to a large number of events which may include the hard work put in to make a successful product launch. By total, we assume that everything that is associated with the rewards will be included. The total rewards may be intrinsic or extrinsic in nature. The extrinsic rewards are given as a result of what a person has done for the organization whereas the intrinsic rewards include the appreciation that has been given to the employees by their seniors. A strategy is a plan that forces the company to take some action. In other words, there is a documented action plan that has to be executed in order to fulfill some requirements. These requirements might be to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. In the light of this discussion, a total rewards strategy is a statement that will identify the way in which an organization will reward the employees if they do the needful for achieving the organizational mission and objectives CITATION Har171 \l 1033 (G.Barkena & Majia, 2017).

The total reward strategy is based upon the core mission of an organization and it must explain the philosophy behind the total rewards system. This should identify the most important aspects relevant to the company. This will provide an important framework to know why the programs are focused in a particular manner. We consider that the most important aspect for the company is growth, then the statement should be “The employees in our organization know that they have to contribute towards our expansion and growth”. This statement shows that the employees know what is required from them CITATION Fra02 \l 1033 (Lyons & ora, 2002).

There should be a statement that unifies the various strategic aspects of the organization to the rewards and compensation programs. This task is very difficult as all the parts of the organization should be considered while setting up this statement. The overall desired outcome from the total rewards systems should be properly communicated. In our example, the statement may be “The compensation and benefit program will reflect our philosophy of growth. These rewards will adequately represent the differences between responsibilities and seniority, the basic work out of these programs will remain the same.”

The last part of the strategy is to ascertain the purpose of each primary reward program. These may include the rewards, benefits, work/life balance and appraisal. The rewards exist to provide basic pay to the employees, employees will spend this amount for their basic necessities and a good rewards system will provide competitive advantage to the organization. The rewards program should be much more than a mere paycheck. The identification of your hard work is another aspect of the rewards system.

In summary, the strategy for total rewards will be focused on the growth of organization by keeping the workforce satisfied with the help of comprehensive rewards and benefits system.

Advantages of the total rewards strategy and Employee needs

The first advantage of the total rewards strategy is that there will be a clear path in front of all the employees including the top, middle and lower management to follow. This is growth in our case. All the resources will then be allocated to the activities that will be required to drive the maximum possible growth for the organization. The definition of growth is also very clear in terms of expansion across the country. This will mean that the organization has to generate maximum revenues to finance the growth opportunities. This will benefit the company as these smaller objectives will lead to successful implementation of strategy.

All the internal stakeholders will know what to expect from others and what will be the consequences if these expectations are not met. For the employees, this will mean that they will get paid handsomely if they put appropriate efforts to attain the organizational objects. If they do not put appropriate efforts, they will lose some or all of their pay. From the organizational perspectives, it has to reward the employees appropriately of the efforts are moving in the right direction, failing to do so will result in the loss of some valuable employees who will be dissatisfied because the organization did not fulfil its commitment.

Another advantage of this strategy is that a united effort will present a very positive image of the company to the outside world. The successful implementation of this strategy will improve the image of this company in the eyes of external stakeholders and it will become easier for it to take external funds required for the growth options.

The physiological needs of the employees will be fulfilled with the amount of money they will get as salary and pay. These needs include food, shelter and clothing. Once these needs are fulfilled, safety needs have to be fulfilled which include the surety that the job is secure and the employee will not be fired off this job. The growth is a long term process and organization cannot afford to bring in new employees after a certain time period, this means that the high performing employees will not lose their jobs. The social needs refer to the opportunity for the employees to spend sufficient time with their family and friends just as the work life balance in the characteristics of total rewards system. The employees who have been working effectively towards implementing the growth strategy will be allowed to avail the vacations with their families and friends as a part of compensation package. This will satisfy their social needs. Esteem needs refer to the fact that all employees are respected by their seniors even if there is an unpleasant incident in the work place. This need will be fulfilled because the organization needs to retain the high performing employees and nobody will be willing to work in a disrespectful atmosphere. The last need is the self-actualization where employees are allowed to implement their maximum abilities in the work place. In other words, the work will be challenging enough to bring the best out of them. The high performing and experienced employees will be given the challenging tasks that will also help the organization to grow in the long run.

Key communication components

The Shannon-Weaver model of communication considers that the intended message of the sender may not be received exactly by the receiver, this happens due to the presence of noise factors that distract the message sent by the sender. In the present scenario, noise may be the family pressures on some employees that may hinder their ability to correctly interpret the message sent by the strategy of growth and the objectives to successfully implement it. The organization must take steps to identify such employees who have family issues and help them resolving these issues so that they can focus effectively on their jobs. Similarly some of the job pressures may also work as noise. These pressures may come from the harsh attitudes from the immediate boss or some of the coworkers. In both cases, ample measures should be taken by the organization to improve the work atmosphere so that the strategy of growth can be properly implemented. Internally, there should be very strong communication between the employees to minimize the effects of any form of noise.

The Osgood and Dance Circular model suggests that communication is a process that is circular in nature. The message and feedback to it forms the whole circle. An increased number of circles completed in terms of sending message and receiving feedback will mean that the communication between the two parties is stronger. This applies well to the situation discussed by us so far. The more emphasis is placed on the growth strategy, there will be as much clarity among the employees as to how the objectives can be achieved in order to implement the strategy.

The communication will start with a clear message to all the employees about what the organization wants to achieve as a whole. Growth is the major theme that has to be communicated to all the employees. This will be communicated by the immediate bosses to all the employees which will mean that there will be a top-down approach to communicate the message to all the employees. There should be a constant recheck on the direction of the organization and any discrepancies should be immediately communicated.

The objectives have already been set as to increase the sales by 10% over the period of next 1 year. This objective is specific as to show what to do. It is measurable in terms of change in sales as well as in terms of time period.

The audience of this message is the set of employees working in the organization who need to work hard to implement the growth strategy.

Strategy for devising a competitive pay structure

Human resource has become a part of the organization that is now considered a competitive advantage under certain circumstances. Thus, this part of the organization is no longer seen as being separate from all the other departments of the organization. Consequently, the pays and rewards given to the human resources should also be competitive so that the organization can compete effectively with the competitors. In line with the growth strategy, the major strategy statement for this organization will be to recruit, train and retain the best employees available in the market.

In order to make a strategy, the organization will have to check the budgets that it can allocate for the payments to its workforce. Allocation will also include that the percentages of the various components of salary structure are also defined. If the salary is 90% of the total payment, then the 10% may be spent as 8% on health benefits and 2% on retirement savings. Since the organization has formulated a growth strategy, the overall budget allocated for the salaries will have to be increased.

The second step is to develop the ranges of salaries that will be paid at different levels of management and workforce. This will help our organization to keep the pays in line with the competing firms. Bench marking is a way to ensure that the salaries and other benefits are coinciding with the competing organizations. Comprehensive research will be required to analyze the appropriate salary ranges for different positions within the organization. The more critical a job is in the implementation of corporate strategy, the higher will be the salary range. Salary ranges should also match the job description as stated by the organization.

There should be audits conducted to view the changes in salary paid to the employees by the competitive firms. Such audit will help to reset the salaries within our organization. This may happen because of an economic boom. This audit will also determine the extent to which the jobs themselves are competitive as compared to the other firms. This will equate the things both from the worker’s perspective and from the organization’s perspective. The external aspects related to the compensation are also considered while conducting the audit. The instability on the political scenario will affect the ability of some firms to pay their employees well. An audit in this situation will bring out the strategy adopted by some other firms to cope with this situation. The failure to conduct such an audit frequently will affect the ability of the firm to retain quality employees.

Benefit packages are used to attract new employees as well as to retain existing ones. The main purpose of these benefits is to keep the overall package competitive compared to the other firms in the industry. Some aspects include health benefits, retirement benefits and tuition reimbursement. These benefits play an important role in deciding whether an employee will be accepting an offered position with an organization and whether any particular employee will leave any organization. There are certain instances where employees have stuck to a certain organization solely because of these benefits.

The current scenario requires that the performance of all the employees is measured against the objectives formed to implement the strategy. The efforts should be directed towards the attainment of organizational objectives. If there is considerable gap in the employee performance, then measures should be taken to rectify the situation.

All the federal and state laws should be adhered to while making the strategy for competitive compensation. Some laws may include the minimum wage and overtime pay.

The last part of the strategy is that there are certain people who are responsible for the implementation of strategy for competitive compensation. This will mean that the whole process has been overlooked by some person who has a responsible position in the organizational structure. This will also set up a culture where employees are engaged and retained on the basis of their performance.


BIBLIOGRAPHY G.Barkena, H., & Majia, L. R. (2017). Managerial Compensation and Firm P:erformance: A Genera lResearch Framework. Academy of Management Journal.

Lyons, F. H., & ora, D. B. (2002). Totla Rewards Strategy: The Best foundation of Pay for Performance. Compensation and Benefits Review.

Schuler, R. S., & Macmillan, I. C. (1984). Gaining Competitive Advantage through human resource management practices. Human Resource Management, 241-255.

T.Milkovich, G. (1987). A Strategic Perspective on Compensation Management. Ithaca ,NY: CAHRS .

Vanornum, C. (n.d.). https://hrsoft.com/blog/what-are-the-components-of-a-total-rewards-system/. Retrieved from https://hrsoft.com: https://hrsoft.com/blog/what-are-the-components-of-a-total-rewards-system/

Subject: HRM

Pages: 9 Words: 2700

Training, Career Development, And Retention

Title page

Training, career development and retention


Training, career development and retention are important aspects for the survival of the firms in the aviation industry. With technological advancements, the dependence of the companies on training and retention programs have increased. It is critical for organizational success and their survival in a diverse culture. Changes in the market structure have encouraged the firms to invest in these factors as they are crucial for driving success. The organization defines the standards of training and retention programs because it delivers for the improvements in its implementation. An appropriate project approach is vital for the effective management and determination of timely progress. The managers have a responsibility to identify the critical success factors that are required for successful training.

Training program

It is essential for the companies in the aviation industry to provide adequate training to the employees that allow them to develop skills set required for working. literature suggests that the role of the factors may change with the life cycle depicting the need for considering multiple factors. The managers must be able to pick the most important factors affecting the performance of the employees throughout. Managers rely on subjective judgment because the companies can have their criteria for assessing success and failure. It is also possible that the staff skills set working for one organization may be least effective for another firm. Muller (2005) revealed that "success was seen as an analogy for gaining consensus from a group of people to defining good art”.

The training program will assist employees in learning specific knowledge and skills that improve their performance in their current roles. development stresses on employee growth and future performance. High impact-employee training allows companies to retain the right people and attain high profits. The turnover rate of employees is high in the aviation industry but lack of skills and experience undermine their performance and professional competency.

The training program focuses on efficient management of the resources in a manner that they deliver the work needed for surviving in the aviation industry remaining within the scope, time and constraints. Several factors influence the success of the program while the main emphasis is on improving the engagement of managers and employees. Their direct and continuous engagement has a significant influence on the efficiency and productivity of the organization. Development of a comprehensive plan remains a crucial factor for the training program. The initiating phase identifies the opportunities or problem faced by the employees and the organization. It documents the recommended solutions for overcoming future threats faced by the employee and assisting them in overcoming their weaknesses CITATION Des171 \l 1033 (McEwan, Ruissen, Eys, Zumbo, & Beauchamp, 2017).

Skills development

The key skills required by the ground airport staff include; communications, flexibility, planning/ organization, interpersonal abilities, problem-solving attitude and responsibility. Airport ground staff has to interact directly with the customers and also carry messages for different departments. Communications is thus an essential skill set required by the staff. The training is focused on improving the listening ability of the staff by explaining the theories of communication its practical implications. Communication skills require that the staff must be able to transmit the message inappropriate manner. This is useful in their profession because it eliminates the possibilities of miscommunication or delays in the information. Working at ground level requires that the staff must be competent in sharing their ideas in a clear manner. They must possess good written communication skills also that is required for writing emails, memos and reports CITATION Iru14 \l 1033 (Shahzadi, Javed, & Pirzada, 2014).

The staff must be capable of engaging in planning and organizing things. this reflects their ability to managing work on time. The turnover of customers is high on airports so the staff needs to be efficient and take timely decisions. Planning is another important skill required by the staff so they are trained to estimate time and deploy a plan for finishing it before the deadline. The ground staff is also trained to adopt flexible behavior because they need to control multiple tasks and assignments. Flexibility allows them to find the most important tasks and decide which one needs to be completed first. This helps them in adjusting tasks according to their needs. The training provides the opportunity for developing interpersonal abilities. This requires that the staff must be able to interact with their boss, employees and customers. This is a prominent trait that assists staff in maintaining a good relationship with co-workers and customers. Problem-solving attitude encourages staff members to solve problems at the workplace. They often encounter unexpected situations where they cannot use their prior experience or knowledge. In such situations, they need to use their problem-solving attitude for handling the unfamiliar situation. Such an attitude helps in resolving the issue immediately that leads to increased efficiency in operations. Teamwork is an important trait that is essential for ground airport staff. This is because they are working in teams and groups that need coordination and supportive attitude. The staff is trained to adopt responsible behavior and follow guidelines for completing tasks on time.

Career development

The organization provides training and supervision to the airport ground staff that helps in their career development. Development opportunities are provided on the basis of equal opportunities and without any discrimination. Equal opportunities and affirmative actions allow staff to work for the attainment of organizational goals. To ensure the provision of adequate career opportunities the staff is offered training after every six months. Various jobs are offered at the ground level including security officers, customer service assistant, engineer apprentice, management officers, risk management team and booking officers CITATION Kri18 \l 1033 (Malek, Kline, & DiPietro, 2018).

Career development has positive impact in employees’ performance and motivation. The organization must provide ample opportunities to the airport ground staff that will allow them to establish skills required for career growth. Traditional vertical career ladder is utilized for providing growth prospects. This is important for raising morale and motivation of the staff. The firm thus provides avenue that help staff members in reaching their career goals. Some of these goals include increase in salaries, benefits and rotation to the senior level. This also involves transferring staff to different positions for assisting them in exploring new skills and improving knowledge. This builds competency for working in various departments and handling different positions. This strategy has direct implications on morale, career satisfaction and productivity level. The employees don’t feel that they are working on same levels CITATION Kri18 \l 1033 (Malek, Kline, & DiPietro, 2018).

Career development is directly linked to the roles and duties assigned to the staff. By working at challenging positions the staff develop leadership skills that boost their professional competency. Several management and supervisory opportunities are provided to the ground staffs that familiarize them with challenging situations. The staff needs to utilize their skills for taking leadership positions. Quality assurance at management and maintenance level are also required for building professional competency. Placement at challenging roles allows staff to explore their strengths and weaknesses.


It is crucial to adopt effective employee retention strategies that develop loyalty and prevent workers from leaving jobs at airports. The organization has spent a huge amount on the training and professional development of the ground airport staff so losing them will cause financial loss. The new staff hired for similar positions pose more challenges due to lack of skills and experience. It is more rational to adopt strategies that lead to employee retention. The primary factor that impacts the decision of employees includes salary. The organization must provide competitive salary by considering the market trends and offered salaries by other airports. Healthcare benefits and insurance also impacts the decision of staff to stay in the company. The airports that aim at retaining workers must provide fringe benefits. Bonuses and salary raise are also effective tools for promoting employee retention. While deciding salary benefits they must not be less than industry standards CITATION Bod16 \l 1033 (Kossivi, Ming, & Kalgora, 2016).

Another technique adopted by the human resource department for retention of employees includes the hiring of the right people. The people hired for the jobs must be well informed and have knowledge of salary, benefits and company policy CITATION Nau15 \l 1033 (Shakeel & but, 2015). This increases their possibilities of providing long-term services and working for the same organization. Creating work balance allow organizations to develop positive feelings in staff. They realize that the organization cares for them and they are not overburdened. This has positive impacts on employees' decision of continuing work. creating a stress-free workplace is also an effective strategy for promoting employee retention. This requires knowing the issues of the employees and providing the response. Provision of a safe and discrimination-free environment also has a positive impact on staff retention. This integrates positive feelings as the staff realize that the company cares for them. Provision of equal treatment and considering the principle of merit for promotion is also essential for creating and positive culture. These factors allow airport ground staff to develop positive feelings for the organization to build loyalty towards it.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Kossivi, B., Ming, & Kalgora, B. (2016). Study on Determining Factors of Employee Retention. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 4, 261-268.

Malek, K., Kline, S. F., & DiPietro, R. (2018). The impact of manager training on employee turnover intentions. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 1 (3), 203-219.

McEwan, D., Ruissen, G. R., Eys, M. A., Zumbo, B. D., & Beauchamp, M. R. (2017). European Journal of Business and Management www.iiste.org. Plos One.

Shahzadi, I., Javed, A., & Pirzada, S. S. (2014). Impact of Employee Motivation on Employee Performance. European Journal of Business and Management www.iiste.org, 6 (23).

Shakeel, N., & but, S. (2015). Factors Influencing Employee Retention: An Integrated Perspective. Journal of Resources Development and Management www.iiste.org, 6, 32-49.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Unit 1 Assignment

Unit 1 Assignment

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Unit 1 Assignment

Geert Hofstede identified five dissimilar cultural dimensions concerning particular countries and assigned a mathematical score to each per their beliefs about each of the cultural dimensions. The five cultural dimensions are:

Power distance

Power distance in the Hofstede model means how people of a particular culture react or feel about the power relationships, for instance, manager and assistant manager, director and subordinate, etc. It also means how much of this difference is accepted in a particular region or culture. For instance, some cultures or people do not accept orders or feel confident and happy to work under direct supervision.


Individualism means the inclination towards working for oneself and focusing on self-development. On the other hand is collectivism, where people work for collective gains and development. For instance, in some cultures, people are more self-dependent and self-centered, while in other cultures people prefer to work towards the betterment of their family and sacrifices their wishes. Cultures where individualism is high, innovation, and entrepreneurship are high.


Masculinity indicates that opposition, accomplishments, and achievements run the culture. Low level of masculinity means that the prevailing values in the culture are quality of life and taking care of each other. In short, masculinity is what provokes people to be the best, whereas feminine, means liking what you do and not worrying about competition.

Uncertainty avoidance

As perceived by its name, uncertainty avoidance is a cultural dimension which means avoiding risks or ambiguity. In some cultures people tend to take risks and put it on the line; they are adventurous or curious to know, to experience or to explore opportunities. On the other hand, some cultures avoid taking risks and prefer staying on the safe side. These people do not want or like surprises.

Long term orientation

Long-term orientation refers to the cultural dimension in which people either plan for long-term or short-term benefits. For instance, some people like to live in the present and only work for present sustenance while other people may plan for future gains or long-term benefits instead of short-term. Also, they are more normative in their philosophy and demonstrate pronounced admiration for traditions. (Whalen, 2016)

Every country deserves the description concerning cultural dimensions as the cultural characteristics greatly affect consumer buying behaviors and therefore, businesses. To know how to, and how not to operate in a specific territory, is the key to success.


Syria has a score of 80 in PDI which is high. This means that Syrian people accept a hierarchical order. In other words, businesses in Syria should tend to be centralization as people of Syria will presume that they will be told what to do. The ideal manager would be benevolent and an autocrat.

IDV with a low score of 35 means that Syrian people are not into individualism and collectivism prevails in the region. Loyalty is paramount and strong relationships are valued more than other things. People prefer to work for the betterment of a group, society as a whole or their families. Businesses here would need to treat people as a family.

MAS score of 52, means that there is no clear dominant inclination concerning masculinity and feminism.

A high score of 60 in UAI means that Syrian people prefer avoiding ambiguities. The society here maintains inflexible codes of convictions and is intolerant of nonconformist behaviors and philosophies. People like to be busy and work hard, accuracy and reliability. Innovation may be repelled.

A low score of 30 in LTO means that Syria is a normative nation. People prefer absolute Truth, exhibit excessive respect for customs, a relatively small tendency towards the future, and an emphasis on attaining rapid outcomes.

Hong Kong

PDI at 68, people of Hong Kong accept a hierarchical order. In other words, businesses in Hong Kong should tend to be centralization as people here will presume that they will be told what to do. They can be dictated with ease. The ideal manager would be benevolent and an autocrat.

At a score of 25 in IDV means that people of this country are not into individualism and collectivism prevails in the region. Loyalty is paramount and strong relationships are valued more than other things. People prefer to work for the betterment of a group, society as a whole or their families. Businesses here would need to treat people as a family.

MAS index at 57 Hong Kong is a rather Masculine culture, which means people here are achievement oriented and ambitious. They are more likely to spend extra hours at work. Students will be more concerned about their exam marks and ranking so to achieve success.

At 29, a low score on UAI means that the people of this country are easy with uncertainty; and are flexible and entrepreneurial.

LTO having a high score of 61 in Hong Kong predicts that the culture is certainly realistic and practical. This means people here have the aptitude to adjust to new traditions and changed conditions easily, and have determination in accomplishing results.

The U.K

At 35 in PDI, the UK is in the lower rankings. It means the people here believe that inequalities among people should be reduced. In this culture, people feel that everyone should be treated justly and fairly.

IDV score of 89 is very high. This means that the society here is exceedingly individualist and secluded. People prefer to think for themselves and uniquely contribute to society. Personal fulfillment is the goal here.

MAS at 66 the UK is a rather Masculine culture, which means people here are achievement oriented and ambitious. They are more likely to spend extra hours at work. Students will be more concerned about their exam marks and ranking so to achieve success.

At 35 in UAI. It means that the people of this country are easy with uncertainty; and are flexible and entrepreneurial (Mooij, 2017)

A score of LTO being 51 is midways score; therefore a prevailing preference here cannot be determined.

The U.K is more like the U.S whereas, Syria and Hong King are more unlike the U.S. With PDI index of the U.S being 40 to 35 in the U.K, IDV 91 to 89, MAS 62 to 66, UAI 46 to 35 respectively, the U.K is more like the U.S. However, Hong Kong and Syria is most dissimilar to the U.S. The U.S to Honk Kong and Syria index of PDI is 40, 68, 80; IDV 91, 25, 35; MAS 62, 57, 52; UAI 46, 29, 60 and LTO being 26, 61 and 30 respectively, are quite different.


de Mooij, M. (2017). Comparing dimensions of national culture for secondary analysis of consumer behavior data of different countries. International Marketing Review, 34(3), 444-456.

Whalen, J. M. (2016). The Hofstede model and national cultures of learning: a comparison of undergraduate survey data (Doctoral dissertation, Colorado State University).

Subject: HRM

Pages: 3 Words: 900

Unit 3 Case Study

Unit 3 Case Study

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Unit 3 Case Study

Sexual harassment is the most common form of harassment and it is a major obstacle in the way of equal employment opportunity. It is considered a form of sex discrimination and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on sex. The court case selected for the purpose of this case study is about Element Plastics Mfg., LLC. This case is an excellent example that firing an employee as a reaction to complaints against sexual harassment only compounds the legal mess for the employer. The company was sued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on 20th June on firing an employee who complained about the sexual harassment. The employee was subjected to unwanted touching, and sexually intimidating behavior (Walsh, 2015). Despite her constant complains to her direct supervisor, the employee was fired as retaliation for her complaints. Such conduct as part of an employer is against Title VII of the Civil Rights Act that protects employees against any form of harassment.

In addition, according to the law, it is illegal for employers to retaliate against an employee for opposing unlawful practices at the workplace based on sex. The complaint procedure adopted by the female employee was exactly as directed and advised by the laws. She first reported her direct supervisor and manager as she was subjected to sexual comments and sexual advances by an employee or supervisor. It all started in December 2016. Within the few weeks of her complains, she was fired as a reaction for her complaints (“Sugar Land Plastics Manufacturer”, 2019). There was no positive response in the form of taking some action against the person accused of such immoral conduct at the workplace. It is also clear from the case that the employer may not have any policy or complaint procedure for handling harassment complaints at the workplace.

Sexual harassment at the workplace reflects the negligence on part of the employer. Prevention is the most effective weapon of harassment and employers play a significant role in the prevention of such acts (“Facts About Sexual Harassment,” n.d.). Employers and higher management must bring this to notice of every employee that harassment is unacceptable by developing a strict policy. Such a policy must be communicated to all the employees. A written policy is sometimes insufficient, it must be implemented effectively through communication, enforcement and by modeling the most appropriate behavior. The support of higher management towards such a policy is also substantial. Verbal communication of the policy, timely review and reinforcement of policy in the staff meetings is equally essential. Moreover, regular training sessions must be initiated on creating awareness about sexual harassment and the behaviors that may encounter as sexual harassment. Management must create a procedure to report such incidents and at the same time must assure complaints will be processed and management will take necessary actions to protect the victims.

The victims and harasser both suffer from acts of harassment. The victim may face several mental and physical health issues disrupting her performance and productivity. The cost to the employer is also very severe, the law imposes heavy fines to prevent the cases of sexual harassment in the future. In the case under consideration, EEOC demanded back pay with interest and damages for the employees which was to be determined at the trail. Besides, such incidents reduce the morale of other employees and damages the reputation of the company as an employer. The lawsuit creates a negative image that prevents people from becoming part of this organization, customers also avoid purchasing from such companies and other business partners revert. Overall, sexual harassment has all the negative consequences and it must be stopped.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Sugar Land Plastics Manufacturer, US, 2019, Retrieved July 20, 2019, from https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/newsroom/release/6-20-19b.cfm

Facts About Sexual Harassment. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2019, from https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/publications/fs-sex.cfm

Walsh, D. (2015). Harassment. In D. Walsh, Employment Law for Human Resource Practice . Cengage Learning, Inc.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Unit 8 Case Study

Title Page

Case study

Motivation of employees

As a Human Resource director, I will adopt an appropriate motivational strategy that will encourage them to accept the relocation package. The common issues affecting the performance of employees include low morale, lack of motivation and enthusiasm affecting their productivity. The absence of coordination influences the quality of work. Low motivation results in an ineffective manager-employee relationship that causes negative implications on the organizational success. The strategy will address the issues prevailing in the workplace by overcoming communication gap. Improvements in workplace efficiency and enhancements of communication between staff members produce better results. Developing a sense of responsibility and team commitment and providing continuous motivation to employees encourages them to actively participate in teamwork. Giving respect and rendition to employees and recognizing their role leads to the development of positive attitudes among staff members. Arranging meetings that highlight the issues and complexities of the workplace. Accepting suggestions from employees’ members and resolving issues at earliest encourages cooperation and building trust environment CITATION Ken15 \l 1033 (Hartman, 2015).

Semper Fidelis

Aubrey Daniels explains how a person earns leadership status and the significance of positive reinforcement. I will use the same concept for establishing myself as a positive reinforcer. The concept of positive reinforcement suggests rewarding employees according to their contributions. Employees that will stay through the sixty days will be provided better incentives including salary raise, bonuses and chances of promotions. Positive reinforcement plans will focus on building effective communications between peers and employees. The peers will give feedback on organizational goals and mission. Employees will be treated equally irrespective of their ethnicities, gender or race. The purpose of this plan is to encourage positive behavior among employees so the peers will praise and appreciate the employees who accept the relocation package. The peers will be responsible for the creation of the reward system that will appreciate the employees according to their efforts. The followers take more influence from the leaders who are peers than from the managers. The strategy will thus give the leadership status to the peers who will build positive work attitude in employees.

Leadership styles

Mr. Davis will adopt a strategic leadership style that is not limited to the top management. This style is focused on addressing the employees at all levels. Engaging employees will improve their loyalty and commitment towards the organization. Team leadership will be used for building cooperative relationships among employees. This will encourage people to engage themselves in teamwork and work more efficiently. Another style adopted by Mr. Davis is coaching leadership that by providing supervision to the employees. Guidance allows employees to improve their skills and build professional competency. This is an effective style for assisting workers in overcoming their limitations and weaknesses. Coaching stresses on improving work skills by learning. It allows employees to build strength and advance their skills under the leader's guidance. This is an effective way of providing encouragement and inspiration CITATION Aub14 \l 1033 (Daniels, 2014).

Leadership theories

Three leadership theories applicable to the situation include participative leadership, behavioral and situational leadership. Participative leadership suggests involving peers and managers in the decision-making process. Mr. Davis can devise an effective communication plan by involving feedbacks of managers and peers who can provide better insights into the situation. The behavioral theory suggests that the leader will use his skills such as communication power for convincing employees. Mr. Davis will attempt to influence employees by dialogue and speech. Situational leadership stresses on promoting cooperation among workers. The leader will motivate the employees by adopting an appropriate strategy according to the situation.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Daniels, A. (2014). Semper Fidelis! A recipe for leading others. ADI.

Hartman, K. G. (2015). What Every Tech Startup Should Know About Security, Privacy, and Compliance. SANS .

Woten, M. (2014). Team Building in Nursing Care: Implementing. EBSCO Information Services.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Unit II Scholarly Activity

Unit II Scholarly Activity

[Author’s name]

[Institute’s name]

Sun Coast Remediation Course Project


Senior leadership at Sun Coast has identified several areas for concern that they believe could be solved using business research methods. The previous director was tasked with researching to help provide information to make decisions about these issues. Although data were collected, the project was never completed. Senior leadership is interested in seeing the project through to fruition. The following is the completion of that project and includes the statement of the problems, literature review, research objectives, research questions and hypotheses, research methodology, design, and methods, data analysis, findings, and recommendations. 

Statement of the Problems

Particulate Matter (PM)

There is a concern that job-site particle pollution is adversely impacting employee health. Although respirators are required in certain environments, PM varies in size depending on the project and job site. PM that is between 10 and 2.5 microns can float in the air for minutes to hours (e.g., asbestos, mold spores, pollen, cement dust, fly ash), while PM that is less than 2.5 microns can float in the air for hours to weeks (e.g. bacteria, viruses, oil smoke, smog, soot). Due to the smaller size of a PM that is less than 2.5 microns, it is potentially more harmful than PM that is between 10 and 2.5 since the conditions are more suitable for inhalation. A PM that is less than 2.5 is also able to be inhaled into the deeper regions of the lungs, potentially causing more deleterious health effects. It would be helpful to understand if there is a relationship between PM size and employee health. PM air quality data have been collected from 103 job sites, which is recorded in microns. Data are also available for average annual sick days per employee per job-site. 

Safety Training Effectiveness

Health and safety training is conducted for each new contract that is awarded to Sun Coast. Data for training expenditures and lost-time hours were collected from 223 contracts. It would be valuable to know if training has been successful in reducing lost-time hours and, if so, how to predict lost-time hours from training expenditures.

Sound-Level Exposure 

Sun Coast’s contracts generally involve work in noisy environments due to a variety of heavy equipment being used for both remediation and the clients’ ongoing operations on the job sites. Standard ear-plugs are adequate to protect employee hearing if the decibel levels are less than 120 decibels (dB). For environments with noise levels exceeding 120 dB, more advanced and expensive hearing protection is required, such as earmuffs. Historical data have been collected from 1,503 contracts for several variables that are believed to contribute to excessive dB levels. It would be important if these data could be used to predict the dB levels of work environments before placing employees on-site for future contracts. This would help the safety department plan for the procurement of appropriate ear protection for employees. 

New Employee Training

All new Sun Coast employees participate in general health and safety training. The training program was revamped and implemented six months ago. Upon completion of the training programs, the employees are tested on their knowledge. Test data are available for two groups: Group A employees who participated in the prior training program and Group B employees who participated in the revised training program. It is necessary to know if the revised training program is more effective than the prior training program. 

Lead Exposure

Employees working on job sites to remediate lead must be monitored. Lead levels in the blood are measured as micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood (μg/dL). A baseline blood test is taken pre-exposure and post-exposure after the remediation. Data are available for 49 employees who recently concluded a 2-year lead remediation project. It is necessary to determine if blood lead levels have increased. 

Return on Investment

Sun Coast offers four lines of service to its customers, including air monitoring, soil remediation, water reclamation, and health and safety training. Sun Coast would like to know if each line of service offers the same return on investment. Return on investment data is available for air monitoring, soil remediation, water reclamation, and health and safety training projects. If the return on investment is not the same for all lines of service, it would be helpful to know where differences exist.

Research Objectives

           Appropriate development of research objectives for the research project is important to establish the necessary frame of action effectively and efficiently. Research objectives are recognized as concise statements to define what the researcher wants to achieve through the comprehensive process of research (Ngulube, 2019). In simple words, research objectives are essential to illustrate the overall direction of the research. The objectives of research project clearly defined the main aim of the entire research procedure.

RO1: To determine the association between a particular matter (PM) size and overall employee health. 

RO2: To examine the effectiveness of training in case of reducing lost-time hours, and, if this is true, how to anticipate lost-time hours from the approach of the training cost. 

RO3: To analyze if the perspective of data collected could be considered to predict the decibel (dB) levels of conditions before enlisting employees on site. 

RO4: To observe that if the new training program is more beneficial as compare to the previous training program. 

RO5: To critically investigate if blood levels have increased.

RO6: To assess if any form of differences prevails on return-of-investment in case of all lines of service. 

Research Questions and Hypotheses

           The crafting of research questions is one initial step of the research project that is characterized in the form of answerable inquiry concerning the overall idea of research (Creswell, 2014). This research approach is considered in case of a research project for the Sun Coast Remediation Organization to find out better solutions to the organizational problems. Moreover, the development of null and alternative hypotheses is a critical practical measure to determine the overall significance between two variables (Banerjee, Chitnis, Jadhav, Bhawalkar, & Chaudhury, 2009). It is crucial to explain the authenticity of the research objectives. 

RQ1: What are the association between a particular matter (PM) size and overall employee health?

HO1: There is no statistically significant association exist between particular matter (PM) size and overall employee health. 

HA1: There is a statistically significant association exists between a particular matter (PM) size and overall employee health. 


RQ2: How training is effective in case of reducing lost-time hours?

HO2: There is no statistically significant prove that training is effective in case of reducing lost-time hours.

HA2: There is statistically significant prove that training is effective in case of reducing lost-time hours. 


RQ3: How the perspective of data collected could be considered to predict the decibel (dB) levels of conditions before enlisting employees on-site?

HO3: There is no statistically significant evidence that data collected could be considered to predict the decibel (dB) levels of conditions before enlisting employees on site.

HA3: There is statistically significant evidence that data collected could be considered to predict the decibel (dB) levels of conditions before enlisting employees on site.


RQ4: How the new training program is more beneficial as compared to the previous training program? 

HO4: There is no statistically significant evidence that the new training program is more beneficial as compared to the previous training program.

HA4: There is statistically significant evidence that the new training program is more beneficial as compared to the previous training program.


RQ5: Is the approach of blood levels have increased?

HO5: There is no statistically significant evidence that blood levels have increased.

HA5: There is statistically significant evidence that blood levels have increased.


RQ6: Are there any differences prevails on return-of-investment in the case of all lines of service? 

HO6: There is no statistically significant evidence that any differences prevail on return-of-investment in the case of all lines of service.

HA6: There is statistically significant evidence that any differences prevail on return-of-investment in case of all lines of service. 


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Banerjee, A., Chitnis, U. B., Jadhav, S. L., Bhawalkar, J. S., & Chaudhury, S. (2009). Hypothesis testing, type I and type II errors. Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 18(2), 127.

Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Retrieved from https://books.google.com/books?id=4uB76IC_pOQC

Ngulube, P. (2019). Handbook of Research on Connecting Research Methods for Information Science Research. Retrieved from https://books.google.com/books?id=RsO4DwAAQBAJ

Subject: HRM

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Unit VI Scholarly Activity

Unit VI Scholarly Activity

Insert Your Name Here

Insert University Here

Data Analysis: Hypothesis Testing

The analysis of the data indicate that there is significant different the performance of employees before and after exposure. It test whether there is significant different between pre and post exposure of two different groups.

Independent Samples tTest: Hypothesis Testing

The analysis of the data indicate that there is significant different the performance of employees before and after exposure. The independent simple test looks at the statistical mean different between pre-exposure and post exposure of employees. It meant to determine whether the exposure affect performance of employees or not. The result indicates that there is a significant different in terms of performance of pre and post-exposure. However, the result shows that the p-value 0.059552711 is greater than 0.05 and therefore, it means the null hypothesis is accepted. It translated that there is no statistical significant different between post and pre exposure. It means that the exposure of employees does not have any effect on the performance of employees.

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means


Variable 1

Variable 2










Pearson Correlation


Hypothesized Mean Difference




t Stat


P(T<=t) one-tail


t Critical one-tail


P(T<=t) two-tail


t Critical two-tail



Ho1: there is no statistical significant different between lost time hours before and after exposure.

Ho2: It is also obtained that there is statistically differences in mean value for pre and post exposure.

Dependent Samples (Paired Samples) tTest: Hypothesis Testing

It test whether there is significant different between pre and post exposure of two different groups.

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means


Variable 1

Variable 2










Pearson Correlation


Hypothesized Mean Difference




t Stat


P(T<=t) one-tail


t Critical one-tail


P(T<=t) two-tail


t Critical two-tail



Rejects HO1: there is no significant different between the performance between pre and post exposure of students.

Accept Ha1: There is a statistically significant difference in performance of employees between before and after employees have been exposed.

The result indicates that there is a significant mean lost between pre and post exposure. It means that after exposure the performance of employees significantly reduced. The exposure affects the performance of employees of the company. The p- value of the mean is 0.059552711, which is greater than 0.05 alphas. It means that the null hypothesis is rejected

ANOVA: Hypothesis Testing

It test whether there is significant different between pre and post exposure of two different groups.

Anova: Single Factor







Column 1





Column 2






Source of Variation






F crit

Between Groups







Within Groups











The result indicates that there is a significant mean lost between pre and post exposure. It means that after exposure the performance of employees significantly reduced. The exposure affects the performance of employees of the company. The p- value of the mean is 0.864184, which is greater than 0.05 alphas. It means that the null hypothesis is rejected



Denyer, B., & Jaina, ,. J. (2017). How do they manage? A qualitative study of the realities of

middle and front-line management work in health care. NIHR Journals Library , 2-15.

P, M., Kumar, S., Lizarondo, L., & Baldock, K. (2015). Debriefing about the challenges of

working in a remote area: A qualitative study of Australian allied health professionals' perspectives on clinical supervision. Journal of health and safety issues , 2-15.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Unit VIII Article Critique

Unit VIII Article Critique

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Unit VIII Article Critique


The problem presented in this paper is the implications attached to a poorly followed termination procedure. The authors have highlighted numerous issues that revolve around the problem of poorly followed termination procedure. Additionally, the authors have devised a plan that employers could follow to avoid legal rigmaroles of a poorly followed termination procedure.


It is the most dreadful experience for any employee to be discharged from their duties at any instance of time. Sudden termination from employment can have deleterious emotional consequences (Walsh, 2015). The authors have suggested that abrupt termination from employment can make the employees lurch towards depression. Authors have rightly pointed out that the employees that faced stress and anxiety after being discharged of the services and employment, more often than not, tend to move into the courts against the employers. Certainly, the authors have pointed out that a poorly followed termination process can bear negative consequences for the employers apart from the emotional complications for the employee. The authors have used the following evidence to support their argument. The authors have presented before the readers about the ruling of a famous case that the Supreme Court of California gave; Tameny v. Richfield. This ruling empowered employees that suffered from anxiety and depression due to termination of the employment have every right to move to the courts against the employer. Furthermore, the authors also pointed out that the employers have no legal right to retaliate against the employees that have brought them into the court of law. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents employers to take legal action against the employee. Certainly, I hold the same view as of the authors because I too have a feeling that any employee terminated suddenly from the services must move before the courts and seek justification from the employers.

According to the authors, the employers, just as they follow proper hiring processes before making hiring decisions, should follow a proper mechanism while terminating the services of an employee (Van Bogaert & Gross-Schaefer, 2005). According to the authors, apart from following a proper and well-devised mechanism for employment termination, the employer must have a valid reason to discharge an employee from the services. For instance, consider an employee move into the court against the employers after witnessing biased and discriminatory practices (Dau-Schmidt et.al, 2017). After two days, the employers discharge the very same employee from the services on a vague reason (Dau-Schmidt et.al, 2017). If the employee feels that the reason is entirely vague and proper termination procedure was not followed by the employers, the employee can take the employers to the court. There are numerous risks attached to this practice as well. Apart from being sued by the employee, ending the employee-employer relationship abruptly can result in the company losing its trade secrets. Moreover, the reputation of a company can get damaged to an extreme extent. Additionally, the processes and procedures that go into hiring a new employee incur huge costs on the employers.

The employment-at-will doctrine empowers employers to discharge employees without furnishing a solid reason (Gertz, 2017). Moreover, there are certainly other factors that influence termination decisions. The employment-at-will gives employers the power to reduce the wages of the employees (Gertz, 2017). Furthermore, the employment-at-will doctrine enables employers to modify employment-benefits at any given stage of time (Gertz, 2017). Although the employment-at-will enables the employer to discharge employees at any given time, it also prevents the employers from making terminating decisions that are discriminatory on any grounds.


The authors have rightly argued that unthoughtful termination makes employees lurch towards depression and anxiety (Van Bogaert & Gross-Schaefer, 2005). Certainly, employees have enshrined rights in several acts and laws to move against employers into the courts. Although the employment-at-will doctrine enables the employer to terminate employees without any reason, it also prevents the employers from making terminating decisions that are discriminatory on any grounds.


Dau-Schmidt, K. G., Roche Jr, J. R., Vann, R. H., Ray, M. D., Kaspar, D. J., & Pierson, D. D. (2017). The Restatement of Employment Law: The View from Practice. Emp. Rts. & Emp. Pol'y J., 21, 545.

Gertz, S. C. (2017). At-will employment: Origins, applications, exceptions, and expansions in public service. In American Public Service (pp. 47-74). Routledge.

Van Bogaert, D., & Gross-Schaefer, A. (2005). Terminating the Employee-Employer Relationship: Ethical and Legal Challenges. Employee Relations Law Journal, 31(1), 49-66.

Walsh, D. J. (2015). Employment law for human resource practice. Nelson Education.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Vehar V. Cole

Vehar v. Cole

[Author’s name]

Vehar v. Cole

Case Study Review

Legal Issues of Case

The particular case of Vehar v. Cole National Group, 251 Fed. Appx. 993 is selected to critically discuss the legal foundations in the form of employment law. Detailed consideration of this case reveals that there are different legal issues associated with the overall development of the case. This specific case comprised on the allegation of sex discrimination by Vehar on the organization of Cole National Group. It is crucial to figure out whether the organization was guilty to adopt the approach of sex discrimination or not. Detailed analysis of the entire scenario reveals that undoubtedly, Vehar Wendy faced the legal issue of unfair employment particularly in the form of biased salary package due to her gender. It is observed that the petitioner successfully presented a valid argument regarding wage discrimination under the prospect of Equal Pay Act established in the country.

The evidence of this specific argument can be determined through examining the working and salary paradigms for Erich Leipold and Dave Crosley, who were working with Vehar in the same field. Detailed analysis of this case revealed that Vehar had both forms of academic degree and experience whereas both Leipold and Crosley never had a bachelor’s degree. Regardless of this difference, they received more pay as compare to Vehar and this approach eventually caused the legal issue of sex discrimination in a workplace setting (Vehar v. Cole, 2006). Another legal concern in this specific context appeared when she was placed as the Programmer II position without her will. This specific transition of the job position also never changed her pay structure (Walsh, 2015). The overall development of this legal case illustrated that after the appeals, the appeal court had overturned the decision of the district with the argument that all three employees Vehar, Leipold, and Crosley equally performed difficult job tasks but Vehar received low wage rate due to the element of employment discrimination.

Consideration of Factor other-than-Sex

It is crucial to examine why the argument of other-than-sex by the employer is not suitable enough to avoid the legal prospect of the trial. The phenomenon of avoiding trial was difficult for the employer because there was not much evidence to justify why Crosley and Leipoind were paid more as compare to Vehar. The arguments of the seniority system and their experience were not successfully justified by the employer considering the reality of the complex duties performed by all three employees including Vehar. A critical assessment of the entire scenario also indicated that the organization of Cole never successfully implement the merit pay system because both Leipold and Crosley received low-performance rating but this approach never influenced their salary package. It is also established that Vehar always played her crucial role by leading different important projects that are a clear indication that experience was not the feature that was used by the management during the process of decision-making.

Different Approach of Employer

The analysis of this specific legal employment case of sex discrimination can never be considered complete without focusing on all the possible practices that should be done by the employer to avoid this legal claim by Vehar. Employers could have established or placed certain policies in order to create a better image for employees that how a promotion system is worked in their organization (Korczynski, 2002). The legal claim by Vehar can be avoided by clarifying the idea of promotion system in that organization along with various factors that are included in that promotion system. When the position became available, the company should need to factor the employee performance reports in order to select a candidate from within their company. If these conditions were met, then the company would be able to avoid a legal claim by Vehar.


Walsh, D. J. (2015). Employment law for human resource practice. Nelson Education.

Korczynski, M. (2002). Human resource management in the service sector. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Vehar V. Cole Vision Corporation, No. 5: 05 Cv 1367 (N.D. Ohio Oct. 6, 2006).

Subject: HRM

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Walmart Case Study

Walmart Case Study


[Name of the Institution]

Walmart Case Study


Ethics refers to the concept of right and wrong. In businesses, ethical theories refer to practices that better serve the demands of employees working in the organization. Walmart is one of the largest ethical stores has been accused several times of violating ethical practices. The company has been charged with unpaid working hours, poor health conditions of employees, child labor, and extra working shifts. The most criticized was Walmart stance against the union groups. Due to the existing injustices, the employees of Walmart Florida formed a union group to get better working conditions and held the company accountable for the grievances. The union was able to take stand for fired employees, restore the hard working hours and breaks. But soon Walmart took strict action against the employees who were part of the union. The company terminated several employees, some even without getting paid for their work. Soon the UCFW formed a national association to organize Wal-Mart workers, and the attempt was successful in re-establishing a lawsuit against the retailer for its anti-union activities. Although, in the same year Walmart established union groups for 30,000 employees in China, which they called an action done in the light of law to preserve employee rights. The critics believed it was done to satisfy the biggest trading partner. The perception of the company was greatly impacted due to unethical employment practices, and this criticism has resulted in several lawsuits against the retailer.

Walmart human resource practices are greatly under consideration due to their unethical practices regarding employees. The company is based on aristocratic policies where executives are highly concerned about their companies profits. The human resource is given the least priority in company policy making. The company makes the policies which reflect the probability of greater profit irrespective of the fact that they sacrifice their employees for the outcomes. The extra working hours without breaks have greatly impacted the health of their employees. The company strict rules restrict the employees to formally take action against most of the injustices. The union has somehow helped the employees to jointly held the company accountable for disruptive practices. The employees are unsatisfied and lack confidence. They are afraid of losing their jobs due to which they agree to the working circumstances (Benach, Muntaner & Santana, 2007). The company was also accused of hiring illegal immigrants which pose a greater threat to the working environment. The company has not really focused on their human resource needs and focus on productivity and profit. The executive claimed that the didn't know about illegal immigrants were hired. However, it is highly irresponsible of the management that they do not know about their employees.

Walmart was greatly criticized for violating break law during work when 116,000 employees combined lawsuit the retailer for violating the California law. The law states that employees should be provided with 30 minutes lunch break during their shift. The hard-working shifts of Walmart employees have resulted in their dissatisfaction with the company. The lawsuit resulted in $57 million of compensation to the employees. The verdict of California was also followed in other cities as well such as Oregon and Colorado, and ordered to follow the same laws. Similarly, Walmart was also criticized for its strict working conditions which have resulted in poor health of employees. The New York Times reported that employees of Walmart were sick comparing to the national population who are admitted mostly in emergency rooms. In 2006, lawmakers were considering Health insurance legislation that would compel large corporations to provide health facilities to their employees. Resultantly, Walmart announced to provide insurance plans, which will provide its employees with a monthly package to spend on their health. However, the critics believed it was a step to hide the negative image of the retailer by proving the insurance, although the employees were still working under strict conditions. They critics stated that if Walmart wants to cooperate in improving the health conditions, they should focus on their working conditions first inorder to safeguard their employees for health related concerns (Basker, 2005).

Being the largest retailer company, Walmart ethical decision making was not in favor of its employees. The company was held accountable for ethical considerations many times, however, it did not efficiently respond to employees need. Due to the judicial pressure, some of the laws were executed by the company but still, the ground realities were quite different. The decision making framework was largely in favor of the company and prefer the profit over its employees. The company annual income is above $11 billion, in which the workplace practices can be improved on a larger scale but still, it is not there priority. Almost 5,000 lawsuits are filed each year against the company which shows their irresponsibility towards its employees. The company was a lawsuit for exploiting its workers by minimum wages, overtime work, and even workers were subjected to physical violence by their managers. The cost-benefit analysis was largely in favor of the company instead of employees. It was reported that the company did not provide gloves to employees for fabric cutters due to high prices. However, due to the increasing criticism, the company decided to hold the suppliers for working violations and decided to conduct unannounced inspections in foreign countries. However, more problems arise such as child labor due to which the company was fined $135,540 for child laws violations. When the hurricane Katrina happened, Walmart provided $17 million in assistance and aid to the region for its global reputation. However, they failed badly to assist their employees who suffer because of companies poor policies (Ann & Carr, 2010).

Walmart needs to adopt strategies which are highly in favor of their employees. The company is built on a strong foundation of employees who work hard and play an important role in the companies success. They need to adopt inclusive strategies to engage their employees in the decision-making process and should provide them with incentives for better performance. The company is annually engaged in lawsuits for different reasons which needed to be overcome. The need to adopt employee centered policies not only profit-oriented policies which will give them a competitive advantage in the market. Companies like Amazon and eBay are highly investing in their employee satisfaction and are constantly updating their policies. Whereas on the other hand Walmart is constantly accused of poor working conditions. If the employees are not satisfied, the company will regularly face criticism for their policies. Simultaneously, they will invest much amount to maintain their image globally. Thus this amount can be spent on their employees, they should be provided with better incentives and flexible working opportunities. This will increase employee satisfaction and will reduce the rate of leaving the company. The company also need to conduct regular inspection on their overseas retailers, to check the working conditions. They need to incorporate the working laws while making policies. The company needs to regularly conduct employee satisfaction surveys and employee performance evaluation to check the perception of employees about the company. Also, organizations that adopt bottom-up approaches are more likely to achieve progress instead of those executives who impose policies that do not reflect the needs of all employees. In order to compete in the globalized world, firsly, it is important to solve the internal issues.


Ann, C., & Carr, A. N. (2010). Critical reflections on the good, the bad and the ugly of organization leadership: the case of Wal‐Mart. Culture and Organization, 16(2), 109-125.

Basker, E. (2005). Job creation or destruction? Labor market effects of Wal-Mart expansion. Review of Economics and Statistics, 87(1), 174-183.

Benach, J., Muntaner, C., & Santana, V. (2007). Employment conditions and health inequalities.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Week 1

Week 1 Discussion

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Week 1 Discussion

Human Resource Management in every organization is responsible for smooth recruitment, hiring, and utilization of workforce to attain organizational objectives. It is the most crucial component of every business since it deals with human assets. Apart from hiring and managing employees, HR is responsible for the development and maintenance of workers. HR has to consider employment laws which aim to protect employees from any discrimination and ensures guard of their rights. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) guides HR of organizations regarding standard wages and it requires employers to pay minimum wages to employees covered under the law and overtime pay without any discrimination. To ensure employee health and safety federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) that protects the health and safety of employees. This law has only one goal, every male and female worker in healthy and safe working conditions. Employers covered by the acts have to ensure compliance to avoid any lawsuit or a negative outcome.

These laws significantly impact the HR practices of all the organizations and companies take measures to ensure compliance with these laws to protect themselves from any unfavorable situation. Study on these reveals that thousands of employees sue their employers for any discrimination and non-compliance of these laws. According to a study of U.S. federal court records, in 2014, a total of 7,964 FLSA lawsuits were filed ("Thousands of FLSA Lawsuits Filed by Workers for Unpaid Overtime and Other Labor Laws Violations", 2020). Considering the cases of lawsuits, HR practices abide by these laws and ensure employees’ rights are protected. Compliance with these laws also results in enhanced organizational performance. A study examining the relationship between high performances human resource practices with the company’s performance reveal that occupational safety and health (OSH) enhances this relationship. Thus, compliance with these laws results in high organizational performance (Chan, & Mak, 2012).


Chan, S. C., & Mak, W. M. (2012). High performance human resource practices and organizational performance: The mediating role of occupational safety and health. Journal of Chinese Human Resources Management, 3(2), 136-150.

Thousands of FLSA Lawsuits Filed by Workers for Unpaid Overtime and Other Labor Laws Violations. (2020). Retrieved 12 January 2020, from https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/thousands-of-flsa-lawsuits-filed-by-workers-for-unpaid-overtime-and-other-labor-laws-violations-37719

Subject: HRM

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week 1 Discussion

Week 1 Discussion

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Week 1 Discussion

The employee life cycle begins with recruitment. It is the need of HR executives to understand the requirement of Sourcing and attracting people and recruit talent in the interest of the organization. After recruitment, it is necessary to select the best talent for their training, development, coaching, and mentoring. Effective training results in the retention of best employees by compensation, performance appraisal, and promotion. Which may create better interest in employee to work with competency and efficiency in an organization. Proper career planning can also play a vital role in talent management. After the succession of planning, it should be the duty of surveyor to review the Talent management process and evaluate the performance for future betterment (Silzer. et al. 2006).

3 Effective ways to develop talent to support organizational goals.

The right person on right Job

If the right person is on the right Job then the quality of work would be better in less time. Firm productivity will be increased due to the ability to keep a competitive edge. It can also increase job satisfaction in the employee.

Retaining the top talent

Retaining the top talent serves great perks and benefits in the workplace. While avoiding burnout, the employees work flawlessly towards organizational goals. Growth and leadership in the market place can only be possible by retaining top talent. There could be a huge risk of losing out competitors if the organization fails to retain its top talent.

Better Hiring

Strong core competencies in candidates are a sure success of good hires. These core competencies are helpful to communicate well, resolve conflict, develop productive relationships.

Organizational goal and whose responsibility it might be to develop the talent associated with that goal:

Meet deadlines timely in an organization is the responsibility of the recruitment department, which can be possible by placing the right person on the right job. Better hiring can also create Organized scheduling, which is the responsibility of the employee relation department. Customer satisfaction is the responsibility of quality assurance of the department by keeping the right person on the right job. Production of better quality in limited time can be achieved by retaining the top talent by giving them better performance appraisals, and it is the responsibility of the training department.


Silzer, R., & Dowell, B. E. (Eds.). (2009). Strategy-driven talent management: A leadership imperative (Vol. 28). John wiley & sons.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week 1 Essay

Workforce Management

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Workforce Management

The article “Key Trends in Workforce Management and New Challenges for HR”, highlights the key trends in workforce management that the human resources of an organization faces with the changing rules and regulations and the automated systems. The article sums up the key verdicts from a survey of HR professionals comprising of all the organizations despite their geographical, industrial and size differences. According to the greatest, the survey revealed a stronger link between the workforce management and its association with employee engagement, morale, and satisfaction. Furthermore, in order to meet the increasing demand for effective workforce management, the authors point out the need for automated systems to achieve operational efficacy in this regard ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"hUh7iLtS","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Moschetto, 2014)","plainCitation":"(Moschetto, 2014)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":608,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/2UYYSL64"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/2UYYSL64"],"itemData":{"id":608,"type":"article-journal","title":"Key Trends in workforce management and new challenges for HR","container-title":"Employment Relations Today","page":"7-13","volume":"40","issue":"4","author":[{"family":"Moschetto","given":"Marc"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Moschetto, 2014). I agree with the author's point about the changing needs and regulatory requirements create challenges for organizations regarding compliance and right workforce management can lead to breakthrough results.

Compliance has emerged as one of the most important elements of managing today's workforce. Non-compliance results in various risks associated with increased cost and better performance. The significant findings of the "Workforce Management Trend Survey 2013–2014" regarding compliance reveals that the demand to ensure compliance with the rules and regulations result in increased workload. Two reasons are associated with this increase in workload, one is rapidly changing regulations and the second is communicating compliance to employees since it is essential to increase their confidence and morale. In addition, the survey revealed that organizations are taking a positive approach towards compliance with the rules and regulations such as the Affordable Care Act.

The employer-employee relationship openly factors in legal compliance with workforce management laws. According to the federal laws, employees have to be trained on health and safety issues and dealing with harassment, etc. an employer also needs to be aware of regulations regarding taxes, and must comply with the laws except the employee is an independent contractor. Employers have certain responsibilities regarding employees and independent contractors. Compliance with the regulations and laws result in better workforce management. Effective workforce management that ensures compliance with the employment laws and regulations result in better employee morale and retention. It directly impacts employee morale and attitude.

The workforce management comprises of programs such as timekeeping, schedule, and leaves management, increasing portability and reducing errors in recordkeeping. All these matters are associated with employees personally and are sensitive to them ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"vcZb1czE","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Moschetto, 2014)","plainCitation":"(Moschetto, 2014)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":608,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/2UYYSL64"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/2UYYSL64"],"itemData":{"id":608,"type":"article-journal","title":"Key Trends in workforce management and new challenges for HR","container-title":"Employment Relations Today","page":"7-13","volume":"40","issue":"4","author":[{"family":"Moschetto","given":"Marc"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Moschetto, 2014). The article covers the transactional and formal relationship between an employer and employee but ignores the informal relationship between the employer and employee. Effective workforce management needs consistent policies and standardization of processes. The relationship between an employer and employee is interdependent and it also holds some social significance that involves taking care of an employees' family life, having the liberty to communicate and assist in personal matters as well. An effective workplace has the culture of trust, autonomy and employee empowerment along with the supervisor’s support.

The author's opinion about the needs and benefits of effective workforce management can be applied to the workforce of all the organizations without any difference in their sixes and industries. However, the impact of workforce management policies and procedures must be considered for all the employees including the part-time employees, hired contractors and trainees arising from the nature of work today ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"1qhkRLtJ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Dokko, Mumford, & Schanzenbach, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Dokko, Mumford, & Schanzenbach, 2015)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":609,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/VCJT72GY"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/VCJT72GY"],"itemData":{"id":609,"type":"article-journal","title":"Workers and the online gig economy","container-title":"The Hamilton Project","author":[{"family":"Dokko","given":"Jane"},{"family":"Mumford","given":"Megan"},{"family":"Schanzenbach","given":"Diane Whitmore"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Dokko, Mumford, & Schanzenbach, 2015). Since the article is based on opinions formed from the results obtained from a variety of HR professionals from different organizations of different sizes. In my opinion, the article validates the increasing concerns related to workforce management arising from the continuously changing regulatory environment, “the need for increased visibility into, and analytics about, an organization's workforce due to a new market and regulatory conditions” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"0wc9QdRO","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Moschetto, 2014)","plainCitation":"(Moschetto, 2014)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":608,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/2UYYSL64"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/local/orkqtrjP/items/2UYYSL64"],"itemData":{"id":608,"type":"article-journal","title":"Key Trends in workforce management and new challenges for HR","container-title":"Employment Relations Today","page":"7-13","volume":"40","issue":"4","author":[{"family":"Moschetto","given":"Marc"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Moschetto, 2014). Effective workforce management may be challenging due to the increasing demand of employment laws and automation requirements. However, it is essential for increasing employee satisfaction, engagement and eventually organizational performance.


ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Dokko, J., Mumford, M., & Schanzenbach, D. W. (2015). Workers and the online gig economy. The Hamilton Project.

Moschetto, M. (2014). Key Trends in workforce management and new challenges for HR. Employment Relations Today, 40(4), 7–13.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Week 10 Discyssion 1 & 2

Week 10

Your Name (First M. Last)

School or Institution Name (University at Place or Town, State)

Discussion 1

The Americans Disability Act mitigates the discrimination between employees who are having any kind of physical and social impairment. It asserts that employees should not be treated differently in major life activities such as reading, walking, seeing sitting and communicating. However, the American Rehabilitation Act prohibits any kind of discrimination on the basis of the programs that are conducted in federal agencies. This law mitigates barriers in terms of transportation, architecture and employment (Atzeni & M, 2019).

These laws help Human Resource department to ensure a balanced and stabilized platform which can mitigate problems from employees and help them invest their abilities to play a central and qualitative role in the organization. These act as a guideline for the Human Resource Managers to let employees feel themselves as part of the organization (Atzeni & M, 2019). Within the next 10 years, these acts would be one of the strong cases that could help special or disabled employees get themselves integrated and assimilated in all organization, leaving behind any disability that could limit their potentials and skills. With the passage of time, more employee integration would occur and legal settings would be more emphasized (Atzeni & M, 2019).

Labor Union in the United States protects the common interest of workers. They fought for the interest of employees such as reasonable working hours, better wages and safe working conditions.

In contrast to Russia, the working of United States labor is more effective and apparent because acts of United States are more integrated (Atzeni & M, 2019). In Russia, the Labor Union facilitates freedom of agreement and is liable for the dissemination of information regarding vacancies for discriminated restrictions (Atzeni & M, 2019).

The labor union in France is stronger than the United States because they play a central role in organizing the big and medium companies such as reducing payroll taxes and the statutory powers of joint managers.

The Labor Union in Japan is stronger than US because of the rights and obligations to work, freedom of work association, and tenue of probation i.e., 14 days.

Discussion 2

If an analysis of the recent entertainment industry is to be done, one company's success overshadows all. The company is Marvel, who at one time was in such financial ruin that it had to sell its characters to other studios in order to stay afloat. This company is the prime example of a company who has done a total turnaround and achieved great success. Marvel comics had always been a major player in the comic book industry with great characters such as Captain America and Spiderman being its top seller, but during the '90s, the comics market crashed and with it, the financial stability of Marvel started plummeting heavily. (Stewart, et al. 2019). In order to get out of such a stink, Marvel focused more on its movies rather than its comic books. This restructuring was not only beneficial but was extremely profitable for the company in the larger sense. Its idea of forming a cinematic universe of it comic’s book characters revolutionized how comic book films are to be made and gave struggling actors to achieve great heights of stardom (Stewart, et al. 2019).

Several changes and developments are taking place in HR such as employee focus, diligence in organizational framework such as harassment, diversity and workplace conflict taking into account the role of social media. Moreover, employees are directly on the board of an organization (Stewart, et al. 2019). It is found that now a days, organization are actually dealing with human resources directly, such as dealing with employee expectation and rearranging the goals. Within the next 10 years, the changes would be talent acquisition in employment and enhancing the experience of employees within the company. Moreover, developments also go hand in hand, such as the incorporation of digital human resources and provision of dynamic, modern and network organizations (Stewart, et al. 2019).


Atzeni, M. (2019). Alternatives to State-Socialism in Britain. Other Worlds of Labor in the Twentieth Century. Ed. by Peter Ackers and Alastair J. Reid. Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements.] Palgrave Macmillan, London2016. xvii, 354 pp.€ 96.29. (E-book: € 74.96.). International Review of Social History, 64(1), 153-156.

Stewart, G. L., & Brown, K. G. (2019). Human resource management. Wiley.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 2 Words: 600

Week 2 Discussion

Week 2 Discussion

Jasmine Williams

[Institutional Affiliation(s)]

Author Note

Three factors of Discrimination

Week 3 Discussion

There are several problems when it comes to employment relationships and discrimination in many workplaces. One of these is age discrimination among the employees. Several employees have to face offensive remarks about their age. Although the law is silent on this subject, there is a growing concern among human resource management about this practice. This is because this sort of behavior creates an offensive or hostile work environment that is overall bad for the daily affairs of the said employee, as he can even get demoted or fired. The person committing this offense may be the supervisor of the victim or even his fellow, who is equal in rank.

This brings us to a problem that has a direct connection to the issue cited above. This problem is called workplace harassment. This problem can emerge due to several reasons like the color, race, religion, or even the national/ethnic identity of the victim. Fortunately, some laws prohibit workplace harassment, however, these laws are limited to serious harassment incidents, like physical assault, inappropriate touching, or even threats from one colleague to another. In this case, the harasser can be anybody in the office, as the supervisor of the victim or his peer.

Another noteworthy problem that causes discrimination in the workplace is religious discrimination. This problem has especially increased in the US after the incident of 9/11. Many employees are harassed due to their association with a particular religion. The law strictly prohibits this kind of behavior and there are strict penalties for those who are found doing such type of discrimination. Also, the employers are penalized if they segregate their employees based on any religious hatred. Although, they are allowed to make necessary rotations if they aim to preserve the working environment of their offices. Furthermore, any employee cannot force his peers or inferiors to participate in their religious rituals and activities against their will.


Types of Discrimination. (2020). Retrieved 19 January 2020, from https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/types/

Subject: HRM

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week 4 Dis 1

Title page


Classmate 1

I agree with the views of classmate 1 because the post highlights how benefits and incentives influence employees morale. The organizations face the challenge of deciding an adequate compensation package which is sufficient for keeping employees motivated (Doll et al., 2017). I agree with the facts mentioned in thee post about Peter Ducker which also stresses on the concept of ‘creating and sharing knowledge’. I think that psychology of an employee plays significant role and activation is the primary phase required for attaining a goal that is missing when organizations fail to offer adequate incentives to the employees. This can also be viewed as a phase in which an individual prepares himself for the test.

I agree that the companies that reduce the benefits or compensation for the employees are more likely to create demotivation for the employees and they will leave the company. This is because employees are always seeking opportunities for growth.

Classmate 1

I like the post as it explains how motivation of employees is controlled. I agree that performance standards must be designed by the companies for attaining organizational goals. This provides the guideline to the employees regarding the work they must provide to the company. Evaluations are crucial for encouraging employees by showing that their contributions are rewarded. Bureaucratic controls can act in fair manner by evaluating employees without any discrimination. I think that fairness is crucial for promoting work spirit and encouraging employees to work with their full potential. Compensations when paid on performance standards, employees are motivated to improve their performance (Westphal & Zajac, 1994). This creates competition and employees work with dedication for getting good ranking. I agree that adoption of performance standards can be used for enhancing the overall performance of the employees and even increase their satisfaction.


Doll, G. A., Cornelison, L. J., Rath, H., & Syme, M. L. (2017). Actualizing culture change: The Promoting Excellent Alternatives in Kansas Nursing Homes (PEAK 2.0) program. Psychological Services, 14(3), 307–315.

Westphal, J. D., & Zajac, E. J. (1994). Substance and Symbolism in CEOs’ Long-term Incentive Plans. Administrative Science Quarterly, 39(3), 367–390.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 1 Words: 300

Week 4 Dis 2

Title page

Week 2 discussion

Classmate 1

I agree with the viewpoints of the classmate because it explains when short-term and long-term incentives are appropriate for addressing the employees. I agree that both type of incentives are crucial for promoting positive work attitude of employees (Doll et al., 2017). It is critical to improve the level of employees motivation. Without motivation their productivity will decline which undermines organizational performance. I agree that the four levels are important for determining the incentives that include team sizes, individual employees, division of departments and organization as a whole. I think that motivation is one of the dominant factor that require attention and organizations must adopt strategies for offering incentives. This is ultimately linked to the overall performance of the company. Short term incentives are effective only for a certain time such as annual holidays or health benefits. There must be long-term benefits for the employees which will convince them to work for the organization. I agree with the post that most important long-term benefits are health insurance and retirement.

Classmate 2

I agree with the post of classmate as it provided in-depth view of the short-term and long-term incentives. The discussion explains why it is important for the company to offer these two types of incentives. The primary aim is to retain workers for a longer period and promote feelings of motivation. I agree that if the employees are offered incentives they will be willing to work for a longer period of time. They will develop loyalty towards the company. I believe that short term incentives work to a certain extent for keeping employees motivated. These incentives could be in the form of bonuses or leave. However long term incentives are required because they build long lasting feelings of connectivity with the company.


Doll, G. A., Cornelison, L. J., Rath, H., & Syme, M. L. (2017). Actualizing culture change: The Promoting Excellent Alternatives in Kansas Nursing Homes (PEAK 2.0) program. Psychological Services, 14(3), 307–315.

Westphal, J. D., & Zajac, E. J. (1994). Substance and Symbolism in CEOs’ Long-term Incentive Plans. Administrative Science Quarterly, 39(3), 367–390.

Subject: HRM

Pages: 1 Words: 300

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